Before we begin, let's take a moment to revisit the buyer's
journey. The buyer's journey has a similar corresponding
marketing funnel, and when both are used side-by-side, I like to
call them the "marketing machine." The marketing
machine relates each buyer's journey stage to a corresponding
marketing funnel stage; the awareness stage relates to visit
and lead, the consideration stage relates to marketing
qualified lead, or MQL, and sales qualified lead, or SQL,
and the decision stage relates to opportunity and customer.
These funnels are designed to help you visualize and guide a
prospect through the stages of the buyer's journey so that
you can effectively measure your funnel and provide a tailored
message to that prospect at their particular stage in the
buyer's journey. It's important to understand the
relationship between both funnels because they're
working toward the same goal; attracting your prospects,
converting them into leads, closing them into customers, and
eventually delighting them, turning them into evangelists. A
marketing machine is not developed overnight. It takes a
lot of time and planning to build. This is where long-term
content planning comes in. So what's involved in developing
a long-term content plan? There are three steps you must take to
create a long-term content plan; setting marketing goals,
auditing or assessing your organization's initiatives and
assets, and identifying the buyer's journey for your buyer
personas. The ultimate objective here is to have a unifying
document you can use to keep track of your long-term content
marketing initiatives. First, let's talk about setting your
marketing goals. By setting marketing goals, you can develop
a long-term vision and short-term motivation. Goals
help you organize your time and resources so you can make the
most of your content creation efforts. Each piece of content
created for a marketing initiative should be tied to a
goal that's also directly related to the overarching goals
of the organization. This will help you stay laser-focused with
the content creation process. Let's take a second to think
about this. If your company's quarterly customer goal is 15
new customers and you know the number of leads needed to
generate 15 customers is 50 leads, and if you know the
number of website visits needed to generate 50 leads is 1,000
visits, then you need to take into consideration the content
needed to hit your visits goal. Each goal you set should be a
SMART goal. That is specific, measurable, attainable,
relevant, and timely. A potential SMART goal example
could be increase quarterly site visits by 20%. That's 5,000
per quarter to 6,000 per quarter by the end of the year. The
second step in creating a long-term content plan is
auditing or assessing your organization's initiatives and
assets. Your audit is going to consist of two parts. First,
auditing your content assets, and second, auditing your
event-based priorities. Let's begin with the content audit.
Your goal with the content audit is to identify all of the
marketing assets you have at your disposal and potentially
identify gaps or opportunities in your content strategy. There
comes a point for every marketer who has been generating content
for a while when they realize they have no idea where all of
their content is or how much they actually have. Content has
likely been created by you, your predecessors, or other
individuals in the marketing department, including subject
matter experts from other departments, and is scattered
just about everywhere. By doing your content audit, you'll be
able to identify resources that you already have, which could
save you hours of content creation time in the future. No
use in duplicating your efforts. When it comes to documenting a
content audit, there should be a place for you to insert all of
your assets and properly categorize them based on content
title, buyer's journey stage, marketing funnel stage, format
or type of content, which buyer persona this is targeting, and
any additional notes that provide value or context. Now,
it's time to do some digging for content assets, such as
guides, worksheets, or sales collateral. I'd recommend
systematically combing through the following dark corners where
content can typically be hiding, like that old file manager or
marketing folder on your computer. Ask your sales team
what type of collateral they use. Check in with the more
tenured employees (you'll be surprised at the wealth of
knowledge here). Pore through your customer relationship
management system, also known as a CRM, and your content
management system, also known as a CMS. Okay, I think you get the
picture here. Let's take a look at a content audit from a
HubSpot customer by the name of Maren Schmidt. Maren offers
advice and resources backed by more than 30 years of experience
working with young children. Notice how Maren already has
content spanning the awareness, consideration, and decision
stages of the buyer's journey for multiple buyer personas, and
each piece of content corresponds to a specific
lifecycle stage. Additionally, Maren has many different types
of content formats to offer her buyer personas, like an ebook, a
study guide, and a webinar. Note how Maren uses the "Notes"
field to explain the contents of her content offer, though she
may not need this for each piece of content in her audit. Now
that Maren has documented her assets, she'll be able to
refer to this audit in the future to pinpoint what content
she already has and how it can help with future content
creation initiatives. The second part to completing your audit is
to conduct an audit on your event-based initiatives. What I
mean by this is you'll need to take into account any upcoming
projects, priorities, or events that might involve content
creation. Doing this exercise will help you identify content
that could support each initiative, but also, and more
importantly, it can give you an opportunity to see how you can
connect this content back to the buyer's journey through an
inbound marketing campaign. An event-based audit should be
organized by the following areas: upcoming priorities by
month, initiative overview, theme, prospective blog post
topics based on buyer personas, and an inbound marketing
campaign that ties together your efforts. Take a look at what
Maren did for her event-based audit. You can see that Maren
has a few events and workshops that she might need content for.
You can also see that the content is grouped into an
overall theme for the next three months with associated blog
topics that integrate with an inbound marketing campaign
called "Preparing Your Home the Montessori Way," which is
an ebook. Try and imagine for a minute if Maren only planned the
month, initiative overview, and theme without keywords and blog
post topics that associate with a relevant inbound marketing
campaign. Yes, she would have noted that there are a series of
events coming up in the next few months, but she would have
missed out on the opportunity to tie everything together with a
series of blog posts that could lead to a relevant content offer
that would provide value to her marketing machine. Simply adding
these two columns maximizes your content potential and forces you
to think bigger than just the events at hand. There's one
last important step needed to create a sustainable long-term
content plan and that's identifying the buyer's
journey for your buyer personas. Remember, you're creating
content that's meant to attract and pull your buyer
personas through every stage of the buyer's journey: from the
awareness stage where it's more problem-based, through the
consideration stage where you're discussing a solution,
and ending in the decision stage where you're recommending next
steps. Simply identifying this content will give you ideas to
work with in the future. But before you can identify the
buyer's journey, you first need to know your buyer
personas. Keeping this in mind, let's take a look at one of
Maren's buyer persona's, Montessori Mom Meena. Here's
an overview of Meena as a buyer persona. Meena's a devoted
mother, a working professional, and married with at least one
child under the age of six. Meena wants to understand child
development and do what's best for her children, understand how
to set limits for behavior, and have effective communication
tools to use with her children. Meena's challenges are her
children won't listen and she has to deal with tantrums, all
of which overwhelm her as a parent. Maren knows that Meena
uses Google to find answers to problems she's looking to
solve. Great. Now that you know who Meena is, let's take
a look at what the buyer's journey might look like for her
in more detail. To start, you know it's important for Meena
to do what's best for her children, so what about an
awareness stage ebook that lists parenting problems you can
avoid. This is something that would bring value to Meena's
search. Then, once Meena's been educated on parenting
problems to avoid, what about following up with consideration
stage information like a questionnaire regarding family
needs to help her understand a possible solution - in this
case, Montessori. The questionnaire outlines both the
needs of the child as well as the parent. But maybe Meena
needs a little more information that will lead her to the
decision stage, something that educates her more on how to best
prepare for Montessori. What about a free consideration stage
workshop that explains how to prepare your home the Montessori
way? That could do the trick. And now that Meena has found a
solution to her problem, she's ready to make a decision. What
about offering Meena a one-hour strategy consultation to discuss
next steps for her child and Montessori? Sounds about right.
That's an example of a complete buyer's journey. A
buyer's journey is ever-evolving. The more you
learn about your buyer personas, the more you'll be able to
refine the buyer's journey and grow it over time. But it starts
with first identifying the content needed to complete the
buyer's journey, which you can then plan over the course of a
year to keep your content creation sustainable.
For more infomation >> Content Planning: Building a Long-term Vision for Awesome Content - Duration: 9:56.-------------------------------------------
Untold Strategy Helps Busy Moms To Build a Huge Network Marketing Team Part Time - Duration: 6:37.
- Hey, today we're going to talk about the untold strategy
that will help busy moms to build a huge
network marketing team part time, all right?
As you come in, drop your name
and where you're coming from below
so that I can give you a shoutout.
And today I got a new picture.
Kind of scary but
you got a new background picture.
Keep things interesting.
All right, so,
we're going to talk about this untold strategy.
I have a friend who is a busy mom, she has six kids!
If you have kids, drop a one below.
She has six kids.
And she was doing everything she could
to build her network marketing team.
She was following her upline.
You know, traveling between towns,
doing home parties, hotel meetings, and all of that stuff.
But she couldn't get that momentum in her team.
She tried, but she couldn't get the results that she wanted.
So after that, she basically switched gears,
And then turned to a totally different strategy.
And then her upline told her not to do it.
She was getting a lot of objection from her upline.
Imagine that!
But now, guess what?
She literally five times her team, using this new strategy
that I'm going to cover in this video.
And you know, her upline even turned back to her
and say, "You know, I don't know what you're doing,
but whatever you're doing, is working."
I'm going to share with you this untold strategy.
A lot of uplines don't even know it,
and don't even teach it.
And I'm going to tell you how you can
do that if you are a busy mom.
with kids, taking care of maybe a couple kids,
and also your husband.
If you feel like you don't have time to do your business,
I'm going to tell you this strategy right here.
It all starts from
creating a Facebook fan page.
Since you're listening here on Facebook,
or on my blog, you know, everybody has Facebook.
And a fan page allows you to build a brand around yourself.
Like you can talk about different things,
maybe about the health industry if you're selling
a healthy nutritional product.
So first, create a fanpage.
You need to have a fanpage so that you can put
content on it.
So second, is what she did, which is my friend,
she is a mom with six kids.
Her name is Brandy, by the way.
I'm going to put a name to this person, Brandy.
So Brandy's created a fanpage
and she started teaching her fans about how to build
network marketing
with her strategy, which is this online strategy,
leveraging a Facebook fanpage.
And she was teaching this concept
called Learn, Teach, and Earn.
All right, so she was learning about,
different network marketing skillset, strategy,
and then she was teaching it on her fanpage.
And by leveraging this concept, she was earning
by basically talking to her followers, her fans.
Because some of the fans, they don't have a company.
Or their company just shut down or they are
tired of their current company, not passionate.
They're looking to switch.
So she was basically offering a way for those people,
for those fans, to switch over to her company.
And that's the moment she started earning.
She started expanding really fast.
And also over time, she attracted
quality, very quality, leaders,
which wanted to use her strategy,
use her online strategy to duplicate fast.
So that they don't have to do the home parties,
or hotel meetings anymore.
If you ring a bell, drop a two below.
I used to do a lot of hotel meetings and home parties.
I took hours to set up, I was mixing the drinks, the shakes,
setting up the tables, and people don't show up.
Or maybe they show up but they don't buy.
And we take time to follow up, it's a pain.
It's worth it,
because that's how people have built it traditionally,
since the 80's.
But nowadays people are online,
literally every minute.
They're looking at their phones, so why can't we
kind of switch gear and adopt new strategies
to build our business.
If you are to sell typewriters,
right now, you're going to run out of business.
Wouldn't we agree
that we should switch gears a little bit?
Adopt some new strategies to build our business, right?
And Brandy, a busy mom, was able to do that...
and turn around from home parties to using online strategies
and now 5x her team, in just one year.
So go to the post - I included free training
on how you can actually
leverage this strategy to build your team as a busy mom.
And if you have any questions, drop a comment below.
I'm sure, you know, it might be technical questions.
It might be how you can Learn, Teach, and Earn.
How you can do that, because my friend Brandy!
She was telling me she couldn't even copy and paste
when she first started using her computer using
this online concept to build her team!
And now, she literally could handle all this stuff.
I'm told that she was able to 5x her team.
Imagine that, right, so you can do the same thing so
go to the post, check out the free training
which will help you to understand how you can leverage
social media, Facebook, to build a huge team.
And really crush it in your
network marketing business this year.
So I look forward to see you in the next training.
How build an impressive Resume/CV that sells? Resume writing tips/ skills for a Job Interview. - Duration: 11:27.
How To Build a Massive Home Business Part Time Without Burning Out - Duration: 7:20.
Burn out!! Have you ever been burned out?
Running your home-based business and also doing your full-time job?
As your coming in, drop your name and where you're coming from below.
I have been in that in that situation. I HAVE been in that situation. A couple years ago
I was working a full time job in Manhattan
and I was working 9:00 to 8:00.
Literally 9 to 8 and then after work, I have to go to home parties and hotel meetings, so I was literally out
doing all those business activities five days out of seven.
Imagine that - I'm working the whole day,
facing the computer, was tired, and now
after work, I still have to go to do my business and it's five days out of seven and I
got home at almost eleven or twelve o' clock sometimes - midnight!
So my girlfriend at that time was screaming at me because I had no time for her and I myself was so tired.
And I switched to social media!
I switched to social media so that I can reach more people and I can prospect them
but still I was spending all the time prospecting,
responding to social media messages, facing my phone all the time, right?
And then I was like okay, let me try something new. Another way, which is blogging.
I was blogging so that more people can see my stuff when I'm not even awake because
when I blog the article is online and people can look at it
24/7 and if they're interested to join my business or buy my product they will.
So it's a lot more leverage than just prospecting on social media.
Even though I have that leverage, like online leverage,
but still I was spending time writing. I was spending time still writing a lot
and catching up with what's going on in the social media world.
I was still burned out a little bit. Not as much as before, but my
girlfriend at the time was still screaming, so imagine your family might have objection. They might have an
objection saying all your life totally changed
after that or after joining your network marketing business
because now you have no time for them. It's a scam, you took all the time
and there's no return. A couple months went by and what have you done? How much have you earned?
That's the most common line from our family! How much have you earned?
All right, so even though
It's hard to hear,
but think about this. If you can bring leverage to your business, wouldn't it be a lot better?
You can literally build your business and spend more time with them, and that's what I did.
Starting last year and I was able to recruit 300 reps in seven weeks
without putting in the time that I used to put, without burning out.
Because I was literally just sitting at home, and I was just checking online once in a while and
it's all because I've set up a system.
But how can I do all these stuff while working, still working a full time job?
So the secret, I'm going to share with you this secret, this neat
trick that you can use for yourself to be a business too, is
to leverage other people to do some of the work for you and
The best place to do that is by going to Fiverr., it's a site that where you can hire people for really cheap sometimes
they're from Philippines, from other countries,
so they've charge really cheap. Go to and whatever you're looking for,
let's say starting from.. let's say your using social media, your prospecting.
Sometimes you can hire people to manage your social media!
When you're working, when you're sleeping, you can hire people to answer messages for you,
so when you wake up, when you get off work,
you can get more done. Because when you're not free you have somebody else doing the work for you for a really
low amount of
Investment. Or if you're blogging, then hire somebody to write for you because I myself is not good at writing.
I'm terrible at writing, so I hire somebody else to write it for me.
But it's cheap comparing to how much I earn.
You know, if you think that your time
is not worth that much and then you go ahead and do all these stuff, it's time to change the
mentality. If you are
to earn a million dollar income, how much do you work or how much will you worth
per hour?
Imagine if you're putting in an hour setting up a blog and
and your net worth for an hour.
Let's say you're worth like $60 an hour because
imagine you're making a million dollars a year and
compared to hiring out. Hiring out
maybe you spend 10 - 20 bucks and get it done. So you actually save a lot of money and time
by hiring out and the best place is So here's my neat trick that I want to share with you.
Use Use other people
or leverage other people's effort
so that you can actually focus on the important stuff. The important stuff like following up or actually getting your reps started.
Or maybe creating marketing material or maybe creating training materials. That's the stuff that only you
can do it.
Hope you got a lot of value from today. If you have any questions drop a comment below.
Feel free to share with other
partners you have in your team or
in other network marketing company because a lot of people, I can tell you.
My team
in the previous company, they are all burned out. They don't even know, they're brainwashed.
And I shouldn't say they're brainwashed, but they're trained to to work hard, but not to work smart.
If you want to work smart definitely check out the training that I
share in the post
and you can learn how to recruit more reps
using less time without spending, wasting time, all this time prospecting.
And you're going to get a lot of leverage. If you get more leverage in your business
you're going to have
exponential growth this year and you're going to
rank advance so much faster. You've got to trust me, and I trust that you can do it You can make a
well-informed decision for yourself whether you want to hire out, or you want to do it yourself.
Get that training and learn how to leverage your time! Have a great day! I will see you in the next training!
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