U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly visit Pyongyang next week...
to push forward the Trump administration's efforts to denuclearize the regime.
Citing unnamed U.S. officials,... the Financial Times says Pompeo has cancelled a planned
July 6th meeting with his Indian counterpart in Washington... in order to fly to Pyongyang.
The officials added that the joint declaration signed by the two leaders on June 12th,...
stipulated that Pompeo would hold "follow-on" talks with an unnamed senior North Korean
official "at the earliest possible date",... but had given no timeline.
The visit will be the first senior-level meeting between the two sides since that historic
summit in Singapore.
For more infomation >> U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit North Korea next week: report - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea Command open their new headquarters at Camp Humphreys - Duration: 3:54.
Here in South Korea, United Nations Command... and U.S. Forces Korea have a new headquarters.
They'll be leaving the base they've used for decades in central Seoul... and relocating
to Camp Humphreys... south of the capital in Pyeongtae, Gyeonggi-do Province.
Our Park Ji-won was at the new headquarters' opening ceremony this morning.
The UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea held a ceremony Friday morning to officially open
their new headquarters at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Province,.... some
70 kilometers south of Seoul.
Hundreds of key military officials,... including South Korea's defense minister Song Young-moo
and the Commander of UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea General Vincent Brooks,... attended
the ceremony.
"The current turning point on the Korean peninsula is the result of the ROK-U.S. alliance,...
a win without fighting,... through overcoming lots of difficulties.
In this new era, troops of the UN Command and U.S. Forces Korea stationed in Pyeongtaek
will assume new missions that contribute to the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula
and the world, as a stabilizing presence in Northeast Asia."
"Today marks a historic milestone in the history of the United Nations Command which began
in 1950, and the history of the ROK-U.S. alliance.(...)
The UNC continues to be the home for the international commitment with the mandate to restore peace
and security in the defense of the Republic of Korea.
USFK will remain the living proof of the American commitment to the alliance."
General Brooks also expressed gratitude towards the South Korean government's financial contributions
in building the complex.
"This was a project that cost nearly 10.8 billion US dollars to build over 10 years.
The Republic of Korea's investment was over 90 percent of the cost, and for that 90 percent,
the United States remains with you 100 percent."
South Korean President Moon Jae-in also sent a congratulatory message,... read out by his
security aide Lee Sang-chul during the ceremony.
In the message, President Moon stressed the ROK-U.S. alliance has been the foundation
of not only the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula,... but also the democratization
and economic development of South Korea,... and he hoped that the ROK-U.S. alliance becomes
a 'great' alliance,... beyond the current military and comprehensive alliance.
The new base covers over 14 square kilometers, or some 3560 acres.
When complete,... it will contain military facilities, schools, hospitals and even golf
"This is the largest overseas U.S. base in the world, currently accommodating some 23
thousand people, including U.S. military officials and their families,.. and the base is expected
to grow to some 43 thousand people by 2022."
With the relocation,.. the United Nations Command and U.S. Forces Korea are leaving
Yongsan,... their home for the past six decades,... and plan to complete their move to Camp Humphreys,...
by the end of this year.
Meanwhile, the ROK-US Combined Forces Command will relocate to a building inside South Korea's
defense ministry in central Seoul by the end of the year.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongtaek.
US Navy Launched Its USS Indiana Most Advanced Attack Submarine of Virginia-class (SSN) - Duration: 5:00.
KOSPI touches 13-month low on U.S.-China trade war concerns - Duration: 1:42.
South Korea's main stock index briefly touched its lowest level in 13 months.
Analysts attributed the brisk dip to the trade spat between China and the United States.
Ko-Roonhee help us look beyond the number.
Financial indices in Seoul briefly plunged on Friday.
In the morning, the benchmark KOSPI dropped below the 23-hundred level,… at one point
touching 22-96, its lowest point since May last year.
But the KOSPI rebounded in the afternoon, ultimately posting a gain for the day.
It closed at 23-26... up half a percent from the previous session.
Analysts attributed the brief fall to the trade spat between China and the U.S., which
investors see as having a direct effect on South Korea.
"Many South Korean exporters make parts that go into Chinese and American goods.
If the trade war intensifies, the exports to these countries will likely decrease."
Another main reason is an outflow of foreign capital... that picked up after the U.S. Federal
Reserve rasied interest rates earlier this month.
Some also pointed to local companies performing poorly in the second quarter.
Profit estimates for KOSPI-listed companies in the second quarter have been revised down
8 percent compared to the start of the year.
Anaylsts say the future depends heavily on China and the U.S.
If President Trump goes ahead and imposes more tariffs on China in July, stocks will
likely fall again.
Meanwhile,... Korea's junior stock index, the KOSDAQ, dipped by 5 points in the morning,
but recovered for a nearly 1-percent gain.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
2 Sisters In Two States Plead For Help In Hit-Run Death - Duration: 2:12.
美國高中School Routine Compilation United States Part 5 – Taiwanese Morning Routine for USA High School - Duration: 3:28.
美國高中School Routine Compilation United States (Part 5) – Taiwanese Morning Routine for USA High School Life
US Seeks to Install $1B Missile Defense Radar in Hawaii - Duration: 0:58.
Guinness opening a brewery in U.S. - Duration: 1:01.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Pyongyang next week: report - Duration: 1:40.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly fly over to Pyongyang next week.
Despite it coming later than first expected, the Trump administration is hoping it can
keep pressure on North Korea to speed up the denuclearization process.
Cha Sang-mi reports.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly visit North Korea next week, according to
the Financial Times.
Citing four unnamed U.S. officials,... the newspaper on Thursday said Pompeo has cancelled
a planned July 6th meeting with his Indian counterpart in Washington... in order to fly
to Pyongyang.
The officials added that the joint declaration signed by U.S. President Donald Trump and
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12th,... stipulated that Pompeo would hold "follow-on"
talks with an unnamed senior North Korean official "at the earliest possible date",...
but had given no timeline.
The visit will be the first senior-level meeting between the two sides since that historic
summit in Singapore.
The U.S. State Department wouldn't confirm the Financial Times' report.
Pompeo traveled to North Korea twice before the Singapore summit, the most recent in May,
when he returned to the U.S. with three American hostages who had been detained in the North.
The report comes after Pompeo testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday,
where he stated that contacts with North Korea are ongoing,... with him in charge of the
Pompeo said he was sure the regime knows the scope of denuclearization the Trump administration
is calling for.
He had also confirmed that no remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War have
been handed over by the North, but said he was optimistic they will be "in the not too
distant future."
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
U.S., Japan agree to continue joint military exercises, work together for N. Korea's CVID - Duration: 1:42.
Following a meeting here in the nation,... Washington's defense chief travelled to Tokyo
for talks with his Japanese counterpart.
The two sides agreed to continue military drills and cooperate on denuclearizing North
Park Hee-jun shares with us what was discussed.
Washington and Tokyo have agreed to continue their joint military exercises.
During a meeting between U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Japanese Defense
Minister Itsunori Onodera in Tokyo on Friday,... the two sides agreed to keep their joint military
drills going, as well as the trilateral exercises with South Korea, for the stability of the
"We agreed to strengthen the deterrence and defense capabilities of the alliance through
the steadfast implementation of Japan-U.S. joint drills."
The two sides also reaffirmed their goal of North Korea's complete, verifiable, and irreversible
Mattis said the U.S. and Japan will continue to work together to achieve their goal, based
on their firm alliance.
"Our objective remains the complete, irreversible and verifiable dismantling of North Korea's
nuclear and ballistic missile programs."
And as for the issue of Japanese abductees in North Korea,... Mattis expressed solidarity
with the Japanese government over the issue and said that humanitarian issues are always
part of their deliberations.
Japan is Mattis' last stop of his Asian Tour, after China and South Korea.
The previous day he assured the South Korean government of their "ironclad" alliance,...
and that the U.S. would maintain its troop levels in South Korea.
He also backed the suspension of joint military exercises,... saying that it will help diplomats
negotiate with North Korea.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.
S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:22.
Our top story this morning... The defense chiefs of South Korea and the
United States have agreed the Korean peninsula sits at a crucial diplomatic juncture as talks
continue on bringing North Korea into the international fold.
The two were meeting in Seoul on Thursday for their third face-to-face following previous
sit-downs in Hawaii and Singapore earlier this year.
Park Ji-won reports.
In their opening statement before their closed-door meeting,... the two defense chiefs reaffirmed
their steadfast and ironclad alliance,... vowing that they will continue (quote) "watertight"
consultations,... at a time when major changes are happening on the Korean peninsula.
"We're standing at a turning point between the dark shadow of conflict and confrontation
that hung over the Korean peninsula for the last 70 years, and the brighter new history
of peace and cooperation. This is a precious opportunity made by President Moon and U.S.
President Trump's vision and decisions. South Korea and the U. S. pledge their utmost effort
to ensure that this opportunity not only leads to the peace and prosperity of the Korean
Peninsula, but also Northeast Asia and the world."
They also confirmed the decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise,... originally
scheduled for this August. Mattis said the suspension of the joint military
exercises will create a better environment for diplomats to negotiate with the North.
"The recent decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise creates an increased opportunity
for our diplomats to negotiate, increasing the prospects for a peaceful solution on the
Korean Peninsula. At the same time the U.S. and ROK forces remain united, vigilant and
ready to defend against any challenge."
The suspension of the Freedom Guardian exercise, however, doesn't mean that the two countries
will suspend all future military drills. Military sources told Arirang News that the
two defense chiefs agreed that the two countries will decide the timing, scope and scale of
future joint military drills and announce the details together,... considering the North's
progress in denuclearization and the military's combat readiness.
Mattis also stressed that the U.S. will maintain its current troop levels on the Peninsula.
"U.S. commitment to the Republic of Korea remains ironclad and the U.S. will continue
to use a full range of diplomatic and military capabilities to uphold this commitment. This
includes maintaining the current the U.S. force levels on the Korean peninsula."
The two leaders also shared a common view that international sanctions on the North
should remain in effect,.. until Pyongyang takes concrete and irreversible steps for
denuclearization. The two defense chiefs also briefly discussed
the transfer of wartime operational control to South Korea,... but didn't reveal many
details of those discussions. They stressed that this year marks the 65th
anniversary of the signing of the bilateral mutual defense treaty and 50 years of close
consultation through annual joint security consultative meetings,... and they vowed to
further strengthen the alliance,.. in pursuit of the shared goal of peace in the region.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
US Citizenship Test 2018 Free for everyone - Duration: 32:17.
What is the supreme law of the land
The Constitution
What does the constitution do
Set up the government
Defines the government
Protects basic rights of Americans
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution
What are these words
We the People
What is an amendment
A change to the Constitution
An addition to the Constitution
What do we call the first ten amendments
The Constitution
The Bill of Rights
What is one right
Or freedom from the First Amendment
Petition the government
How many amendments does the Constitution have
What did the Declaration of Independence do
Announced our independence from Great Britain
Declared our independence
Great Britain
That the United States
It's free
From Great Britain
What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence
Pursuit of happiness
What is freedom of religion
You can practice any religion
Or not practice a religion
What is the economic system in the United States
Capitalist economy
Market economy
What is the rule of law
Everyone must follow the law
Leaders must obey the law
Government must obey the law no one is above the law
Name one branch or part of the government
The court
What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful
Checks and balances
Separation of powers
Who is in charge of the executive branch
The president
Who makes federal laws
Senate and House of Representatives
Us or national legislature
What are the two parts of the US Congress
The Senate and House of Representatives
How many u.s. senators are there
We elect a US senator for how many years
Who is one of your State's US senators now
Answers will vary
District of Columbia residents and residents of US territories should answer the DC
Or the territory where the applicant lives
Has no US senators
The House of Representatives has how many voting members
We elect a US Representative for how many years
Name your US Representative
Answers will vary
Residents of territories with non-voting delegates or Resident Commissioners May provide the name
Name of that delegate or commissioner also acceptable is any statement that the territory has
No voting representatives in Congress
Who does the US senator represent
All people of the state
Why do some states have more Representatives than other states
Because of the States population
Because they have more people
Because some states have more people
We elect a president for how many years
In what month do we vote for president
What is the name of the president of the United States now
Donald J Trump
Donald Trump
The name of the Vice President of the United States now
Michael R Pence
Mike Pence
If the president can no longer serve
Who becomes president
The vice president
If both the president and the vice president can no longer serve
Who becomes president
The Speaker of the House
Who is the commander-in-chief of the military
The president
Who signs bills to become laws
The president
Who vetoes bills
The president
What does the president's cabinet do
Advises the president
What are two cabinet-level positions
Secretary of agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Defense Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Health and Human Services secretary
Sorry of Homeland Security Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of state Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Attorney General
Vice president
What does the judicial branch do
Refuse laws
Explains laws resolves disputes disagreements
Decides if a law goes against the Constitution
What is the highest
Courtney United States
The Supreme Court
How many justices are on the Supreme Court
Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now
John Roberts John G Roberts jr.
Under our constitution
Some powers belong to the federal government
What is one power of the federal government
To print money
To declare war
To create an army
To make treaties
Under our constitution some powers belong to the states
What is one power of the state
Provide schooling and education provide protection
Police provide safety
Fire Department
Give a driver's license
Approve zoning and land-use
Who is the governor of your state now
Answers will vary District of Columbia residents should answer the DC
He does not have a governor
What is the capital of your state
Answers will vary District of Columbia
Residents should answer that DC is not a state that does not have a capital
Residents of US territories should name the capital of the territory
What are the two major political parties in the United States
Democratic and Republican
What political party of the president now
Republican Party
What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now
Paul D Ryan Paul Ryan
There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote
Describe one of them
Citizens 18 and older can vote you don't have to pay app
Poll tax to vote
Any citizen can vote women and men can vote
A male citizen of any race can vote
What is one responsibility that is only for United States
Serve on a jury vote in a federal
Election 91
Right only for United States citizens
Vote in a federal election
Run for federal office
What are two rights of everyone living in the United States
Freedom of expression freedom of speech
Freedom of assembly freedom to petition the government
Freedom of religion the right to bear arms
What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance
The United States
The flag
What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen
Give up loyalty to other countries
Defend the Constitution and laws of the United States
Obey the laws of the United States
Serve in the US military if needed
Serve do important work for the nation if needed
Be loyal to the United States
How old do citizens have to be to vote for president
18 and older
What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy
Join a political party
Help with a campaign
Join a Civic group
Join a community group
Give an elected official your opinion on an issue
Call senators and representatives
Publicly support or oppose an issue or policy
Run for office
Write to a newspaper when is the last day you can see
Send in federal income tax forms
April 15th
When must all men register for the Selective Service
At age 18 between 18 and 20
Hockey sticks
What is one reason Colonists came to America
Freedom political Liberty
Religious freedom Economic Opportunity
Practice their religion
Escape persecution
Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived
American Indians
Native Americans
What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves
People from Africa why did the colonists fight the British
Because of high taxes
Taxation without representation
Because the British army stayed in their houses
Boarding quartering
Because they didn't have self-government
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
When was the Declaration of Independence adopted
July 4th 1776
There were 13 original states name three
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland
North Carolina
South Carolina
What happened at the Constitutional Convention
The Constitution was written
The founding fathers wrote the Constitution
When was the Constitution written
The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the US Constitution
Name one of the writers
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton John Jay
What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for
Us diplomat
Oldest member of the Constitutional Convention
First Postmaster General of the United States
Writer of poor Richard's almanac
Started the first free libraries
Who is the father of our country
George Washington
Who was the first president
George Washington
What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803
The Louisiana Territory
One War fought by the United States in the 1800
War of 1812
Mexican-American War
Civil War Spanish-American War
Name the US war between the North and the South
The Civil War
The war between the states
Name one problem that led to the Civil War
Slavery economic reasons
States right
What was one important thing that Abraham
Ham Lincoln did
Freed the slaves
Emancipation Proclamation
What preserves the union led the United States during the Civil War
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do
Freed the slaves
Freed slaves in the Confederacy
Freed slaves in the Confederate States
Freed slaves in most southern states
What did Susan B Anthony do
Fought for women's rights
Fought for civil rights
Name one War fought by the United States in the 1900s
World War II
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Persian Gulf War
Who was president during World War 1
Woodrow Wilson
Who was president during the Great Depression and World War II
Franklin Roosevelt
Who did the United States fight in World War II
Japan Germany and Italy
Before he was president Eisenhower was a general
What war was he in
World War II
During the Cold War what was the main concern of the United States
What movement tried to end racial discrimination
Civil Rights Movement
What did
Martin Luther King jr. do
Fought for civil right
Worked for equality for all Americans
What major event happened on September 11th 2001 in the United
Red State
Terrorist attacks in the United States
Name one American Indian tribe in the United States
USCIS officers will be supplied with a list of federally recognized American Indian tribes
Choctaw Pueblo
Apache Iroquois
Blackfeet Seminoles Cheyenne
Arawak Shawnee
Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States
Missouri River
Mississippi River
What ocean is on the west coast of the United States
Pacific Ocean
What ocean is on the East Coast
List of the United States
Atlantic Ocean
Name one US territory
Puerto Rico
US Virgin Islands
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands
Name one state that borders Canada
New Hampshire
New York
Ohio Michigan Minnesota
North Dakota
Washington Alaska
Name one state that borders Mexico
California Arizona
New Mexico
What is the capital of the United States
Washington DC
Where is the Statue of Liberty
New York Harbor
Liberty Island
Also acceptable are New Jersey
Near New York City
And on the Hudson River
Why does the flag have 13 stripes
Because there were 13 original colonies
Because the stripes represent the original colonies
Why does the flag have 50 stars
Because there is one star for each state because each star represent
Because there are 50 states
What is the name of the national anthem
The Star Spangled Banner
We celebrate Independence Day
July 4th
Name 2 national US holidays
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King jr. day Presidents Day
Memorial Day Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
US Diplomats Hit by 'Sonic Device' - Duration: 1:02.
KOSPI touches 13-month low on U.S.-China trade war - Duration: 0:51.
South Korea's main stock index briefly touched its lowest level in 13 months on Friday.
In mid-day trading, the benchmark KOSPI dropped below 23-hundred points… and briefly dipped
as low as 22-96.
But the KOSPI rebounded -- ultimately a gain for the day.
It closed at 23-26,... up half a percent from the previous session.
Analysts attributed the brief fall to the trade spat between China and the U.S., which
investors see as having a direct effect on South Korea's trade with the two countries.
Another main reason is an outflow of foreign capital... that picked up after the U.S. Federal
Reserve raised interest rates earlier this month.
As for Korea's junior stock index, the KOSDAQ, it dipped by 5 points in the morning, but
recovered for a 1 percent gain.
Australia Purchase of MQ 4C Triton Surveillance Drones from US - Duration: 4:00.
SB1 Funds Major US Hwy. 50 Improvements - Caltrans News Flash #173 - Duration: 1:55.
This is Dennis Keaton with a Caltrans News Flash. I'm along US Highway 50 in
Rancho Cordova where a project is beginning to start to repave about 59
lane miles from Sunrise Boulevard to the El Dorado County line.
On our system SB1 is going to take care of the pavement, bridges, culverts and
traffic management elements, but there's more than that also, there's
money from SB1 that's going towards transit as well so it's helping the
whole transportation system in the state and and that's what we need is to have a
multimodal transportation system and that's why SB1 dollars affect the whole
transportation system. We have not had an increase in the gas tax in more than
two decades. The state's population is growing and with SB 1 funds we can
really begin to make some headway in terms of maintaining the state's
transportation system the way it should be maintained and give people a more
reliable ride and a smoother ride. We look at this is all about safety,
right? As we modernize our roadways and current the engineering then we're able to
have a safer environment both for the commuters as well as safer for the
highway workers and for the Highway Patrol because ultimately this is our
office, isn't it, on the highways. As a result of Senate Bill 1 just within
District 3 we are going to be able to kick start 13 projects which are going
to repave almost to 200 Lane miles of roadbed, going to address 17 bridges
which we need to take care of and as a result we are going to be striping about
1,300 Lane miles of our roadbeds throughout the district as a result of
Senate Bill 1. With the Caltrans News Flash, this is Dennis Keaton.
U.S. Forces Korea officially moves to Camp Humphreys on Friday - Duration: 0:37.
U.S. Forces Korea will hold a ceremony this morning to mark the opening of its newly-built
headquarters in Camp Humphreys.... located in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Province.
Along with U.S. Forces Korea,... the ROK-US Combined Forces Command is scheduled to bid
farewell to Yongsan Garrison in central Seoul by the end of the year.
The opening of Camp Humphreys comes more than ten years since groundbreaking began in late
The USFK Command is leaving Yongsan 61 years after its official establishment.
President Of The United States Tricked By A Prankster? | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 5:52.
Supreme Court of the United States Justice Kennedy's 5 Word Reason For Retiring, During Trump Era Ha - Duration: 4:34.
Supreme Court of the United States Justice Kennedy's 5-Word Reason For Retiring, During
Trump Era Has Dems Fuming.
Just after announcing his retirement, vital swing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
revealed 5 remarkable words that explain why he chose to retire during President Donald
Trump's term — and liberals couldn't be more outraged.
In an era in which the opposition specializes in social justice, it's crucial to combat
such passive resistance with actual legal justice.
So, while the left is marching in the streets, wearing pink knit hats and chanting repetitive
vulgarities, conservatives are winning elections, passing bills, and implementing legislation.
On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy made an unexpected announcement that
he will decidedly retire under the current administration, handing President Donald Trump
the opportunity to pick his second judge to inevitably tip the SCOTUS scale to the right.
While addressing Justice Kennedy's announcement, President Trump not only honored the 30-year
SCOTUS judge, he also revealed the real reason the moderate justice chose to step down during
his term instead of that of any other president.
According to Trump, Kennedy feels at peace leaving the open seat for him to fill because
he wants the president to "carry on his great legacy," The Daily Caller reports.
Trump further explained that Kennedy has faith in him and trusts that he will uphold the
"Great man.
And I'm very honored that he chose to do it during my term in office, because he felt
confident in me to make the right choice and carry on his great legacy, that's why he
did it," Trump said of Kennedy's retirement.
While speaking in North Dakota, Trump recognized that incumbent Democratic Sen. Mary Kathryn
"Heidi" Heitkamp will likely deny any nomination he chooses, although he expressed
optimism that he will be able to convince the Senate regardless.
"And remember this, so we have a pick to come up, we have to pick a great one.
We have to pick one that is going to be there for 40 years, 45 years.
We need intellect, we need so many things.
There are so many elements, go into the making of a great justice of the Supreme Court, you
gotta hit every one of them.
Heidi will vote no to any pick we make for the Supreme Court," Trump continued.
However, Heitkamp did accept Trump's SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch in 2017, showcasing the
president's ability to gain support from both sides of the political aisle.
Gorsuch was nominated and confirmed in just over 2 months, giving Democrats a legitimate
reason to worry about Trump's promise to "immediately" begin searching for a replacement
for Kennedy ahead of the November elections.
His pick will undoubtedly sway the Supreme Court toward conservatism, as the remaining
8 justices are evenly politically split.
Expectedly, leftists are lamenting the world's end, arguing that a conservative Supreme Court
will result in Nazi-like legislation, a phobia they justify in their trivializing comparison
of President Trump to Hitler.
Senator Chuck Schumer incited panic in the left, equating the restoration of conservative
American values to the abolition of human rights, The Washington Post reports.
"Nothing less than the fate of our health-care system, reproductive rights for women and
countless other protections for middle-class Americans are at stake," Senate Minority
Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a floor speech, calling the Kennedy vacancy
the "most important . . . in at least a generation."
"Millions of people are just months away from determining the senators who should vote
to confirm or reject the president's nominee, and their voices deserve to be heard now,
as Leader McConnell thought they should deserve to be heard then," Schumer said.
"Anything but that would be the absolute height of hypocrisy."
For far too long, the left has wielded the Supreme Court as a weapon against individual
liberties, reducing our constitutional rights to rubble in order to satisfy their desire
to topple Western values.
Now that Trump has the opportunity to swing the Supreme Court, major issues such as abortion,
illegal immigration, LGBTQ privileges, and gun control are in danger of a much needed
legal overhaul.
No longer will the fringe minority be allowed to bully the benevolent majority.
Social justice will soon take a back seat to legal justice.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
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