Hey, welcome back to Limitless TV. Do you really need to learn sales in order to
become wealthy?
This video is sponsored by MyFirstVA.com.
In fact, that's where I found the virtual assistants that edited this video. I'll
share with you more details in a moment but now let me send you back to Stephen.
Hey, Friedns. Stephen Michael Miller here. Do you need to learn sales to become
wealthy? Yes. Yes, you absolutely need to learn sales to become wealthy. Sales is
something that actually as a people we are constantly doing, although most
individuals, I'm guessing if we were to create a poll would say, I don't like
sales. Now this is an interesting conundrum right in order to become
wealthy you need to be good at sales yet most people don't like sales so if those
two things are occupying the same space, what's gonna happen? Well they're going
to cancel each other out and that goal of becoming wealthy, it's just not going
to happen. I do want to make, I want to throw in a little bit of a caveat out there,
you don't necessarily need to do the sales yourself but when you get to that
point but even to grow it to that point, you typically do need to be good at
sales. I want to talk about why. See the reality is, is we're constantly as people
trying to convince other people of our opinions. We're already in sales and
that's the reality. People that even people that say they helps hate sales,
that's the funny thing for me is I've had this conversation with so many
different people where they come up to me they say, Steven, I just can't do this.
I hate sales and I say, well, really well why? Oh well I hate sales because all
salespeople are horrible, they're all dishonest, they just want your money,
they've got that sales breath. You know I'm talking about right? So they start to
list off all the reasons why they hate sales and then they go into their
experiences, well not to mention, I remember this one time where I went to
go buy a car and this guy came up to me he started telling me all these things
about this car that just weren't even true and I bought the car and I got at
home and the car was good, it was a lemon and it you know, it blew
up on me in the three days after I bought it and that was horrible, it's all
because that sales guy and I hate that sales guy, I hate sales! And in that
scenario, I'll just just take it all in for a second. I could easily look at them
and say, wow, you sold me on the idea of that you hate sales, right. The reality is is people
will sell you on their ideas that they're truly passionate about always.
When I was dating my wife, 99% of my conversation with her was a sales pitch
for me. I was pitching at her on why I would be a good spouse, right. Why she
would want to be with me, why she might want to marry me, that's what our
conversations were about and although I may not have been using those words, all
of my actions, all of my words, you know, all of my thoughts were kind of pouring
into the sale, you know, of wanting my wife to to marry me, my then not wife but
wanting her to marry me at some point and so we're constantly selling people.
If you're building a business, you need to sell someone on wanting to work with
you, like even if you're not doing the sales part of it and you're gonna be
building a sales team, you're gonna need to learn how to sell it appropriately to
help them to sell what you're selling, right? So do you need sales to become
wealthy? Do you need to be good at sales to become wealthy? The answer is
yes. Hey, so get good at sales. How do you get
good at sales? Well you get good at sales by starting to do it. Sell your idea to
somebody, convince some of what it is that you believe in or learn to help
them understand what it is that you're so passionate about. By the way, the more
passionate you are about something, the less it feels like sales, the more just
seems like a natural conversation. I love it because I get truly passionate about
several different things now in my life. I love real
estate, I'm really getting into this cryptocurrency world,
I love the conversation around relationships, I love talking about
creation, creating different things and what I'm talking to people about those
things that I'm passionate about, it's not about, I don't feel like I have to
sell anybody on anything, I'm just speaking passionately about what I love
and when a when a concern comes up from somebody else, it's
easy for me to sweep that concern aside or to address that concern and then to
move it aside because I love what I do so much and I'm so convinced about it
that my passion, my confidence in it, it leaks out into other people. People
can feel that and when they feel that I'm confident, oftentimes it helps to
boost their confidence. I don't feel like I have to sell anything, it just happens
naturally. That's really what sales is. As a matter of fact, sales to me, I create
a definition that what works for me in sales. Sales to me is learning how to
listen longer. So it's not even about learning how to say the right things or
anything like that, it's about learning how to truly hone in
and listen to the need of the person, find out what it is that they really are
looking for, what is their real concern and if I can listen well enough, learn to
listen longer, ask proper questions and extract from them what their real
concerns are, then I don't just sell them anything, either my product will fit that
concern or my service will fit that concern, it will fill the need or it
won't. Thank you to MyFirstVA.com for sponsoring this video.
Imagine being able to hire your own full-time employee and imagine that
employee only costing you $400 per monthm it's actually a real thing. I've been
doing it for over eight years. I have a whole team of people that I've hired
there. You can hire somebody for logo design, bookkeeping, article writing,
customer service, website design or video editing. You can actually do your own
custom search if you go to MyFirstVA.com, put in the criteria of who you're
looking for and your perfect virtual assistant and you'll have a full time
employee for 400 bucks a month. And so that's really what sales is. So you need
to get good at that, yes, you want to become wealthy, you need to be absolutely
good at listening to people, you need to be really really good at asking the
right questions, you need to be really good at filling a hole or a potential
problem at creating a solution for something that may be missing there.
That's what sales is. So do you need to be good at those things in order to be
wealthy? The answer is yes. Alright, friends. Did I convince you? Do you love
sales now because if I did then that means I'm an awesome sales man!
Alright, love doing this here for you. I love the conversation of sales
and in creating wealth and if you'd like to learn more about how to sell better
or how to create more wealth for yourself then please put some comments
down below, we'd love to hear from you. We'll answer those those questions or
those comments and if you're liking what you're seeing, please subscribe, we'd love
to have you part of the family. With all of that, everyone have a fantastic day
and we'll see you tomorrow.
For more infomation >> Do I Need To Learn Sales to Become Wealthy? - Duration: 7:10.-------------------------------------------
Do I need tickets for the Wales Airshow in Swansea 2018? - Duration: 3:46.
The Wales Airshow will be returning to Swansea Bay this weekend. Featuring breathtaking aerobatic displays, state-of-the-art military aircraft and vintage planes from the past, the event thrilled over 250,000 visitors in Swansea Bay last summer and this year promises to be the same again
However, no tickets are needed for the event as the Wales Airshow is free. There is a charge of £1
99 for the Airshow App though, which features the full timetable and will update in real time during the air show
If you bought the 2016 or 2017 app, you will get this year's as a free update. The 2018 Wales Airshow will take place on Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July 1
The ground displays will be open from 10am to 6pm both days. The air displays will be between 12
30pm and 5.35pm on Saturday and from noon to 4.40pm on Sunday. Read More All about the Wales Airshow
The full timetable will be available on the Wales Airshow App as soon as it is confirmed and released on Wednesday, June 27
Timetables are subject to change due to weather conditions, military operational needs and other factors
So far the aircraft confirmed to be taking part are. RAF Typhoon Eurofighter RAF Red Arrows Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Catalina Flying Boat The Wingwalkers Chinook Lauren Wilson – Pitts Special Team Raven RAF Tutor The Gyro Air Display Team RHHF Sea Fury Falcons Parachute Display Team Richard Goodwin – Aerobatic Sporting Biplane The Bremont Great War Team Road closures Swansea Council has announced the following road closures : Oystermouth Road from its junction with West Way through to Mumbles Road at the junction with Sketty Lane will be closed in both directions from approximately 10am on Friday, June 29
The road will re-open temporarily from 3pm to approximately 7pm for westbound traffic only using the eastbound section of Oystermouth Road
Once closed at 7pm Oystermouth Road will remain closed until 6am on Monday, July 2
Diversions will be in place. In addition vehicles will not be able to enter/exit onto Oystermouth Road from St Helen's Road, Bond Street or Beach Street between 10am on June 29, and 6am on July 2
Access to the Marina for residents will be maintained via Dunvant Place. Access to Argyle Street for residents will be maintained using a short diversion via the Civic Centre
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