Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 26 2018

One of the best films that I remember from my childhood and that thrilled me

on a Saturday night was 'the Vikings' with Kirk Douglas and we also share a facial

characteristic! I'm here today at the Ancient Technology Centre to find out

more about the Vikings and the Dark Ages.

Here I am in a Grubenhaus with a Saxon man his name is Cana but for today

is gonna be known as Mark, so Mark can you tell us what you're doing here?

I'm just preparing my tools ready to do a little bit of leather work, I've got

some goat hide here which I'm going to make into a small pouch as a leather

worker I'd have been responsible for all sorts of things from shoes, tonging parts

of clothing pouches. And shields? Shields of course, sword scabbards. Leather was

a very important material back then and probably very expensive more so than

today. Okay so tell me about the social implications of being a leather worker

would you have been able to move up the ranks and become an important

person? Would you have ever become rich? Probably highly unlikely to have become rich,

but you would have made a living, you would have been an important craftsman,

almost certainly a free person not a slave. Okay so it's interesting you've

just mentioned slaves there ,were slaves still prevalent in the Saxon period then?

Yes yes they were, you had slaves you had various layers of society, so you'd have slaves at

the bottom, then free men working their way up to what we'd call lords and royalty.

How do you feel about the fact that now it's considered that the Dark

Ages describes a period in time post the Roman age where we regressed as a society?

I suppose I'd use something physical. Okay. I'd bring out something which as a leather

worker I could make belts and pouches like this and on the leather work could

be a buckle like this and this is an actual replica of one that was found in

Wiltshire not too far from here, this is early Saxon and this buckle is bronze,

all of this work for a belt buckle. Yeah. Is that dark age? Is that regressive? I

mean it's it's intricate it's absolutely stunning stunning isn't it really. So

yeah so so you're saying that no that's not something that you'd agree with then,

but it was a regressive period. I think they were amazing craftsmen in their

own rights and Dark Ages maybe something you say nowadays.

today we'll be cooking some honey flatbreads actually it's quite seasonal

because I'd be using a bit of cream bit of eggs bit of milk, everything that is

really summery let's say. That sounds quite rich is this the sort of thing that they

would have eaten the dark ages then? You certainly had it, you can make it you

have so many different recipes but since since you have basically wheat flour,

eggs, honey bit of water, or bit of milk and anything you'd like on it, you can

even make a sort of jam with some plums or apples that you stew or berries

actually. First thing, you have a nice wooden trough and you put some flour in,

that's really the basics, after that you break I'd say two eggs, I'm not very very

good at proportions but you add a bit of flour if you need more extra, pinch of

salt somebody told me that it actually makes the egg yolks work separate better

I have no idea I could use my whisk you actually have still traditionally in

Sweden whisks made with silver birch twigs or things like that,

they are absolutely fantastic, you see it works really well and after that Hayley

I'm not certain if you yourself want to take part in it, would you like to put

some.. really? Well I'll add some honey and maybe use the spatula first and after

that I promise you you can get your hands dirty not to worry, just stirring

it a bit. Even I can do this Caroline. Ah brilliant, white flour like that

especially pure wheat white flour was really expensive so I consider them in

this form as a treat, very expensive flour quite a lot of honey even if it's

not that expensive it's still taking from another recipe from that you will,

making Mead definitely, so that's quite all right and if you want to make

it richer or a bit more expensive you use the cream, you use the milk,

these products are seasonal so you are meant to keep them and really use them

to make salted butter and hard cheese to have dairy food throughout the winter. We

always have the idea for example for the Vikings that they are travelling long

distances, well if you are a merchant or traveling distances you have to have

food, you have to cook it yourself, there's a lot of men cooking their

dinners over the open fire in the wild. This is looking a bit sticky, yes, I might

add a bit of flour, bear with me Hayley, actually that's really good

notions of baking and making bread. Okay that is really good, okay yeah that's a

lovely consistency and as you said it's not sticky anymore, you mix it really

well look at that, oh I'm impressed. So what I do is I take a bit of it you

turn it into a little ball, and you flatten it with the palm of your hand, yeah

now you can stop there but I want them to cook fairly quickly,

yeah so instead you can use your fingers to elongate it, really make it thinner,

and bigger, something like that, so feel free to have a go now your hands

are full of flour anyway, and if it gets sticky you add a bit of flour on your

hands that's it. So now we can put them on the skillet,

which is just over the fire and I put a bit of butter on it you go see it's not

very very hot so once they will be on, I'll just put them right over the embers

and I can see the butter bubble, this will be a bit of a thicker one but there's cheese

in it so nobody will find really. This is what I love about cooking is the fact

you get satisfaction out of seeing your friends and family eat afterwards don't

you? Yes definitely. They're looking ready then Caroline? Well actually yes they do.

It's really it's really hot

fire, so you can have, I use a skillet like

that because of practicality you would use a skillet is quite it's just a

frying pan with a long handle these are my favourite but my blacksmith is

laid for the moment, here you go so instead of having the door he go you

can you can even take the knife and cut them to see they're ready, and so these

are definitely looking like mine if I'm honest. Yeah do I try my own? do I risk it?

Yes, okay look and there's always something

good with it. Yeah that looks done, you can add some

honey or honey cream, oh yes even on the on the cakes themselves, honey makes

everything better, they might be hot won't they probably really hot actually.

Let's see if the cheese one worked. Oh that looks okay, that would go with

cheese as well wouldn't it? Yes oh and yeah that's really really tasty thank

you so much you've got a few volunteers I think they might want to have a taste.

Okay well here you goods is cheese one so if you ever want to have a taste

she's one that's really hot though but you see just that the cheese melted in the

middle but uh that's my favourite really. Oh that is my favourite that's lovely,

thank you all right thank you so much you're very welcome.

Well, I had another wonderful day here at the Ancient Technology Centre and I think

I've made some friends.... Oh ey up!

For more infomation >> Dark Ages Weekend! We learn Anglo-Saxon leatherworking & Dark Ages cookery! - Duration: 8:44.


One Said Much Cold | # Part 1 | The Long Dark English | Long Dark Story | Long Darkness Story - Duration: 1:09:12.

hi friends we will have made a start to the long dark series with this video.




I love survival games like you know.

The long narrow is also a game like this.

We said we could not play.

So let's make an entry for our game.

the department is visiting a small town in this milton where Mcenzi and dr grim wood planes begin to understand the level of this quiet apocalypse Mcenzie struggling to survive after the disintegration of wildlife in the north canada.

start brother


Most survival elements that like the story based on fresh character thinking are set to be quite compassionate

This talented wild life is rare, but you can hunt elements of survival are compelling, but there is enough resources

Master character is a compelling survival

no brother

Skillful is good, that is, intermediate is good

now hard to enter hardlatirlar us :)

name the story

story one

what to say

let's say a chapter

it is such a good start

For more infomation >> One Said Much Cold | # Part 1 | The Long Dark English | Long Dark Story | Long Darkness Story - Duration: 1:09:12.


Let's Get LIT with The Glow-in-the-Dark LED Bo Staff! - Duration: 4:15.

Hi I'm Corbin from KarateMart

and I'm Ian

also from KarateMart.

today, we're talking about

the Polycarbonate LED Bo Staff

Why are you so dark?

Uh...because we're in a darkened room

we're actually in the warehouse right now.

we've turned the lights off.

But, you know, there's still some emergency lights on

so that we can still see

But it makes the staffs a little bit more dramatic,

Well, we have them in our hands right now.

I don't know if you noticed.

Let's go ahead and turn these babies on

the way these work is

they've got a light that comes out of each end

and you press the button

turn one side on,

but look at me turn the other side on


There it's full brightness.

three AAA batteries in each side

we've gone ahead and included the alkaline ones

in the package.

So that'll last hours and hours

AAA batteries: widely available on the consumer market

so they come in three sizes.

Four foot, five foot, and six foot

and then there's two colors that you can get

you can either get blue or red

Good guy. Bad guy.

Fun fact: the guy in red

wins more often in martial arts bouts.

Oh, does he? Yeah.

well that's not gonna be the case today

Oh, are we gonna fight?

No, I don't think we're fighting.

Oh, good block!

I was gonna hit your gut.

soft target.

You gotta hold it like, like this

These things are polycarbonate. Yeah

which is incredibly strong.

They're very strong

we experimented with some other kind of clear plastic materials.

Acrylic shutters

it shatters like glass.


If you swing this as hard as you can

Against something-- Like steel?

Like steel or the ground or something like that.

All it does: you might dent it a little bit.

I got a steel bo staff.

Oh, you got a steel bo staff right there,

alright so let's hit these things

okay so we're gonna do this

One, two.

One, two.

Ok we're--God, we're terrible at this.

Hold it out straight

and let me just give it a like a whack like this.

This is good. I feel pretty good about this

Has it damaged it at all?

Maybe a couple...Maybe a little--

Dings, right? A scuff here or there.

That's it.

This is too good.

Are you sure customers

can handle something that powerful?

if anybody can handle something this powerful

it's our customers

so basically, what we're saying here

is these guys are pretty tough.

The polycarbonate itself is nearly indestructible

these are really good for costumes and cosplay.

If you wanna go to like some sort of convention

and be a ninja

or jedi ninja

You'll be a FORCE to be reckoned with.

And here's the thing, too, with this room that we're in

these things are actually really bright.

It seems darker than it is

just because the way the camera is

and this room behind us is really big with the lights shut off

As far as, like what's around me here

this is like a comfortable night scene.

These look better in the dark than in broad daylight

noon on a Tuesday with clear skies

probably not that impressive


On a Saturday

with a new moon

under the stars

with the energy sword staff

very impressive

Or Halloween

Or any park.

A dojo with not all the lights turned on.

Oh yeah!

You could do some sort of, like, martial arts tournament

if you dim the lights and put on some kickin' music

Oh my gosh.

We would demonstrate,

but Ian threw out his back.

[Ian] It's been stru ggle.

He hurt his back when he was tossing his gym membership away

[upbeat music].

These are pretty cool.

So this is up on our site,

There's probably links in the description

You can check it out

Thanks for watching Thanks for watching!

Hit the bell...

The YouTube stuff, you know.

And if you're watching on Facebook

Go-- The Facebook stuff.

[Corbin] Look at him go.

"Look at him go." I have terrible bo staff technique.

I can tell even in the dark that you've got really bad form.

[music stops]

For more infomation >> Let's Get LIT with The Glow-in-the-Dark LED Bo Staff! - Duration: 4:15.


WonKru | the dark year. - Duration: 2:09.

Six years is a long time.

I wish I knew what made you this way.

What happened to you mom?

We all know what the answer is.

She told me her mother was kind. What happened to you?

Are we seriously talking about this?

You live or you die.

That's how we survived even when this farm stopped feeding us.

We did things to survive

If you were here

You'd understand.

Things no human being should ever have to do.

Octavia lost her way to happy ever after a long time ago.

What we do here now. We do to survive.

What have we done?

What we had to do to survive.

Only the guilty should fight in the arena.

We're all guilty.

The dark year broke us all.

Do not talk to me about the dark year.

The farmers won't save the world Monty.

She murdered her own people to break their will.

You can't save someone who's already dead.

The warriors will.

She bore it so they didn't have to.

What do you want me to do?

If you don't eat, You starve.

Make it a crime not to be a cannibal.

I give all of myself to you.

It was me.

So did they.


Maybe I wasen't being clear.

This isn't a choice.

Once we're in the valley

Everything we had to do to get there

Please don't do this.

It'll make since.

I hope you're right.

I have to be.

For more infomation >> WonKru | the dark year. - Duration: 2:09.


Jay King Malachite Dark Blue Lapis Pendant with 18" Be... - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Jay King Malachite Dark Blue Lapis Pendant with 18" Be... - Duration: 7:11.


【Unlight】Puppets in the Dark - Duration: 4:51.

Children lost in darkness

Your queen calls for you tonight

Born under the blemished sky

So dark than the night

Somewhere in the distance

Memories wait for a recall to life

Reach out beyond despair

And take back the light

The black flame burning in your heart

Blaze of anger may break you apart

But tears will never ever quench the pain

Times has come for us to depart

Even if we could not touch the stars

Yes, vengeance will have it's own way

And now is the time

So come out, come out you, dolls of the night

Reclaim what belongs to you tonight

So dance, so dance, heralds of the night

And guide us through the pitch black skies

All the bodies without soul

All the ghosts looking for home

All the puppets roaming in the dark

Gather with me tonight

All the pain you felt for so long

It's the silence before the storm

Explorers who seek the dark and beyond

Come, bring yourself back to life

Lifeless and so helpless

Your master wants you tonight

Give in to your fate

engraved in stone

Far off in the distance

The moon cries for a hint of life

Reach out beyond the night

And seek for the light

The black flame burning in your heart

Blaze of sorrow tears you apart

But your heart will never, ever cure again

Embrace the pain of your scar

Even if we could not touch the stars

Yes, vengeance will have it's own way

And now, it is time

So come out, come out you, dolls of the night

Reclaim what belongs to you tonight

So dance, so dance, heralds of the night

And guide us through the pitch black skies

All the bodies without soul

All the ghosts looking for home

All the puppets roaming in the dark

Gather with me tonight

I call out to you at all cost

And avenge the ones that have lost

Explorers of this world and beyond

Come, bring yourself back to life








So come out, come out you, dolls of the night

Reclaim what belongs to you tonight

So dance, so dance, heralds of the night

And guide us through the pitch black skies

Come out, come out, lost souls of the night

Reclaim the right for your heart tonight

So dance, so dance, heralds of the night

And guide us through the pitch black skies

All the bodies without soul

All the ghosts looking for home

All the puppets roaming in the dark

Gather with me tonight

It's the pain I felt for so long

The wrath will bring out the storm

I will reach out towards the dark and beyond

I will bring my self to life



I love you, Cobb.

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