An internet privacy bill that experts call the nation's most far-reaching effort to give consumers more control over their data is headed to California Gov
Jerry Brown after passing both chambers of the Legislature on Thursday
Under the bill, consumers could ask companies what personal data they've collected, why it was collected and what categories of third parties have received it
Consumers could ask companies to delete their information or that they refrain from selling it
Companies could offer discounts to customers who allow their data to be sold and could charge those who opt out a reasonable amount based on how much the company makes selling the information
It passed the Legislature without any dissenting votes. Lawmakers scrambled to pass it so that a San Francisco real estate developer would remove a similar initiative from the November ballot
The deadline to remove initiatives is Thursday.The bill, AB375 by Assemblyman Ed Chau, would also bar companies from selling data from children younger than 16 without consent
"We in California are taking a leadership position with this bill," said Sen
Bob Hertzberg, a Van Nuys Democrat who co-authored the bill. "I think this will serve as an inspiration across the country
"Voter-enacted initiatives are much harder to alter than laws passed through the legislative process
Given the significance and complexity of the proposed policy, supporters and even many opponents say they want legislators to pass the bill so they can more easily change it in the future
San Francisco real estate developer Alastair Mactaggart spent $3 million to support the related initiative and qualify it for the ballot
If the bill fails, he says he'll push forward with the initiative
For more infomation >> California data privacy bill passes, heads to governor - Duration: 2:19.
2018 Northern California Graduation Highlights - Duration: 0:45.
Now is your time, this is not the limit of where you can go, use this experience and
the knowledge WECA has prepared you with, use the relationships you have gained throughout
this process.
Go as far as you desire to go, so long as your desire to explore is greater than your
desire to not screw up, you're on the right track!
Never hold back, give it all you got, and when you fall in life, maybe even tonight
after a few glasses of champagne, remember this: fall forward!
Volkswagen California - Duration: 1:02.
Assemblymember Chau Holds Hearing on AB 375 The California Consumer Privacy Act - Duration: 1:05.
AB 375 the California consumer privacy act as a simple bill it is based on the principle
that people should have the right to control of their own personal data and should not
be discriminated against for exercising that right. we've seen the harmful effects of the
erosion of user privacy and can no longer simply content ourselves with imagining this
debate has a squabble between privacy advocates and online data companies the rules on what
information can be collected how can we use and by whom will have enormous impact on the
well being of large swaths of society and indeed those in receipt of our democracy
and online discourse. If a business wants to collect information about you while you're
surfing the web.
Then use it for reasons of they're all like providing a service was selling it they should
ask your permission first it is your data your privacy your choice this is an important
issue because online businesses have the ability to know a great deal about a person's online activities.
Protesting man in California shuts down freeway for 2 hours wearing only boxers - Duration: 0:30.
California Passes Consumer Privacy Protection Act Aimed At Tech Companies - Duration: 2:11.
California representatives considering House Democratic leadership bids - Duration: 1:41.
Gov. Jerry Brown authorized the ballot measure Wednesday when he signed the state's annual budget and related legislation
The measure would draw funding from dollars generated by Proposition 63, a 1% income tax surcharge on millionaires passed in 2004 that funds mental health services
Housing built or rehabilitated under the plan would be designated for mentally ill residents living on the streets
This is the second try at a spending plan for Brown and state lawmakers, who first tried to approve the money without a public vote in 2016
But a Sacramento attorney and mental health advocates challenged the effort in court, arguing that the money shouldn't be diverted from treatment programs and that legislators needed a vote of the people to authorize the funds
That case is still in litigation and the November ballot measure, if successful, would free up the money
ABD'nin California eyaletinde yaşayan Alice Vasquez, sosyal medyada son günlerin en çok konuşulan is - Duration: 2:45.
Yaşını duyan şaşırıyor, büyükanne olduğuna kimse inanamıyor! ABD'de görenlerin büyükanne olduğuna inanamadığı Alice Vasquez, genç görüntüsünü koruyabilmek için estetik operasyonlara 100 bin dolar harcadı
ABD'nin California eyaletinde yaşayan Alice Vasquez, sosyal medyada son günlerin en çok konuşulan isimleri arasında
Yoga eğitmenliği yapan 39 yaşındaki Vasquez'i görenler, yaşını ve çocuk sahibi olduğunu duyunca şaşırıyor, büyükanne olduğunu öğrenenlerin ise şaşkınlığı ikiye katlanıyor
İngiltere'de yayınlanan Daily Star'a konuşan Vasquez, genç yaşta büyükanne olduğu için çok mutlu olduğunu söylüyor
Instagram'ın en çekici büyükannesi olarak gösterilen Vasquez, "İlk çocuğumu 16 yaşında doğurdum
Çocuklarım da benim gibi erken yaşta aşkla tanıştı ve 20'li yaşlarda çocuk sahibi oldu
Bizi kardeş sanıyorlar" dedi. Yeni tanıştığı insanların büyükanne olduğuna inanamadığını söyleyen Vasquez, "Büyükanne olduğumu öğrenince benimle daha fazla ilgileniyorlar
Daha fazla soru sormaya başlayıp tanımaya çalışıyorlar, bu da beni mutlu ediyor" diye konuştu
Vasquez görüntüsünü koruyabilmek için düzenli olarak spor yaptığını, bunun dışında estetik operasyonlara 100 bin dolar harcadığını belirtiyor
Haber Hakkında Yapılan Yorumlar
Mom's boyfriend arrested in suspicious death of 10-year-old California boy - Duration: 5:57.
LOS ANGELES -- The boyfriend of a Southern California woman whose 10-year-old son died last week under suspicious circumstances was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of murder, Los Angeles County sheriff's officials said
Anthony Avalos' death followed a dozen referrals of suspected child abuse to child welfare officials over several years
Kareem Leiva, 32, was arrested in Anthony's death after an interview with sheriff's detectives on Wednesday
The arrest came a day after county child welfare officials revealed that the boy had previously reported being beaten, locked up and not fed
Sheriff's deputies were called to a home in Lancaster, in the high desert Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles, on June 20 after Anthony's mother called 911 to report that he had fallen down the stairs
Deputies found him unresponsive in the home and he died at a hospital the next day
Homicide detectives deemed Anthony's death "suspicious" and the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services said that there were signs of "physical abuse, including signs of being severely beaten, as well as malnourishment
" The boy's mother, Heather Barron, and Leiva - her boyfriend and the father of some of her other children - were both questioned by homicide detectives and Leiva was arrested Wednesday afternoon
The boy's mother has not been arrested and isn't facing any criminal charges. "During the course of their interview, suspect Leiva made statements that led detectives to arrest him," Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell said
He declined to elaborate. McDonnell said the extent of the boy's injuries was "grossly overstated" by child welfare officials and told reporters that detectives did not find cigarette burns on Anthony's body
He declined to provide specific details of the boy's injuries until an autopsy is finalized
After Anthony's death, child welfare officials removed eight other children - between 11 months and 12 years old - from the home
They are being cared for by county child welfare workers, officials said. Sheriff's deputies had responded to the boy's home several times over the last few years - most recently in April 2016 - and there were a number of suspected child abuse referrals, but no arrests were ever made, McDonnell said
Investigators are reviewing each of those cases to determine whether proper protocol was followed, he said
Child welfare officials said Anthony had been removed from his home for several months when some of the reports of abuse were substantiated
He was returned after family members received in-home counseling, the agency said
The agency said it confirmed two allegations involving sexual abuse when Anthony was 4 but the case was closed when it was determined that his mother was properly caring for him
The last referral regarding Anthony was in April 2016 alleging general neglect. He was interviewed, and the allegations were deemed unfounded or inconclusive, officials said
During the interview on Wednesday, detectives noticed that Leiva had a previous injury - a laceration on his chest they believe was self-inflicted - and required medical attention
He remained hospitalized Wednesday evening and is expected to be held on $2 million bail once he's medically cleared, the sheriff said
It wasn't immediately clear if Leiva had an attorney who could comment on his behalf
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