Hi I'm Jonathan and this is rad-head
Today I'm building this spinning water tank
that demonstrates the effects of the centrifugal force by creating this cool convex shape.
Let's start building
I started by making the tank itself.
I've cut some 4mm clear acrylic into two rectangles and four thin strips
that will make the edges of the tank.
I assembled the tank and held it together with spring clamps
once pleased with how everything aligned I fused the sides together with acrylic solvent.
Ideally I would have used a thinner solvent that will actually wick into the seam
but this is all I had.
I mixed a cup of water with a few drops of green food coloring for extra contrast
Once the tank has fully cured, I started filling it up.
First I marked the desired water level, which is half way up the tank
and used a syringe to fill it up to that line.
Now it's time to add the last piece of acrylic and seal this water tank for good.
There's no going back from this point.
This thin water tank needs to spin freely, but it has such a low moment of inertia
it won't hold a spin very well.
So I decided to make the tank holder from a heavy chunk of steel
that will make it spin much longer.
I milled a 12mm slot in the middle of the steel blank for the water tank to securely sit in.
machining steel always makes me think how crazy it is to cut a piece of steel
with just another piece of steel that is slightly harder.
The harder material always wins
I flipped the piece around and drilled an 8mm hole part way through.
Instead of using all the fancy gauges on the machine
I just marked the depth with a piece of blue tape.
I then gave it a couple of coats of white spray paint.
I've cut a piece of 8mm shaft to length with my angle grinder.
By the way I ended up using a 15cm long shaft and not 10 as you see me cut here.
Now it's time to make the base for this whole contraption.
I wanted something heavy that will easily support the rotating mass
so I decided to cast it out of concrete.
I still needed to somehow attach a couple of bearings to it in order for the tank to spin freely
and I decided to embed this 3d printed bearing holder in the concrete mold
which is just a plastic cereal bowl.
I prepped my work area before starting the messy part of the casting.
Giving it the final touch and let's mix some concrete.
I mixed the concrete following my grandma's famous recipe.
One part white cement.
Two parts sand.
One part plaster, which makes the concrete cure faster.
And grandma's secret ingredient
diluted PVA glue
I mixed the dry ingredients thoroughly and added the glue and some water
until I got to the consistency of gluten free oatmeal.
I carefully filled the mold using the stirring stick to push the concrete into every nook and cranny
I then used a power sander to vibrate out any air bubbles.
I noticed that the mold started rotating counterclockwise when vibrated.
It seems that no matter what I try, I can't seem to make it rotate clockwise.
I'll have to look deeper into this one.
If you have any ideas, feel free to comment.
I leveled the top part with a straight edge and now this needs to cure for 24 hours .
If you're impatient like me you can simply put it in the oven on high heat for 10 minutes.
I'm kidding of course.
Or am I?
Demolding the base reveals a very smooth surface
although I still had some bubbles on one side.
I was very pleased by how the bearing holder was integrated into the concrete.
I intentionally made the holes a little tight, so I lightly heated the part to get a really snug fit.
I assembled everything together, by first inserting the water tank into the steel holder
then I slipped a small piece of tube on the shaft to act as a stopper.
Now I can finally place the tank on top and give it a spin.
The tank spins freely and takes quite a long time to come to a rest
thanks to the extra mass of the steel holder
I played with different ways of spinning it, and found that I can reach very high speeds
by wrapping a string over the shaft and pulling it quickly.
You could calculate the RPM of the water tank by examining the obtained curve.
I plan to do exactly that including a pseudo rigorous analysis of the physics behind this demonstration
on my next video, so stay tuned.
Off camera I made two more water tanks.
The water level in these tanks reveal the full 3d surface created by the rotating liquid.
The cylinder gives a very clear view of this surface.
My original tank simply displays a cross section of it.
The cube however lacks the continuous rotational symmetry
and the edges are further apart than the faces
this gives it its unique look, however this is of course still the same surface
as with the other tanks.
That's all for this one, feel free to comment below
I'd love to know what you think about this project
As always, I have plans and 3d printable models over on my website
the link is in the description.
If you like my projects, and want to help me make more of them
consider supporting me on patreon
Until next time
For more infomation >> Building a Spinning Water Demo - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
How to Create a "Don't Let The Cannonball Escape" Level in Super Mario Maker! - Duration: 6:30.
Recently I've been playing through a couple of really interesting Super Mario Maker stages
made by Giant, and I stumbled over a stage made by him, that featured a trick I didn't
know was possible.
A trick that allows us to build a lot of interesting new contraptions.
And a trick that adds a new entry onto our dangerous list of evil.
A trick that allows us to build don't let the cannonballs escape stages.
So today we are going to take a look at Giants awesome stage kill all bill 'n balls and
afterwards we will take a look at how everything worked.
So are you ready?
Let's do this!
So our stage starts simple.
Mario is equipped with a shelmet and has to enter this pipe, and then the action starts
Our plumber is entrapped in this room, and dangerous cannons shoot even more dangerous
cannonballs towards Mario.
Luckily mario is well prepared.
Thanks to his awesome jump and running skills, and his amazing special headgear mario is
able to get rid of a lot of cannonballs, while he dodges the others.
Sadly that's not what mario is supposed to do here, because Mario is actually supposed
to make sure that not a single cannonball escapes.
After a while a hidden timer expires, which closes the exit, and throws a dangerous muncher
onto our heros head.
Hm, looks like Mario really has to get rid of each and every cannonball here, so back
to the start.
This time mario is way more careful not to allow any of the evil balls to fly upwards
for eternity.
Bowser may thought that he is able to outsmart mario by building such a complicated level,
but mario is un-out-smartable, this time no cannonball escapes.
Because of this no bullet blaster drops down, but mario is rewarded with the exit key and
allowed to proceed.
The next part of the stage is quite tricky.
This area uses autoscrolling.
But not only does the screen magically move without mario doing anything here, there are
also a lot of branching paths, and most of all, there are dangerous cannonballs and bullet
blasters that try to hurt mario.
So mario has to jump and dodge really careful here if he wants to reach the end of the stage
But as you wonderful ladies and gentleman watching might already have guessed, reaching
the end alive isn't going to do it here, because once again mario is required to destroy
all cannonballs, and bullet bills before he is allowed to touch his beloved exit gateway.
Since our plumber let a couple of cannonballs live, the exit is closed and mario isn't
able to reach the end, but gets crushed instead.
How crushing!
So back to the beginning, once again.
This time mario does what he is supposed to do and jumps, and bumps into each and every
cannonball along his way.
How inspiring!
Mario actually is able to get rid of all dangerous projectiles that were flying around uncontrollably
But we all know the old saying, the only thing that helps against a bad stage with lots of
cannons, is a good plumber with a spiked helmet.
Anyway after a while mario reaches the exit again, but this time the bullet blaster doesn't
drop down because a pow-block is triggered since mario got rid of each and every bullet
in the stage, and therefore he's allowed to leave.
Okay so how does all of this work?
Well it's actually surprisingly simple in theory, and a little bit more complicated
to execute.
So first the cannonball minigame.
That's very simple ELB manipulation.
The room is set up in a way that the ELB is at exactly 99 once loaded.
This means that question blocks are still able to release their content, but they aren't
anymore if only a single object is loaded in.
The cannonballs are those objects.
Each cannonball counts towards the elb, so if a cannonball escapes then the ELB hits
100, and question blocks can't release their content anymore.
The weird thing is that cannonballs that fly upwards only despawn after about 25 ingame
Which is really really weird, but actually quite interesting and useful.
So the timer in this room is set up in a way that it expires, shortly before the first
cannonball would despawn.
Because of this each cannonball that doesn't get removed overflows the elb, which means
that question blocks can't spawn anything if mario misses a cannonball.
The mechanism that decides whether Mario is rewarded with a key, or not is super clever
as well.
This set-up triggers a pow-block if the elb is full, but hits this question block if the
elb isn't full.
So once the timer is over this mechanism grants mario a key if all cannonballs were destroyed,
and destroys a pow block if a cannonball escaped.
Awesome stuff!
The area where Mario has to get rid of all cannonballs while the stage moves towards
the right, uses a similar trick.
So what giant did here is roughly the following.
The ELB becomes filled to a point where question blocks are only able to spawn items if there
are no bullet bills or cannonballs left anymore.
Then there is a global timer that is set up in such a way that it expires once Mario reaches
the final part of the stage.
If all cannonballs were defeated then a pow-block gets rid of this bob omb which means that
the exit stays open.
That's incredible clever, especially the way he handles the global timer is really
smart and something I haven't seen done this way before.
Sadly having the stage run on a global timer means that it's really hard to recreate
a stage build around this idea.
So I set down and tried to come up with an easier to build contraption for such a stage.
So here's what this looks like.
First we globally donut overflow the ELB for 94.
Then we have a couple of cannons fire a couple of cannonballs.
After a while a muncher blocks the exit.
If mario got rid of all cannonballs a pow is triggered and the path opens up.
If there are still cannonballs around however, then no pow block doesn't get triggered
and no exit doesn't open up.
All that we need in order to build such a contraption is this little set up at the top.
There are two shells, one triggers a question block that contains a pow block, after a while.
If the ELB is below 100 the pow spawns and the other shell activates it.
If the elb is full however, nothing happens, and the exit stays blocked.
Here we use two springs, two shells and one muncher.
These items count for 5 towards the ELB.
Since the ELB gets globally donut overflowed for 94 at the beginning, this means that only
if no cannonball are on screen the pow is able to spawn.
That's the whole trick!
And that's it for don't let the cannonballs escape stages in super mario maker.
Shoutout again to mario maker creator giant, for creating this wonderful stage, and for
being an incredible super mario maker creator in general!
I hope you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave me a thumbs
up, and maybe you feel especially hyped for the upcoming mushroom kingdom championship
finals and want to hit the subscribe button as well.
I hope that you have a wonderful day and to see you soon.
Aesthetic Training Tips | How to Build a Shredded Chest - Duration: 5:03.
what's up everybody this is IFBB Pro Santi Aragon and I'm here with muscle
and strength and I'm gonna take you through my three favorite aesthetic
chest building exercises so for the first chest exercise to build an
aesthetic big ole barrel chest first step of this exercise is to pick an
appropriate weight you want to start a little bit lighter before you get into
your heavier movements just so that you can get used to this style of press I
pick a incline bench for this movement and when I roll back with the dumbbells
you're gonna see that I'm gonna start in a normal fly movement but as I'm
pressing the weight up you're gonna see that my pinkies are gonna start coming
inward to squeeze the chest and as I'm coming back down I'm gonna be rotating
them back again in a fly movement here we are in the fly movement I'm gonna
press up and I'm gonna rotate my pinkies what this is gonna do is this is gonna
squeeze the chest and as I'm rotating back down I'm in another I give them in
a press movement right here and this is stretching out my pecs so I'm coming up
rotating squeezing opening up opening up and I'm stretching
so not only can you press some pretty heavy weight because this is a hybrid
press movement but you're also utilizing the squeeze if it was a fly movement too
so you're kind of getting best of both worlds on this movement exercise number
two for anesthetic chest is gonna be a fly movement the difference between this
fly movement and any other fly movement that we do is going to be the way that
we're gonna be doing each rep it's gonna be a holding a pause at the top of the
movement and then it's gonna be descending slowly back to the bottom
keeping constant tension on the muscle group and then coming back and again
pausing at the very top another difference between this and any other
fly movement is that I'm gonna concentrate on bringing the bar much
higher on my chest versus right in the middle part of my chest the reason why I
do this is because if you look at any of the classic guys back in the 80s and 90s
you can see how crazy their upper chest was and I really do believe that any
type of upper chest movement is going to hit the mid and the bottom part of your
chest and the hardest part to build is the upper part of the chest so I'm gonna
go ahead and demonstrate this movement for you standing very comfortable I'm
gonna come up top and you can see how I'm squeezing up I'm just gonna see on
squeezing upwards I'm not down my elbows not down it's
actually kind of up so that I can put more stress on the top part of my chest
chest is up so here we go we're gonna pause at the top boom one two three come
down one two three up one two down one two
I'll do this for about 12 to 15 reps and at the very end when I can't do any more
I blast out about five regular sets this is gonna be something that's going to be
focusing on the lower part of the chest and I choose this as the final exercise
because we're gonna be doing a finishing type set here which is gonna be
extremely high reps so what I usually do is I'll pick a weight that I think I
could handle and I'll just feel it I'll touch the weight if I'm ready and I
think I could handle it the goal is to go to 50 so it's very basic
this machine pretty much tells you where you need to go and the key is that at
the top of the movement you're making sure that you're squeezing
it's like any other chest movement this particular movement at the end of your
chest routine is not going to require three or four sets like a standard
movement this is gonna be a touching so you're gonna see if you can handle the
weight and then it's gonna be one all-out set of 50 repetitions and there
you have it those are my three favorite chest exercises thanks for watching
please comment and subscribe below
Former AACo boss believes Darwin abattoir can make a comeback - Duration: 4:21.
David Farley says the lack of meat-processing experience was an issue for AACo. Australian Agricultural Company's (AACo) Darwin abattoir will not stay closed for long and can make a comeback and be profitable, according to its former managing director and the mastermind behind the facility
AACo is set to mothball its $100 million beef-processing facility next month, just three years after it was officially opened
David Farley, who led AACo between 2009 and 2013, first flagged the abattoir in 2010 and developed the strategy that led AACo down the path of building the multi-million dollar facility
He said issues around labour costs and energy costs were manageable, but the biggest issue facing the project was around the company's culture and the lack of experience when it came to meat-processing
"The abattoir doesn't fit with the skill-set and the DNA of AACo and where it wants to go [at the moment]," he told ABC Rural
"You need to be living and breathing the full supply chain. Otherwise things can go astray and you can lose money fast
" Mr Farley said he had been "incredibly disappointed" when he heard the news that AACo would mothball the Darwin abattoir
"But the reality is, the company had to make decisions, and they've made a decision to suit their immediate strategy, which was to stop the financial bleeding of the operation and to reposition themselves," he said
"I would imagine the opportunities will come for AACo to continue the abattoir. "But probably through a joint-venture partnership or some other style of operation, where they can introduce an operating culture to the abattoir and that end of the business, which complements AACo and complements northern Australia
" AACo's biggest shareholder is Bahamas-based Joe Lewis, who owns the Tavistock Group and has more than a 40 per cent stake in Australia's biggest cattle company
Mr Farley believes Tavistock is a "smart, astute operator" that will recognise deficiencies and find ways to make the Darwin abattoir work
"I firmly believe Tavistock are smart enough to make it work and it'll be about how they tool themselves and how they're prepared to change culture at the top of AACo to make it work," he said
"I would imagine the Tavistock team are right on the heartbeat of the issues." When Mr Farley first pushed for AACo to build a northern meatworks, it was met with plenty of scepticism from the northern cattle industry, and looking back, Mr Farley still stands by the numbers
"The Darwin abattoir will work with the right culture and commitment," he said. "With cull cows selling in Darwin for around $1
70 to $1.85 a kilo, and then you look at the spread between the 90CL [frozen cow] price, if you can convert at a manageable price per kilo through the plant [abattoir], there's still good profit in it
Let Us Build a House - Duration: 0:31.
We also have our two scriptures, from Hebrews and from Matthew, which we'll read in a moment, that articulate a challenging
word to us in this time in our world.
On top of all of that, we have this hymn entitled Let Us Build a House that is a description
of the fourfold action of worship.
The gathering, the Word, the responding, and the sending), that Heidi mentioned. Something that I could talk a lot about.
Why I Am Building A Business That I Can Sell (Built To Sell) Vlog¹ 001 - Duration: 5:48.
What's up, everybody this is Ed Rich and you're watching Ed Rich Vlog. Today, I'm having coffee with
Built To Sell (Book by John Warrillow)
Maybe you have built a business before maybe you failed. Maybe you succeeded
I have a series of failure of businesses I've done before except the last one which I built
right now, but the model of this business is not something I'm very satisfied with. My business is mostly
a consulting service business. It relies a lot on me and I'm a very creative person
I'd like to create something where I can talk with people and don't bother afterwards
But right now my business involved me to provide service, digital marketing services, funnel building services
That is something I'm trying to get away from and I want to build this business or hold this business into something that I can
detach myself from
and one of the best ways to do it is to build it right from the beginning in a way as
If I'm building it to sell. So today I'm going to read Built To Sell
With this. I'm going to cover
the steps involved to make this business a stand-alone business - it won't the business model and
I would share my discoveries with you
one of the reasons I want to do it is because I want to build a business which is very close to my passions and
I'm tired of people telling me that you should work for money. Oh
You trying to build a business for something you like, but you need to pay your bills somehow. Oh, yeah, I know
It's been a struggle to pay my bills purely on passion
but that's
that's a work in progress and
I'm using the wisdom of the crowd or people who have done it before me to figure out the steps
Which I'm not doing and even though I may be skeptical to some of the things in the goods I will
Take these steps religiously. I will even if I don't believe on those steps I do for some time
take it as an experiment and give my full faith on those steps and
How we try to push myself, but it's not let's enjoy the coffee
So in building a business that can thrive
without you there are three key elements. Three key elements that the author John Warrillow has
Described number one is that it should be teachable. So basically if you want to be able to sleep
Without taking care of everything in your business yourself
You should be able to teach what you do or what your business to do someone else
Number two that it's valuable. So what you create create value in the market and number three
Things you do in your business
Should be repeatable almost everything
So, why do I care about building a business that can thrive without me?
my business has been or
Businesses have been messed before I have created a couple of businesses and none of them
Come to a point where I can just take an exit without closing it down
in fact
One of the businesses gave me a huge losses and I found myself quickly into seventy thousand pounds in debt
Which is almost like a hundred thousand dollars that at that time now even though I'm debt free today
But the pain of going through the experience is still with me and I want to make sure
that whatever I create in the future is more systemic is not designed on my intuition is not based on like
You know hunting-gathering even though I'm a hunter-gatherer
I would like to stay hunter-gatherer, but still the system so I create I don't want them to be hunter-gatherers
I want them to be farming systems
So there was a point in my life when I created a business which was doing two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars a year
In fact the month I was struggling most was the month. I was doing £ 50k £ (UK GBP) ~ USD 75k sales alone
It was a drop shipping business on Amazon
The model itself was so difficult the way I built the business even though it was
successful in revenues it was difficult for me to generate profit out of it and
Even more difficult for me to replicate it. I
remember a time when I was just
Learning to different investors and asking them if they kept they could suggest me something nobody cared. They didn't talk about the possibility of
this business being
Acquirable or something like that. So I end up closing the business and that's how I got the £70k debt
But this I'm inviting you to be part of this journey
Let's go on this journey together journey of discovery and self growth
While building a business that can live on its own
so the next thing I want you to do is to just subscribe to this channel and
That's how you will get updated about the journey
Let's create this movement together
Build an Empire Accelerator Video Series Invite - Duration: 3:55.
Hey, this is the time of year that we all sit back and wonder - how did I do this year?
Looking back, saying over the last year. How did I do? Am I where I want to be?
Have I made the money I want to make? Have I taken the trips I want to take?
So, typically at this time of year, I start to lead into a webinar that I do
called the Total Transformation. But, that's not what I'm going to do this year.
I'm so excited! What I've decided to do instead is put together a mini course
because sometimes you want to attend the webinar but it's the wrong time. And then you
have to wait for the replay - and then it gets buried in your email. So instead,
what I did was I took that same information that allows you to embrace
what you've done this year and create a plan for next year. Literally like a
moving forward life plan business plan. How do you create the life of your
dreams from where you are now? Listen, 15 years ago I was a broke, homeless,
single mom living in a women's shelter with my kid.
I had no money. No bank account.
No car. Nada! I had nothing. And literally fast-forward
to today. I've built a couple of businesses. I've been at the very top rank's of network
marketing. I have an online business. I absolutely love my life! I'm married to
the husband of my dreams who's an amazing guy. I've got two beautiful girls that
have graduated school and are adulting very well, I might add.
So things have turned out really well, but it wasn't by accident. It wasn't by
happenstance. Instead, what happened was over a series of exposures to people
that were doing huge things - seven-figure earners, multiple seven-
figure earners that were inside and outside of the industries I was in -
I started to really get hungry for the secrets to success. What were these top
producers doing? So I started to study, but what I found was this one had
a piece of that and this one had a piece of that and I didn't really have a
full-blown system to follow. That's what I've done over the last 12-15 years,
really 20 years, as an entrepreneur. I have put together a system where you can,
I can, ANYONE CAN, create a life plan, a business plan, a track to run on, so to speak,
that's going to get you to your endgame much, much faster. Of course, I believe in
the power of intentional success. I do live events around that. However, this-
this training that you're gonna opt in for right now...that you're gonna say, "Hey, yeah,
sign me up for it!" The link down below is gonna take you through a three-step
video series. It's gonna absolutely rock your world on how to plan, how to execute,
what do top earners do, what are the seven-figure producers out there - no
matter the industry - doing mentally in their game to win at a high level, how to
organize your life to plan things so that you're actually getting done what
you need to get done. That's gonna be in the first three videos. And then, the
fourth video, I have a very special surprise! Go through the first three and
you'll get the fourth one. But, I want to warn you guys this is only gonna be
available for a short time. Like I said, normally I do one webinar and it's in
January. It's open. It's closed. It's done. There's no replay. You can't go back and
get it. But this time, I've decided to allow the gate to be open a little
longer because here's what's happened in the last little while. Just to give you
one instance of someone who's applied what I've been teaching - I have a
woman that I've been working with the last year. She literally has exploded her
income - made over $40,000 more than she did the year before,
Paid off a hundred thousand dollars worth of debt. Created a side
business to create more income. Has become the number one producer at her
job, and has gone from totally broken relationships to a completely restored,
amazing life. She's traveled the world, gone on a mission trip. All kinds of great
things have happened for in less than one year! So, I encourage you guys...grab
that free video series. I'll see you on the other side. I want to warn you that
if you decide to take action, your life will drastically change!
I am Melanie Greenough. Peace out.
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