The United States is urging China to continue implementing tough sanctions on North Korea
so the regime feels the pressure to denuclearize.
There are concerns in Washington that that Beijing might be backsliding on its commitment
to keep turning the screw on Pyongyang.
Kim Hyesung reports.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is pressing China on the need to enforce sanctions on
North Korea.
The State Department says Pompeo spoke with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi this week
and emphasized the importance of full enforcement of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions
related to the North until it achieves complete denuclearization.
It said preventing North Korea's illegal export of coal and ship-to-ship transfers of oil
is particularly critical.
At a Senate hearing this week, Pompeo also warned he had seen modest backsliding from
Beijing, saying China is not enforcing control over their cross border areas as vigorously
as they were six or twelve months ago.
Pompeo also spoke with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha on Friday to discuss
the next steps on engagement with North Korea, and agreed on the need to maintain pressure
on the North.
China is North Korea's number one trading partner that accounts for around 90 percent
of its total trade.
Washington's pressure on Beijing to enforce sanctions comes as Pompeo plans to travel
to North Korea in the coming days to discuss detailed denuclearization plans, according
to the Financial Times.
There are concerns on the U.S. side that China's move to soften sanctions on the North could
affect its attitude to commit to denuclearization.
In fact, China and Russia have presented a proposal in the UN Security Council that would
ease pressure on North Korea.
Diplomatic sources linked to the council say U.S. officials refused to back the draft press
statement, saying North Korea's denuclearization must come first.
In a statement Friday, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang suggested sanctions should
be modified to reflect the North's efforts to denuclearize.
He also urged the UN to mediate talks with North Korea, and called for the Security Council
to facilitate a "political settlement."
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> U.S. urges China to maintain high level of sanctions pressure on North Korea - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
KOSPI touches 13-month low on U.S.-China trade war concerns - Duration: 1:42.
South Korea's main stock index briefly touched its lowest level in 13 months.
Analysts attributed the brisk dip to the trade spat between China and the United States.
Ko-Roonhee help us look beyond the number.
Financial indices in Seoul briefly plunged on Friday.
In the morning, the benchmark KOSPI dropped below the 23-hundred level,… at one point
touching 22-96, its lowest point since May last year.
But the KOSPI rebounded in the afternoon, ultimately posting a gain for the day.
It closed at 23-26... up half a percent from the previous session.
Analysts attributed the brief fall to the trade spat between China and the U.S., which
investors see as having a direct effect on South Korea.
"Many South Korean exporters make parts that go into Chinese and American goods.
If the trade war intensifies, the exports to these countries will likely decrease."
Another main reason is an outflow of foreign capital... that picked up after the U.S. Federal
Reserve rasied interest rates earlier this month.
Some also pointed to local companies performing poorly in the second quarter.
Profit estimates for KOSPI-listed companies in the second quarter have been revised down
8 percent compared to the start of the year.
Anaylsts say the future depends heavily on China and the U.S.
If President Trump goes ahead and imposes more tariffs on China in July, stocks will
likely fall again.
Meanwhile,... Korea's junior stock index, the KOSDAQ, dipped by 5 points in the morning,
but recovered for a nearly 1-percent gain.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
15 Countries and States having Similar Flag to the USA flag - Duration: 3:57.
Number 1 Chile when Chile was about to separate from the Spanish Kingdom
in 1817 this flag was adopted it's called La Estrella Solitaria, The Lone Star
number 2 texas state flag 22 years after Chile Texas adopted this flag and
although it seems more like Chile's than the US flag
it's almost absolutely sure that this design originates from the American one
number 3 provisional flag of the Republic of Brazil this flag was flying in 1889
for the first five days of the first Brazilian Republic
number 4 Liberia the flag of Liberia was adopted in 1847
and it surely looks a lot like the US flag
number 5 northwestern France region Brittany this flag dates back from 1923
when it was first designed and used in this French region it's called Gwenn ha Du
in the native Breton language
number 6 Yucatan Mexico State originally adopted in 1841 this Mexican state still flies this flag today to show regional pride and culture
number 7 El Salvador this is one of many El
Salvador's flags used between 1865 and 1912 and it surely resembles the US flag
today the flag of El Salvador looks a lot different
number 8 the Republic of Florida this short-lived flag wasactive
during the period when Florida seceded from the Union in 1861
number 9 Malaysia the only difference between this flag and the American one is that instead of white stars
there's a yellow Crescent and a yellow Sun in the Blue Square
number 10 Cuba originally designed in 1849 this flag
was finally adopted in 1902 as Cuba's official
number 11 Togo although it doesn't bear similar colours to the US flag the structural design of Togo's flag is about the same as the American
number 12 Puerto Rico it looks a lot like the Cuban one but this flag
is flying in a U.S. Commonwealth territory meaning that it's closer to
the American flag than the one of Cuba
number 13 bikini atoll this remote Pacific archipelago flies this flag since 1987
number 14 the Confederate States of America this is the first flag of the
Confederate States of America which was being used for only two years from 1861
to 1863
number 15 the British East India Company and finally this is the flags that the USA flag probably stole its design from
the first American flag used in 1776 was virtually identical to this one later
instead of British Union jack the white stars were added and it became the
national flag of the USA
Human Trafficking Documentary - Help Us Stop Child Sex Trafficking O.U.R - Duration: 3:45.
(intense music)
- I never dreamed that I would work in Haiti.
I didn't know anything really about Haiti,
until I learned about a little boy
who was born in Utah,
U.S. citizen and was kidnapped in Haiti
from his church where his father was the pastor.
I read about it in the local newspaper.
I thought that I could make it into a U.S. case,
and I couldn't because it wasn't.
We had to leave our jobs,
I had to leave my job because I just had
to do something about it.
We went to Haiti to look for his son.
- [Officer] Yeah, it's right here--
- [Officer 2] It's right here, right here.
(intense music)
- And we never found him.
- People weren't talking about human trafficking
like they are now, and really it's because
of the work and efforts by organizations
like Operation Underground Railroad.
- It's a subject that nobody wants
to think about or talk about.
It's the worst part of humanity.
- Two virgins, 13 and 14 years old.
- Wow.
- And yet, you've got to do something about it.
- Police, get on the ground, right now.
- Don't move around! - Get on the ground.
Get on the ground, right now!
- [Suspect] No problem.
- [Officer] Get on the ground, put that down right now.
- [Officer 2] Get on the ground.
- Every thirty seconds a child is sold,
they're sold for sex, they're sold for labor, they're sold
for organ harvesting, which is something
we're now getting into.
There's six million children that are forced
into one of those three categories right now.
And the world doesn't know.
(intense music)
- Not a lot of people know, but the profile
for men who travel abroad to have sex with kids
are American citizens.
- [Tim] The U.S. creates the demand.
The highest produced and consumer
of child pornography is right here in the United States.
- Well, if you lost one of your children
to one of these evil people, you'd do anything
to get even and get your child back.
- I had a knock on my door one day,
Tim said listen, I really feel
like I can do better leaving the government.
- I find a group of kids in Guatemala
or Colombia and I couldn't do anything about it,
because it wasn't a U.S. case.
It's outside of the jurisdiction, and I understood that.
However, that doesn't mean that we couldn't be doing more.
- Tim Ballard left his law enforcement career,
everything that he knew, his pension, his security,
to start a non-profit called Operation Underground Railroad.
They've done jumps everywhere throughout the world,
rescued kids and then helped them get to a safe place
with their aftercare programs.
- He had a way that we could really make an impact,
but they needed a million dollars to start.
And I said, I'm in.
(intense music)
- I like little girls.
- [Offscreen] You like little girls?
(officers yelling)
- We had set up this operation
that looked like it went flawless.
- We unfortunately got some very frustrating news.
- The traffickers were being released,
and that all the girls were released.
- They paid money to the right people, to the judges.
The job's not quite done, but it's almost done,
because now we need to go back
and we need to re-arrest every single one
of these traffickers.
It will be a message to Haiti, to America,
to the whole world that there are good people
everywhere who will stand up for this.
(intense music)
(shouting in foreign language)
(intense music)
Guinness opening a brewery in U.S. - Duration: 1:01.
U.S., Japan agree to continue joint military exercises, work together for N. Korea's CVID - Duration: 1:42.
Following a meeting here in the nation,... Washington's defense chief travelled to Tokyo
for talks with his Japanese counterpart.
The two sides agreed to continue military drills and cooperate on denuclearizing North
Park Hee-jun shares with us what was discussed.
Washington and Tokyo have agreed to continue their joint military exercises.
During a meeting between U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Japanese Defense
Minister Itsunori Onodera in Tokyo on Friday,... the two sides agreed to keep their joint military
drills going, as well as the trilateral exercises with South Korea, for the stability of the
"We agreed to strengthen the deterrence and defense capabilities of the alliance through
the steadfast implementation of Japan-U.S. joint drills."
The two sides also reaffirmed their goal of North Korea's complete, verifiable, and irreversible
Mattis said the U.S. and Japan will continue to work together to achieve their goal, based
on their firm alliance.
"Our objective remains the complete, irreversible and verifiable dismantling of North Korea's
nuclear and ballistic missile programs."
And as for the issue of Japanese abductees in North Korea,... Mattis expressed solidarity
with the Japanese government over the issue and said that humanitarian issues are always
part of their deliberations.
Japan is Mattis' last stop of his Asian Tour, after China and South Korea.
The previous day he assured the South Korean government of their "ironclad" alliance,...
and that the U.S. would maintain its troop levels in South Korea.
He also backed the suspension of joint military exercises,... saying that it will help diplomats
negotiate with North Korea.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
Unicoi, TN told to remove town attorney from state pension plan - Duration: 2:34.
First mother, son duo for major US airline - Duration: 1:45.
Builders pack boxes for U.S. troops overseas - Duration: 0:31.
Australia Purchase of MQ 4C Triton Surveillance Drones from US - Duration: 4:00.
SB1 Funds Major US Hwy. 50 Improvements - Caltrans News Flash #173 - Duration: 1:55.
This is Dennis Keaton with a Caltrans News Flash. I'm along US Highway 50 in
Rancho Cordova where a project is beginning to start to repave about 59
lane miles from Sunrise Boulevard to the El Dorado County line.
On our system SB1 is going to take care of the pavement, bridges, culverts and
traffic management elements, but there's more than that also, there's
money from SB1 that's going towards transit as well so it's helping the
whole transportation system in the state and and that's what we need is to have a
multimodal transportation system and that's why SB1 dollars affect the whole
transportation system. We have not had an increase in the gas tax in more than
two decades. The state's population is growing and with SB 1 funds we can
really begin to make some headway in terms of maintaining the state's
transportation system the way it should be maintained and give people a more
reliable ride and a smoother ride. We look at this is all about safety,
right? As we modernize our roadways and current the engineering then we're able to
have a safer environment both for the commuters as well as safer for the
highway workers and for the Highway Patrol because ultimately this is our
office, isn't it, on the highways. As a result of Senate Bill 1 just within
District 3 we are going to be able to kick start 13 projects which are going
to repave almost to 200 Lane miles of roadbed, going to address 17 bridges
which we need to take care of and as a result we are going to be striping about
1,300 Lane miles of our roadbeds throughout the district as a result of
Senate Bill 1. With the Caltrans News Flash, this is Dennis Keaton.
Many parts of US experience internet connectivity issues - Duration: 0:22.
Linda McMahon on the state of small business in America - Duration: 6:01.
China Just Did One Thing That Means War With The United States - Duration: 11:14.
China Just Did One Thing That Means War With The United States
One of Donald Trump's campaign promises was to stand up to China.
That is one promise he followed through to a tee.
But now China is sick of it, and just did one thing that means war with the United States.
Since being elected, there is perhaps no promise that he took as seriously as standing up to
For many years he has been sounding the alarm about trade deals with China that have ripped
off the United States.
So in the most "America First" fashion possible, President Trump has stopped talking
and made a major threat to slap a ten percent tariff on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.
To anyone who supports Donald Trump's economic nationalism, this is a great move that undoubtedly
would lead towards both fairer deals and further U.S. manufacturing.
For China, and the anti-Trump crowd it is disastrous.
For China, it will undoubtedly harm their economy, which is the point.
To the anti-Trumpers, they believe it will create immense harm to the U.S. economy because
of increased costs on Chinese goods.
China is so upset about President Trump's threats that they have threatened to retaliate
against Trump for launching what they believe, probably correctly, is a trade war.
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on their website that "[t]he United
States has initiated a trade war," before threatening to fight back against President
Fighting back against President Trump in a trade war would end badly for China.
China benefits much more heavily from trading with the United States than the United States
does trading with China.
In classic "Art of The Deal" fashion President Donald Trump knows this.
After all, he wrote the go-to book on deals.
One of the central tenets of Trump's book is "using your leverage."
And in this case, President Donald Trump has $200 billion of leverage against China.
That leverage will eventually force China to come to the negotiating table.
This is something that no other President was willing to do.
The most sure-fire way to create more jobs in the United States is to encourage more
In the past, there wasn't much incentive to manufacture U.S. goods, and China had an
unfair advantage in the market.
It is hard to promote free trade with a country that has an unfair advantage.
That's why President Trump is so supportive of "fair trade," which puts American interests
This is a stark contrast to the strategy by former President Barack Obama, who was fine
with foreign countries having freer trade with the United States than domestic manufacturers,
who were tacked with heavy regulations.
During his eight-year reign, China had it made, while Americans were forced to struggle
for work.
But thankfully Donald Trump was elected President, who believes the exact opposite of Obama and
is making that clear with his policies.
And the fact that the unemployment rate is at near-historic lows shows that Trump's
plans are working.
Do you support President Trump's trade policy with China?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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US Navy Launched Its USS Indiana Most Advanced Attack Submarine of Virginia-class (SSN) - Duration: 5:00.
Ivanka Trump, Jovita Carranza on simplifying the U.S. tax code - Duration: 8:50.
President Of The United States Tricked By A Prankster? | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 5:52.
How the US RUINED Puerto Rico - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 8:54.
First a Spanish colony and then an American one, Puerto Rico, a small island in the Caribbean,
defines itself as a free state associated with the United States.
An associated state whose citizens have American citizenship but, unless they move to another
state, cannot vote in the presidential elections and, even though they have a representative
in Congress, he also lacks a vote.
All their major issues, be it political, economic or military lie under the federal jurisdiction
of the United States.
Lately, there's been much talk about this territory, not only because in September 2017
they suffered the harsh impact of Hurricane Maria, but also because a few months before,
in May of that same year, Puerto Rico declared itself bankrupt.
After more than 10 years of economic crisis, Puerto Rico's public accounts could no longer
keep going.
Because the island's public debt surpasses 70 billion dollars and another 50 billion
in future payment commitments, such as pensions.
Dear viewer, we're talking about figures that are huge for an island that barely has
more than 3 million inhabitants.
Due to this, in recent years Puerto Rico has begun to be known as the Greece of the Caribbean.
Because, dear viewers, Puerto Rico is, simply and plainly, insolvent.
How did they get to this point?
Listen up.
Lately, there is a lot of discussion going on, on how to solve Puerto Rico's serious
crisis, and on how to stop the exodus the island is suffering, which we saw here in
a past video.
But first... to address this issue, I think we need to answer a question...
What on earth happened?
What caused Puerto Rico to be so insolvent, what lead it to be a broke island?
Well, of course the great culprit has been, without a doubt, the Puerto Rican government
A government that has been spending uncontrollably for decades, has had many suspicions of corruption,
and an absolute disdain for production.
But, beyond Puerto Rico's government...
Washington also holds a large responsibility in this whole mess.
My friends, Washington's responsibility is so great, that it wouldn't be unreasonable
to say that the federal government has been the great driver of Puerto Rico's bankruptcy.
You heard that right.
The United States has "bombarded" Puerto Rico with 5 policies whose results were devastating.
Five policies concerning trade, regulations, salaries and welfare.
Don't believe me?
Keep listening.
With the supposed intention of helping the Puerto Rican economy and aiding its government
to access the capital markets, at the dawn of the Jones-Shafroth Act, Washington created
a triple municipal, state and federal exemption on Puerto Rico's debt's interests.
Thus, if any US citizen purchased Puerto Rico's public debt, he or she was exempt from paying
taxes on the interest received.
In other words, if an American bought debt from a company, they had to pay taxes on the
returns obtained, but if he or she invested in the debt of Puerto Rico's politicians,
he or she didn't have to pay anything at all.
So... you can imagine that with such attractive conditions, people would be queueing to lend
money to the island's government.
Easy money that local politicians didn't take long to spend, aimed at a single thing:
buying, I mean, winning votes.
What better scenario could we concoct for irresponsible politicians?
Against all logic, while the federal government encouraged the island to get deeply indebted,
it also made things harder for the private economy.
You heard that right.
In 2006, Congress abolished the so-called section 936 of the tax code, a section that
provided significant benefits for the companies that invested in the island.
Let's not forget, my friends, that Puerto Rico is the poorest territory in the United
Well, the fact is that this incentive model was very, very successful.
For years it helped Puerto Rico grow a lot, even leading it to become an incipient manufacturing
and pharmaceutical power.
However, once the incentives were over, in 2006, two years before the great international
financial crisis, Puerto Rico began its fall into the abyss.
Overnight the companies' conditions changed drastically... forcing investments in the
island to sink.
Legal security?
But that's not all, not at all.
This may be the most controversial point of all... and at the same time the most absurd
The Jones Act, which was passed in 1920 and is still in force, forbids foreign-flagged
vessels to transport goods between two United States ports.
Thus, a ship loaded with containers and coming from China cannot stop in Puerto Rico, because
it has to continue to the mainland.
There the containers destined for Puerto Rico are unloaded to then be loaded again on another
ship, this time one with a US flag and crew, which is obviously much more expensive.
The result?
Puerto Rico has the most expensive shipping costs of all Caribbean countries, something
that not only hinders trade but also makes exports more expensive and reduces the every
Puerto Rican's purchasing power.
In fact, to get an idea of this law's implications, we should mention that even though Puerto
Rico has an average income, which is approximately half that of Mississippi, and is the poorest
state in the United States, its cost of living surpasses the state average.
It's crazy!
And if that weren't enough… there's more.
The average salary in Puerto Rico is the same as the federal minimum wage, that is, $ 7.25
per hour worked.
The thing is that, as we've seen, both the development level and average income in Puerto
Rico are much lower than those of the other states of the United States, leading this
policy's distorting effect to be... enormous.
See, the federal minimum wage in New York or Illinois may affect a few people... but
in Puerto Rico... it's different… the federal minimum wage is equivalent to 77%
of the average salary in Puerto Rico, that is, the average salary of every profession
and job on the island.
This has led to only one in three people of working age do so.
And, by the way, if this number is already abnormally low, over a quarter of all people
with jobs work for the government.
Which means… my friends… that less than 25% of the island's population works in the
productive economy.
On the other hand, the federal regulation also implies an abnormally high level of social
benefits for Puerto Rico's parameters.
In fact, studies show that for many families, it is more convenient to receive social aid
than to work... because they income they'll receive is substantially higher.
Well folks, the result of these 5 federal policies has been a huge crisis, a crisis
that has lasted more than 10 years, which has caused – or has at least fuelled – the
island's bankruptcy and has generated a gigantic exodus of people who leave to the
continent, especially, of course the youngest.
As we saw here in a past video, only in the last 10 years, 500,000, 500,000 Puerto Ricans
have packed their bags and moved to the continent.
That is 1 out of every 7 people.
There's a lot of talk about how to solve the island's problems… but the question
is... is Puerto Rico's current connection with the United States compatible with any
of these solutions?
Leave your answer in the comments as well as in the survey.
I really hope you enjoyed this video, please hit like if you did and don't forget to
subscribe to our channel for brand new videos every Monday and Thursday.
Also, don't forget to check out our friends at the Reconsider Media Podcast - they provided
the vocals in this episode that were not mine!
And as always, thanks for watching!
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