Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 26 2018

The daughter of immigrants from a small Greek village

Eleni Kounalakis' grandmother couldn't read or write.

For Eleni and her family, the American Dream was born in California.

Eleni knows education can change lives.

As Lieutenant Governor, she'll oppose all tuition increases,

fight for free community college,

And improve vocational education

So every student has the opportunities her family had.

Eleni Kounalakis for Lieutenant Governor

Protecting our California Dream.

For more infomation >> Eleni's Story: The California Dream - Duration: 0:31.


Police In California Arrest Suspect Known As The 'Golden State Killer' - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Police In California Arrest Suspect Known As The 'Golden State Killer' - Duration: 1:01.


San Diego's opposition to California's sanctuary status gains support - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> San Diego's opposition to California's sanctuary status gains support - Duration: 3:22.


BREAKING News Out Of California… NOT GOOD - Duration: 2:46.

BREAKING News Out Of California…

NOT GOOD Monday on Power 105.1 FM's "The Breakfast

Club," Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said she was focused on the 2018 midterm election to

help get people elected who she described as having "the courage" to enact specific

gun control measures, Breitbart reports.

"In this discussion when we are talking about school safety, there are things we need

to address that include thinking about why this is an issue.

And part of it is that we have not passed meaningful, smart gun safety laws in this


Let's talk about that.

Let's talk about how the NRA has grabbed people by different parts of their body and

caused people to have a lack of courage.

Again, another false choice.

I'm in favor of the Second Amendment, and I also want smart gun safety laws.

Assault weapons should not be walking the streets of a civilized country.

We should have universal background checks."

Kamala Harris is the typical Democrat, on one hand she opposes firearms while the other

hand says she supports the 2nd Amendment.

All the while she is using her power and influence to pass firearm laws to ban firearms.

After the Florida High School shooting, Harris jumped at the opportunity to use the scenario

to feed her anti-firearm agenda, once again she attempted to play both sides of the coin.Harris

does not care about our youth nor protecting life, if she truly did she would be fighting

the real threats in the United States, Narcotics and Planned Parenthood.

During the 2016 election cycle, Harris received $21,570 from EMILY's List, $10,000 from

NARAL Pro-Choice America, and $2,600 from Planned Parenthood, according to the Center

for Responsive Politics.

In total, Harris received $43,155 from abortion policy/pro-abortion rights groups and individuals

during the 2016 cycle.

Daily WireI am sick and tired of listening to those who desire to abolish our freedoms

and rights, especially when they play the, "Civilized society" card.

That is a mental battle meant to pit people against each other.

If you support freedom and the 2nd Amendment, then you are a caveman hell bent on violence,

according to their propaganda agenda.

When in fact, they are the sheep and they know it, so they are rapidly moving to take

firearms away from the wolves who would oppose them.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of California… NOT GOOD - Duration: 2:46.


Andamios se desploman en edificio de California | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Andamios se desploman en edificio de California | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:33.


IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 9:54.


CalExit Just Got Green Light!

Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality

This is great, one less problem for the United States of America.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla confirmed on Monday that advocates who are

looking for California to secede from the United States of America after Donald Trump

won the presidency can now begin collecting signatures for a longshot initiative asking

voters to weigh in.

Although there had been two previous "Calexit' Proposals since the 2016 election previous

efforts either fell short or were withdrawn altogether.

But the latest would ask California voters about secession in 2020.

If it passes then a second election would be held a year later asking voters to affirm

the decision.

Marcus Ruiz Evans who is the co-founder of a group called "Yes California," said

the second vote would go towards showing that Californians are indeed serious about secession

and would strengthen the case for foreign governments to recognize the state's independence

on the world stage.

The difference between this initiative and the previous ones is that previous Calexit

initiatives would have deleted a portion of the state constitution that says California

is an inseparable part of the United States.

The latest version does not change the constitution in any way.As a lifelong California resident,

I have to say this has to be the worst idea for all sides.

California needs the US and the US needs California.

California is a produce-rich state which can feed most of the world when our politicians

let us water our crops.

We need the Military to protect us and Federal Tax dollars in case of emergency but at the

same time, the Federal Government needs California because of its rich tax revenue which is a

lot more than what any other state provides.

So how about we just leave things as they are and if you don't like who won the presidential

election then next time nominate a person who is liked instead of what their plumbing

or skin color is?

More on this via CNBC:"California's secession movement will get a second try as the state's

"war" against the Trump administration rages on several fronts.

On Monday, the California Secretary of State's Office announced that a secession ballot proposal

has been cleared to begin gathering needed signatures.

It comes amid other efforts that seek to split up California.

"Calexit is left — we are progressive, and that's why we don't like Trump,"

said Marcus Ruiz Evans, one of the leaders of the Yes California campaign seeking California


"But there are some very hardcore Republican concepts to Calexit, including the group saying

don't waste our tax money."

Evans said the group's membership has risen by "about four times" to roughly 44,000

members since the election of President Donald Trump.

A similar effort by the backers of Calexit failed last year after negative fallout emerged

following the disclosure that its leader, Louis J. Marinelli, was living in Russia.

Marinelli, who is still listed as one of the backers of the measure, said in an interview

he "travels to Russia and has worked there from time to time but is still a resident

of California."

If the current Calexit measure gets enough signatures to qualify, it would result in

a special election in 2021 to ask California voters whether the state should become an

independent country.

The backers have until mid-October to get almost 366,000 signatures of registered voters

to qualify it for the ballot.

Long-shot effort However, some analysts suggest the secession

effort has a long shot passing.

A Berkeley IGS Poll released in March 2017 found Californians oppose independence from

the U.S. by more than 2-to-1.

"They'll be a lot of notoriety, there will be a lot of publicity but I think in

practical terms it's going to fizzle out," said Seth Kaplowitz, a finance lecturer at

San Diego State University.

"It would be ridiculous to secede from the union.

The only person who would probably be happy about that is probably Donald Trump."

There have been more than 200 attempts throughout California's history to split it up the


Sixth-largest economy in the world Some argue that California, the sixth-largest

economy in the world, already has essentially acted like a separate country by signing agreements,

or memorandums of understanding, with nations on issues as well as climate change.

For example, Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed an agreement last year to work with China

to fight climate change.

That move came a week after Trump announced his intention for the U.S. to withdraw from

the Paris climate accord.

California's state leaders also have taken a different view from the Trump administration

when it comes to issues including offshore oil drilling, undocumented immigration, health

care, federal lands.

'War' with the Trump administration Earlier this month, the Trump administration

filed a lawsuit against California's so-called sanctuary state laws aimed at protecting undocumented


In response, Brown said, "This is basically going to war against the state of California,

the engine of the American economy."

More than 30 lawsuits have been filed between California and the federal government since

Trump was sworn into office in January 2017.

Trump, who has called California "out of control," sought to cut law enforcement

funds over the sanctuary policies in the state last year but a court ruled against the administration.Getting

shortchanged Regardless, Evans contends that Californians

don't get their fair share of federal spending for the money paid by taxpayers in the Golden


Figures from the conservative Tax Foundation show California got back an estimated 78 cents

on each dollar paid in 2005 to the federal government while Alabama received $1.66 and

Kentucky got $1.51.

Evans maintains that if California were an independent nation, it could eliminate bureaucracy

by half and cut overall taxes for businesses and individuals.

Kaplowitz doesn't buy the argument that an independent California would necessarily

help business.

"Everybody is leaving California because they're overtaxed by the state," he said.

"Businesses are leaving, people are moving to Washington state and Texas and the other

states that don't have [an] income tax."

Splitting California in three Meantime, there's also a measure backed

by Silicon Valley billionaire Tim Draper to split California into three separate states.

Draper's plan would create a Northern California state that includes San Francisco, Silicon

Valley and Sacramento, a Southern California state with San Diego, the Inland Empire counties

and portions of the state's southern Central Valley.

A third state would retain the name California and include Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and

several other counties along the coast.

"All this is basically saying is that we're really not one state — we're so large

and we really have three different personalities," said Kaplowitz.

"Therefore, each personality should be its own state.

The reality is that you can say that about virtually any state."

November ballot Draper, chairman of the so-called "CAL 3"

campaign, announced earlier this month his group planned to submit more than 600,000

signatures, or nearly twice the amount required by law, to qualify for the Nov. 6 ballot.

"CAL 3 is committed to solving California's most pressing issues, including the state's

failing school systems that impact more than 6 million kids, highest-in-the-nation taxes,

deteriorating infrastructure and strained government," the group said recently.

"Partitioning California into three states would empower regional communities to make

better, fairer and more sensible decisions for their citizens."

This isn't the first time Draper has sought to split up California.

He backed a 2014 effort to break up California into six states, but despite spending more

than $5 million on the measure it failed to qualify for the ballot.

Even if Draper's group gets enough signatures this time, though, it still won't be easy

to split up the state, which joined the union in 1850.

The Legislature would need to give its consent along with Congress.

Creating a 'New California' At the same time, there's a "New California"

conservative movement that seeks to carve out rural counties into the 51st state.

But this isn't a ballot initiative.

The group is lining up support in counties and then hopes to take it to the Legislature

and then Congress.

So far, the group claims to have at least 38 of the state's 58 counties.

"People are really disenchanted with what they're seeing in Sacramento," said Paul

Preston, vice chair of the New California movement.

He complained that the controversial sanctuary state law along with state over-regulation

are just some of the concerns fueling interest in the split.

"We'll have 49 counties at the end of this," said Preston.

"We want this to be a win-win for California and New California."

But Kaplowitz said having California split into three separate states — or even a 51st

state — would be "unruly and chances of it happening any time soon are slim to none."

For more infomation >> IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 9:54.


IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 10:42.


CalExit Just Got Green Light!

Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality

This is great, one less problem for the United States of America.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla confirmed on Monday that advocates who are

looking for California to secede from the United States of America after Donald Trump

won the presidency can now begin collecting signatures for a longshot initiative asking

voters to weigh in.

Although there had been two previous "Calexit' Proposals since the 2016 election previous

efforts either fell short or were withdrawn altogether.

But the latest would ask California voters about secession in 2020.

If it passes then a second election would be held a year later asking voters to affirm

the decision.

Marcus Ruiz Evans who is the co-founder of a group called "Yes California," said

the second vote would go towards showing that Californians are indeed serious about secession

and would strengthen the case for foreign governments to recognize the state's independence

on the world stage.

The difference between this initiative and the previous ones is that previous Calexit

initiatives would have deleted a portion of the state constitution that says California

is an inseparable part of the United States.

The latest version does not change the constitution in any way.

Trending: The NRA Just Doubled Down AndProponents have until Oct. 17 to collect nearly 366,000


Good luck with that!As a lifelong California resident, I have to say this has to be the

worst idea for all sides.

California needs the US and the US needs California.

California is a produce-rich state which can feed most of the world when our politicians

let us water our crops.

We need the Military to protect us and Federal Tax dollars in case of emergency but at the

same time, the Federal Government needs California because of its rich tax revenue which is a

lot more than what any other state provides.

So how about we just leave things as they are and if you don't like who won the presidential

election then next time nominate a person who is liked instead of what their plumbing

or skin color is?

More on this via CNBC:California's secession movement will get a second try as the state's

"war" against the Trump administration rages on several fronts.

On Monday, the California Secretary of State's Office announced that a secession ballot proposal

has been cleared to begin gathering needed signatures.

It comes amid other efforts that seek to split up California.

"Calexit is left — we are progressive, and that's why we don't like Trump,"

said Marcus Ruiz Evans, one of the leaders of the Yes California campaign seeking California


"But there are some very hardcore Republican concepts to Calexit, including the group saying

don't waste our tax money."

Evans said the group's membership has risen by "about four times" to roughly 44,000

members since the election of President Donald Trump.

A similar effort by the backers of Calexit failed last year after negative fallout emerged

following the disclosure that its leader, Louis J. Marinelli, was living in Russia.

Marinelli, who is still listed as one of the backers of the measure, said in an interview

he "travels to Russia and has worked there from time to time but is still a resident

of California."

If the current Calexit measure gets enough signatures to qualify, it would result in

a special election in 2021 to ask California voters whether the state should become an

independent country.

The backers have until mid-October to get almost 366,000 signatures of registered voters

to qualify it for the ballot.

Long-shot effort However, some analysts suggest the secession

effort has a long shot passing.

A Berkeley IGS Poll released in March 2017 found Californians oppose independence from

the U.S. by more than 2-to-1.

"They'll be a lot of notoriety, there will be a lot of publicity but I think in

practical terms it's going to fizzle out," said Seth Kaplowitz, a finance lecturer at

San Diego State University.

"It would be ridiculous to secede from the union.

The only person who would probably be happy about that is probably Donald Trump."

There have been more than 200 attempts throughout California's history to split it up the


Sixth-largest economy in the world Some argue that California, the sixth-largest

economy in the world, already has essentially acted like a separate country by signing agreements,

or memorandums of understanding, with nations on issues as well as climate change.

For example, Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed an agreement last year to work with China

to fight climate change.

That move came a week after Trump announced his intention for the U.S. to withdraw from

the Paris climate accord.

California's state leaders also have taken a different view from the Trump administration

when it comes to issues including offshore oil drilling, undocumented immigration, health

care, federal lands.

'War' with the Trump administration Earlier this month, the Trump administration

filed a lawsuit against California's so-called sanctuary state laws aimed at protecting undocumented


In response, Brown said, "This is basically going to war against the state of California,

the engine of the American economy."

More than 30 lawsuits have been filed between California and the federal government since

Trump was sworn into office in January 2017.

Trump, who has called California "out of control," sought to cut law enforcement

funds over the sanctuary policies in the state last year but a court ruled against the administration.

Getting shortchanged Regardless, Evans contends that Californians

don't get their fair share of federal spending for the money paid by taxpayers in the Golden


Figures from the conservative Tax Foundation show California got back an estimated 78 cents

on each dollar paid in 2005 to the federal government while Alabama received $1.66 and

Kentucky got $1.51.

Evans maintains that if California were an independent nation, it could eliminate bureaucracy

by half and cut overall taxes for businesses and individuals.

Kaplowitz doesn't buy the argument that an independent California would necessarily

help business.

"Everybody is leaving California because they're overtaxed by the state," he said.

"Businesses are leaving, people are moving to Washington state and Texas and the other

states that don't have [an] income tax."

Splitting California in three Meantime, there's also a measure backed

by Silicon Valley billionaire Tim Draper to split California into three separate states.

Draper's plan would create a Northern California state that includes San Francisco, Silicon

Valley and Sacramento, a Southern California state with San Diego, the Inland Empire counties

and portions of the state's southern Central Valley.

A third state would retain the name California and include Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and

several other counties along the coast.

"All this is basically saying is that we're really not one state — we're so large

and we really have three different personalities," said Kaplowitz.

"Therefore, each personality should be its own state.

The reality is that you can say that about virtually any state."

November ballot Draper, chairman of the so-called "CAL 3"

campaign, announced earlier this month his group planned to submit more than 600,000

signatures, or nearly twice the amount required by law, to qualify for the Nov. 6 ballot.

"CAL 3 is committed to solving California's most pressing issues, including the state's

failing school systems that impact more than 6 million kids, highest-in-the-nation taxes,

deteriorating infrastructure and strained government," the group said recently.

"Partitioning California into three states would empower regional communities to make

better, fairer and more sensible decisions for their citizens."

This isn't the first time Draper has sought to split up California.

He backed a 2014 effort to break up California into six states, but despite spending more

than $5 million on the measure it failed to qualify for the ballot.

Even if Draper's group gets enough signatures this time, though, it still won't be easy

to split up the state, which joined the union in 1850.

The Legislature would need to give its consent along with Congress.

Creating a 'New California' At the same time, there's a "New California"

conservative movement that seeks to carve out rural counties into the 51st state.

But this isn't a ballot initiative.

The group is lining up support in counties and then hopes to take it to the Legislature

and then Congress.

So far, the group claims to have at least 38 of the state's 58 counties.

"People are really disenchanted with what they're seeing in Sacramento," said Paul

Preston, vice chair of the New California movement.

He complained that the controversial sanctuary state law along with state over-regulation

are just some of the concerns fueling interest in the split.

"We'll have 49 counties at the end of this," said Preston.

"We want this to be a win-win for California and New California."

But Kaplowitz said having California split into three separate states — or even a 51st

state — would be "unruly and chances of it happening any time soon are slim to none."

For more infomation >> IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 10:42.


BREAKING News Out Of California… NOT GOOD - Duration: 3:00.

BREAKING News Out Of California…

NOT GOOD Monday on Power 105.1 FM's "The Breakfast

Club," Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said she was focused on the 2018 midterm election to

help get people elected who she described as having "the courage" to enact specific

gun control measures, Breitbart reports.

"In this discussion when we are talking about school safety, there are things we need

to address that include thinking about why this is an issue.

And part of it is that we have not passed meaningful, smart gun safety laws in this


Let's talk about that.

Let's talk about how the NRA has grabbed people by different parts of their body and

caused people to have a lack of courage.

Again, another false choice.

I'm in favor of the Second Amendment, and I also want smart gun safety laws.

Assault weapons should not be walking the streets of a civilized country.

We should have universal background checks."

Kamala Harris is the typical Democrat, on one hand she opposes firearms while the other

hand says she supports the 2nd Amendment.

All the while she is using her power and influence to pass firearm laws to ban firearms.

After the Florida High School shooting, Harris jumped at the opportunity to use the scenario

to feed her anti-firearm agenda, once again she attempted to play both sides of the coin.Harris

does not care about our youth nor protecting life, if she truly did she would be fighting

the real threats in the United States, Narcotics and Planned Parenthood.

During the 2016 election cycle, Harris received $21,570 from EMILY's List, $10,000 from

NARAL Pro-Choice America, and $2,600 from Planned Parenthood, according to the Center

for Responsive Politics.

In total, Harris received $43,155 from abortion policy/pro-abortion rights groups and individuals

during the 2016 cycle.

Daily WireI am sick and tired of listening to those who desire to abolish our freedoms

and rights, especially when they play the, "Civilized society" card.

That is a mental battle meant to pit people against each other.

If you support freedom and the 2nd Amendment, then you are a caveman hell bent on violence,

according to their propaganda agenda.

When in fact, they are the sheep and they know it, so they are rapidly moving to take

firearms away from the wolves who would oppose them.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of California… NOT GOOD - Duration: 3:00.


Golden State Killer Case: Authorities Arrest Former Police Officer - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Golden State Killer Case: Authorities Arrest Former Police Officer - Duration: 3:00.


IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> IT'S HAPPENING! CalExit Just Got Green Light! Liberal Plan To Split California Can Become Reality - Duration: 10:20.


Cycle Track Loop in Wilmington, California - Duration: 6:42.

We are here in the Transportation Committee and we're going to hear the motion I introduced

about a week and a half ago to bring the feasibility of a Cycle Loop, a Cycle Bike

Loop to the Wilmington community, so lets see what happens here.

I'm real excited to have the Chairman, Mr. Bonin, hear this item, and bring it to his

committee so quickly.

Sharing busy traffic lanes with cars is absolutely unacceptable.

And separation by a line of paint is often not enough.

Protected bike lanes also called Cycle Tracks use curbs, planters, or parking, to buffer

bicycles from moving cars.

We'll take Item nine out of order, because we have a special guest here and we are blessed

today to have the representative of District 15, Mr. Joe Buscaino.

Thank you Mr. Chairman, Mrs. Martinez.

Mr. Bonin, thank you so much for taking this item so swiftly and quickly into your committee.

In CD 15 we try to think of innovative ways to look at our multi modal transportation


In Wilmington we're one of the first neighborhoods in the city that welcome both a docked bike

share program with Metro and also we are in the middle of a pilot program with the deckless

share program through LimeBike.

This is a community as we all know, colleagues, an impacted, disadvantaged community, surrounded

by heavy industrial refineries to the North, Port of Los Angeles to the South.

Its a community that has demanded additional amenities.

I'm really proud of the fact that leading an effort with the Wilmington Arts Alliance

on promoting economic development on Avalon Boulevard.

We feel that this item before you which will call for a cycle track loop is a way to boost

economic development opportunities, help support the existing businesses and also encourage

other businesses to come to the Wilmington community.

We have seen in other parts of the country like Washington D.C., and also in Salt Lake City,

how a cycle track loop has been an economic boost to those respective cities.

I feel this item before you is more of a cycle track loop.

In calling for for the feasibility of a cycle track loop, I believe its really going to

help promote health, safety, economic development in a time where we have seen three $100 million get built.

Wilmington buffer park built by the Port of Los Angeles,

Ken Malloy park that was recently renovated,

and most importantly, the announcement of the investment being made at the Wilmington Waterfront

While Wilmington has the highest concentration of bike lanes in California, bike ridership

is diminishing mostly because, quite frankly, people are scared to death of jumping on a

bike in the middle of horrendous traffic in our city.

I for one can testify that every May we have our bike to work day in the city of Los Angeles,

so I take the leap of faith to leave my office at downtown San Pedro city hall and make my

way up 24 miles North to City Hall here in Los Angeles, and I have had numerous close calls.

I've almost got killed a few times.

But I took one for the team Mr. Bonin, we have to do everything we can to promote ride

your bike to work day.

Do you wear a helmet?

Yes ma'am, absolutely!



So she's parked parallel to a marked bike lane and she whipped out her door.

I almost ran into it.

I think I peed my pants on that one.

Many of us follow very closely the live coverage, wall to wall, on Facebook.

From beginning to end.

In fact, our Communications Director, almost killed himself going through a couple rail

lines, but nonetheless...

I remember that.

This is why it's important to look at really forward thinking ways to promote and bring

forth a cycle track loop.

Now this is just in concept, so i do want to encourage the community of Wilmington,

who's been demanding this type of amenities.

It's the question of "why not us?"

If you look at the Strand in the Beach Cities, which I feel is their most valuable asset,

their cycle track, and we feel that we can bring this asset to Wilmington.

This is in concept,.

I'm asking for the Departments to come forward with the feasibility, but most importantly

we want this to be a community-driven process.

There some excitement and interest.

But I'll end with this Mr. Bonin, if I can.

We feel the driving force behind this motion before you is CicLAvia.

When Wilmington hosted CicLAvia a year ago and folks from all parts of the County came

to Wilmington and businesses were excited and at the conclusion of CicLAvia, residents

looked forward to the next CicLAvia.

We should not have to wait for CicLAvia to promote a healthier and safer community by

bringing this cycle track loop where we feel will bring safe biking to Wilmington which

has the largest network of bike lanes in the City of Los Angeles, so we ask for your support

moving forward.

Thank you Mr. Buscaino, for coming to testify.

I think this is phenomenal.

I want to applaud your initiative, your leadership on this.

This is great because it does two things.

Cycle Tracks are the gold standard of bicycle infrastructure and it will make it safe for

everybody - all ages and abilities.

And we need to be more about intersections and segments in a holistic network, so I love this.

I was unaware this concentration was in Wilmington.

That's great. That's a perfect place to do it. So I would say "Ride Up Wilmington."

So I'm happy to hear that the committee just moved the item along.

The cycle track loop, we feel, will be a buffer between industrial use and the residential

uses in Wilmington and we're looking forward to partnering with the community, the neighborhood

councils, and other stake holders to get this thing moving.

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