Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 25 2018

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Sometimes things don't go as planned.

And in western North Carolina's elk country of

Maggie Valley that's not a bad thing.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is teaming up with

the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Council to

transform what was originally planned to be a 1960s

ski resort into better wildlife habitat.

RMEF provided grant funding for what's called the

Sheepback Mountain Elk Habitat Improvement Project.

The first phase improved access and carried out

habitat work in the form of reducing thick growth

and opening up old roads from the bottom of the

mountain to the top portion of the property,

now known as the William H. Silver Game Land.

The second phase focuses on clearing former 50 foot wide

ski slopes across five acres.

Those slopes will later be seeded and maintained as

linear forage openings and restore early successional

wildlife habitat.

Different areas of the slopes will be planted with

different wildlife seed mixes and others will be managed

to benefit 75 elk, as well as deer, turkey, grouse,

and a variety of song birds and other animal life.

More than 95% of RMEF's 227,000 members are hunters.

Funded and supported by hunters, projects like this one

highlight how #HuntingISConservation

For more infomation >> Hunting IS Conservation - From Ski Hill to Wildlife Habitat - Duration: 1:23.


Mueller Confirms That He Is DEFINITELY Targeting Donald Trump, Jr. - Duration: 3:12.

Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor looking into possible collusion , and other crimes

of the Trump administration, confirmed in court filings that were released this week,

that he is in fact 100% targeting Donald Trump Jr for that June 2016 meeting that he had

at Trump Tower with the Russian lawyer, and whoever else was in that room.

We still don't know exactly who all was there, but here's what we do know.

According to the filings that Mueller and his team put forward with the court, they

admitted this because they were justifying their raid on Paul Manafort's office, and

said they were looking for information about that June 2016 meeting, specifically as it

pertained to Donald Trump Jr. Paul Manafort was also present at that meeting, as was Jared


Mueller admits that he wants to know more about that meeting, or at least when had that

file those they wanted to know more.

God only knows that they know at this point.

But here's what the public knows, Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer in question who

was at that meeting from Russia, has admitted that Donald Trump Jr went to that meeting

expecting to get some kind of damning information about Hillary Clinton, and that's what they

talked about.

They didn't talk about adoptions, as the Trump administration claims.

They talked about getting dirt on Donald Trump's political opponent, and yeah, if she was working

on behalf of the Russian government, which we know that now she was, that would be

we know at this point one of the hardest things in the world to prove, which would be collusion.

Robert Mueller is actively going down that path, and he suspects that at least Donald

Trump Jr and Paul Manafort, and most likely Jared Kushner, were involved with that charge.

And if Donald Trump himself, as those at the White House have said, altered Trump Jr's

response to the New York Times, that's not necessarily obstruction of justice, but it

could show that he was also aware of why that meeting happened, why it took place, and what

was said during that meeting.

So that also kind of implicates him as well.

The bottom line is that Robert Mueller's investigation is not going away any time soon, and what

little tidbits we're getting out of the investigation seem to indicate that very high profile members

of the Trump family, if not Trump himself, are in very, very much trouble at this point.

If he suspects Trump Jr of collusion, or committing treason, or whatever it is, there is no question

that Donald Trump himself was aware of it, knew about it, and sanctioned it.

That will be the next shoe to drop, and probably the last shoe to drop, out of this entire

Mueller Investigation.

For more infomation >> Mueller Confirms That He Is DEFINITELY Targeting Donald Trump, Jr. - Duration: 3:12.


13 Semi Trucks Intentionally Block Freeway After Seeing Who Was Coming – Now Cops Are Involved - Duration: 2:32.

13 Semi Trucks Intentionally Block Freeway After Seeing Who Was Coming – Now Cops Are


Today in the early morning hours, a call came into law enforcement that there was a problem

on a Highway near Detriot Michigan.

What happened next left onlookers in complete disbelief.

Sometimes, when situations are dire you have to come up with extreme ideas, that's exactly

what the Michigan State Police did.

Not all heroes wear capes, some drive big trucks.

According to Love What Matters, An incredible moment happened this morning as 13 semi trucks

parked under a highway overpass in Detroit to save a man considering suicide.

The Michigan State Police came up with the clever solution to shorten the fall for the

man who was threatening suicide, according to local FOX station WJBK.

They organized multiple semi truck drivers to remain in place to shorten the distance

the man would fall, if he were to jump.

The first call came in to report the suicidal man shortly before 1 a.m. Tuesday, the station


Thankfully, the man did not jump.

The situation ended with the man safely walking off the bridge.

He was later by taken by local law enforcement to the Beaumont hospital for evaluation, according

to WJBK.

Several local law enforcement agencies were reportedly on the scene with negotiators speaking

to the man for several hours before the situation ended peacefully.

It's great when you see, police working hand in hand with citizens to save the life

of someone in need.

Today this guy just wanted to end his life, but traffic was stopped and 13 heroes were

utilized to keep the man safe.

Truck drivers are often given a bad wrap.

You always read stories about sex trafficking at truck stops and drug use.

But the majority of the men and women are great people that are willing to help when


Thanks to the quick thinking of law enforcement and willing truck drivers, a man's life

was saved.

If you or a loved one is feeling distressed, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

The crisis center provides free and confidential emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week for civilians and veterans.

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today

For more infomation >> 13 Semi Trucks Intentionally Block Freeway After Seeing Who Was Coming – Now Cops Are Involved - Duration: 2:32.


What Is Nibiru Cataclysm Bogus Theory About Fake Planet Destroying Earth - Duration: 5:04.

What Is Nibiru Cataclysm Bogus Theory About Fake Planet Destroying Earth

by Himanshu Goenka

� The theory of a large planetary object called Nibiru that will either pass very close

to or collide with Earth have persisted since 1995 when Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman

who claimed to be in contact with the Zetas, an ET group from the Zeta Reticuli star system,

said that Nibiru, aka �Planet X�, would pass through the inner solar system in May

2003 causing mayhem on Earth.

But Leider was also wrong in declaring that the comet Hale-Bopp was actually a distant


Any such rogue planet four times the size of the Earth has yet to be detected by the

most advanced scientific instruments.

� In a 1976 book by Zecharia Sitchin, Sitchen related that according to Sumerian mythology,

the planet Nibiru had a long, elliptical 3,600-year orbit around the sun and would soon be traveling

through our inner solar system.

Believers pegged the arrival of Nibiru as December 21, 2012 to coincide with the ending

of the Mayan calendar.

� When Nibiru didn�t arrive in 2012, �Christian numerologist� David Meade claimed that the

actual date of Nibiru�s arrival would be Sept. 23, 2017.

Then he said it would be a month later in October 2017.

Now Meade says that the big day is April 23, 2018.

(If you�re reading this post, it didn�t happen.)

� Any theory of a massive planet headed toward Earth has been rejected by space agencies

the world over, including NASA.

(Not that this means anything.)

� [Editor�s Note] The existence of a distant brown dwarf sun along with its orbiting planet

�Nibiru� that is in orbit with our central Sun, and the theory that this brown dwarf

star would soon travel through the inner solar system are two different things.

If this brown dwarf star was going to plow through the inner solar system in the near

future, it would be seen by every amateur astronomer on Earth by now.

Much of the ancient Sumerian tablet translations made by Zecharia Sitchin has been debunked

including a visit from the dreaded Wormwood planet.

But this doesn�t mean that such a brown dwarf star doesn�t exist.

It may be too dark to see.

And it may be accompanied by the planet Nibiru, home to the evil and manipulative Anunnaki


Theories about the imminent advent of doomsday � when humanity, all life on Earth, or the

planet itself � will perish are not new, but in recent years, few have appeared as

frequently as those associated with Nibiru.

This theory, in its current version, claims a large planetary object (called Nibiru) will

either collide with Earth or pass very close to it, effectively causing large-scale destruction,

and that this would happen sometime in the early 21st century.

Like all bogus pseudoscience, the Nibiru cataclysm theory has evolved since it was first presented

in 1995, its believers constantly shifting the predicted date for doomsday after the

earlier date had passed.

The credit for coming up with the first iteration of the theory goes to Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin

woman, who claimed aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system (the binary star system is very

real, located about 39 light-years away) communicated with her using an implant in her brain.

Lieder calls herself the �emissary� of the Zetas, the aliens who supposedly singled

her out for that role, and runs a website to relay to Earthlings what the extraterrestrials

have to say.

She claimed a planet-like object, called Planet X, would pass through the inner solar system

in May 2003, and that it would cause a slowdown or stoppage of Earth�s rotation, leading

to a shift of the poles and ensuing dangerous conditions on the planet.

That Lieder�s information, whether it comes from Zetas or her imagination, is not accurate

is clear, given her other outlandish claims, such as Hale-Bopp not being a comet but a

distant star.

So her description of Planet X (which has been theorized by some astronomers but is

yet to be detected by the most advanced scientific instruments we have) as being four time the

size of Earth are highly dubious, at best.

For more infomation >> What Is Nibiru Cataclysm Bogus Theory About Fake Planet Destroying Earth - Duration: 5:04.


Morgan Freeman Involved in Se Scandal With His Granddaughter, Who Was Later Murdered - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Morgan Freeman Involved in Se Scandal With His Granddaughter, Who Was Later Murdered - Duration: 4:16.




On yesterday's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" on the Fox Business Network, Peter Schweizer

who is an editor for Breitbart News and an author blew the lid off of the Obama Crime

Syndicate.Image result for BREAKING: Obama BUSTED In What Was Just Found Inside His SICK

'Secret Empires'

Peter Schweizer, whose upcoming book, "Secret Empires: How the American Political Class

Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends," explains how the Obama administration spent

their whole eight years in office using regulations to help the president's friends acquire

more and more wealth.

During Schweizer's interview with Lou Dobbs, he explained and gave a whole roadmap as to

what former President Barack Obama did to help his friends.

Schweizer explained that Obama's best friend, Marty Nesbitt set up an equity fund while

his friend Obama was the regulator in chief.

Then he invests in highly regulated industries.

As an example of this, the author stated that the Obama would decide that the for-profit

University of Pheonix is not a good school so he would then regulate it through an executive

order so the GI Bill money won't be allowed to go there anymore.

When this happens the stocks would go from $100 to $3 a share.

So then comes Nesbitt and buys up as much stock as he can, and once he is done.

Obama would turn around and said, "Now that I come to think of it, that was a mistake,"

so he reverses the regulation which in turn puts the stock at over $100 again, making

Nesbit have an enormous profit.

Via Breitbart:

'Schweizer said, "Barack Obama's best friend, a guy named Marty Nesbitt…sets up

a private equity fund while his friend is the regulator-in-chief, and what he does is

he invests in what he calls 'highly-regulated industries.'

… And so, to give you one brief example, the University of Phoenix, the for-profit

school, Barack Obama's administration says, 'We think this school is bad.

We're going to suspend the Pentagon from using GI Bill money for soldiers to go to

school there.'

Well, of course, the stock price goes from $100 a share to about $3 a share.

Guess who steps in to buy it?

Barack Obama's best friend Marty Nesbitt and his company Vistria investors.

They come in.

They buy it for pennies on the dollar.

And then lo and behold, the Obama administration says 'You know what, we think we're going

to let GI money flow again back to the University of Phoenix.'

And that pattern is repeated over and over again in other sectors of the economy.

It was rampant."

This same pattern repeated over and over again in multiple areas of the economy.

With Obama regulating, his friends such as George Soros buying and then changing his

mind while at the same time making his friends billions.

So next time your liberal friends start saying "Obama's time in office was scandal-free,"

you can tell the story about the regulator in chief and how he manipulated the stock

market into making his friends billions while regular folks like us paid the hefty price.

Here is more on Peter Schweizer's new book, "Secret Empires: How the American Political

Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends:"

"From the New York Times bestselling author of Clinton Cash comes an explosive new political


Peter Schweizer has been fighting corruption—and winning—for years.

In Throw Them All Out, he exposed insider trading by members of Congress, leading to

the passage of the STOCK Act.

In Extortion, he uncovered how politicians use mafia-like tactics to enrich themselves.

And in Clinton Cash, he revealed the Clintons' massive money machine and sparked an FBI investigation.

Now he explains how a new corruption has taken hold, involving larger sums of money than

ever before.

Stuffing tens of thousands of dollars into a freezer has morphed into multibillion-dollar

equity deals done in the dark corners of the world.

An American bank opening in China would be prohibited by US law from hiring a slew of

family members of top Chinese politicians.

However, a Chinese bank opening in America can hire anyone it wants.

It can even invite the friends and families of American politicians to invest in can't-lose


President Donald Trump's children have made front pages across the world for their dicey


However, the media has barely looked into questionable deals made by those close to

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, and lesser-known politicians who

have been in the game longer.

In many parts of the world, the children of powerful political figures go into business

and profit handsomely, not necessarily because they are good at it, but because people want

to curry favor with their influential parents.

This is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States.

But for relatives of some prominent political families, we may already be talking about

hundreds of millions of dollars.

Deeply researched and packed with shocking revelations, Secret Empires identifies public

servants who cannot be trusted and provides a path toward a more accountable government.'Image

result for Obama sad

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What Is The Benefit Of Collagen ? - Duration: 5:01.

For things that happened when you eat college and everyday sounds crazy that adding powdered connective tissue from cows and fish

to your morning coffee smoothies oatmeal or juice is suddenly super trendy among the clean eating crowd

what gives have we're talking about college and powder

the hot new it's up lament that proponents say not only delivers a wallop of protein

but also Seuss achy joints improves the health and reduces the appearance of wrinkles

so what's the deal with this tasteless powder

as someone paranoid about premature aging was that wrinkle their last week

played by sporadic bouts of gastrointestinal distress and with a set of mis that snap crackle and pop like an octogenarian

I needed to find out if this stuff was legit

first step do the research

second step give it a whirl

initial impression the science is promising in one recent study women who took a college and supplement daily experience to 20%

reduction in wrinkle depth around their eyes after eight weeks

other research finds that daily supplement a shun can ease osteoarthritis related knee pain score which makes sense as college and

provides high levels of the amino acids used to build bone and joint issue

and although there aren't studies on collagen's effect on got healthy at there's probably something to it

says lower Schoenfeld

road holistic nutritionist at ancestral eyes me noting that collagen's amino acids may also help prevent intestinal permeability

that is leaky got a condition linked to a host of and autoimmune diseases like Ms. and celiac disease

here are four surprising foods that may be messing with you got all right that's all good

but now it's time to try it for myself

here's what happened after I started adding 2 tablespoons of college and powder to my morning coffee or smoothie for a month one I

stayed full until launch this is kind of a no brainer since two school tse of college and

adds around 20 g of filling protein to whatever you're eating or drinking

what makes college and cool compared to other protein powders

though is its versatility

its taste free and completely dissolves in liquid sit

so my coffee still tasted like coffee not some weird sludge and no keyed won't mess with collagen's benefits

says Schoenfeld this is your body on coffee college and and joints

for the past year and a half's I've suffered from a progressively a key and creaky right knee for no apparent reason

I can actually hear a disturbingly loud crunching every time I walk up the stairs

during week three of my experiment however I noticed that the crunching had become far

subtler and my overall level of soreness had decreased

for that reason alone I will take this stuff for life

three I stopped bolting to the bathroom

not to over share but I probably end up running to the bathroom more than the average person

Haiti if you'd been on antibiotics for two years to treat chronic Lyme disease

you want to so I know healing my got from the antibiotic induced damage is going to be the key to alleviating those issues

cord the end of this experiment I noticed less cramping and I downgraded from Balch to brisk

walk so either this stuff is helping my.heel or it's a very happy coincidence

college and skin normally during winter sporadic dry patches of skin will pop up on my face even if I moisturize

that those were greatly diminished and my skin felt more supple and squishy in a good way

unfortunately I didn't notice Annie improvement in the increasingly obvious

and depressing fine lines around my eyes

bottom line the research is promising it safe and the real life results

while not miraculous

were a pleasant surprise

want to try college and for yourself

Schoenfeld recommends taking 1 to 2 tablespoons of a sustainably sourced brand

daily some good picks vital proteins college and peptides

buying now $40.00

Amazon .Com great lakes college and hide release eight buying now $28.00

Amazon .Com and reserve edge college and replenish

by now $16.00

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For more infomation >> What Is The Benefit Of Collagen ? - Duration: 5:01.


What is Zero Gravity Technology? Masseuse Massage - The Remedial Deluxe Plus Massage Chair - Duration: 3:06.

Hi, Michael from Masseuse Massage. This video is going to explain to you a little bit about Zero Gravity and how the Zero Gravity

works on the world's best massage chair the Remedial Deluxe Plus.

Basically, once you've turned the chair on it will take you to a fairly comfortable reclined position.

In order to get it to the Zero Gravity position you want to press this

Preset button, the reclining preset button, two more times, so you see it'll stop there

I press it two more times, and it will take you all the way down into the Zero Gravity Position.

Now what is zero gravity and why would you want to actually sit in Zero Gravity on the chair?

Zero Gravity was a

concept designed by NASA.

When you sit in a chair in a spaceship, and get shot straight up with rockets behind you into space,

the body's under a lot of pressure and it can actually be a big problem for the astronauts.

So the way they solve that was they found the position to sit them in,

that would actually have the least amount of gravity pressure on their joints and bones and spine.

So that they could handle that intense

rocket launch into the sky and

still survive it and feel no pain. So the concept of Zero Gravity, that's where it came from.

Effectively what it means is that you're in a laying down position, with your feet or your knees above your heart and

as you can see with the Remedial Deluxe Plus, this guy reclines to almost flat, as an

S-Track technology chair, it will recline a lot flatter than any of the L-Tracks out there on the market.

This is a more advanced track and as you can see it allows the chair to get completely flat. Once you're in the Zero Gravity

Position, you can see that what will happen,

similarly to the astronauts is all of the pressure that the gravity is putting on you, on me as I'm standing here right now,

is completely gone so you'll feel weightless while you're sitting in the chair in the Zero Gravity Position.

A lot of our customers have sore lower backs, sore upper backs, all of the joints are giving them chronic pain...

What this position is doing is trying to eliminate all of that pain as a start,

and then what it actually does is it allows the

massage chair to do its work, and to fix those

problems in the best possible way. You can imagine when there's all the gravity and the pressure putting on your lower back for example.

The chair's not going to be able to help you that much.

But once you get into the Zero Gravity position and your lower back is feeling a lot better,

Then the massage hands can get in there and actually work their magic and improve your health.

That's the Gero Gravity, the weightless position of the massage chair.

I hope this explains a little bit more to you about one of those technological terms that we use a lot.

But it really is an important feature, and you want to make sure that you're getting it in the chair that you're purchasing.

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