Transformers: Dark of the Moon was a good movie because there was a guy named Crowbar in it
Alright, I'll stop
I really liked this movie because, and this is true, it felt like the end
From just the trailer alone, you feel that this is the last fight
Eventually, the Decepticons are defeated and the Autobots, after four years of putting
up with humanity's bullshit, are accepted as their proper defenders
The war is over
It's a satisfying ending that leaves you with fond memories of the trilogy as you grow older
As the saying goes: don't cry because it's over, smile...because it happened
And that's the feeling that I miss the most these days
It's becoming harder and harder to feel like certain characters will be gone for good
Unless they fail at the box office
Without a sense of loss or closure, it's difficult to appreciate the time you spend on certain things
For a lot of people, the best stories are the ones where you know that there isn't much time
It's for that reason why we need to make the most of what little we have and when they're still around
It's not bad to have your own preferences
Life is too short to do the things that you hate doing
But I always implore everyone to think, if even for a moment, on why they would do the
things that they do
Transformers: Dark of the Moon is not only good because it's fun from beginning to
end but because it's aware that it can only keep up its charade for so long before,
at some point, we're going to have to say our goodbyes
For more infomation >> Transformers Dark of the Moon - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Acne Free Skin Naturally | Pigmentation | Remove Dark Skin Around Mouth - Duration: 12:36.
Removes acne and lightens dark-skin having flawless spot free skin is every
girl's dream this lemon juice and rosewater remedy
for skin may just solve all your problems and gives glowing skin for this
remedy we need the rose water and 1/2 lemon rose water when applied to dry
skin it can provide moisturizing benefits it also beneficial for people
with oily skin as it can work as a toner to help calm overproductive oil glands
finally it can provide antiseptic and antibacterial properties for people who
suffer from acne fungus or other bacterial skin infections lemon the
citrus fresh fragrance of lemons does amazing with more skin types it works to
lightens age spot skin brightner acne blackheads and improves skin tone take 3
tablespoons of rose water to a bowl and squeeze lemon in it and mix well apply
this lotion to your skin with help of cotton by rubbing in circular motions
for 2 to 3 minutes and let it stay for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with normal
water and you can apply this lotion for every alternative day remove dark skin
tone on elbows and knees and even skin tone adds to your beauty and having dark
knees and elbows can detract from it scrubbing with soap does not usually
help 1 get an even skin tone the skin around the elbows and knees is usually
thicker and has more false than its surrounding skin this skin tends to be
drier so when proper care and hygienic is not maintained the skin on knees and
elbows becomes much darker than other parts of your body some other factors
that contribute to dark elbows and knees or dry skin over exposure to Sun
hormonal frequent rubbing and dead skin buildup
here are a best natural remedies that will help one lighten the skin tone of
elbows and knees lemon lemon has a high amount of vitamin
C and has natural bleaching properties that helps to remove dead cells and
lighten skin tone it can also helps to promote healthy
skin cells apply lemon juice on your elbows and knees then massage gently for
a few minutes leave it for about 20 to 30 minutes wash it off with warm water
and apply a moisturizing lotion you can also extract the juice of one lemon and
mix it with a one tablespoon of honey apply it on the affected areas and leave
it on for 20 to 30 minutes wash the mixture off with water follow one of
these remedies once daily for a couple of weeks for best results after applying
lemon juice avoid sun exposure for the next two to three hours coconut oil
coconut oil is a good remedy for lightening dark knees and elbows it is
rich in vitamin G that can help lighten the skin tone and prevent dryness by
keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized it can even repair damaged
skin after shower or bath apply coconut oil on your knees and elbows and massage
gently for two to three minutes reapply several times a day to prevent dryness
alternatively you can prepare a mixture with one teaspoon of coconut oil and a
half teaspoon of lemon juice cup the solution on your dark elbows and knees
and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes wipe it off with paper towels do this once
daily baking soda baking soda acts as a gentle
cleanser it can help remove dead skin cells and reduce hyperpigmentation that
forms around the knees and elbows hence it is effective for treating dark
knees and elbows they paste with one tablespoon of milk
with one tablespoon of baking soda apply it on the affected areas and rub it
around in circular motions for three to five minutes wash it off with lukewarm
water repeat once a day until you get the desired results turmeric turmeric is
also highly recommended for dark elbows and knees
it can also helps to maintain an even tone and adds a nice glow to the skin
mix 1/2 TSP of turmeric powder with one tablespoon of milk apply it on your
knees and elbows and massage for 3 to 5 minutes allow it to dry then wash it off
with lukewarm water alternatively you can also combine equal amounts of
turmeric powder with gram flour add in afros water to it to make a paste
massage this paste onto your elbows and knees leave it on until it is dry and
scrub off the dried mask with lukewarm water follow any of one of these
remedies once a day within two to three weeks you will notice improvement
life-changing beauty tips for women with dark skin here are 10 top makeup on
beauty tips for women with dark skin moisturize every single day when dark
skin gets dry it can start to look gray so keeping up with a daily moisturizing
is going to be vital for a lady with a dark toned skin use a good quality
moisturizer every single day and after every shower or bath it keeps your
beautiful dark skin looking healthy and radiant use sunscreen every day dark
skin can be damaged by the Sun just as much as face skin can and that UV
radiation that comes from the Sun will still dry out your skin and cause
premature signs of aging so use sunscreen every day select a foundation
that matches your skin tone one of the most important beauty tips for girls
with dark skin is that you need to be careful about the shade of foundation
you you choose foundation that is the same shade
as your natural skin because foundation that is lighter can make your skin look
ashy you will probably find that liquid foundation is the best choice because it
won't create an unnatural looking matchy effect avoid dark colored lipsticks when
it comes to a lipstick avoid bright light colors like oranges and pinks
because they create far too much of the contrast against your dark skin use
darker shades on your eyes all makeup should enhance the natural beauty and
not take give center stage over it the best shades of eye makeup to
complement dark skin tones or things like greens burgundy and coppers
exfoliate regularly to keep your dark skin looking radiant you probably need
to exfoliate about - once a week you can use store-bought exfoliating scrubs or
just use something simple like olive oil with a bit of sugar in it exfoliating
removes dead skin cells and keeps your pores clean use a face mask once a week
using a face mask or once a week is good for skin it keeps the skin moisturized
and it helps to clear up the blemishes some of the best types of face masks are
the ones that you can make at home like a simple mixture of honey an egg if your
skin is on the oily side then use the white of the egg if you have dry skin
then use the yolk mix the egg with a tablespoon of honey and you have a
wonderful homemade face mask controlling the oil on the skin people with dark
skin often have quite oily skin as well you I need to moisturize but you can
control the excess oil on your skin by applying a small amount of milk of
magnesia before you moisturize with a light non-oily
moisturizer hi viewers today I am going to share
with you how to lighten the Gaskin around your mouth
having dark circles around the mouth is disgusting the cause may be ranging from
the Sun Tan waxing hyperpigmentation extra here are some natural remedies to
lighten darkness around the mouth fast tip it is important to keep the skin
around the mouth moisturised because dry skin can Wars your skin complexion drink
and a photo to keep your skin hydrated and fresh second tip for this beneath
sugar and lemon juice let's start the process take a bowl add 1 tablespoon of
sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
apply this around your mouth and rinse it off with cold water lemon juice a
stick nature helps to reduce the skin's darkness third tip for this we need
lemon and yogurt let's start the process take a bowl add one tablespoon of lemon
juice and 1 tablespoon of strawberry flavored curd mix well apply this on
your dark areas around the mouth allow the mask to dry then rinse with cold
water for the tip for this we need turmeric milk and basing or gram flour
take a bowl add 1 tablespoon of Basin
little bit of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of milk mix all ingredients well
apply and scrub it it removes span from the skin v the tip for this we need
tomato juice curd and oats let's start the procedure take a bowl add 1
tablespoon of oats and 1 tablespoon of tomato juice and 1 tbsp of curd mix all
ingredients well now apply this on your face and scrub this gently around your
mouth for 5 minutes and wash it off with cool water fix the tip for this we need
fresh aloe vera apply this aloe vera around your mouth and leave it for 15
minutes then wash it off with cool water by doing this you can get fairer and
smooth skin around your mouth 7 the tip for this we need lemon juice and tomato
juice let's start the process take a bowl add
1 tbsp of tomato juice and 1 tbsp of lemon juice mix well
apply it on dark areas around your mouth leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off
with cold water by following the a bow natural remedies you will get fairer
brighter glowing shiny skin around your mouth thank you for watching this video
like and subscribe for more videos
Kiwi Browser For Android Dark Mode - Review (Prod 27Corazones Beats) Best Browser EVER! - Duration: 8:39.
who uses a browser in 2018 I mean sure previously we used to visit nowadays we just have separate app for
everything so why care about a browser why does your phone still come with a
browser well for once those of us who existed before the dawn of apps know
that the Internet is a much bigger place than it might seem today sure so many
things are getting documented properly these days in form of videos and
documents and video tutorials and the websites and blogs and books and so on
but sometimes certain kinds of information is not considered important
so it is left behind for example this video for some reason nobody even seems
to know about this amazing browser that I'm about to review let's say we want to
download something we can't just rely on apps let's say I wanna gather
information for making this video so for that I'll need to browse the internet
right hence the browser so these are the things that I like and dislike about the
Kiwi browser so the first thing is familiarity when I open this app for the
first time I was so amazed by its looks and its UI and the reason behind is that
it is based on the chromium project by Google in which Google provides the
source code to the third party app developers so that they can develop
their own browser which runs on the same engine as the Chrome browser by Google
and before I knew about Kiwi I came across this amazing browser called Brave browser
which had so many similar features as Kiwi but it had the looks of the regular
Chrome browser and I kind of prefer the looks of the Chrome Beta browser instead
of the regular Chrome browser which by the way Kiwi looks like the chrome beta so
I kind of prefer its looks over other browsers plus Brave browser lacked dark mode
now my next favorite thing about Kiwi is the dark mode which is probably my most
favorite thing about Kiwi and it might as well be the main reason you clicked
on this video right so the dark mode works really well across all the
websites as you would expect but on some levels it doesn't show a few things
which are clickable or which might be necessary for example these dots in the
Google web site which is probably the most visited web site of all time and
it's not showing the dots now even many people don't use that feature but I am
NOT one of those people I sometimes do go from other places on Google services
via those dots so I kind of missed that but I'm familiar with it so I know
that they're there so it's not difficult for me every time but I kind of wish
that they improve the dock mode on the main web sites at least but overall all
the main web sites should work with dark mode just fine
another thing I noticed is that if you are having AMOLED display on your phone
and you want those pinch blacks in the night mode then you need to go to the
accessibility settings and change the night mode contrast to 101 percent which
is by default 99% for some reason but but it can be changed so they have given
the option at least
another favorite feature of mine is ad blocking now don't even get me started
on this one oh my god the privacy paranoia since the day Apple started
spreading rumors about how Android and its services are unsecure and before that
they used to talk about how buggy they were this whole Apple Google marketing
propaganda shift has made people freaking out all across the globe and Google is
also not innocent in this if you click on a malicious link or say an ad by
mistake do you know what Google's take on that is you should be more careful
you should use your brain you're using that wrong you're holding it wrong all
sweet Google do you have any idea even the hackers are pretending to be
advertisers these days I can rant about this privacy thing all day but for just
you know what
come here
say these words with me
in the eyes of secret government agencies and my stupid tripod I mr.
paranoid security freak hereby pledge that i'll never visit any
malicious or unsecure website i'll never use any unknown web services without the
proper and secure VPN and i'll always always always use two-factor
authentication on all my accounts always no matter what
there wasn't so hard
we don't even know what really is the truth we don't even know if true is true
so stop complaining speaking of complaining one of my
biggest issues with browsing the web on my phone is that whenever I'm out and
about and visiting some of my favorite websites and video streaming sites and I
just I just want to have a normal experience you know I'm browsing and
surfing and I'm clicking all things I wanna click and suddenly something just
pops up and that's a more pops up and then some more and then some more and
then some song so many so me all at once that I just want to bury my head and cry
thankfully Kiwi has provided this feature in the mobile version of a browser which
is amazing because whenever I'm on my PC I'm always being protected by my
extensions and stuff I'm really glad that Kiwi has provided this feature on my
mobile phone even that too for free I mean I can't even thank you guys enough
truly I can't plus it comes with so many other amazing features which I can't even
list in here they also provide protection against crypto miners if you
don't know about this hackers are using your processors or GPUs to earn bitcoins
without even your knowledge so imagine that while your battery and your
processor is being drained someone somewhere is earning profit off of it
how scary is that you can look for more info on this if you want and I suggest
you should because it's a very serious issue these days one thing I wish you
could include is that an option for an individual dark mode for each websites
instead of a universal dark mode so that every time I don't have to go to
settings to change for each individual website sometimes sometimes the website
already has a dark mode and I might not need Kiwi's dark mode on top of that these
are just some minor suggestions I don't
think I don't even consider them as an issue some people might want these
features so I was just thinking about them because I use those features on my
PC browser so that's why I thought if it's possible then if you can just
include that that would be great and also the animations
I mean it's snappier and fast I get it but it sometimes feels too fast as if
there are no animations at all so if you can just reduce the speed of the
snappiness then maybe it would look more animated you know
and the final thing I want is a beta version I mean really this is a great
browser and all but if you could just give us a little bit of insight you know
on what's to come next the enthusiasts will love it I mean there are so many
positive reviews on your app page I could go through all of them and I can
safely say that mostly all of them are positives and even five stars most of
them yes so this is incredible and really people are loving these features
I mean it's it's great it's really great
use Kiwi stay safe so in conclusion I hope you guys keep Rocking
and don't get crushed by competitions for the likes of you see browsers
seriously guys no one please no one should use UC
browser no one should be using UC browser in the right mind there's a
saying in my language which translates to a dog's tail can never be
the final version is called jackfruit for some reason
Travis Scott x Drake Type Beat - ''Cobra'' | Dark Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:07.
Entretien avec un Hitman (dark comedy, short film) in french w english sub - Duration: 9:38.
Warning : it's a comedy, nothing more.
My name is not important
I'm a professional
A "hitman", if you like.
I don't like it.
An english name…ugh
I'm a professional assassin.
I kill people for money and I love it.
Interview with a (french) Hitman
Now you know what I'm doing…
I didn't think…
It's criminal
it is neither a crime nor immoral
Neither a crime nor immoral
to kill people
As Shakespeare said :
(Shakespeare with french accent)
it is a tale told by an idiot
full of sound and fury
Shakespeare, I love it
Are you going to kill me too?
I don't kill men without good reason
Better to kill young people than to kill old people
Young people are hopeful and optimistic. Life is full of disappointment.
Kill for the benefit of mankind?
I'm a benefactor of humanity
The world is overcrowded, isn't it?
That is what we are told again and again.
I have been saving the planet
I love it
The most selfless man…
Let's not exaggerate
When I work, I get paid
My fees are reasonable.
Group discounts
Student discounts
That's good to know
Are you ready?
You want to ask me questions, no?
It's ready
I'm an artist by profession
These are all of my instruments
The choice of arms is always mine
It's perfect for strangling
It's very discreet
It's more practical
I'm all about the human contact
I want to feel the life leave their bodies.
I love it
The clothes are kept clean
The knife?
I'm not a big fan of that
It's a very dangerous weapon
There's blood all over your costume.
My dry cleaner was looking at me weird.
So I had to take care of him.
Vacuum cleaning
I love my CZ 75 D
comfortable and precise
The muffler is practical, I recommand it
It's a Czech gun
There were some good parts in Communism
about the weapons, I mean
To kill people, you can't beat the communists
I do have to wear this ridiculous costume
I don't like this tie. I hate red.
My clients love video games
However, there are limits
I'm not going to shave my head
I have such beautiful hair
You're listening to Schubert?
This horrible music?
Romantic music's so sad and depressing. Schubert was a sipylitic Austrian composer.
I prefer the french music
a beautiful, entrancing music
That reminds me of something
I got to go
What I don't understand…
What do you tell me this?
Why do you follow me here?
My sociological survey…
A sociological survey close to reality, that's a rare thing
It's just a shame you can't tell anyone
You said that you didn't kill men without good reason
I have a good reason to kill you : you're a sociologist
I needed to talk to someone
Too bad for you
I was wrong to tell you a secret
That's not my style
Well, I need a vacation
Làm kem socola cuộn đơn giản.||How to make dark chocolate icream. - Duration: 6:26.
Glow in the Dark Dog Bones? Yep! Super NiteBrite Dog Bone Night Time Fun on the TrainLab! - Duration: 1:56.
Games4Escape G4E - Dark Hunter House Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 4:20.
Games4Escape G4E - Dark Hunter House Escape
Dark Web Vendor OxyMonster Headed To Prison For Flood Of Narcotics - Duration: 6:44.
OxyMonster, the notorious dark web drug trafficker was just arrested and brought before a judge
to face charges.
His underground website flooded Europe and the U.S. with various types of hard narcotics
but, while he'll be going to prison soon, the same can't be said of the other dark web
vendors who are still making a killing, selling drugs, kidnapped women, and even selling assassinations,
if you can imagine that, on the dark web.
Joining me to talk about this is RT correspondent, Brigida Santos.
Brigida, let's start with the OxyMonster case.
Who is he and what was he arrested for?
What were the details of what they actually pulled him in for?
Gal Vallerius was arrested and he pleaded guilty to money laundering and also possession
with the intent to sell narcotics and also to sell controlled substances including oxycodone
and Ritalin.
He was doing this on a dark web site, a market called Dream Market, where people can buy
and sell illegal items in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
Now he also admitted to working as an administrator and as a senior moderator for this website
as well, and he was caught after the authorities linked his digital cryptocurrency wallet to
a tip jar that he had left on his Dream Market vendor's site, so that's how he got caught.
Brigida, you mentioned the crypto currencies.
Does the cyber black market depend on these cryptocurrencies in order to exist and, first
of all, you know, if you've mentioned the dark web, people think it's some kind of imagination.
It's a figment of our imagination, it's not really there, but doesn't the dark web kind
of rely on the cryptocurrency?
Sure, in cases it does.
If you're going to be buying and selling things, in order to maintain some sort of anonymity
between vendors and also those buyers, but also you can do legal activities on the dark
web as well, join social networks, other things like that but, yes, these cryptocurrencies
are necessary for this type of commerce and current studies show that about 25% of Bitcoin
users and half of Bitcoin transactions are tied to illegal activity.
However, I believe those numbers are a little bit inflated because they're counting the
number of users as if they were wallets, but many users own more than one wallet, and since
2015 more and more people have adopted the use of Bitcoin and the infrastructure around
Bitcoin has built up, so the number of illegal transactions have actually gone down in that
Well, one thing for sure, the dark web is not a figment of our imagination.
It's out there.
It's great for a thriller book.
I write thrillers and I use it in there from time to time.
Give us some examples, would you, of what's out there in the dark web?
What are some examples of some of these websites that would be found on the dark web?
People can buy anything from organs to hit men, hackers, you name it.
If you can think of it, it probably exists on the dark web.
One recently came to light called the Black Death Group, which was selling women as sex
slaves, and that came to light when one woman was kidnapped.
The person was caught and they said that they had intended to sell her on the Black Death
Group, a dark website where people can auction off buying these slaves.
Well, how's the U.S. going to deal with this problem?
How is the U.S. talking about taking on the dark web?
What's their next step?
Surely there's something in place to basically shut it down, and what I wonder is why haven't
they been able to do that?
Well, they have been able to shut down some online dark web bazaars, things like AlphaBay
and Silk Road, but it is incredibly difficult because of the anonymous nature and the way
that the onion routers work to hide people's IP addresses.
So it is something that they slowly try to take down but as soon as they take down one,
10 more pop up in its place.
I believe right now, according to research, there are about 32 dark web markets in place
and they have to do this internationally with people and they just go one by one catching
people from the back end by looking at the blockchain and sort of working backwards and
trying to find mistakes that people have made, users like this Gal Vallerius who was caught,
but they are trying to take it down.
It is incredibly difficult.
Really, what they should be doing is trying to end the war on drugs, which has really
sent more people to the dark web to buy drugs.
Well, you know the opioid case, which I'm involved with up in Cleveland, we're seeing
more and more about how the opioid case spread and became really a national catastrophe and
the dark web was very much a part of that.
What we're really trying to figure out at this point is what did the distributors or
distributors know?
Of say, Oxycontin, the people that were out distributing those types of drugs.
What did the manufacturers know?
Did they actually use the dark web as a way to divert the drug to be used for all different
You know, I'm interested to know, you mentioned several different things.
You've mentioned that human trafficking occurs there on the dark web and you mentioned that
actually people can actually find a hitmen that are putting their services out on the
dark web.
Those types of things make me wonder, does everybody have access to this or is there
some special clearing house before you can even get on the dark web that people use to
access it?
No, anybody can get on it as long as they're using an onion router.
For those drug dealers, there are special software that they can use, but they also
get caught if they're not careful, which is, again, this is good for the FBI and the authorities
who are looking at those types of people.
In the case of Gal Vallerius, it's very likely that he will now be an informant and try to
help the authorities learn how these systems work in order to try and shut them down.
Well, it would seem to me that it would be a perfect net for law enforcement.
I mean, just sit by it and see who shows up, follow the IP someway and, you know, you're
going to get the people that you want to go after.
I can't imagine, you know, in the back of my mind, I'm wondering whether they want the
dark web to stay out there because it really is kind of a net to catch all the fish there.
Brigida, thanks for joining me, okay?
Dark side of the moon reveals incredible secret showing new detail about history of space - Duration: 2:36.
new images of the Dark Side of the Moon appear to show new craters have
developed on the surface the age of the craters new in the context of the moon
can teach researchers new lessons about the collision history in space
scientists working with the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio Texas
discovered the two geologically young craters 116 million years old the other
between 75 and 420 million in the moon's darkest regions these young impact
craters are a really exciting discovery says SWR a senior research scientist dr.
Kathleen Mane's who outlined the findings in a paper published by the
journal Icarus finding geologically young craters and honing in on their age
helps us understand the collision history in the solar system the
discovery was made using data from the lyman-alpha mapping project lamp
instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LRO lamp uses the
far ultraviolet lyman-alpha band sky glow and light from ultraviolet bright
stars lamp to see in the darkened image the permanently shaded regions of the
moon using lamp and de la Rose mini RF radar data the team mapped the flaws of
very large deep craters near the lunar South Pole these deep craters are
difficult to study because sunlight never illuminates them directly tiny
differences in reflectivity or albedo measured by lamp allowed scientists to
discover these two craters and estimate their ages space collisions which these
craters are a sign of inform us how the solar system developed establishing when
collisions occurred helps scientists map the motion of objects in the solar
system throughout its history craters that are young on geological timescales
in the millions of years also provide information on the frequency of
collisions scientists have determined that the area's around the two new
craters were brighter and rougher than the surrounding landscape which has
helped them determine their ages discovering these
two craters and a new way to detect young craters in the most mysterious
regions of the moon is particularly exciting Matt adds
The Dark Parts Of The Internet Are Celebrating The Capital Gazette Slayings - Duration: 6:29.
Within hours of the mass shooting Thursday at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, the worst factions of the internet were doing what they do best: starting the "false flag" threads, celebrating that "leftists" ― in this case, five people in a newsroom ― were dead, and worrying about how this horrible shooting would play for conservatives
"Dead journalists can't spread leftist propaganda," one 8chan user wrote. "Here we go! Right on time," another on the subreddit r/The_Donald wrote, as another said, "So it begins
" On Twitter, "Spectre," a white supremacist podcast host, made fun of an intern at the Gazette begging for help during the shooting and said, "I wonder if it's only journalists or if any real people got hurt
" Twitter Make no mistake, some of these posts are just trolls trolling. But glancing at various anonymous forums and troll figurehead accounts as a mass shooting develops provides a window into how conspiracy theories start and how the dark corners of the internet prepare to spin the message
"How convenient," one 4chan user posted, echoing others who worried that "the left" would benefit from an apparent attack on them
As of this writing, there was no confirmed indication of a political motive for the shooting
Multiple people were shot at the Capital Gazette newspaper building in Maryland. Not enough facts are known yet, but 4chan users are already gleeful
This sentiment is not isolated, it stems from right wing anti-journalist rhetoric
They own it.— cristina lópez g. (@crislopezg) June 28, 2018 "Right on cue," wrote a Redditor
"The left must have realized the damage Rosenstein was doing on live TV," referring to congressional testimony Thursday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is in charge of the special counsel investigation on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign
Another wrote, "Oh look another false flag." One user was concerned about the optics for conservatives now that journalists had been killed: "Why do righties shoot people up? This looks so bad," the user wrote
"Goodbye red storm, here comes the blue wave again." The alt-right has been rooting for violence against journalists for years
Now that blood has been spilled in Annapolis, these guys could't happier. pic.twitter
com/2Fo2f4MJr3— Michael Edison Hayden (@MichaelEHayden) June 28, 2018 Fringe-right figurehead Milo Yiannopoulos, meanwhile, was backpedaling on Facebook ― in his own way ― as people began to point out that two days ago he'd called for "vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight
" "I can't wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight," Milo Yiannopoulos told Observer over text message in response to a longer feature in development about an Upper East Side restaurant he is said to frequent— Katie Watson (@kathrynw5) June 26, 2018 In a statement to HuffPost, Yiannopoulos denied any involvement ― and there's no indication this shooting was related to his message ― but on Facebook, he dug himself a deeper hole, saying, "Let's hope it's another transgender shooter, too, so the casualties are minimal
" Far-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer predicted a "civil war." Civil war is here
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) June 28, 2018 At least five people were reported dead Thursday as a shooter shot through a glass window at the Capital Gazette building, according to reporters who were tweeting from the scene
"A single shooter shot multiple people at my office, some of whom are dead," tweeted reporter Phil Davis
"There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you're under your desk and then hear the gunman reload
" President Donald Trump offered his thoughts and prayers. Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2018 Christopher Mathias contributed reporting
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