Joshua Tree is a place with its own personality.
A territory where the landscapes overpower your thoughts and sensations.
The bizarre rock formations,
the twisted silhouettes of the trees
and the astonishing colors
make you feel like you're traveling in space and time...
For decades, Joshua Tree has been a place
of pilgrimage for artists and explorers of the mind.
This national park located in California
has always been associated with art and inspiration.
With more than 3,000 square kilometers,
the plains invite you to a silent contemplation of rock labyrinths,
alien vegetation and starry skies
so beautiful that they take your breath away.
We spent a week isolated in this desert
to soak up the essence of the place.
Joshua Tree wasn't just another destination in our project
but one of the places that inspired the original idea.
When you visit Joshua Tree,
you feel the need to transform your experience into something creative.
As if the place used you as a medium to transmit a message.
As if you were the voice that makes the desert a living entity.
Writing a song from scratch:
that was the challenge we faced when visiting Joshua Tree.
Each night, after wandering in the desert,
we took our instruments and played for pleasure.
We just wanted to let ourselves go and enjoy the moment.
Intuition guides you
when something worthwhile comes up.
A melody,
a rhythm...
Every small idea can turn into a full song.
Days passed, and we were haunted by the concern
of being in front of a blank page.
In such moments, you have to be patient
because giving up is not an option.
And you simply trust that everything will turn out well.
RENEE UGARTECHE - Production Assistant
The best remedy for creative blockages
is distance.
You must get away from what you are creating
and stop thinking about it.
And there is no better place to get away from the world
than Joshua Tree.
The fascination with everything that surrounds you
leaves no room for other thoughts.
-You wanna try?
The process repeats again and again.
The fear of failure,
the insecurities.
You've been through all of that a hundred times
but you forget it.
And once you realize it,
you know that these fears are the engine of creation.
Without them,
composing music
would stop being
such an exciting adventure.
Take me to the center of the sun
We'll be gone
We'll be gone
Find us in a land beyond the stars
We'll be born again
Take me to a place where there's no time
We'll be gone
We'll be gone
Drown our thoughts into the light
We'll be born again
We'll be born again
Listen to the trees breathing as one
We'll be gone
We'll be gone
Come inside and help us understand
We'll be born again
Hold my still hand, keep me flying high
We'll be gone
We'll be gone
Let us see the existence through your eyes
And we'll be born again
For more infomation >> Henry Saiz & Band 'Human' - Episode 7 'Time Machine (Joshua Tree, California)' - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
California Handyman Law Explained / What you can and can not do - Duration: 6:47.
Hey friends, Allen Lee here with Honest Lee Handyman Services in Sacramento California.
Today I wanted to talk to you specifically about the handyman laws and regulations here in California.
Now knowing the laws and regulations in the state that you live in is one of the most
important things that you can do when you are starting out your handyman business.
For me being in California that was one of the first things that I ever did when I even
thought of starting my handyman business, was really research what the handyman laws
were in California.
Now this is very hard to find, If you guys are in any state you can probably relate with
what I am saying is that it is very hard to find out exactly what the laws and regulations
are in your state regarding handymans and contractors.
So I was told many different things, everything from you can't do this, you can't do that,
you can't do this and it all contradicted itself.
So what I personally did is I signed up for quite a few courses and training classes at
the CSLB which is the contractors state license board here in California, it's actually not
too far from where I live.
So I signed up for some classes there, took those, and I asked specifically what were
the laws regarding handymen in California.
And this is what they told me, they said the laws regarding handymen in California is if
you are an unlicensed contractor meaning a handyman and you don't have a contractors
license, you can only legally perform work up to $500 including labor and materials.
Now this means that you cannot split a job up at all.
So a lot of times people tell me, like customers tell me they'll say "oh we can pay you $500
this week $500 next week and $500 the week after.
According to the state of California, that is a no no and completely illegal and you
cannot split up jobs like that.
And again this is my understanding of the law so uh don't take what I am saying as truth
and facts um the final be all end all I would highly recommend you do all your own research
because laws are so tricky.
When you're gonna start something you really want to take responsibility for that and take
that into your own hands and figure out exactly what it is for you.
So this is how I understand them and this is the way the things have been explained
to me um if you guys have anything to add to this video I would love to hear it.
Um but alos in California regarding trades what trades you can work in and what trades
you cannot work in so legally at least the way I understand it if you are an unlicensed
contractor you can work in any trade you want.
So you can do painting, you can do plumbing, electrical, HVAC, roofing, uh but you cannot
do jobs that are over $500 including labor and materials so obviously that law there,
the $500 limit excludes some of those trades so like roofing well you can probably do roofing
repairs and roof patches but you couldn't replace a whole roof that would obviously
exceed the $500 limit um and so from what I understand and what I've been told about
the projects law is it's $500 per project including labor and materials so if someone
wanted you to install a ceiling fan in one room and a kitchen sink I mean a kitchen faucet
in the other room then you could legally do that, but if they were remodeling their whole
house and they just wanted to hire you as a handyman to come in and install a ceiling
fan and a kitchen faucet, you technically could not do that cuz it's part of a whole
project so I hope that makes sense so say like someone buys a bathroom vanity for $499
I asked them this particular question this is kind of crazy, if they buy a bathroom vanity
for $499 you can only legally charge them $1 for labor to install that vanity now that's
completly asinine I know it's crazy and a lot of people say well it's just worth just
trying everything and you know just hoping you don't get caught but there are believe
it or not a lot of stings that go on um state governments are pretty strong especially here
in California they want to uphold their authority so if you check out the CSLB which is the
contractors state license board they have a YouTube channel and you can see all their
stings that they do.
They do quite a few stings all around California that are catching these unlicensed contractors
these people that operate as a handyman but yet they do Contractors size work and they
don't disclose that or anything like that so there's a lot of risks in this so that's
why I say to do your own research and figure out exactly what the laws are in your own
city or town um and also another thing is advertising is huge.
They can I mean so I don't know if it's just California but the California state government
is very huge and they want to just play their authority so even advertising right so if
you advertise like say you're a handyman Joe Shmoe handyman and you put on your tool trailer
I do painting I do electrical I do plumbing technically, there has been cases out there,
where they have fined the person and they have given them the same penalty for contracting
without a license because in their eyes at least it doesn't really make sense to me painting
can the whole painting category can go over $500 plumbing can go over $500 electrical
can go over $500 so what I have been advised to do and what makes it legal is advertise
that I do minor painting, minor plumbing, minor electrical, so putting the word minor
in front of it in some sense where it doesn't go over $500 even though I think minor can
definitely go over five hundred dollars but you want to stay above the law and not break
the law as much as you can so I'm doing this series right now where I want to help people
out one of the most common questions that I get is people ask me what are the handyman
laws and regulations in my state and honestly I only know Californias laws and regulations
right now but I want to expand that I want to figure out what other peoples laws and
regulations are and make videos on that and that would help them out as well.
So if I get enough questions for a specific state in the comments section below I will
definitely do your state next and just launch a full investigation on that state kind of
like I did in California figure out exactly what the laws are and bring that here to you
guys on YouTube so comment in the comment section below with what state you're in also
what country you're in what your laws are and like this video please subscribe to this
channel and check out all my other videos because I have a whole bunch of them pertaining
on a whole bunch of things all on the handyman lifestyle.So thank you all so much for tuning
in and I hope you guys have a fantastic day.
California makes move to ban new taxes on soda - Duration: 2:43.
California plans to sue one of the nation's largest student loan companies - Duration: 5:00.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra plans to sue Navient, a student loan servicing company
(Rich Pedroncelli/AP) California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Thursday he plans to sue Navient, one of the nation's largest student loan servicing companies, for alleged widespread abuses in the collection of education debt payments
The forthcoming lawsuit will add to Navient's legal woes. The company is fending off similar cases in Illinois, Washington and Pennsylvania as well as a lawsuit filed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the last days of President Barack Obama's administration
[Student loan servicer Navient hit with three government lawsuits in one day] "Navient's loan servicing abuses have compounded the misery of parents and students who sacrificed to pay for college," Becerra said in a statement
"Our students can't afford to be cheated out of any more money than they legally owe simply because Navient knew how to game the system
We are ready to hold Navient accountable." Becerra alleges the company, which works on behalf of the U
S. Department of Education, violated state laws by encouraging borrowers to postpone payments through forbearance, an option in which interest continues to accrue, rather than enroll in an income-driven repayment plan that would avoid fees
Consumer advocates say loan servicers steer borrowers toward forbearance because it requires substantially less paperwork than enrolling them in low-cost plans that peg monthly payments to a percentage of income
Navient has long countered that it has one of the highest rates of enrollment in income-driven plans, denying there is a nefarious plan afoot to deny borrowers the option
According to Becerra, Navient has also misrepresented the amount that delinquent borrowers owe on their accounts
The company also allegedly failed to discharge the federal student loans of borrowers who are permanently disabled
Becerra said Navient's subsidiary, debt collection agency Pioneer Credit Recovery, also made illegal misrepresentations about the federal loan rehabilitation program available to defaulted borrowers
Jack Remondi, Navient's chief executive, called Becerra's allegations "unfounded
" Instead of targeting his company, Remondi said authorities should improve the financial literacy of students before they enroll in college, work to increase graduation rates and simplify student loan repayment programs
"The lawsuit is another attempt to blame a single servicer for the failures of the higher-education system and the federal student loan program to deliver desired outcomes," Remondi said in a statement
Navient said less than 1 percent of its roughly 1 million customers filed complaints against the company last year
Of those complaints, 23 involved servicing, according to the company. Navient says that more than 98 percent of complaints nationally have been related to federal policy or the terms of the loan
"The need to blame someone has driven these lawsuits," Remondi said. "If the parties were truly interested in addressing the real issues in higher education and student debt, they would direct their focus" elsewhere
The state and federal lawsuits against Navient are still wending their way through the courts despite the company's attempts to have them dismissed
Politico reported Thursday that Remondi wrote Mick Mulvaney, acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, urging him to reconsider the bureau's "politically driven" lawsuit against the company
Navient has had its share of run-ins with regulators. The Justice Department under Obama fined the company millions of dollars for unlawfully charging active-duty service members high interest rates and late fees on student loans, violations that the company called "processing errors
California Lawmakers Pass Ban On Local Soda Taxes - Duration: 0:29.
Sean Darin feat. Kállay Saunders - California | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO | - Duration: 3:01.
Sean Darin feat. Kállay Saunders - California | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO |
California lawmakers pass ban on local soda taxes - Duration: 2:09.
California lawmakers pass sweeping data privacy bill - Duration: 1:52.
California Lawmakers Pass Ban on Local Soda Taxes - Duration: 3:39.
AB 375 & California Consumer Privacy Act - Duration: 27:15.
California data privacy bill passes, heads to governor - Duration: 2:19.
An internet privacy bill that experts call the nation's most far-reaching effort to give consumers more control over their data is headed to California Gov
Jerry Brown after passing both chambers of the Legislature on Thursday
Under the bill, consumers could ask companies what personal data they've collected, why it was collected and what categories of third parties have received it
Consumers could ask companies to delete their information or that they refrain from selling it
Companies could offer discounts to customers who allow their data to be sold and could charge those who opt out a reasonable amount based on how much the company makes selling the information
It passed the Legislature without any dissenting votes. Lawmakers scrambled to pass it so that a San Francisco real estate developer would remove a similar initiative from the November ballot
The deadline to remove initiatives is Thursday.The bill, AB375 by Assemblyman Ed Chau, would also bar companies from selling data from children younger than 16 without consent
"We in California are taking a leadership position with this bill," said Sen
Bob Hertzberg, a Van Nuys Democrat who co-authored the bill. "I think this will serve as an inspiration across the country
"Voter-enacted initiatives are much harder to alter than laws passed through the legislative process
Given the significance and complexity of the proposed policy, supporters and even many opponents say they want legislators to pass the bill so they can more easily change it in the future
San Francisco real estate developer Alastair Mactaggart spent $3 million to support the related initiative and qualify it for the ballot
If the bill fails, he says he'll push forward with the initiative
California bows to beverage industry, blocks soda taxes - Duration: 4:47.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A new push by the beverage industry is slowing the expansion of soda taxes in California and elsewhere
California cities pioneered soda taxes as a way to combat obesity, diabetes and heart disease, but the Legislature and Gov
Jerry Brown on Thursday bowed to pressure from beverage companies and reluctantly banned local taxes on soda for the next 12 years
It follows similar bans recently passed in Arizona and Michigan
Voters in Oregon will decide on a statewide ban in November. The American Beverage Association, which represents Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and others, has backed the moves after several cities passed taxes on sugary drinks in recent years
California's ban is part of a last-minute maneuver to block a beverage industry-backed ballot measure that would make it much harder for cities and counties to raise taxes of any kind
The ABA said in a statement the legislation is about keeping groceries, including drinks, affordable
Lawmakers approved the proposal despite deep reluctance."This industry is aiming a nuclear weapon at government in California and saying, 'If you don't do what we want we are going to pull the trigger and you are not going to be able to fund basic government services,'" said Sen
Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco, which has a soda tax
The Legislature's action drew a strong rebuke from public health advocates who view soda taxes as a crucial front in their efforts to contain obesity and the health complications it causes
But local government officials, terrified by the prospect of having their hands tied on all future tax increases, reluctantly backed the legislation
"I've been in politics a long time, and sometimes you have to do what's necessary to avoid catastrophe," said Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, who is pushing a local sales tax increase that would be at risk if the ballot measure passed
The governor said only a handful of communities are looking to tax soda, but the ballot measure would affect all 482 cities in California
"Mayors from countless cities have called to voice their alarm and to strongly support the compromise which this bill represents," Brown wrote in a memo explaining his decision
The California measure bans any new taxes on groceries including beverages through 2030, but allows four cities in the San Francisco Bay Area to keep soda levies already on the books
The beverage industry has used aggressive campaigning to beat back soda taxes and other measures
But some soda tax efforts are now receiving better funding. Former New York City Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who unsuccessfully tried to limit the size of sugary drinks sold in the city to 16 ounces, has funded some local efforts
Philadelphia, Seattle and Boulder, Colorado also have taxes on sugary drinks
After Brown signed the legislation, the California Business Roundtable withdrew a ballot measure that would have raised the threshold for any tax increases by local government
Nancy Brown, chief executive of the American Heart Association, asked for a meeting with Gov
Jerry Brown after The Sacramento Bee reported beverage industry lobbyists dined with Brown and his wife Anne Gust Brown at the governor's mansion in Sacramento this month
A spokesman for Brown, Evan Westrup, said the governor did not negotiate the deal and the dinner was unrelated
Public health officials said taxes are the most effective tool they have to discourage people from drinking soda, sports drinks, sweetened coffee and tea, and other sugary beverages
Beverage companies spend billions promoting their products that public health professional can't match, said Kristine Madsen, a physician and associate professor of public health at University of California, Berkeley
She led a study that found a 20 percent reduction in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in low-income neighborhoods in the year after the city's tax took effect
Sales in grocery stores dropped 8 percent — a figure that was not fully offset by higher sales in neighboring towns
California aprobó la ley de privacidad online más estricta de todo EEUU - Duration: 6:29.
A partir de 2020, los californianos tendrán el derecho de saber qué saben gigantes como Facebook y Google sobre ellos
También podrán hacer que estas compañías dejen de compartir o vender sus datos y, de ser necesario, demandarlas en caso de filtraciones de información ocasionadas por fallas a la hora de protegerla de forma adecuada
Una ley firmada por el gobernador Jerry Brown ayer jueves le dará a los residentes de California mayores derechos sobre su privacidad online, parte de una iniciativa que expertos aseguran comenzará a verse reflejada por medio de leyes similares en otros estados el país del norte y, tiempo más tarde, en el resto del mundo
Presentado la semana pasada, el proyecto fue empujado a convertirse en ley en el estado que suele marcar el rumbo a nivel nacional en lo que respecta a tendencias políticas
Su aprobación representa un símbolo del masivo descontento a nivel mundial fruto de la recolección indebida de información personal que suele terminar en las manos equivocadas
El escándalo protagonizado por Facebook y Cambridge Analytica, con la filtración de datos de 87 millones de usuarios de la red social, se convirtió en el ejemplo máximo de lo que no se puede permitir que vuelva a suceder
Lo más llamativo del anuncio es que la ley que acaba de ser aprobada, convertida en la más estricta en los EEUU dentro de su área de influencia, nació gracias a la determinación de un "ciudadano común" que se dispuso a poner a la industria tecnológica de rodillas
Tras generar una verdadera fortuna mediante operaciones de real estate en la codiciada área de Bay Area, cerca de la ciudad de San Francisco, Alastair Mactaggart se convirtió en un prominente donante político, con el objetivo de alentar mayores restricciones en lo que respecta a la privacidad online, todo producto de una reveladora conversación con un ingeniero de Google
Acto seguido, decidió invertir USD 3.5 millones para colocar una iniciativa en la boleta del estado de California que se votará en el mes de noviembre y luego se enfocó en negociar con un acuerdo con los legisladores estatales, con el objetivo de lograr adelantar la sanción de las nuevas restricciones
"Estas enormes corporaciones saben absolutamente todo acerca de nosotros y no tenemos derecho alguno" dijo el multimillonario en una entrevista reciente, otorgada a la salida de una reunión en el Capitolio estatal
"Se me ocurrió que investigaría qué saben estas compañías acerca de mi y al enterarme me di cuenta de que había que hacer algo" agregó
Similar en su esencia a los nuevos estándares de privacidad online aprobados recientemente en la Unión Europea, la ley de California es realmente un enorme paso hacia un ecosistema digital más seguro para los usuarios comunes
"Cambiará por completo la forma en la que las compañías hacen negocios en el estado de California y probablemente en todo EEUU" dijo a NPR Christin McMeley, una abogada basada en Washington, D
C. que se especializa en temas vinculados a la privacidad online. La letrada aseguró también que la ley no afectará solo a las compañías de Internet
"Esto es mucho más abarcativo a lo que sucede únicamente online. Aplica a toda la información"
La respuesta a la ley de parte de firmas tecnológicas no ha sido positiva, al tildarla desde el primer momento de "inviable"
Colosos de la talla de Google, Facebook, AT&T y Comcast unieron fuerzas junto a la Cámara de Comercio de California para frenar el proyecto
Según estimados de personas cercanas al proceso, sus opositores gastaron más de USD 100 millones en evitar su aprobación
"Esta es ahora la ley de facto en todo el país" dijo a USA Today James Steyer, fundador de Common Sense Media, uno de los impulsores de la ley
"Es un triunfo para cada ciudadano de los EEUU" celebró. Entre la infinidad de beneficios para las personas comunes, la ley permitirá restringir que se compartan o vendan los datos de jóvenes menores de 16 años
A pesar de que los consumidores podrán exigir el mismo servicio que le es prestado a quienes no limitan el acceso a su información, por el lado de las tecnológicas, estas podrán cobrarles tarifas más elevadas a quienes no cedan su información abiertamente
Las compañías tecnológicas, muchas de las cuales tienen su sede en California, seguramente implementen la ley en el resto del país
Simultáneamente, los promotores de la ley ya se están concentrando en lograr que legislación similar sea aprobada en otros estados
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