good morning plumbers YouTube and plumbing apprentices today's adventure
is an easy day I'm kind of beat up from the firehouse cb2 is in school today and
I had a couple questions from the fellas especially these young plumbers
apprentices wannabes that what tools do you need so I think I'm going to do a
little clip on startup kits for plumbers because I just happen to get four cb2
for Christmas which was a few months ago some hand tools which I was tired of him
using mine and when I went to use my tools I didn't have them so it
definitely helps I'm just gonna go check a job real quick but what I'm gonna do is
we're going to show you his tools this way you have an idea but the biggest
thing as you know plumbers everyday plumbers that the passion to work and
you gotta love this trade you can't be afraid to get dirty
can't be afraid to get up early so I had a couple guys actually reached out
to me Brendan K apprentice, Asia apprentice
so that's what inspired me to do this little video what tools you need you know
so you know we do everyday plumbing so the good the bad the ugly
you enjoy our content hit that subscribe button turn that notification Bell on I
appreciate it and any plumbers that want to join in on
this tool teaching tool recommendation whatever you want to call it feel free
to put some comments down below I know you guys will anyway but it's all good
home sweet home let's get some fresh air out here boys
like I was saying Christmas time I got CB2 some tools let me get mine out the
way here CB2 - I went to Home Depot picked up a little carrier which makes
things real easy okay and first thing out the gate which I
recommend highly is Douglas pliers a necessity. Four in One screwdriver the number
one tool you need folks is it heart to work a pencil a tape measure and a knife
if you show up with these so you're gonna be golden tape measure pencil rage
a knife there are gloves in case you're afraid of dirt which I hope you're not
nut drivers one of your number one tools you're going to need nut drivers
especially for toilet bolts I'm gonna show you this
they come in a hollow shafts so you want to be able to get by a bolt that will
slide all way down picture this a toilet bolt just set the
toilet I recommend Klien nut drivers Klein
tools because of the hollow shaft and here's why when you go to do a toilet
you can slide down the shaft some nut drivers come with a short hollow shaft
which this is doing you no good so Klein perfect though your safety goggles no
one gets hurt on my job torpedo level got to make sure it stops pitched little
poly cutter PVC poly supplies comes in handy Cheese saw
for cutting closet bolts nice little handle here the blades nice and tight floor
fine snips by Wiss or wiss I'm not quite sure how you pronounce it less
rights and straights green reds and yellows alright again if you don't have
the money please right now your boss will have them out I just got
cut sheet rock saw we love cutting holes in
walls hammer of course CB2's got these are Douglas imitation so they said they
were Douglas they seem like they're pretty close but they work little pair
of pliers for a hold back won't bump what you have two pair of pliers to hold
back with and again your boss is gonna have these I wouldn't even buy them
right now especially with the advanced tools with electric pipe cutters imp cutter
by rigid cuts up to a one-inch pipe copper number 15 RIdgid pipe cutter an
open end wrench set again not a necessity on day one like to have but
not an assessee I just happen to go to Home Depot and bought husky stuff for Chuckie.
that's why they're husky open end wrenches. right I'm still very shiny as you see
scraper for bowl waxes alright Allen wrenches
this one here for disposals un jams in this vertical alright that's your basic
tools magic markers your pencil I'll put everything away couple pair of pliers
pipe cutters snips hammer cheese saw and the sheet rock saw we love holes four in one
screwdriver number one tape measure for razor knife keep your pencil sharp pair
gloves back ready to go to work man that is it what else the big thing is
this be a plumber you got to want to work show up early
don't stand around look how it neat my truck
tell me this truck is don't stand around the truck clean keep the shop clean
there's always something to do if you're working on a job reorganize
the job like everything gets scattered reorganize a job so that's it man that
is it so hopefully that helped you out the big
thing is show up on time coffee ready to work oh no cell phones no cell phones oh
my god everyone's in their cell phone like this plumbers of the world
apprentices reached out to me plumbers you plumbers want to add anything on
your own please do down below some constructive criticism some ideas some
suggestions that'd be awesome thank you anyway so the passion at work
is key that is gonna be the key to your successful apprenticeship as a plumber
and again if you show up with his will of work you're gonna have no problem
ever finding a job and I want to give a special shout out to a couple guys
reggae from Atlanta reggae thank you for reaching out to me I hope you picked up
that pro press I love it apprentices you're gonna find out real
quick what a pro press is and what you still gotta learn how to solder that's a
whole nother a whole other adventure also Bobby frega out of North Jersey
my North Jersey brother thank you he wanted a t-shirt so what I'm gonna do
like I can't give out one tee shirt to one guy I can't afford to give out thousands
of t-shirts so what I'm gonna do when I get my website up I'm gonna sell
t-shirts and hoodies with the proceeds the profits from that is going to go to
a special benefit that I fund so and again I'm gonna put a little video out
about that that's coming up and so that's the plan once I get my website
done t-shirts gonna be sold hoodies too
I don't know what else and then again the benefits check that the profits from
that sales will go towards a special donation which I can't wait to write
that first check and then you'll see and I will make it a video of course so
that's it man just an easy day day for me today and
so hopefully hopefully I'm able to send some young plumber in the right
direction but that's the inspiration of this channel is that I think plumbing is
awesome and not everybody goes to college and all this stuff I recommend
going to college if you can this week I run a business better than I did
better than you your father or whatever you know I'm saying there's always a
smarter way to do stuff so and as to that's the hope of me of my two kids
Chuck and Angelo to become plumbers but then run it better than I did I have 32
years in plumbing the plumbing since I was 18
but I also want to vote tech school any Milt's out there Milton Hershey schools
where I went to high school a vo-tech so I had two years of plumbing there and he
milts on the site give me a shout-out that's my alma mater class 84 and that's
where I got my plumbing start Milton Hershey School in Hershey Pennsylvania
so special shout out to all my milt brothers out there my milt brothers and
sisters and yeah it doesn't come overnight I can tell you that
so enjoy the ride you know the saying it's going to be the good the bad and
the ugly have a great day
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