Transformers: Dark of the Moon was a good movie because there was a guy named Crowbar in it
Alright, I'll stop
I really liked this movie because, and this is true, it felt like the end
From just the trailer alone, you feel that this is the last fight
Eventually, the Decepticons are defeated and the Autobots, after four years of putting
up with humanity's bullshit, are accepted as their proper defenders
The war is over
It's a satisfying ending that leaves you with fond memories of the trilogy as you grow older
As the saying goes: don't cry because it's over, smile...because it happened
And that's the feeling that I miss the most these days
It's becoming harder and harder to feel like certain characters will be gone for good
Unless they fail at the box office
Without a sense of loss or closure, it's difficult to appreciate the time you spend on certain things
For a lot of people, the best stories are the ones where you know that there isn't much time
It's for that reason why we need to make the most of what little we have and when they're still around
It's not bad to have your own preferences
Life is too short to do the things that you hate doing
But I always implore everyone to think, if even for a moment, on why they would do the
things that they do
Transformers: Dark of the Moon is not only good because it's fun from beginning to
end but because it's aware that it can only keep up its charade for so long before,
at some point, we're going to have to say our goodbyes
For more infomation >> Transformers Dark of the Moon - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
How to Use 'Understanding' of Goals to Accomplish Them | Dark Mode Ep 10 - Duration: 28:46.
Good morning guys!
It's Sunday, 6:20 a.m.
I actually just woke up a while ago, believe it or not.
I usually get up at about 4:30 a.m.
but today I wanted to make sure that I got a lot of sleep.
I actually went to sleep at about 8:30 p.m.
I got a lot of hours, I've got the feeling that I'm going to have a lot of energy today.
And I'm going to need it because today's going to be an extremely intense day.
I'm wearing these recovery pants.
I should probably wear these more,
I do think they actually help with recovery,
my leg definitely do feel better the mornings after wearing these,
but they're such a pain to put on at night.
Sometimes I'm just tired and I just roll onto my bed and I want to go to sleep.
But the reason that I put these on last night
is because I need my legs to be in real top form today because
I'm going to attempt to hit some of my Dark Mode goals in the gym.
So, as far as my physical goals, again,
245 pounds, five times for squats,
and 325 pounds, five times for deadlift.
So I'm going to try to knock out the deadlift goal today,
I'm feeling pretty good.
My hamstrings are feeling pretty good, again, I'm going to need them.
I'm just feeling good, my legs are feeling strong.
I'm actually going to hit the gym with my friend, Mayra.
As I've mentioned, she's one of my two friends.
She's also my salsa teacher.
And hopefully she'll be there to watch me in all of my glory as I destroy at least one of my three physical goals.
And then after that, we're going to head back to my place,
we're going to do our salsa class.
Mayra is now putting me through an extremely intense salsa training,
so we're doing a lot of very difficult, very high level, real-deal dancer training.
Lots of leg weights, a lot of sweat,
I don't actually cry.
I cry a lot.
But not when I'm dancing.
I feel so much better when I sleep a lot.
That doesn't happen all the time.
Anyway, yeah.
I've got a little bit of time before Stalin gets here,
he's going to come and help us record.
I think I'm just going to meditate quick, and
I've got to take these off which is like a five minute process
because they're literally glued on to my legs.
These things are unbelievably tight.
I'm going to take a quick cold shower.
You know the deal, so
I'll see you guys in the next clip.
I've been trying to reach this goal for the last 7 weeks.
And the second I reached it, I'm angry because I know I had one more.
I can't do the squat goal today.
I'm not ready yet.
Nice, I like that area.
I have a whole room just for recording,
I've got a big white screen.
I've got a whole room for three computers, for all the...
As we just finished the gym,
and now we're going straight into the class.
Today's theme is "intense", so
had an intense gym day.
One of my goals is complete, and I'm feeling good,
I'm definitely in the right direction towars my squat goal.
I'm going to try to knock that one out next week,
along with the benchpress goal and
just knock out the...-
I'm going to try to knock out everything by next week.
I've been in Dark Mode for a while.
I'd like to just take a break.
But I'm not going to take a break until I accomplish my goals.
Alright guys, so it's 9:40,
done with the workout,
done with class.
Today is definitely an intense day, I feel a lot of energy.
I'm just going to keep that energy, I'm going to keep...
My philosophy is that of a shark.
I've heard that if sharks don't keep moving, they die.
I think I googled that and it's actually not true.
But anyway,
I'm going to continue to just keep moving,
I don't want to lose the momentum that I have,
I'm definitely a big believer in momentum.
Once you have it, if I were to sit down and just start watching TV, for example,
guarantee that I'd lose my energy.
That's just how it works, so...
I'm going to make some breakfast right now since Mayra is here.
Yeah, I'm going to make some breakfast.
I guess I'll put on my stupid outfit and look cool on camera.
Yeah, it's time to eat.
Haven't eaten yet, so...
We both haven't eaten, so...
See you guys in ten seconds, I'm just going to walk over here and start cooking.
Alright guys, as you guys know, I'm not a professional chef.
But I'm able to make absolutely delicious meals very, very, very quickly.
Which is what I'm about to do right now.
Because I'm cooking for two, I'm just going to basically double everything that I normally do.
Two tablespoons of coconut oil.
This is a mixture of zucchinni, red pepper and a little bit of onion.
A little bit of salt.
Himalayan sea salt.
A little bit of garlic powder,
a little bit of crushed red pepper.
I'm also just going to have my...
I have these powder things.
If you guys have seen on my instagram, I listed out everything that I put into my powder drink.
Psyllium husk, creatine, glutamine...
colagen protein, a bunch of other stuff.
I'm going to drink this while this is sautéing.
I'm also going to take my vitamins.
There's too much stuff in here to list up.
There are some branched aminoacids,
I think that's it for this...
And then I have my multivitamin, some curcumin, vitamin D.
I do a ton of omega.
Technically, I mega-dose omega.
I take way more than the daily recommendation.
I feel really good, so I'm going to keep doing that.
I don't see any problem doing that.
So, I don't have enough eggs,
so we're going to have to quickly add a bit of steak.
Ah, shit!
I don't have enough steak either.
Just how many grams...
Let's see what we can do.
It's frozen solid.
Alright guys, this is like...
we're doing surgery right now to make this happen, so...
I'll try to break this up as much as we can.
Try to move the vegetables all to one side so that they don't burn while the steak is thawing.
If I don't do this, it's never going to cook through.
So, 75 grams...
150 grams total.
So, we're going to put the flame back up.
I've got 150 grams of steak.
We're going to throw...
I've got 2 eggs.
So we're going to throw those in there as well.
We're going to put muzzarella cheese on top of all of this.
Now, what we are also going to,
avocado oil mayonnaise.
It is freaking delicious.
It is made with avocado oil,
egg yolks,
organic whole eggs.
And then there's a little bit of honey too,
but very little.
This thing has 0 grams of carbs, so it must be just a tiny bit.
About a tablespoon,
which is about 100 calories.
100 grams here as well.
I'm also going to add some sriracha sauce.
Truthtfully, I usually don't like sauces.
I think I put maybe a little bit too much in this one.
But, guarantee that this is going to be freaking amazing.
What we got here is about 150 grams of steak,
2 eggs,
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
and then a bunch of zucchinni, red pepper and onions.
I also added muzzarella cheese, I didn't measure it.
The avocado mayonnaise.
And a little bit of sricha...
I don't know how to say this,
Hot sauce.
I made something similar to this yesterday
just with steak and salmon.
So good.
This is my new jam for a little bit.
I'm just going to put some black pepper.
Hey guys, so
I wanted to talk very quickly about something that happened earlier today,
which is that I accomplished my deadlift goal, which was to deadlift 315 pounds for five reps.
And you may have noticed that I wasn't happy after I accomplished the goal.
In fact, I was upset, and I'm still upset.
I'm upset because I know that I had one more rep in me.
I could have done one more rep.
I wanted to just talk for a few minutes about goals as a whole, in my perspective,
and my understanding of them and how that's changed over time.
I'm at a point right now where I set goals for myself, and I accomplish them.
I'm at a point now where it's very easy for me.
And it used to not be.
And there's a couple very important observations that I'd like to share with you guys from my own personal experience.
One is that the goal in itself, really means nothing.
The goal in and of itself means nothings.
This is going to sound a little cliché, but it's all about the journey.
Because you have to think: "What does the goal represent?"
Let's look at this deadlift goal:
¿What does that goal represent for me?
And this is something that I've never been able to accomplish in my entire life,
not even close.
I'm 145 pounds,
so 315 pounds is more than double my body weight.
And do that for five repetitions...
When you set a goal for yourself, it's ambicious.
¿What does that mean?
To accomplish that goal, you effectively have to improve as a human,
to accomplish that goal.
If you just stay the same, you're not going to be able to accomplish your goal,
unless you set a goal that is just not challenging,
that doesn't even a single molecule of challenge whatsoever.
Even if it's just a little difficult for you,
you have to improve as a person to accomplish that goal.
In the case of this deadlift goal,
I had to take a really hard look at my training,
make sure that I was incorporating a lot of rest.
Be very observant of how I was progressing from week to week,
and make modifications to my routine, to my rest, based on that progress,
and ultimately, achieving this goal means that I improved in some capacity.
That's one of the first things I wanted to say.
Second thing,
I think it's extremely important and extremely useful,
it's been extremely useful to me,
to develop a habit, the skill of just accomplishing goals.
You set a goal, you accomplish it. (x3)
When you do that enough times, you develop the habit.
That's why I'm at a point right now where...-
And that was one of the reasons,
where any goal that I'd set for myself, I'd accomplish it.
Here's another observation that I think could be really useful for you guys,
and maybe you guys feel the same way:
I've noticed that just in my own personal life,
I have my big goal, which is to massively positively affect change in the world,
and I will do that.
That is my big goal.
And I will not stop working towards that goal.
And I'll always be doing this,
I'll always be setting little, smaller goals that, to me, are benchmarks on the way there.
When I think how I'm going to massively positively affect change in the world,
I know that Nelson Quest is a part of the puzzle.
I don't exactly know how.
I do think that I need to be tremendously succesful in business,
and I need to show, I need to prove that I've been able to build massive companies that do the right thing.
I want to show that there is profit in doing the right thing.
I think that these are all ultimately parts of my puzzle.
That's why I work so hard, and that's why I set goals around these things.
I think when it comes to my physical,
I see my body as the vehicle that's going to transport me through life.
And also, I'm judged on the totality of my being.
My ability to speak eloquently,
how succesful my business is, and how...-
Building a big business is one things,
but building a big business with people that enjoy working there,
that does the right thing, that provides a legitimately good service,
these are things that I know are going to help me to get to that big goal.
And I know Nelson Quest is part of it as well,
because with Nelson Quest, my goal, more than anything, is to build a community.
I'm still trying to find the words for how I feel about the Nelson Quest project.
But, I think, as best as I can articulate it,
I think one of the big problems with the world is that there is a tremendous amount of inauthenticity that is pretending to be authenticity.
And that is distorting an already extremely distorted world.
I think with Nelson Quest, my goal is just to be this "thing" that you can relate to.
And that you can relate to in a fun way.
And I say that...
I don't have a lot of fun.
But I know that I need to have more fun.
And I know that's something that I need to work towards.
I'm probably going to set some personal goals around having fun.
Back to the topic of goals.
I think it's important to develop the habit of setting goals and accomplishing them.
Setting goals and accomplishing them means that you have improved as a persona.
And I think most people watching this are trying to improve as people, whatever that means.
Here's another big, really important observation:
I have that big goal of massively positively affecting change in the world,
I talk a lot about fulfillment.
I have noticed that days where I make a lot of progress towards that goal, a lot of progress,
I feel extremely fulfilled.
Days where I only make a little bit of progress,
I feel fulfilled, but not as fulfilled as I could be.
Days where I don't make progress towards that goal,
I don't feel fulfilled.
That's why I don't many things outside of my routine, outside of the things that give me fulfillment.
That's why you don't see me drinking at clubs,
or chasing girls, or...
I used to feel a tremendous obligation to just hang out with my friends,
and go out, and get drunk and chase girls.
I'd feel an obligation to do this.
And I went through many years where I was doing this.
And I'd always feel like crap the next day,
but I never took the time to observe why I felt like crap, or what I should be doing instead.
I guess I was just on auto-pilot.
I was just going with the flow, I don't know.
And now that I've taken more time to observe ultimately what fulfills me and what doesn't fulfill me,
that's why I haven't gone to the movies in months.
I haven't had alcohol in months.
I haven't gone out drinking and...-
I still will do these things,
I do want to do these things,
but ultimately my point here is that, I'm very concious because I've been very observant of what fulfills me,
and I think if I could really narrow it down and put it into words,
what ultimately fulfills me is making at least some progress towards my bigger goals.
The more progress, the better.
I wasn't happy when I accomplished my deadlift goal today,
the reason I wasn't happy is because I knew that I had one more rep in me.
I think that if I'd done that one more rep,
I would have been happy.
And I wouldn't have been happy just because of the goal,
because the goal itself, really, doesn't mean anything.
I would have been happy because I succesfully surpassed a mental limit,
if that makes sense.
That's really what's more important to me at this point in my life.
As cliché as it sounds, the goals themselves mean nothing in and of themselves.
It's good to set goals, and I think, I see my goals, at least my micro-goals,
as benchmarks that are bringing me in the direction of my big goal.
You'll notice with my business, I didn't just set a goal of "make $100,000 dollars",
I set a goal of "launch a new website and make 20 videos",
because I know that's one of the most important things that I could do right now
that can help to grow my business.
I don't want to spend too much time talking but...
I don't celebrate goals, personally.
That's just me as a person.
A lot of people think that I'm very hard on myself,
truthfully, the way that I feel is that
I've never even come close to giving my all.
You guys may see me, and feel like I'm giving a lot,
of course I'm giving a lot,
I work entire days, it's sunday, almost 2 o'clock now,
and I'm going to keep working for the rest of the day until I go to sleep.
I still feel like there's so many things that I could be doing to improve my energy,
to improve my efficiency,
to improve my ability to speak , to communicate to you guys.
Look how much time I'm spending talking, I'm sure that there are ways,
I'm sure as I continue to practice doing this, that I'm going to be able to communicate with the same intensity,
the same things in a much shorter amount of time.
I'm very new to all of this, I apologize.
I'm still finding the words for a lof of this stuff,
and you guys are actually playing a huge part in my finding the words.
A huge part.
I'm now getting a few hundred comments a day on YouTube,
people are finding me on Instagram.
I wake up everyday and I have 15-20 messages from people,
most of the time, just saying...
I'm still trying to understand that, because...
honestly you guys are more positive than me.
And it's actually teaching me to be positive.
To be more positive because I see that it's just better to be positive.
If you have the option to be positive or negative,
why wouldn't you be positive?
And I'm actually finding that I'm being a lot more positive now in my own personal life,
and it has benefited me tremendously.
And I have you guys to thank for that.
You guys are helping me to grow at an unbelievable pace,
I still can't believe I'm so...
I'm truly humbled, I actually get emotional.
I'm crying a lot these days, of happiness.
I just can't believe that there are...
Just how positive some of you are that are watching.
And also, the idea that I'm trying to authentically express myself,
and I feel like I'm succeeding in doing that.
And you guys are seeing that.
You guys are having something to relate to,
and I think that having something to relate to in a world which is filled with stuff that it's impossible to relate to,
or dangerous to relate to,
I think it's a good thing.
And I feel that it's bringing me closer to my goal of massively, positively affect a change in the world.
Thank you guys.
I'm going to get back to work.
I've got some video stuff that I'm working on.
I'm actually working on a video on how to become the best version of yourself,
It's a really interesting theme.
I spent a couple of weeks now just working on the script for that.
and putting my thoughts together.
It's a really interesting one.
Anyway, I'm going to get back to this.
I hope you guys have a great day, whatever day this video goes out.
Look how much I'm talking!
I'm going to shut up,
Guys, I'll...
I think I'm going to re-do this video one more time.
Travis Scott x Drake Type Beat - ''Cobra'' | Dark Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:07.
Làm kem socola cuộn đơn giản.||How to make dark chocolate icream. - Duration: 6:26.
The best seats in the house | Dark Mofo 2018 - Duration: 1:30.
We were asked to pitch on an idea for a stool
from Dark Mofo for their Night Mass and their Winter
Feast events.
The winter solstice is all about cycles and this connection to
nature, and I wanted my stool to reflect that.
It made me think about how to take a material such as steel,
that is often quite cold, that is often quite rigid,
quite strong, and create something that draws inspiration
from origami and the folded aspect of it.
My idea was to make sort of a lantern seat. I really
like the concept of repurposed and recyclable materials.
There's an element of tinkering that I'm attracted to.
Back home I studied design, but I really wanted to see how
design is implemented in other places. To develop a whole
project, I think that's really valuable. It's something I
definitely appreciate.
Being part of a professional brief as a student has made
design practice feel like a tangible reality for me.
To see people sitting on the stools was just such
a fantastic and awesome experience, to know that all the
work that I'd put into it, and producing them and then
delivering them, that they were actually being
used, they were being enjoyed. Working with Dark Mofo
and learning how to interact with clients was just a
fantastic experience.
Federal Agents Make Dark Web Arrests - Duration: 0:31.
Dark side of the moon reveals incredible secret showing new detail about history of space - Duration: 2:36.
new images of the Dark Side of the Moon appear to show new craters have
developed on the surface the age of the craters new in the context of the moon
can teach researchers new lessons about the collision history in space
scientists working with the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio Texas
discovered the two geologically young craters 116 million years old the other
between 75 and 420 million in the moon's darkest regions these young impact
craters are a really exciting discovery says SWR a senior research scientist dr.
Kathleen Mane's who outlined the findings in a paper published by the
journal Icarus finding geologically young craters and honing in on their age
helps us understand the collision history in the solar system the
discovery was made using data from the lyman-alpha mapping project lamp
instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LRO lamp uses the
far ultraviolet lyman-alpha band sky glow and light from ultraviolet bright
stars lamp to see in the darkened image the permanently shaded regions of the
moon using lamp and de la Rose mini RF radar data the team mapped the flaws of
very large deep craters near the lunar South Pole these deep craters are
difficult to study because sunlight never illuminates them directly tiny
differences in reflectivity or albedo measured by lamp allowed scientists to
discover these two craters and estimate their ages space collisions which these
craters are a sign of inform us how the solar system developed establishing when
collisions occurred helps scientists map the motion of objects in the solar
system throughout its history craters that are young on geological timescales
in the millions of years also provide information on the frequency of
collisions scientists have determined that the area's around the two new
craters were brighter and rougher than the surrounding landscape which has
helped them determine their ages discovering these
two craters and a new way to detect young craters in the most mysterious
regions of the moon is particularly exciting Matt adds
Max Factor Dark Magic Mascara - immediate lash volume | Max Factor Sweden - Duration: 0:16.
My Factor is my Eyes!
New Max Factor Dark Magic Mascara
Instant lash volume with one stroke of its wand.
More intensity, more volume and more you.
New Dark Magic Mascara
from Max Factor.
What is your Factor?
Inside a 'dark harlequin' satanic ritual in Prague - Duration: 5:25.
Unsettling images of Satan followers wearing clown noses and long dark robes performing a night-time ceremony have been revealed in a series of photos
The men, who appear made up like Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's horror book It, are pictured taking part in 'dark harlequin-style' ritual in the suburbs of Prague, Czech Republic
The group, photographed by local photographer David Tesinsky, is said to believe in 'individualism' and worship the Czech-Slovakian temple of Satan
.They do not perform sacrifices, but can take part in ritual practices, to 'purge' themselves of 'unwanted emotional baggage that might be hindering a daily pursuit of joy in life,' according to the church
Tesinsky, 28, was invited into the house on the edge of Prague to document the group who have been practicing satanistic and hoo-doo rituals for the past 25 years
He said the group had been contacted by many photographers over the last decade, but were always refused entry
'This group practice Satanism because it makes their lives happy and successful
It was a very spiritual experience for them and they compare it to any other faith such as Christianity or Buddhism,' Tesinsky explained
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Schizophrenic man who murdered his mom on Mother's Day and. Share this article Share The Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco, California, in 1966, by Anton Szandor LaVey
He was born in Chicago in 1930, and was a talented musician who left school at the age of 16 to join the circus
In the ritual that Tesinksy observed in Prague, the Satan followers were dressed up in ceremonial robes and big red clown noses, while some had white face paint and other markings drawn on them
Looking like 'dark clowns' they apparently walked into public places after midnight, showing 'no emotions at all, didn't talk, and went to the nearest cemetery', Tesinsky said
His pictures show the group appearing to wave wands and sitting around a strange symbol drawn on the floor
Tesinsky was invited to observe them for 'Dark Harlequin, Atlach-Nacha'.The ceremony 'can be performed in deep caves or streets, forests and jungles', he explained
Eight new silver candles, which are placed in a circle, a silver cup, elixir and drums help set the scene
There are three basic types of Satanic ritual outlined in the Satanic Bible: for compassion (for oneself and others), lust (to release unrequited sexual urges) and destruction, to 'cleanse oneself of anger towards someone who has done you an injustice', according to the Church of Satan
Tesinsky said that he documented the group performing its ritual 'because I want to kill the stereotype
They are all about individualism and they want happy lives.'There is nothing really dark as is the 'stereotype'
When they are finished, they hop in their cars and drive back to their families.'
Heaven and Earth glow in the dark puppet show returns - Duration: 2:20.
After sell-out shows in 2017,
a production company is back again to light up Maori myths and legends
with a magical glow in the dark puppet show - Rangi and Papa.
Krystal-Lee Brown went along to meet the faces behind the magic.
Matariki, signalling the Maori new year.
And this bilingual puppet production 'Heaven and Earth'
is lighting up our Maori myths and legends.
Barren says this is a great platform to promote
and normalise te reo Maori as well as Maori myths and legends.
Last year the production toured the country with sold out shows.
Now they're back and better than ever,
just in time for Matariki.
The actors believe it's a great way
to educate non-Maori about our traditions.
Their next showcase will be at Mangere Arts Centre
during the July school holidays.
Krystal-Lee Brown, Te Karere.
Cùng chơi Dark Souls Remastered - #8: Vượt qua Pháo đài Sen, đến Anor Londor - Duration: 54:49.
Dark Alien Trap Beat "Abduction" Creepy Trap Instrumental (prod. by Pepe) - Duration: 2:45.
Thanks for listening subscribe for more
Glow in the Dark Dog Bones? Yep! Super NiteBrite Dog Bone Night Time Fun on the TrainLab! - Duration: 1:56.
Everton eyeing one of Russia 2018 dark horses Croatia's World Cup stars - Daily News - Duration: 1:25.
Everton are keeping an eye on Croatia's World Cup forward Ante Rebic. Rebic has impressed in Russia for one of the tournament's dark horses on the back of a consistent season on loan at Eintracht Frankfurt last season, alerting the Blues
The 24 year-old scored nine goals in 28 appearances last term, including a brace in Frankfurt's shock German Cup final victory over Bayern Munich
Rebic, who has also been linked with long-term admirers Tottenham, has enhanced his reputation further at the World Cup
He helped Croatia win their World Cup group for the first time with a 100 per cent record, scoring their stunning opener in the shock 3-0 win over Argentina last Thursday
Frankfurt have activated their option to buy Rebic from his Italian parent club Fiorentina, but are bracing themselves for offers and could be tempted to sell to make a quick profit
They initially valued him at £26million but sporting director Bruno Hubner believes his World Cup displays have pushed his price up
Hubner said: "Of course he has gained value through the German Cup and now value through the World Cup, he is now in focus for the big clubs
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