World UFO Day is observed every year on July 2, since the holiday's inception by UFO hunter Haktan Akdogan in 2
The existence of UFOs and other extraterrestrial travellers is a fiercely debated topic among so-called alien truther and scientists alike
World UFO Day is supposed to be a day for everyone to pause and ponder the possibility we are not alone in the universe
The creators of said: "World UFO day is the day dedicated to the existence of Unearthly/Unidentified Flying Objects
The first World UFO Day was celebrated in 2. "There are several reasons why this day has found its way into the world
"One of the first and foremost reasons is to raise awareness about the undoubted existence of UFO's and with that intelligent beings from outer space
"Also this day is used to encourage governments to unclassify their knowledge about sightings throughout the history
"Many governments, the US government for instance, are believed to have gained exclusive information about UFO's through their military departments
"World UFO Day 28: The annual alien event is held on July 2World UFO Day 28: This is believed to be the oldest UFO photo in existence In the past World UFO Day was celebrated on both July 2 and June 24 but the World UFO Day Organisation () has since consolidated the celebrations to one date
The organisation hopes to see a future were UFOs are publicly discussed and longer subject to speculation
Ahead of the event, has shared a collection of UFO pictures on its website, which it believes are definite proof of alien existence
Among the pictures is "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken" – a photo of a supposed flying saucer atop the summit of Mount Washington, USA, snapped in 87
said: "Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world
"Thanks to a reader, we now have the original 'stereo' photo." Another photo dated to 926 or 9 purports to show a clear flying saucer hovering over Cave Junction, Oregon
It was allegedly taken by a volunteer fireman. Other UFO pictures show a streak of light over the Eiffel tower in 953, a flying saucer over Poland in 947 and a cluster of lights in the sky over Massachusetts in 952
World UFO Day 28: Alien truthers are encouraged to publicly celebrate the dayWorld UFO Day 28: The celebration falls before UFO Festival 28 in Roswell, New Mexico Just a few days after UFO Day 28 wraps up, thousands of alien truthers will descend on the US city of Roswell, New Mexico, to attend UFO Festival 28 between July 6 and July 8
Much like UFO Day, UFO Festival celebrates the supposed existence of aliens and the 947 Roswell weather balloon incident, which many claim was a crashed UFO
The event organisers said: "The City of Roswell invites UFO enthusiasts and sceptics alike to join in the celebration of one of the most debated incidents in history
"If it isn't on your bucket list it should be, and once you attend you may find, like many of the festival visitors, it becomes one our your annual vacation plans
For more infomation >> UFO Day 2018: What is World UFO Day and when is it? Best UFO pictures - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
Ask Me Anything Zambia: What is the Relationship Between Reading and Writing? - Duration: 1:55.
There's a huge relationship between reading and writing so every now and
again I'll get writer's block or something like that I'll say I don't
know what to write about and my wife will say have you been reading books
lately and I'll say no I have been reading books lately
well go read some books and as you read it a)
teaches you how to write because
you're learning how other people learn to express themselves and express
themselves clearly and b) you're gathering ideas right you're every time
I read a book I come away with a couple of ideas for articles that might just be
tracing the person's thought I'll just say I read this book here's what they
said or it might be writing a review of that book I read this book and here's
why you should read it or here's why you should not read it or I'm just finding
an idea finding us a little thing in that book that works in my mind that
helps me helps me think and gets me going with an idea. Maybe I've heard it
said that you don't well you don't read a book for the
entire book if you read a book and find a single sentence in that book that
sticks in your mind that's well worth reading the entire book for.
I think Piper says books don't change life sentences do. So if you read
that big book and there's one sentence that resonates and you can write a
couple of articles about it and you can just practice that in your own life I
gladly read 240 pages just to get that one idea that can that can resonate so
and the joy later is reading that book again and realizing how deeply it
impacted your life
What was Adam Sandler doing wearing a VCU shirt in a Montreal wedding shoot? - Duration: 3:27.
(Courtesy of Mlle Sana Photography; Photographer: Sana Belgot, Assistant: Maggie Blakney) Adam Sandler, star of the now-20-year-old comedy "The Wedding Singer," was a wedding (photo shoot) crasher last Sunday in Montreal, much to the delight of the bride and groom
Sana Belgot of Mlle Sana Photography was preparing to take photos of the happy couple at the Le Mount Stephen hotel when the bride spotted Sandler, who was in town to film the Netflix comedy "Murder Mystery
" He was wearing red shorts and a white VCU basketball T-shirt. "She was so excited and just waved to him," Belgot said
"He walked over by himself, just to be next to them and to congratulate them. He was very friendly and easy to talk to
" "We told him we're huge fans, we love his work, we've watched all his films," the groom, Kevin Goldstein, told the BBC while on his honeymoon in Italy
"He replied, 'Good, I'll take some photos then. Mazel tov!' My wife invited him to the wedding
He couldn't make it, but she was ecstatic, absolutely over the moon." Belgot, who has done weddings in France and Montreal for the last five years, said Sunday marked the first time a celebrity became part of one of her shoots
After making sure it was okay with the bride and groom, she posted several of the photos with Sandler to Instagram
The story went viral after one of the wedding guests posted a photo of Sandler and the couple on Reddit
So, why was Sandler, a Brooklyn native who attended Tisch School of the Arts, rocking a VCU shirt? In April, Sandler performed at the Altria Theater in Richmond as part of his stand-up comedy tour
Ahead of his visit, Sandler asked his reps to contact VCU director of operations Jimmy Martelli about making the Rams' practice facility available for some pre-show pick-up basketball
Martelli made it happen and Sandler showed up with a few friends. They played three games with VCU student manager Tyrone Green and graduate assistant Zack Freesman before Sandler headed to his show, possibly with some VCU swag to remember his trip by
Read more on the D.C. Sports Bog: Katie Ledecky has had a subscription to National Geographic for years
Now she's on the cover. What is optimism? Jeopardy host Alex Trebek is high on the Redskins in 2018
Shaquille O'Neal and Florida Georgia Line will perform during all-star week at Nats Park 'Lynda, we found fountains!': Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom get wet at the Bellagio
Oliver & Elio | What you two had was special - Duration: 3:30.
Elio, play something.
I don't want to.
Why not?
Because I don't want to.
Why don't you go to Moscazzano with others?
Because I don't want to.
You're spoiling everyone's fun.
Play well, darling.
Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine.
Why didn't you give me a sign?
I did.
You didn't give me a sign.
I did.
You remember when we were playing volleyball
Perfect timing.
and I touched you?
Just to show you that I liked you?
And the way you reacted
made me feel like I'd molested you.
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
I just decided I should keep my distance.
Is there anything you dont' know?
I know nothing, Oliver.
If you only knew how little
I know about the things that matter.
What things that matter?
You know what things.
Why are you telling me this?
'Cause I thought you should know.
Because I wanted you to know?
You're too smart not to know how rare,
I would kiss you if I could.
how special what you two had was.
Our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once,
I don't want you to go.
before you know it,
your heart's worn out.
as for your body,
there comes a point when no one looks at it
much less wants to come near it.
Right now,
Don't kill it,
and with it, the joy you felt.
The real reason Sinaiticus was created - Duration: 29:16.
When experts analyze a person's statement of
what he or she witnessed or did,
the experts say that the simple sentence
is more likely a true one.
"I didn't eat the cookie."
Subject - verb - object.
When people try to cloud the truth or lie,
they often say a lot more than "subject-verb-object."
"How dare you say I ate the cookie!
I would never do that!
How rude can you get!"
Experts say he very possibly ate the cookie.
When the statement is longer or more complex,
it is the added words that often give them away.
It is much harder on people with a conscience,
if they lie while stating a simple sentence.
So when I am searching for what really happened in the 1800s
regarding the creation of Codex Sinaiticus,
I am looking for the simple statements.
I want to find as many simple statements as I can,
and then do what I can in the present day to verify them.
First, I'll list for you the 4 levels of certainty and
the 4 guidelines that I used while looking for the truth.
Then I'll summarize what Constantine Simonides said
was the history of his great uncle Benedict.
And I'll tell you what I found to verify it
or cast doubt on that history.
Then I'll show you where I found that information,
so you can check for yourselves.
After that, I will add the facts together to create an hypothesis about
what I think were Uncle Benedict's real reasons
for creating the codex Sinaiticus.
You may want subtitles on.
There's a lot of data here.
Hi, I'm David Daniels from Chick Publications.
For a century and a half, books and teachers have
said that Constantin Tischendorf found the "world's oldest Bible"
in an orthodox monastery in the desert of Egypt.
Tischendorf named it Codex Sinaiticus.
But one man, Constantine Simonides, said, "NO!
I made that Bible.
I created it for my Uncle Benedict!"
But why would a Byzantine Orthodox monk like Benedict
create an anti-Orthodox, Alexandrian Bible?
For over 150 years scholars and textbooks have dismissed Simonides' claim as lies.
They claimed that Constantine Simonides made up people and events.
That's what I once thought.
But I had to know where he lied.
Did he ever tell the truth?
How would I find out, over 150 years later?
When a person makes up dates, names, places, events, and people,
that's a lot of details.
They could easily make mistakes.
Why don't we look for Simonides' mistakes, then?
And if he lied, where did he lie?
But if we find out he told the truth, then we really should admit it.
In this video I want to see if I can verify what Simonides said
about his great uncle Benedict.
To do this, I have four levels of certainty
and four guidelines.
Here are my four levels of certainty:
Historically verified.
I have other evidence that reasonably proves
the events happened the way they were described.
Historically justified.
The evidence doesn't prove that the events happened that way,
but that it makes perfect sense that they would have.
Historically probable.
It is reasonable and maybe likely that the events could have happened
in that or a similar way, but there's not enough information
to say it's what happened.
Historically possible.
It was not impossible that it happened, but there isn't enough evidence
to lead you to any conclusion.
There are four guidelines I use on what Simonides (or whoever) testified:
Corroborating Witness.
If I find an eyewitness who was there, or an institution
with good historical information, that agrees that an event happened,
then that is a testimony in, say Simonides', favor.
Detailed Knowledge.
If I find that Simonides had detailed information
about a place or event, that most people
likely would not have, that is an indication that
either Simonides was there, or that information came from
someone who was there.
Time-Specific Knowledge.
If I find that Simonides lists events that happened
for a limited amount of time, within a narrow timeframe,
and the story lists specifics that were not common knowledge,
that indicates that either Simonides was there at that time,
or that information came from someone who was there,
in that limited timeframe.
Consistent Actions or Events.
If someone's story tells about a person doing something
that I can historically find him doing in another place around that time,
then we can say that this event is consistent with his behavior,
and therefore plausible.
The higher up the list we are able to go, the more probable or
the more certain we will be, as far as we are able to tell in 2018.
Why is this important?
Realize that most of our professors, Bible teachers and ministers
were taught to believe the lies about Tischendorf.
We were expected to believe the story about "the Great Tischendorf
and his discovery of the Sinaiticus, the world's oldest and best Bible."
It can get you ridiculed or even fired from some positions
to even question it.
I am not telling you that your professor is wrong,
and you must believe me.
I am telling you that your professor was taught wrong--
and proving it.
We are building a foundation for a body of evidence,
to get to the truth.
I will quote what Simonides wrote.
I'll show you what I found when I looked it up.
And I'll show you where I found it, right on your screen.
Constantine Simonides, on January 21st, 1863
wrote to the Guardian newspaper, largely responding to a man
named William Aldis Wright.
(He's another story entirely.)
Wright copied down a summary of Simonides' statements
about his great-uncle Benedict and himself.
It's filled with statements that Simonides wants the reader
to believe are facts.
Are they?
Let's find out.
Various parts of Simonides' letter were reprinted in two places:
The Christian Remembrancer and The Journal of Sacred Literature
and Biblical Record.
When I first read Simonides' story a number of years ago,
I thought he was making up the names, dates and places.
After all, who could verify what Simonides said?
Many of the people were dead.
Cities were destroyed.
Evidence would have been hard to find, to see whether he told the truth.
Another thing: what reason would I have
to doubt WA Wright?
I have some of his books on the King James.
Then there's Frederick Scrivener.
He published a Greek text to go with the King James.
And his books said Simonides was a con man.
These guys couldn't be wrong about Simonides, could they?
How could I find out whether he really was a con man, or not?
Remember these principles:
Liars lie, even when they have nothing to lose by telling the truth.
Honest people tell the truth, even if they've got lots to gain by lying.
It would take something pretty big to get a generally honest person to lie.
So which is Simonides?
Let's take Simonides' words as we read them in English,
in the Christian Remembrancer.
"First, that my uncle Benedict, being by profession a theologian,
and versed in twelve languages,
intending to publish both the Old and New Testaments,
and the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, with exegetic scholia
of the ancient commentators, and specially to reply to
what had been written against the Septuagint,
began this work while Professor in the College of Cydon,
in the year 1784."
Let's take this apart.
Is Simonides telling the truth?
If he were making things up, it would be easy to mix up
his dates, places, events, and people.
It turned out that I was wrong about Simonides.
1.There really was a College of Cydon, or Cydoniae, or Ayvalik, or Aibali.
It was started in 1780 as a smaller school, in the courtyard of
Virgin of the Orphans church, or Panagia ton Orphanon.
It turns out those buildings were not destroyed in 1821, after all!
The Muslims took them over and still use them today.
A numbers of pictures were either found or taken in 2013
by Dr. Emmanuel Paraschos of Emerson College,
when he was searching for his roots on Aibali.
He actually went to the city and found the places.
This is the school for boys.
The school buildings still exist, but Paraschos noted that
they were enlarged a bit since then.
By 1800 the school had really expanded
under Veniamin Lesvios (Benjamin of Lesbos), this guy.
It was made a full-out academy, with printing press, scientific equipment
and top-notch scholars, and it was moved to the north side of town.
More evidence is in the Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World.
According to the 1827 Monthly Review, the college
"became the most frequented of the East."
And though Cydoniae was in Muslim Ottoman Asia Minor,
"Its inhabitants were entirely Greeks."
2. At this point Simonides told us Benedict's goals, as he knew them:
to publish and Old and New Testament, a Bible, together with the writings
of the Greek so-called Apostolic Church Fathers, with commentary.
That's a huge project.
It would take years to prepare it.
And Simonides told us Benedict's reason:
to prove how good the Greek Septuagint was, to unnamed people
who were writing against the Septuagint.
Who were these unnamed people?
Followers of Orthodox and Catholic religion loved the Septuagint.
The Catholic Latin Vulgate was largely based on the Septuagint.
That's in my Septuagint series and the book Did Jesus Use the Septuagint?
So who was Benedict talking about?
There were two groups that were against the Orthodox Septuagint,
for completely different reasons.
Bible-believing Protestants and Baptists.
They knew the Septuagint isn't God's words.
They: a) trusted the preserved
Hebrew Old Testament, b) were against the
Greek Septuagint and its changed words and added stories,
c) and, of course, they trusted the
preserved Greek New Testament.
But as I showed you in the video "Simonides Betrayed,
Part 4: Raising Rebels," there was another movement.
It was made up of: Greeks and others who were Freemasons,
revolutionaries who wanted to create a new Greek empire,
and so-called Enlightenment thinkers.
They knew that the current Orthodox Septuagint
didn't support their narrative.
They: a) wanted a narrative
of man rising to godhood
b) were against the current Greek Septuagint, which
* shows God becoming a man * shows Jesus as eternally God
c) a bible could be made with Gnostic texts
to teach this man-to-god narrative.
Now, if only there were a manuscript collector
who could create such a Bible.
That could revolutionize (pardon the pun) the whole Orthodox religion!
3. Benedict started teaching in Cydoniae, Ayvalik or Aibali,
in the 4th year of the school, 1784, when he was still a teenager.
This was a regular practice with schools of the day.
While he was younger He would have taught orphan children.
Then he would teach adults when he got older
and became more educated himself. "Adults," meaning teens, high school age and up.
I'll show you Benedict was one of the teachers in a bit--
but under a different name.
4. The Greek schools in Asia Minor were filled with
European Enlightenment thinking, and this thinking got the schools
in hot water with the established Orthodox religion,
in Constantinople.
So if Benedict taught at Cydoniae, then he was teaching
Enlightenment thought, not Orthodox religion.
Now let's continue with what Simonides wrote.
"Having removed to Mount Athos in 1819, for the sake of retirement,
and embraced the monastic life in the Monastery of Esphigmenos,
he was named Benedict (for surely they who adopt
the monastic life ought to change themselves
and their names as well as their lives), having formerly had two names,
Basilaeus and Bessarion."
If Benedict retired in 1819, it means he taught for 35 years.
That's very reasonable.
My mom taught elementary school for 30 years before she retired,
plus practice teaching years, and getting her Bachelor's
and Master's degrees.
This is plausible.
2. It was also plausible to retire to a monastery
like Esphigmenou, because as it said
in the 1827 Monthly Review,
"The monasteries of Mount Athos, and others, formed another substitute
for colleges or seminaries."
So former professors retiring to become monks, and
even teaching on the peninsula called Mount Athos,
were not an unusual event.
But teacher Bessarion retired and took on the monastic name Benedict,
to do more textual studies, not to teach.
And Esphigmenou had a number of mouldering manuscripts
for him to investigate!
3. Note how Simonides said Benedict's two names
before he became a monk were Basilaeus and Bessarion.
The "B" in modern Greek has become a "V,"
so "Bessarion" would be "Vissarion."
According to Simonides' biography by Charles Stewart,
Simonides' mom and her family were from the Isle of Symi,
northeast of the Isle of Rhodes.
And Benedict (Vissarion) was the uncle of Simonides' mother Mary.
That would make him Great-Uncle Benedict.
Now look at the Encyclopedia of the Hellenic world,
same article about Ayvalik (Cydoniae).
It lists the teachers at the school which started in 1780
and was incorporated in 1800.
"In the school, where there was also a library, taught ...
Vissarion of Symi..."
I've found Vissarion of Symi listed in other articles of the Encyclopedia,
and even a Greek blog on the Academy of Cydoniae.
So for 35 years Vissarion of Symi taught, before he retired in 1819, and
became a monk at the monastery of Esphigmenou on Mt. Athos.
And it was just in time, too!
On June 15,1821 the people of Ayvalik / Cydoniae
were massacred by the Muslim Ottomans, trying to squash
the Greek rebellion against their rule.
This was in the first year of the war for Greek independence.
Now let's check the next part of Simonides' statement.
"While at Athos he [that is, Benedict] gave himself up particularly
to the study of the Sacred scriptures.
He collected the most ancient MSS. of both Testaments,
and of their commentators, and at considerable expense
prepared his work for the press."
This is perfectly plausible.
Benedict / Vissarion, was well-known and well-loved.
His retirement was like my professors' retirements have been:
continued study and writing.
So Vissarion, now Benedict, continued to gather manuscripts of the Bible
and ancient Greek so-called "Church Fathers," to make his big life goal come to pass.
He'd have nothing but time.
Except for one thing.
Here's what Simonides said next.
"The Greek Revolution interfered: he withdrew after a little time
to the island of Hydra, thence to Cythera, thence to Patzaris,
and finally to Calaurrea, now Paros, where there is a famous
monastery of the Virgin in which he remained a long time,
teaching theology to twelve Greek youths by command of Capo D'Istrias,
Governor of Greece."
Benedict had been at Esphigmenou monastery since 1819.
The Greek Revolution started under 2 years later on February 22nd, 1821.
It spread quickly.
The Ottomans moved all over to stop the revolt.
The isle of Hydra was a defensive position for the Greeks during the war.
It is perfectly plausible that Benedict would go there for safety.
Remember, he taught ideas in line with the revolutionaries, Masonry
and the so-called Enlightenment.
Kythira is a strategic island and another safe place,
off the south-eastern tip of the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece,
the furthest south of the 6 main Ionian islands.
4. Patzaris must be Spetses, an island that rebelled along with Hydra,
also called "Pityoussa."
They had a naval fleet, just like Hydra.
Benedict taught at Spetses in 1828.
5. Calaurrea is Kalavria.
Paros is Poros.
Kalavria and Poros are sister islands, now just called Poros on maps.
They are on the other side of the peninsula
from Spetses.
They are also south of Aegina Island.
I'll tell you about that in the next video.
6. The monastery Benedict taught at is called "Moni Zoodochou Pigis Kalavrias,"
the Holy Monastery of the Life-Giving Fountain of Kalavria.
This refers to their doctrine that Mary was the "mother
or one who gave birth to God."
7. 12 or 15 Greek youths were taught at the secondary school
started at this monastery, in the eastern wing.
It was the first ecclesiastical secondary school, founded in 1830
by command of Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first governor of Independent Greece.
8. Kapodistrias had used Poros island since at least 1828.
It is said that he "received strength" during the war,
by his devotion to the Mary icon at the Zoodochou Pigis monastery.
Kapodistrias set up the first Greek navy at Poros.
He also used Poros to meet with ambassadors
from Great Britain, France and Russia, to negotiate what the borders
of Independent Greece would be.
In 1830, Simonides' great-uncle Benedict sent a letter to Kapodistrias,
asking that his native Symi and the other Islands
be included in borders of the new independent Greece.
He may have actually handed the letter to Kapodistrias!
It looks like they were in the same building!
But the other nations didn't agree.
So Symi and the other Dodecanese Islands
remained under Ottoman control for another 80 years.
Here's the last section we'll cover of Simonides' 1863 letter.
"After the assassination of the Governor he [Benedict]
again removed to Mount Athos, where he continued until his death."
1. On October 9, 1831, Governor Kapodistrias was assassinated.
The monks disbanded the school, and left Benedict free to leave Poros
and return to Mt. Athos, this time to Panteleimon monastery,
just like Simonides said.
Let me stop right here.
First, please note that I have been able to historically verify,
using the 4 levels of certainty and the four guidelines,
almost every single word Simonides said about his great-uncle.
That says a lot about Simonides' credibility.
Nobody could have looked up all this information
and gotten all these answers.
It took years and generations of people to pick up the pieces and write about events.
It took until today, when we have access to online maps,
photographs, histories, charts, digitized books and testimonies,
not to mention translation software.
Simonides could have made up a good half of all this,
and nobody would have been able to tell until now.
So Simonides had perfect opportunity to lie,
but didn't.
That's not the way liars operate.
Based on what you have just seen, now I will tell you my theory
about the real reason Benedict wrote what we call the Sinaiticus.
Consider the facts:
Benedict (Vissarion) taught at the
Academy of Ayvalik/Cydoniae from 1784-1819 (35 years)
The Academy was a hotbed of Enlightenment thought
Three groups all had the same basic worldview:
a. Enlightenment
b. Masons
c. Revolutionaries
Their worldview had man rising to godhood
The present Bible was not useful to the movement
Benedict/Vissarion wanted to make a new Greek Bible
and include certain Greek "church fathers," including Barnabas and Shepherd of Hermas
Shepherd of Hermas clearly had Jesus being adopted
as God's son at his baptism, so Hermas fit the narrative
Gnosticism was also about man becoming a god
Gnostic New Testament writings lowered Jesus to just another man
If the Bible were rewritten with Gnostic texts,
it would teach man rising to godhood, just like Masonry, Enlightenment,
and revolutionary thought
Where, who and what he taught tells me that Benedict didn't want
a Byzantine, Orthodox Bible.
He wanted a Gnostic Bible
that would support the worldview of the Masons, Enlightenment thinkers,
and revolutionaries.
So Benedict/Vissarion spent 3 decades compiling a Gnostic-type Bible,
from whatever Gnostic manuscripts he could find.
I believe he wanted to present it to the Russian Tsar
as an alternative to their present Orthodox Bible.
I believe Benedict created and compiled Sinaiticus
to aid the revolution with an "enlightened" Greek Bible,
for a new Greek religion, and a new, "enlightened" Greek state.
And that is why the Sinaiticus in Mark 1 says
that Jesus was just a man who confessed his sins,
was baptized by John the Baptist and afterward adopted by God as His son.
Benedict never told his true reasons to Simonides.
Simonides didn't need to know.
He just mentioned the need for a printing press,
so dutiful Simonides would do the work,
copying from ancient manuscripts into one "new" Gnostic Bible,
that Benedict believed would be copied and spread
all over the world.
This is the best theory I can find that fits the facts.
In the next video, I will talk about Simonides' testimony
about his own background.
Then I will show how this project was derailed,
Simonides was betrayed, and someone else got hold of Sinaiticus.
Until then, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.
What If The Nun Was Real? - 5 Reasons - Duration: 5:42.
That is a clip from the new Movie The Nun which will be hitting theaters September 7th.
Hey..That's one day after my birthday.
It looks really creepy but Im pretty excited for it.
Do you plan on seeing it?
Let me know below.
Hey guys im court mcingley and welcome back to the Most amazing top 5 lets jump right
into our list of What if the Nun was real.
--Alright well first things first if the nun was real we would all need some back up to
help save us from this Demon-if the nun was real we would need Ed Warren.
Sadly he passed away in 2006 at the age 0f 79.
But if this was back in the day when Ed was younger like the movie portrayed then he would
be necessary in beating this demon.
So as we know The demon nun Valak wanted to Kill Ed Warren because the name Ed Warren
is an anagram for Red Rawen.
Which if translated from German to English is said as Red Raven.
The Red Raven is said to be a magic mirror that is known to the un-initiated as a novelty
toy to be used for simple amusement.
However Adepts know the occult secret that the Red Raven Magic mirror is in reality a
modern version of the Key of Solomon aka a devils trap. – this was used by Soloman
to imprison 72 demons in a brass jar which was then thrown into a deep lake near the
ancient city of Babylon to prevent others from discovering it.
So basically Ed Warren was a living breathing demon trap.
This is why Valak wanted him dead so that he would never be captured- nor would other
demons and they could continue their hauntings.
--Also Ed would need to know where the demon would be so that brings us to our next point--Lorraine
Warren- As much as we would need Ed Warren we would also need Lorraine Warren- as she
is the one Valak first appears to.
As we know Valak appears to Loraine in her visions at the Amityville house and then again
at her place and the visions involve the death of her husband.
So she is someone who knows where this demon will be which would be a really handy thing
to know.
But also since Valak can somewhat control what she sees he gives the scary visions such
as her husband dying.
And so basically that's just torturing her.
But she goes through it to try and get rid of this demon.
-- Next for our next point its time to talk about the Nun itself -Valak- its important
to know the demons history.
Whats really terrifying is the fact that the Nun in the movie is actually based on mythology.
Yeah I don't really know how to handle that.
So Valak takes the form of the nun in the movie.
But in other text such as grim-ories which are books of magic that also tell people how
to conjure demons- Valak is a demon that's described as a child with angel wings that
rides on a 2 headed dragon.
So yeah quite different then what the filmmaker created.
Valak is said to be the commander of over 30 legions of demons.
One of the most notable mentions of Valak in real life was back in the mid-17th century
goetic – go-dick- grim-orie.
Its titled the Lesser Key of Solomon which drew on materials from a couple centuries
The books name comes from the fact that the demons focused on are ones that- according
to legend- were summoned by the Biblical figure King Solomon.
It describes the demon Valak as the grand president of hell- who commands legions of
demonic minions.
A passage in the book says- The 60 second spirit is Valak.
He is a president mighty and great.
And appereth like a child with angel wings- riding on a 2 headed dragon.
His office is to give true answers of hidden treasures- and to tell where Serpents may
be seen.
The which he will bring unto the exerciser without any force or strength being by him
He governeth 38 legions of spirits and his seal is thus.
Yeah that's pretty creepy.
--For our next point I think its important to mention that this was not based on a true
So while the Nun from the movie might be based off of a real demon there is no part of the
movie its self that's based off a true story.
So in this movie Vatican officials send a priest and a novitiate to investigate the
suicide of a young nun in Romania.
They soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they encounter a demonic force
that takes the shape of a nun.
So yeah thank goodness none of that is true.
This movies story was actually inspired by a 1986 movie called The name of the rose.
In this movie the Friar and his apprentice travel to an abbey in Northern Italy to investigate
the mysterious death of a famous monk.
The last person who talked to the monk is found dead in a vat of pig blood.
People fear that this is the work of the devil himself.
So while the movie was inspired by this story it is obviously quite different.
--And one more point if the nun was real it would be absolutely Terrifying- yeah just
very straight forward with this point.
If this nun was real everyone would be freaking out.
I mean look at her.
Shes pale..well..relatable…green eyes…geez…again..relatable.
I should've just been cast to play her.
But she also has hollowed black circles around her eyes- her veins are popping through- she
has a crooked nose—and black chapped lips.
Also she has these extremely sharp long blood covered teeth.
Yeah the whole look all together is not yhjan appealing one.
I couldn't even imagine being in a scenario where she would be real.
Theres this really terrifying clip from The conjuring 2- the clip with the painting- yeah
you all know what im talking about and if you don't then here you go-3:24-3:32
Yeah not about that.
That's freaking terrifying.
The image for the nun was actually something James Wan put together after hearing about
a spectral entity that had supposedly haunted paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren.
Alright guys that was our list about What if the nun was real.
Thank you all so much for watching.
Don't forget to leave your questions and comments down below as I will be responding
to them.
Also don't forget to show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up and subscribing
to our channel if you havnt already and as always I will catch you guys in the next one.
जाने WWE Attitude Era क्या है. What is attitude era in WWE Hindi. WWE History in Hindi. - Duration: 12:36.
the rock was heel this time*
Victim's brother: He was killed doing what he loved - Duration: 10:03.
Billy Bean Is Working to Make MLB More Inclusive | NowThis - Duration: 3:43.
Don't let someone take your dream away from you.
and you're at a time where you have your whole life to take care of all those outside things
that make this life a wonderful place to be.
So, the idea that I was the kind of person that was ready to make a decision like that
the culture that existed then did not tell me that.
And also I was, I was not.
It was a totally different generation
and the fact that I was not really comfortable or happy with the circumstances that I'm gay.
I was a professional. I loved my job. I didn't want to be anything else.
And unfortunately it wasn't until my partner passed away
that it just seemed harder and harder to keep the secret away from the people that were close to me.
It's funny because I had really became, at first, very reluctantly to be visible in the LGBT community
but as I started to meet more people,
I started to realize how small minded I was.
The more I met people, the more I just was allowing people to get to know the real me,
the more I was inspired.
The LGBT community is, every part of the diversity spectrum is a part of that community.
Doesn't matter what color, what your gender identity or expression what language you speak,
what country you're from, how you identify, what color your skin is,
you can be a part of the LGBT community.
So we are sort of like the crown jewel of a diversity conversation.
You know we are the sport of Jackie Robinson.
The core value is to grow in inclusive and accepting workplace environment.
And that's easier said than done.
To me, this is not, you know, a one off.
Just because you have one Pride Night in Chicago, Wrigley Field
mean that you've become an inclusive sport.
You need to be in the trenches,
you need to be on the minor league fields, you need to be providing information for these kids.
We're not stuck in a place where just what our parents told us at the dinner table.
We can make up our minds for ourselves from a very young age.
Colon Cancer Screening: What is Advanced Neoplasia? (3) - Duration: 3:43.
- Advanced neoplasia is an important type of polyp in large bowel that eventually progresses
to colon cancer. Dr. Anton Titov MD
What is advanced neoplasia?
How well virtual colonoscopy, or CT colonography, can detect advanced neoplasia and thus prevent
invasive colon cancer?
This is a very a important concept.
Advanced neoplasia includes both advanced adenomas, which are defined as any large precancerous
adenoma that measures 1 centimeter or larger, Or it contains a prominent villous component,
meaning it's a tubular villous or a villous adenoma.
Or if adenoma has high grade dysplasia, which is the least common of the defining terms
that we encounter.
And when you combine advanced adenomas with invasive cancer, the combined term for those
is advanced neoplasia.
So advanced neoplasia is clearly the target for screening and prevention of colorectal
With CT colonography and colonoscopy, the goal is to find these important lesions, prevent
cancers and detect cancers.
We can leave the vast majority of the tiny polyps, or diminutive lesions, alone, since
over 50% of the population will have these tiny polyps that never progress to cancer.
Removing them only increases costs and adds complications.
By really targeting the sweet spot - advanced neoplasia - CT colonography is more cost effective
and more clinically effective than regular colonoscopy.
We have shown this in a New England Journal of Medicine article published in 2007.
We showed head to head that the advanced adenoma detection rate was as good or slightly better
for virtual colonoscopy, with more cancers detected by CT colonography, even though many
fewer polyps were removed.
And there were no complications in the virtual colonoscopy arm of over 3,000 patients.
Whereas there were seven perforations of large bowel in the regular colonoscopy group.
We also detected a number of cancers outside of the colon with CT colonography.
With regular colonoscopy you only evaluate the colon, you get no other advantage in terms
of detection of cancer in other organs and within the abdomen and pelvis.
So by doing virtual colonoscopy, you are able to find just as many lesions overall, and
you are also finding clinically relevant lesions - advanced neoplasia - that will progress
to invasive colon cancer, if they are not found and removed in time.
Yes, that's correct.
These lesions, these advanced adenomas, may be 5 or even 10 years away from becoming invasive
colon cancer.
But when advanced neoplasia lesions become large, we feel the likelihood that they will
eventually progress to colon cancer is high enough.
So we want to detect all of advanced neoplasia lesions in the colon, which are 20 times more
common than invasive colon cancer at screening.
But if advanced neoplasia lesions are missed and a patient feels that they are done with
screening, I think we haven't done our job properly.
So tests like fecal occult blood testing and stool DNA testing - unfortunately, they can
detect many colon cancers, sometimes the majority, but they fail to detect these precancerous
large polyps that may become cancer in the next 5 years or so.
Savanna Darnell Love Island: Who is she? Who is her famous musician dad? - Duration: 4:53.
Savanna Darnell has joined the 2018 Love Island villa as the ITV2 show confirms 12 new bombshell contestants
It was reported earlier this week that a whole new host of sexy singletons, were set to cause drama for the villa, with the newbies set to arrive at the infamous Casa Amor
Last year, the boys in the series were sent to the rival mansion to live with six new girls, while the girls in the original villa were joined by six new boys
But who is Savanna, how old is she and what is her job? All the details as Kid Creole's daughter joins the show… Who is Love Island new girl Savanna Darnell? Where is she from? Savanna Darnell was one of six new girls and half a dozen lads who entered as a Love Island bombshell after the start of the 2018 series
She arrived in spin-off residency, Casa Amor, on June 28. Savanna comes from Sheffield
How old is Savanna from Love Island? What is her age? Savanna is 22 and confesses she's still very "silly" and young at heart
She describes herself as "very out there" and "not conventional". Savanna from Love Island's job - what does Savanna do? The bubbly blonde works as a professional singer and dancer in the northern city
Related Love Island: Samira tears up over self confidence to Megan Love Island: Islanders take part in gross cocktail challenge Love Island: Megan should've spoken to Laura first says Georgia Shipwrecked set to make comeback after 7 years following Love Island's success Love Island bosses to take cut of contestants' future earnings in new contract change Love Island's Caroline Flack fears the new series won't be as good as the last Love Island 2018 has already picked this year's contestants Real Housewives of Cheshire star Dawn Ward's daughter to appear on Love Island 2018 With original contestant Samira Mighty in the same industry, as a West End Dreamgirls dancer, the pair may have much in common
Yet after Samira's seemingly jealous reaction to Georgia confessing she was a dancer, Savanna may well opt to keep her trade secret
What is Savanna looking for in the villa? Savanna is looking for a fun-loving housemate in her quest for love, yet they might have to have a hefty income, too
She admitted her dream date would be and action-packed one before giggling of her dream guy: "If you can make me laugh then let's get married now!" Yet the beauty has confessed her previous boyfriends have hailed her as a very "expensive" date and "end up spending a lot of money
" Does Savanna have any famous connections? She does indeed, perhaps explaining her immense musical talent, Savanna's dad is none other than Kid Creole
The American singer and songwriter, real name Thomas August Darnell Browder, is best known for being the founding member of Dr Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
He also starred in group Kid Creole and the Coconuts and moved to England in the 1980s
Does Savanna have Instagram? Savanna can be found on Instagram with her handle being @savannadarnell__
She has almost 10,000 followers. Does Savanna have any look-a-likes? Fans have already taken to social media to suggest Savanna is the spitting image of a super cute Cabbage Patch Doll
Others looked a little closer to the villa for comparison, suggesting her corkscrew locks could have rivalled those of former star Eyal Booker
Who Is Sophie Brussaux? What to Know About the Mother of Drake's Son Adonis - Duration: 6:01.
Drake's fatherhood-sized bombshell dropped alongside his new album Scorpion, and fans are itching to learn more about the mother of his child — Sophie Brussaux
Brussaux, a French artist and former adult-film star, had made her Instagram account private as of late, but opened it back up as the baby news was confirmed
"Mother of Adonis <3," Brussaux — who lives in France and paints portraits — formerly captioned her Instagram bio
"Would love my privacy in this moment." Back in May 2017, Brussaux — who was spotted with the rapper that January following his split from Jennifer Lopez — claimed she was three-and-a-half months pregnant with Drake's child and hired two major New York City attorneys to begin the proceedings to prove paternity and seek child support, TMZ reported
She also told TMZ that she had text messages from the rapper asking her to get an abortion
"I've seen the text messages and they do exist," Brussaux's publicist Jonathan Hay told PEOPLE at the time
"If it's in fact Drake's child, which he does not believe it is, he will do right by the child," the rapper's rep told PEOPLE at the time
"She's just another woman in a long line of women claiming he got them pregnant." However Drake confirmed late Thursday that a DNA test he received the results to in March proved the son Brussaux gave birth to on Oct
11 is his child. Drake, 31, also revealed that the two don't get along as well as they could
In his new song "March 14," the rapper referenced a strained relationship with Brussaux
"She's not my lover like Billie Jean but the kid is mine/Sandi used to tell me all it takes is one time, and it took was one time/S—, we only met two times, two times," he rapped, referring to his mom Sandi Graham
Drake was seemingly concerned with his family's take on his unexpected fatherhood
His parents divorced when he was 5, and he was raised by his mother in Toronto. "Now it's rough times, I'm out here on the front lines/Just tryin' to make sure that I see him sometimes/It's breakin' my spirit/Single father, I hate when I hear it/I used to challenge my parents on every album/Now I'm embarrassed to tell them I ended up as a co-parent/Always promised the family unit/I wanted it to be different because I've been through it," he rapped in "March 14
" In the album, the rapper also admitted that he has only seen his son once — for Christmas
"I only met you one time, introduced you to Saint Nick/I think he musta brought you like 20 gifts/Your mother say you growin' so fast that they don't even really fit/But man, you know/I still had to get it for my boy though
" The rapper goes on to say he has high hopes for another visit and an improvement in his relationship with Brussaux
"They said that in two weeks you're supposed to come in town/Hopefully by the time you hear this/Me and your mother will have come around/Instead of always cuttin' each other down," he rapped
Drake's over six-month silence regarding his fatherhood was apparently to protect his new addition
In "Emotionless," which samples Mariah Carey, Drake declared, "I wasn't hidin' my kid from the world/I was hidin' the world from my kid//From empty souls who just wake up and looked to debate/Until you starin' at your seed, you can never relate
" "Breakin' news in my life, I don't run to the blogs/The only ones I wanna tell are the ones who call/They always ask, 'Why let the story run if it's false?' You know a wise man once said nothin' at all," he added
Rumors regarding Drake's son re-emerged last month when Pusha T released a diss track called "The Story of Adidon," in which he alleged Drake had a secret love child he was keeping under wraps and refused to acknowledge
" "You are hiding a child, let that boy come home," Pusha rapped, claiming Drake is playing "border patrol
" Days after the diss track came out, it was reported that Drake has been "financially supporting" Brussaux since shortly before she gave birth
Sources told TMZ that the Canadian star is making sure Brussaux "lives comfortably" by quietly giving her money
The payments reportedly started late during her alleged pregnancy. A representative for Drake offered no comment in response to the report when contacted by PEOPLE
What is Virtual Colonoscopy? = CT colonography (1) - Duration: 2:25.
- Let's start the discussion with virtual colonoscopy definition.
Colon cancer is the second most common cancer in the world.
Almost 1.5 million people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year.
Yet colon cancer is entirely preventable if everyone was screened for colorectal cancer. Dr. Anton Titov MD
Today, virtual colonoscopy, also called computed tomography colonography, or CT colonography
is becoming colon cancer screening method of choice.
You are one of the world's foremost experts on virtual colonoscopy.
What is virtual colonoscopy?
How can it help in effective screening for colorectal cancer?
As you pointed out, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the
U.S. Unlike the other major cancer killers, it is largely preventable through prevention
and screening - detection of precancerous lesions.
CT colonography, CTC, or virtual colonoscopy, VC,
- I will use those terms interchangeably - it's really nothing more than a CT scan with a
bit of a twist.
The patient has undergone some form of bowel preparation and colonic distension.
And the bowel preparation is generally a low volume bowel preparation.
It is much better tolerated than the typical colonoscopy bowel preparation.
And the bowel distension is done with carbon dioxide.
It is very safe and low pressure bowel distension.
The CT scans are performed in a breath-hold.
After that the patient's part is done.
They can basically go back to their regular activities.
At that point the CT images are sent to a specialized visualization system.
It is called CT colonography software system.
We fly through the colon.
And we do a number of 2D and 3D imaging methods to look for polyps and cancers.
Virtual colonoscopy is actually quite easy and straightforward.
Hillary: 'What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away?' - 247 news - Duration: 5:34.
Hillary Clinton said in an interview published Friday that current complaints about the loss of civility in American politics are nothing compared to the societal coarseness unfolding at the U
S.-Mexico border. 'What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away?' the former Democratic presidential nominee asked, pointing fingers of blame at the billionaire who beat her in 2016
Like a growing number of Americans, Clinton is upset about the more than 2,000 minors separated from illegal immigrant parents after their border crossings
Under President Donald Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy, the adults are prosecuted
By law the children acn't be housed with them. The liberal politician, traditionally bullish on big government, lamented a federal bureaucracy marked by 'very poor record keeping and incompetence' that she said is likely to lose track of some children and fail to reunite others with their mothers and fathers before the grown-ups are deported
'The question of how we reunite the children who were taken from the parents is the one that's keeping me up at night,' Clinton told The Guardian, adding that she's 'worried that some children will not be reunited
'Near tears, she said she has personally raised $1.5 million to 'flood the border with lawyers, interpreters, experienced social workers, psychologists
''We just have to get as much expertise down there to force the federal government to give us everything
' She characterized the debate over incivility - fueled by incidents including Trump's press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders being asked to leave a restaurant and Maxine Waters, the veteran Democratic congresswoman calling for White House officials to be confronted in the street - as an example of 'that ridiculous concept of bothesidism'
'I mean, this is a crisis of his making that will damage kids for no good reason at all, and I think everybody should be focused on that until the children are reunited,' she said
Clinton used the interview - conducted during a tour of Ireland and the United Kingdom - to emphasize that she has no intention of leaving the political world
She said that she would be campaigning consistently until the November mid-term elections for Democratic candidates
That prospect is likely to raise concern in her own party over the potential for Clinton campaigning to do more harm than good
Although her presence will appeal to parts of the Democratic base, it could easily be seized upon by Trump to boost Republican turnout
But Clinton said that it felt like her patriotic duty to continue to play a part in public life
She was asked by the interviewer whether she had considered helping to heal the divides in U
S. life by leaving the public stage.But clearly angered, she said: 'I'm sure they said that about Churchill between the wars, didn't they?'The interviewer suggested it was not a 'spontaneous' reaction and Clinton quickly added: ''I mean, I'm not comparing myself, but I'm just saying people said that, but he was right about Hitler, and a lot of people in England were wrong
And Churchill was a pain. He kept popping up all the time.' Share this article Share 12 shares She also came close to intervening in UK politics by suggesting that Trump's planned visit to the country next month, when he is due to meet with Queen Elizabeth as well as Prime Minister Theresa May, should be put off until children are reunited with their families
Clinton corrected herself 'hastily', the newspaper said, saying that it was 'your own decision'
The failed 2016 Democratic candidate had traveled to the UK and Ireland to make a series of speeches
Among her engagements were a two-day stop in Wales, where some of her ancestors were from, to inspect the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law at Swansea University
While there she stayed at Fairyhill by Oldwalls in the nearby Gower peninsula, a Georgian mansion in 24 acres of grounds which is normally a wedding venue
What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome? Teen Girl Dies on School Trip - Duration: 4:37.
A Canadian teenager whose dead body was discovered on a school trip died of toxic shock syndrome caused by a tampon, according to a coroner
Sara Manitoski, 16, of British Columbia, was found dead in March 2017 at an overnight school trip on Hornby Island, near Vancouver Island, CTVNews reported
The teenager had complained of feeling unwell and experiencing cramps while taking part in activities on March 14, the Comox Valley Record reported
That night, Manitoski was "heard breathing rapidly and shallowly in the middle of the night for a short period of time and then stopped," according to a British Columbia Coroners Service report released on Monday
Recommended Slideshows5150 Healthy Foods That Are Secretly Unhealthy5150 Facts About the Human Body You Probably Didn't Know51Is It Dangerous to Wake Up a Sleepwalker? 50 Health Myths You Should Stop Believing The next day, her roommates from Georges P
Vanier Secondary School thought she was asleep and left her to go for breakfast. When they returned she still appeared to be asleep despite her alarm going off, Students, school staff members and emergency responders performed CPR on Manitoski, but were unable to revive to 11th grade student
A bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus was found on the tampon the teenager was using
Coroner Courtney Cote noted in her report: "[These] findings, as well as the symptoms Sara exhibited immediately prior to her death, are all consistent with the effects of toxic shock syndrome
I find that Sara Marie Manitoski died on Hornby Island on March 15, 2017, of toxic shock syndrome as a consequence of staphylococcus aureus
I classify this death as natural." The condition is rare but life-threatening, and caused when bacteria enters the body and triggers the release of harmful toxins
Toxic shock syndrome escalates quickly, and can kill if not immediately treated. Symptoms include a temperature of 102
F or above, flu-like symptoms such as a headache, chills, sore throat and cough. Nausea, diarrhea, a rash resembling sunburn, bright red lips, eyes and tongue, dizziness, difficulty breathing and feeling confused and drowsy are also symptoms
Women under the age of 30 are most at risk because they have not yet developed the antibodies to the toxin which causes the condition
Yet, while it is commonly associated with tampon use, it can affect anyone of any age, including men
Those who use more absorbent tampons than needed or wear a tampon for longer than needed also face a higher chance of developing the condition
In the past two decades, rates of toxic shock syndrome have dropped significantly in the U
S. and Canada.
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