Guests In Awe At State Dinner, Trump Unveils Early Birthday Present For Melania.
On Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump and his wife Melania welcomed French President
Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte to the White House for an opulent state dinner meticulously
planned by the first lady.
Guests who were lucky enough to be invited to the elegant affair were in awe.
Shortly after the event, the president unveiled an early birthday present for Melania.
Fifteen months into the Trump administration, the president and first lady threw their first
state dinner.
The pressure was on as reporters waited anxiously to see what Melania had in store, and, boy,
did she ever deliver!
Every detail was attended to with the utmost care, and the evening went off without a hitch
thanks to "months of preparations" by the first lady and her team.
According to National Public Radio, Tuesday night's menu paid tribute to American culinary
traditions with "nuances of French influences."
It began with a course of goat cheese gateau, tomato jam, buttermilk biscuits, and greens
from the White House kitchen garden.
The main course included rack of spring lamb, cipollini soubise, and Carolina gold rice
To finish it off, the Macrons were treated to a nectarine tart with crème fraîche ice
The exquisite meal was served on both the Clinton and George W. Bush china, which features
a green color palette that complemented the green flowers featured in the dining room.
There were more than 1,200 branches of cherry blossom, all homegrown in the United States,
and more than 2,500 stems of white sweet peas, along with 1,000 stems of white lilac.
To top it all off, the Kennedy Center's Washington National Opera performed.The magic
of the evening and the countless hours of hard work required to pull it all off were
not lost on President Trump, who took to Twitter on Wednesday to praise his wife for the "spectacular
job" she did preparing his administration's first state dinner, according to Washington
"[Melania] did a spectacular job hosting the President of France EmmanuelMacron and
his wife Brigitte.
Every detail was done to perfection.
The State Dining Room never looked more beautiful, and Washington is abuzz over what an incredible
job Melania did," he wrote.President Donald Trump seems to be making a habit of offering
his wife glowing praise ahead of her 48th birthday on Thursday.
He did the same in an email to the Make America Great Again Committee, calling the first lady
as his "rock" and "foundation."
"Family is one of life's most wonderful treasures, and serving as America's First
Family has been a truly great privilege!" wrote Trump.
"This month, our family is looking forward to a very special day.
Please join us in celebrating the first lady and my beautiful, kind-hearted and exceptional
wife Melania's birthday by signing her card.
Melania is my rock and foundation, and I wouldn't be the man I am today without her by my side.
She's the cornerstone of our family, and an incredible mother to our son, Barron.
I'm so proud of her accomplishments, and I hope you'll wish her well on her special
The president's choice of words regarding his lovely wife could not have been more accurate
— she has been a "rock," even in the face of a media and Democratic Party both
working overtime to destroy her marriage.
The first lady has been put through the ringer, with ex-adult film stars alleging to have
carried out affairs with her husband in the weeks after she gave birth to their son Barron,
and still, Melania has never once lowered herself to the level of the media trolls trying
to defame her.Instead, she has pulled up her bootstraps and attended to her job as the
first lady.
The evidence of her hard work was apparent on Tuesday night as she threw a flawless state
dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte.
We have been blessed beyond measure with such a gracious and classy first lady, and as her
birthday approaches, we look forward to wishing her well!
what do you think about this?
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USA facts today.
For more infomation >> Guests In Awe At State Dinner, Trump Unveils Early Birthday Present For Melania - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
First Lady Melania Trump's State Dinner Gown Dazzles Fashion World - Duration: 1:46.
American University: The First Carbon Neutral University in the US - Duration: 2:09.
- In 2010 American University made a commitment
to become carbon neutral by the year 2020.
Thanks to the efforts of our entire community,
I'm pleased to announce that we have
met that goal two years early.
That makes us the first US university,
the first urban campus, and the first research university
to become carbon neutral.
- Achieving carbon neutrality means
that we have achieved net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
This is equivalent to taking 10,000 cars off the road.
To achieve carbon neutrality, we did a few things.
First, we improved our efficiencies
on campus and all of our buildings,
and we asked our entire community
to do their part as well.
Then we turned to renewable energy.
100% of our electricity is from a renewable source.
50% of that electricity comes from solar panels
that we installed in North Carolina,
and the other 50% comes from renewable energy credits.
And finally, we used offsets to balance out
the rest of our emissions sources.
- By taking this step, committing towards carbon
neutrality and achieving that goal
is something that shows students that we're committed,
and it shows what our priorities are.
- I think we have an incredible responsibility in part
as a role model for how communities should respond
to some of the great challenges of the day, which
includes climate change.
- It's really thrilling to be part of a community that
has proven that we can do this in an urban environment
and at a large research institution as well.
- This is a very important step and important statement
that you can make about what is important to us.
- I'm so excited to be part of a team
and part of a community that has changed
the way that we do things on campus in all aspects.
The way we think about purchasing in offices,
the way we teach our classes, the way we build our buildings,
all of those things have come together to us
to this accomplishment, and being part of that community
is incredibly special.
- All of us can do our part, and we
want to make sure to share our lessons beyond the AU
We hope that our work will become
a model for sustainability and show how one community can
make a real impact.
U.S. Attorney indicts 45 people in fentanyl trafficking ring - Duration: 1:35.
Melania Trump & Brigitte Macron dazzle as they join husbands for US state visit first state dinner - Duration: 3:09.
Trump blasts Iran nuclear deal as 'insane' as Macron urges U.S. not to pull out - Duration: 2:03.
U.S. President Donald Trump has again denounced the Iran nuclear deal, hinting at the possibility
of Washington pulling out of the 2015 agreement.
His comments have sparked concern in some quarters that they may deter North Korea from
working out a nuclear agreement with U.S. with their summit a matter of weeks away.
Ro Aram reports.
At a joint press conference on Tuesday with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, President
Trump branded the Iran deal "insane" and "ridiculous."
He also warned Tehran against restarting its nuclear program.
"The Iran deal was a terrible deal.
We paid $150 billion, we gave $1.8 billion in cash.
That's actual cash - barrels of cash.
It's insane, it's ridiculous, it should have never been made, but we will be talking about
It won't be so easy for them to restart.
They're not going to be restarting anything, they restart it, they're going to have big
problems - bigger than they've ever had before…"
The 2015 deal was reached during the Obama administration to curb Iran's nuclear program
in exchange for eased sanctions.
President Macron agreed the deal had its downsides and that a new agreement should be made.
But he urged the U.S. not to pull out yet as it still allowed some control over Iran's
nuclear program until the year 2025.
Some watchers have warned that Trump's renewed criticism of the pact may also hinder chances
of working out a nuclear deal with North Korea, especially at a time when Pyongyang is warming
to the idea of denuclearization.
They say that, if Kim Jong-un sees that President Trump cannot be trusted to honor the Iran
deal, then he could assume Trump can't be trusted with a possible nuclear agreement
with North Korea.
That would put any chance for meaningful talks on denuclearization in jeopardy before they
even begin.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
In what could be one of the most important development in the field of military technology,
U.S and Japan could join hands to develop a 5th generation fighter for Japan.
Fundamentally, the new fighter will be a fusion of F22 Raptor and F 35 Lightning II.
This could an ominous sign for China.
In this video, Defense updates analyses the why Japan & U.S may work to develop a fighter
with combine capabilities of F 22 & F35 fighter?
Lets get into the details.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Japan was seeking to replace its aging fleet
of fighter aircraft.
It had approached the United States for purchasing Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.
However the U.S. Congress had banned the exporting of the aircraft in order to safeguard secrets
of the aircraft's technology such as its extensive use of stealth.
But things have changed.
Japan is facing dramatically more aggressive and militarily powerful China.
The situation has been escalating day by day.
As per reports, during the whole of 2015 the Japan's air force had to dispatch its fighter
jets 571 times to intercept Chinese military aircraft approaching or intruding Japanese airspace.
As we move into 2018, the numbers have risen though exacts figures are not available.
Also, the nature of confrontation in the air has been more hostile.
China's Chengdu J-10, which has some stealth capability, has been in service for some time now.
In September 2017, the Chengdu J-20 officially entered military service with PLAAF, becoming
the third operational fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft in the world, and the first
in Asia.
There is now increased consensus is U.S about providing Japan with the most sophisticated techs.
The Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin, is a Japanese experimental aircraft for testing cutting-edge
technologies including stealth and meant to be a proof of concept for Japans indigenous
5th generation fighter.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense Technical Research and Development Institute is involved
in its design and development, with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries being the main contractor.
The X-2 is being persuaded to determine if Japan's own manufactures are capable of
developing and producing a viable 5th generation fighter.
It has been under development at a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries plant in Toyoyama since 2009.
The X2 for the first time took off from Nagoya airport in Aichi Prefecture at 8:47 a.m.,
on 22 April 2016.
5th gen fighter jet development is a extremely complex engineering feat and Japan has still
a long way to go before fielding an indigenous operational 5th generation fighter.
Keeping in view, Japan has already already ordered 42 F 35s.
Conceptually the idea is about merging the better kinematic performance and low- observability
of the F-22 with the F-35's updated avionics, mission computers, and sensors.
This has essentially been done before, though not at this scale.
Viewers may be aware that the Mitsubishi-Lockheed F 2 used Japan's Air Force is basically
a customized F 16 tailored as per Japan's requirements with extensive modifications.
If this situation pans out, US defense aerospace major contractor Lockheed Martin is expected
to work with Japan's Mitsubishi to design & develop a hybrid jet fighter fully aligned
to Japan's need.
Lockheed Martin will require explicate permission from the U.S. government, as this will involve
sensitive military technology to be transferred to Japan.
Major chunks of aircraft design and software codes will have to be shared.
The decision will test President Donald Trump's promise to overhaul his country's arms export policy.
The proposed aircraft could theoretically come out to be superior to both F 22 and
F 35 if the program is implemented carefully.
Donald Trump shares a very close relationship with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
This relationship has been forged stronger due to China's increasingly aggressive posturing.
An arrangement like this could be win-win for U.S as a close ally Japan will have advanced
hardware to counter China and this also makes a good business opportunity with potential
for considerable foreign exchange inflow.
US and Japan are already working together in number of critical military weapons like
the RIM-161 Standard Missile 3.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese public in general have been very conscious
of the danger posed from China.
Mr. Abe has shown the intent to equip the Japanese forces with adequate military assets
to deal with China as he looks to enhance the role of Japan's Self Defense Forces.
Japan's has slowing increasing its defense budget keep the Chinese angle in mind.
A program like this will be very costly and will be accommodated without stopping some
of the current projects.
These projects include developing a new cruise missile, setting up Aegis Ashore ballistic
missile defense batteries and deploying F-35Bs on its helicopter carriers.
It remains to be seen how Japan goes about it.
Iran Threatens U.S. Over Ending Obama's Nuclear Deal, Trump Has Just 2 Words - Duration: 4:08.
Iran Threatens U.S.
Over Ending Obama's Nuclear Deal, Trump Has Just 2 Words
Iran recently threatened the United State with dire consequences should Barack Obama's
nuclear deal be brought to an end.
Now, President Donald Trump has just two words for the rogue country.
You won't want to miss this.Needless to say, America was left with a tremendous mess
after eight years of horrible and embarrassing foreign policy from the Obama administration.
President Donald Trump has been critical of Obama's pathetic nuclear deal with Iran,
even during his time as a presidential candidate.
With the recent threats coming out of Iran's leadership over the possible end of the nuclear
deal, Trump is making it clear that there's a new sheriff in town and the U.S. won't
be pandering to the extremists who run that backward country any longer.
According to Breitbart, during a press event at the White House on Monday, April 23, 2018,
French President Emmanuel Macron and President Donald Trump sat before a crowd of reporters
who wanted to know how the U.S. would react if Iran retaliated should Trump decide to
end the bad deal.
Trump's response was nothing short of brutal.
"It just seems that no matter where you go, especially in the Middle East, Iran is
behind it, wherever there's trouble.
Yemen, Syria, no matter where you have it, Iran is behind it.
And now, unfortunately, Russia is getting more and more involved.
But, Iran seems to be behind everything where there's a problem," Trump said, according
to Daily Caller.
"And, you just have to take a look.
You look at what's happening.
You look at the fighters.
Iran is always there, and we're not going to allow certain things to happen that are
happening, and the Iran deal is a disaster.
They're testing missiles.
What is that all about?
You look at the ballistic missiles that they're going and testing," Trump continued.
"What kind of a deal is it when you're allowed to test missiles all over the place?
What kind of a deal is it when you don't talk about Yemen and you don't talk about
all of the other problems that we have with respect to Iran especially.
Look at what they're doing in Iraq.
You just take a look at what's happening in virtually any place in the Middle East,
and Iran is behind it," Trump said.
"So, what kind of a deal is this where it wasn't even discussed?
And, I know that John Kerry made the statement that he didn't want to discuss other things
while he was making the deal.
Despite all of the money that we gave them, he didn't want to discuss it because it
was too complicated.
That's not the way to do it, because it was too complicated," Trump added.
"So, we made this terrible deal, but we'll be discussing it," Trump said.
When a reporter told Trump that the Iranian's have claimed they will restart their nuclear
program, Trump said, "We'll find out, you'll find out about that.
It won't be so easy for them to restart.
They're not going to be restarting anything.
They restart it, they are going to have big problems, bigger than they've ever had before
and you can mark it down," Trump said."They restart their nuclear program, they will have
bigger problems than they have ever had before," Trump reiterated.
Clearly, the President is sending a message to Iran in front of the entire world.
The truth of the matter is that a country like Iran will never honor the agreements
they make with the U.S. or any other foreign government.
A look back in history will tell anyone what lies ahead in regards to Iran and other Islamic
They can't be joined with the rest of the world in peace because their ideology demands
worldwide domination.
President Donald Trump understands that the only way to deal with Iran's leadership
is through strength and force.
Thank God, we now have a President who isn't afraid to tell Iran that their threats and
support of terrorism have consequences.
Ronan Farrow Interviewed Every Living Secretary Of State, Including Tillerson - Duration: 8:40.
US Teachers vs UK Teachers - Who Works More and Who Gets Paid More? - Duration: 6:11.
We may believe the experience of going to school is universal, but it varies greatly
depending on which country you live in.
Some might say that the purpose of education is learning valuable information.
Others would argue it's primarily about becoming an effective critical thinker, or
that it's simply a bridge to university.
As the learning experience can vary depending on culture, politics, and economics, the teaching
experience also comes with its own set of unique activities.
Today we're going to be looking at how teachers on different sides of the Atlantic deal with
their day to day at school.
What is similar and what is not, and who has the best role of the dice with the perks of
the teaching game?
Welcome to this episode of The Infographics Show: US Teachers vs UK Teachers.
When we started doing our research online, we first came across a topic that has been
making headlines in the United Kingdom…the UK teacher recruitment crisis.
The UK has a shortage of teachers, an issue that has arisen as a result of the boom in
birth rates and the rise in the number of pupils attending schools.
Though the number of primary teachers has been steadily going up, it is not enough to
deal with the increased number of children joining primary schools.
Adding to this, there have been complaints of high workloads, increased targets, and
insufficient remuneration, which have resulted in experienced teachers leaving the profession.
According to a YouGov poll, 53 per cent of teachers are considering leaving their jobs.
11,000 young teachers actually leave during training; a figure that is three times more
than it was six years ago.
British newspaper The Guardian reported that Ministers had failed to meet teacher recruitment
targets for five years in a row, leading to 10,000 fewer secondary school teachers being
hired, than intended.
And that recruitment target for computing teachers had been missed by more than 1,000
over a five-year period.
A shortfall in physics teachers of almost 1,200, and the target for mathematics teachers
has been missed by 1,850 recruits.
The figures published by the Department for Education in 2016, also showed teacher vacancies
up by 26% over the year, with 920 vacancies for full-time permanent teachers in state-funded
schools, up from 730 the year before.
So how does this compare to the US teacher talent pool?
When we looked online, it seems many of the same issues are apparent.
A 2017 Washington Post article referenced a study which published data stating that
teacher education enrollment dropped by 35%, from 691,000 to 451,000, between 2009 and
2014, and that nearly 8 percent of the teaching workforce is leaving every year, many before
retirement age.
The reasons behind the shortages are similar to those in the United Kingdom.
Student enrollments are increasing and will continue to do so by 3 million, to 53 million
total, in the next decade.
This is driven by higher birth rates and immigration.
Teacher attrition is high, at 8% annually, with two-thirds of those that leave, doing
so before retirement age, and most because of dissatisfaction with the conditions of
their employment.
So it seems there is a similar situation with the teacher shortage in both the UK and US.
So this is all interesting, but what about the day-to-day experience of those teachers
who are working in schools.
How do the jobs compare?
We took a look at salaries, and using data from The OECD, we did some side-by-side comparisons.
This is what we found out.
For starting salaries, US teachers are paid up to $42,000, where as in England, it is
up to $31,000.
For teachers working in the industry beyond 15 years, US teachers are paid up to $45,000,
and in England it's $42,000.
For top of the scale teachers, US teachers are paid up to $46,000, where as in England
it is still $42,000.
Looking at how the ages of these teachers compare, the average age of a schoolteacher
in America is 43, where as in England it is 39.
In fact, teachers in England are the fifth youngest, based on a survey of 5 million teachers
in 34 countries.
So US teachers do a little better on the salary front, but maybe there are some other drawbacks.
What about working hours?
Well, unfortunately for those teachers in England, the lower pay doesn't equal lower
According to a study that was referenced in an article in the UK newspaper, The Independent,
teachers in England work longer hours than almost anywhere else in the world.
The study found secondary school teachers work an average of 48.2 hours per week, with
one in five working 60 hours or more.
That's an extra 2.7 hours per week compared to teachers in America.
The extra hours are spent on marking papers, lesson preparation, and filling out forms.
So the pros of teaching certainly seem to be weighted to the US side, but an area we
haven't explored, is teaching materials and supplies.
UK schools are provided with supplies such as pens, paper and learning resources, and
though we did find some cases where the school budget had been exhausted and the teachers
had to dip in to their own pockets, these seem to be isolated.
However, in the US, this is a highly controversial area and in many cases, teachers are being
lumbered with large bills for supplies, which if they do not buy, the teaching activities
may not happen.
According to a study by the National School Supply and Equipment Association, US teachers
spend around $500 of their own money each year on supplies for their students.
And in 2015, when the Huffington Post asked teachers to tweet how much they spent on their
classrooms, many replied saying several hundred dollars, and some even several thousand, so
this $500 average might be low.
We all know the importance of good teachers, so let's look at what the data says in terms
of student perspective.
Statistics from an ING Foundation Survey, told us this; roughly 88 percent of people
say a teacher had a "significant, positive impact" on their lives; Around 98 percent
of people say a teacher can change the course of a student's life, and though it can vary
by grade level and number of years teaching, the average teacher affects more than 3,000
students during their career.
There's a lot to say about our community of teachers on both sides of the ocean, and
whichever country a teacher is based in, there are always benefits and drawbacks.
Are you a teacher who has his or her own perspective on this subject?
Maybe you've worked in both the US and UK?
If so, we'd love to hear from you in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our other video called Average American vs Average European!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
Will China Cause US-EU Breakup? - Duration: 6:29.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
as trade disputes between China and the US continue,
China looks for more friends.
Welcome back to China Uncensored.
I'm Chris Chappell.
As China and the US edge closer to a full-on trade war,
the Chinese Communist Party is looking to turn
America's allies against it.
And at the top of that list is the European Union.
The EU and the US are China's biggest trading partners.
Many Western countries,
like France and Germany,
have complained about the Chinese Communist Party's
unfair trade practices.
For example, stealing technology and manipulating
Chinese currency to keep exports cheap.
But now trade relations are getting worse.
A few weeks ago President Donald Trump
threatened to impose tariffs
on a total of $150 billion dollars worth of Chinese exports.
It's in response to the Chinese regime's unfair industrial subsidies
and the theft of American intellectual property.
According to the Intellectual Property Commission,
theft of intellectual property costs the US economy
$600 billion dollars a year.
And—surprise, surprise—
China is the biggest culprit.
And that's only the direct impact of IP theft.
If you factor in the long-term impact
of lost future revenue from innovation and jobs,
the loss could be as much as $5 trillion a year,
according to one expert.
Of course, the Chinese Communist Party
doesn't think they're doing anything wrong
by stealing intellectual property.
I mean, the Party literally wrote intellectual property theft
into their latest five-year economic plan.
They're just upset that the chickens
are finally coming home to roost.
So they're retaliating by threatening to implement
their own tariffs on US goods.
And now the Party is upping the ante.
They're trying to drive a wedge between the US and Europe.
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the European Union
to "stand up together" against American protectionism
"and uphold the rules-based multilateral order."
I'm sorry, but Chinese Communist Party
wants to "uphold the rules-based multilateral order"?
That's coming from the same regime
that's been accused of violating World Trade Organization rules
41 times in the past 17 years.
And that for years forced foreign companies to share
their technology and profits with local Chinese partners
as a condition of doing business.
And that buys up key assets like seaports in smaller nations,
and then uses economic leverage
to interfere with that country's politics.
So I think what the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
actually meant was,
"Could we all please just uphold the status quo?"
Anyway, last week, Beijing's top trade official,
Fu Ziying, went on a diplomatic charm offensive in Europe.
His goal: to convince long-time US allies
to side with China if there's a trade war with the US.
According to a senior European diplomat
who didn't want to be identified,
the message was that the EU
must "stand together against US protectionism
in favor of free trade."
And another diplomat said that the Chinese official
used "subliminal threats" about bad things
that could happen to foreign companies.
Subliminal threats, huh?
Like how you might want to break down your trade barriers
before Joey over here breaks them for you.
He's gonna increase the size of your trade deficit
if you know what I'm saying.
No wonder those European diplomats
wanted to remain anonymous.
See, this potential trade war with the US
is putting the Chinese Communist Party in a tough spot.
To survive a trade war with the US,
they have to make sure Europe keeps its markets open.
That's according to Yukon Huang,
an expert on China's economy at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.
But all the attention the Chinese Communist Party
is lavishing on the EU
means that although they talk tough,
Trump's tariff offensive is setting them edge.
China's move "smacks of desperation
because China knows that the EU
is not going to confront its biggest ally"—
which is the United States.
And then, just to drive the point home,
a few days after trade representative
Fu Ziying's European tour wrapped up,
27 out of 28 European Union ambassadors to China
co-signed a report criticizing Xi Jinping's flagship
One Belt One Road Initiative.
One Belt One Road is the trillion dollar infrastructure plan
that builds trade corridors linking China with the rest of the world,
including Europe.
But many denounce the scheme as a way for China
to gain the upper hand in trade and to meddle in other countries.
And EU leaders seem to agree.
The European ambassadors say One Belt One Road
is designed to restrict free trade
and favor Chinese companies.
One German newspaper got hold of the EU ambassadors' signed report.
It supposedly says One Belt One Road
"runs counter to the EU agenda for liberalizing trade
and pushes the balance of power
in favor of subsidized Chinese companies."
That makes it a bit harder for the Chinese regime
to claim the high ground of defending free trade.
A senior European diplomat told Reuters the EU
was "not in the business of taking sides" in a trade war,
and that its goal is "to get the multilateral process back on track."
In other words,
get China and the US to work together
and with other countries,
to resolve their dispute through the World Trade Organization.
Ultimately it looks like the EU agrees with the US
that the Chinese regime is not playing by the rules,
but they don't really like how the US is dealing with it.
So, do you think the US and Europe will remain pals?
Or will the Chinese regime manage to drive a wedge between them?
Leave your comments below.
Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Find out more about the ways the Chinese Communist Party
tries to gain the upper hand in international relations.
Visit China
We upload full half hour episodes you won't see on YouTube.
10 of the Most Affordable Places to Live in the US - Duration: 12:55.
10 of the Most Affordable Places to Live in the US.
You're ready to move to a new city.
But, before you pack up and select a new place to live, make sure you do your research.
While it's great to have an idea of some of the different entertainment options and
attractions that an area offers, you also want it to be somewhere that fits into your
Living expenses vary wildly from city to city, and finding an affordable city to live in
isn't as easy as it used to be.
Let's say you're looking for a city to move to and are hoping to spend about $140,000
on your new dream home.
You're not going to have much luck in cities like New York City or San Francisco.
However, that $140,000 could get you a lot of house if you're looking at one of the
more affordable cities in America.
Luckily, Forbes compiles a good amount of data every year to help us figure out which
cities those are.
The full list of America's most affordable cities tops 100 metropolitan areas, but we're
going to stick to the upper slice.
Here are the cheapest cities in the U.S., so you can see where you can get the most
bang for your buck.
10: Columbus, Ohio.
Ohio — rooted in the American Midwest, and home to several major cities, is still one
of the cheapest places to live.
And one of those cities, the capital Columbus, cracks the overall top ten.
Given that Columbus is home to the state government and one of the nation's largest schools,
Ohio State University, there are plenty of well-paying jobs to be had as well.
The median family income is $70,000, and median home sales came in at $167,000.
9: Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ohio's neighbor to the west offers another affordable city for those looking to lower
their living expenses, and another state capital to boot.
Indianapolis residents have a median family income of $64,300, while median home prices
are only $134,000.
Nearly 80% of homes in the city are affordable at the median income.
8: Dayton, Ohio.
Dayton, another Ohio city, makes the list at number seven.
Seeing as how Dayton isn't a major city, the cost of living is even lower than in places
like Columbus or Indianapolis.
But that means that median pay is lower, on average, as well.
Median family income is just over $60,000, and median home prices were at $104,000.
7: St. Louis, Missouri.
We're staying centralized in the Midwest so far, if you haven't noticed.
And St. Louis — located on the Mississippi River on the border of Missouri and Illinois
— takes the number six spot.
Median family income in St. Louis was just above $67,000, while median home prices were
at $140,000.
One interesting detail: Utility costs for St. Louis residents are 9% higher than the
national average; but most other expenses fall below the line.
6: Memphis, Tennessee.
The average cost of a home in Memphis is $140,000, and median incomes come in at $56,700.
There's even more good news for those hoping to settle down in a town rich with musical
heritage – almost 75% of the housing in the city is available at the household median
And plus, there's all of that history to take in!
5: Cincinnati, Ohio.
Back to Ohio we go, with another of the state's larger cities, Cincinnati, making a showing
on the list.
In Cincinnati, you can watch the Bengals make another early playoff exit, while paying a
median price of $133,000 for a home.
Median family incomes were $68,500, and almost 84% of the city's residences could be purchased
at that income level.
4: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma takes the number four spot, with a median family income of $61,400.
Homes in Oklahoma City sold for under $140,000, making it a good city for those looking for
It's a growing city, too, and if you're a basketball fan, the Thunder are a playoff
staple these days.
3: Buffalo, New York.
In a surprising twist, one of the most affordable cities in the U.S. is in the same state that
one of the most overpriced city resides (New York City).
Buffalo has a median family income of $63,900, and a median home sales price of $118,000.
Home ownership is attainable for 81.8% of the local population.
In terms of costs, you'll save on everything except utilities — which are 7.1% above
the national average — and transportation, which is 2.4% above the national average.
2: Knoxville, Tennessee.
Knoxville, Tennessee might be the perfect place for a college football fan looking for
more affordability.
You're in close proximity to the University of Tennessee and some serious SEC football,
in addition to some relatively cheap groceries, transportation, and utilities.
Median family income is just above $60,000, and homes were selling at a median price of
1: Birmingham, Alabama.
Down South we go, to America's most affordable city: Birmingham, Alabama.
Among the biggest cost-savers in Birmingham are healthcare and transportation, which are
16.6% and 13.2% below the national averages, respectively.
Median family income came in at $61,000, and median home sales landed at $130,000.
If you want the most bang for your buck, Birmingham is the place to be.
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