Hi! Purple Oranji here.
Today I'm going to play with lasers and make a security alarm for my room
In another video, I made an electronic door lock
out of Mindstorms LEGO
So if you haven't seen it you can check it out here, or here
I think everyone occasionally wants to keep a nosy sibling
or parent out of their room
Building on what I learned on that project
I wanted to make something more complex
So I wanted to make an alarm that would trigger
when someone tries to sneak in
Today I'll show you how I made my own laser
security alarm out of LEGO Mindstorms
For this project I'll be using a Lego Mindstorms EV3 brick
Mirror tiles
A red laser diode
well a breadboard
coin battery and its holder
pin wires
As always I'll have deatiled links in the description
But first, a warning
lasers can be really dangerous so remember to be cautious and always use
the right safety glasses
so let's begin
Wow! Everything is so blue
First I started with testing the laser diode
I connected the diode to my breadboard
I tested to make sure that everything worked
I used a red 5 milli watt laser diode for this project
because is relatively low cost
and are safer than the other colors
I used a breadboard so that we can quickly test and change things as needed
I didn't spend too much time on making this look nice
because it was just a prototype
for future versions
I would like to make a better housing
next it's on to the laser platform
because small vibrations could cause the aim of the laser to be off
I made a platform out of LEGO
to hold the laser steady and also used for aiming
I used lego Digital Designer
to make and create the instructions
that I needed to build it in real life
with the laser base built
All I have to do is add the laser and test it out
For the coding, I started off by making a simplest looping alarm
once I had that, I added other enhancements
like a countdown
warning messages and an information display
I created a custom block for the countdown
so that I could easily reuse it in different places if needed
With everything loaded into the EV3
it's time to test it out
how the alarm works is by reading the light intensity
of the laser with the color sensor
the code will wait until there is a change in intensity
when the intensity changes
the alarm will trigger
I can press a button on the top
to stop and re-arm the alarm so it's ready again
Now that system works
it's time to install it somewhere fun
I decided to install it in the doorway of my room
anyone the breaks beam will trigger the alarm
Well thats it
My very own laser alarm system for my room
this is only the first version
there are many other things I can add to make it better
but it was still fun figuring out how it all worked
If you like this video, please give me a like and subscribe to my channel
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Well, thats all for now
see you next time
For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE - A LEGO Laser Alarm - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Aesthetic Training Tips | How to Build a Shredded Chest - Duration: 5:03.
what's up everybody this is IFBB Pro Santi Aragon and I'm here with muscle
and strength and I'm gonna take you through my three favorite aesthetic
chest building exercises so for the first chest exercise to build an
aesthetic big ole barrel chest first step of this exercise is to pick an
appropriate weight you want to start a little bit lighter before you get into
your heavier movements just so that you can get used to this style of press I
pick a incline bench for this movement and when I roll back with the dumbbells
you're gonna see that I'm gonna start in a normal fly movement but as I'm
pressing the weight up you're gonna see that my pinkies are gonna start coming
inward to squeeze the chest and as I'm coming back down I'm gonna be rotating
them back again in a fly movement here we are in the fly movement I'm gonna
press up and I'm gonna rotate my pinkies what this is gonna do is this is gonna
squeeze the chest and as I'm rotating back down I'm in another I give them in
a press movement right here and this is stretching out my pecs so I'm coming up
rotating squeezing opening up opening up and I'm stretching
so not only can you press some pretty heavy weight because this is a hybrid
press movement but you're also utilizing the squeeze if it was a fly movement too
so you're kind of getting best of both worlds on this movement exercise number
two for anesthetic chest is gonna be a fly movement the difference between this
fly movement and any other fly movement that we do is going to be the way that
we're gonna be doing each rep it's gonna be a holding a pause at the top of the
movement and then it's gonna be descending slowly back to the bottom
keeping constant tension on the muscle group and then coming back and again
pausing at the very top another difference between this and any other
fly movement is that I'm gonna concentrate on bringing the bar much
higher on my chest versus right in the middle part of my chest the reason why I
do this is because if you look at any of the classic guys back in the 80s and 90s
you can see how crazy their upper chest was and I really do believe that any
type of upper chest movement is going to hit the mid and the bottom part of your
chest and the hardest part to build is the upper part of the chest so I'm gonna
go ahead and demonstrate this movement for you standing very comfortable I'm
gonna come up top and you can see how I'm squeezing up I'm just gonna see on
squeezing upwards I'm not down my elbows not down it's
actually kind of up so that I can put more stress on the top part of my chest
chest is up so here we go we're gonna pause at the top boom one two three come
down one two three up one two down one two
I'll do this for about 12 to 15 reps and at the very end when I can't do any more
I blast out about five regular sets this is gonna be something that's going to be
focusing on the lower part of the chest and I choose this as the final exercise
because we're gonna be doing a finishing type set here which is gonna be
extremely high reps so what I usually do is I'll pick a weight that I think I
could handle and I'll just feel it I'll touch the weight if I'm ready and I
think I could handle it the goal is to go to 50 so it's very basic
this machine pretty much tells you where you need to go and the key is that at
the top of the movement you're making sure that you're squeezing
it's like any other chest movement this particular movement at the end of your
chest routine is not going to require three or four sets like a standard
movement this is gonna be a touching so you're gonna see if you can handle the
weight and then it's gonna be one all-out set of 50 repetitions and there
you have it those are my three favorite chest exercises thanks for watching
please comment and subscribe below
Building a Cup Waterer for Ducks - Duration: 3:31.
the ducklings are taking a nap I've got these little drinker cups so the way it
works is you know what duck will hit this little yellow ball and that will
release some water and the water will fill up in this orange cup so I'm gonna
try to make this be one solution the way I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna stick them
into this bucket here
looking pretty good
so you remember how I hit a deer with my car the other day well after that I
ended up selling it and when I sold it I ended up keeping the floor mats they're
nice and rubbery so I'm gonna use these as a little mat with the water bucket on
if we close up the water
so yes let's I guess how this new duck water is working hopefully that's a good
sign and hopefully this is something that they can use on a regular basis so
I just gave the duckling some kale and it caused an absolute feeding frenzy I
mean look at this they're going nuts they're playing kale rugby look at home
do like play kale rugby it's ridiculous so funny and there's a massive piece
there and they're like we can't quite figure out
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