Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 2 2018

eye cream

For more infomation >> Eye Cream Dark Circles Remover - Duration: 3:44.


Seven Knights: World Boss Dark Crown Prince (44.7M) ft. Shane & Sieg - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Seven Knights: World Boss Dark Crown Prince (44.7M) ft. Shane & Sieg - Duration: 5:55.


What Are Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate {Beware} - Duration: 12:22.

Hello, what are the benefits of eating dark chocolate, is dark chocolate good for you?

Is that chocolate healthy, is that chocolate bad for you, the answer to all of those questions coming up next so you stay tuned

In a world awash with danger and stress the one thing you mustn't ignore is your health

No, ifs no buts hop on the driving seat and take absolute control of your health with a little help from a friend

Please welcome



Hello welcome back and the joke of Right so what are we talking about today?

We're talking about the health benefits of eating dark chocolate health benefits of eating dark chocolate

That's what we got here dark chocolate benefits now

first things first

You need to subscribe if you if you new to this channel you need to subscribe the is the red button in the bottom

Right corner. Why should you subscribe well if you want twenty twenty ideas that will lead you to better health then you should subscribe

So having said that let's get on with it. Now before I start because when you talk about

chocolate products

Dark chocolate in particular, that's a very broad range of all of these products.

Now, I've got a few samples yet, and I want to demonstrate for you now

You've got this end of the spectrum You've got

Look at that that's Green & Blacks 70% dark chocolate and then you've got

Come in here is a supermarket brand of 70% dark chocolate as well

Then here's Lindt's

brand of 90% dark chocolate. 90% that's this one and

Then the other end of the spectrum you've got

something like

milk chocolate okay milk chocolate and

then you got this this is a

Moser Roth's brand of white chocolate

Now in terms of the health benefits that you actually get from eating back chocolates you should concentrate on

this type. You know 70% dark chocolate, 90& dark chocolate. The more the

Concentration of cocoa solids that you have within the chocolate the better. That's what you actually get the health benefits what am I saying?

I'm saying that something like this

White chocolate this is rubbish. This makes no sense at all you never get any benefits from eating this

So I wanted to say that before we dive into the health benefits of actually consuming dark chocolate

Right now we've established the fact that for you to actually derive the health benefits of dark chocolate, you

Need to eat the chocolate bars with high concentrations of the dark chocolates in itself, so we're talking about

things like 70% dark chocolate

90% dark chocolate 70, 90

milk chocolate totally useless

totally useless

Discarded! So if in fact to choose between these two 70% and 90% I'll go for 90%

The more cocoa solids you have within the chocolate bar, the better. That's when you actually get the real benefits

That's where the benefits building actually begin to add up now

to answer the question :

Is Dark chocolate good for you. Well the answer to that question is yes, it is yes

It is dark chocolate is good for you

And there are three reasons why dark chocolate is good for you. The 1st reason is that chocolate has a lot of antioxidants

dark chocolate contains a lot of antioxidants

Second reason it contains a substance called Phenylethylamine

Phenylethylamine, abbreviated as PEA what a weird abbreviation

and the third reason is

Dark chocolate actually improves blood flow it improves blood flow so those benefits

we're talking about they actually stem from all those three reasons and

So we're going to be talking about benefits next. So for a start dark chocolate is healthy dark chocolate is good for you

Now, the 1st reason you want to consume dark chocolate is the fact that chocolate is actually good for your mood. Yes

Dark chocolate is a mood elevator because it contains cacao now

You remember I talked about the fact that the actually an actually contains a substance called Phenylethylamine PEA

that PEA substance is actually good for the production of endorphins in the brain

So you have my endorphins, but neurotransmitters in the brain?

That elevates your mood, so that's a very good reason risk for consuming dark chocolate

The next reason you want to consume dark chocolate is

Dark chocolate may help with premature aging. Yes dark chocolate can help with premature aging

Why is that is because that chocolate has a lot a lot of antioxidants?

Don't forget that dark chocolate

actually is made from cacao and cacao is one of the best sources of

Antioxidants out there. There are other plant sources of antioxidants like green tea

But Green Tea cannot match the type and level of antioxidants you have in cacao

Now what do these antioxidants do? Well they mop up

You know oxygen free radicals in the body when you have all these free radicals floating around your body that

Can accelerate the aging process and if you've got antioxidants mopping them up?

Then of course you slow down the process so that's one benefit of actually


Cacao and dark chocolate. Another reason you eat dark chocolate is fact that dark chocolate is the rich source of magnesium

yes dark chocolate will supply you with lots and lots of magnesium and

Don't forget like I've mentioned before

Dark chocolate is made from cacao and cacao has lots of magnesium

what do you need magnesium for? Well you need magnesium for nerves and

muscular activity

When you have muscular tension if you have lots of magnesium floating around that will relieve the tension in your muscles

And you also need magnesium for Nerve conduction activity in the brain so when you have lots of magnesium

You are actually boosting

neuromuscular potential

The next reason you want to eat dark chocolate is the fact that dark chocolate does

improve blood flow

We mentioned that before at the beginning of this presentation

I talked about the fact that that's dark chocolate does improve blood flow in the body. Why is that? Well it's because

Dark chocolate is actually made from cacao and cacao has you know the potential to boost nitric oxide production in the body yes

Nitric oxide production is facilitated by cacao. Now when you eat dark chocolate then you're gonna boost production of nitric oxide anybodyís

What does nitric oxide nitric oxide do? Nitric oxide actually relaxes blood vessels within the body. So, when your heart.

Pumps the blood through to the blood vessels, the blood flows through very easily

supplying oxygen and nutrients to

The rest of your body because the actions are well and truly relaxed

Now what does this mean? It means when you eat lots of that dark chocolate and in particular cacao

You are reducing your risk of developing heart disease. You're reducing your risk of developing strokes

You are reducing your risk of developing what we call peripheral vascular disease as well, and there's by extension

You might say well you might say

There's a potential that you may be reducing your risk of developing Alzheimer's. That is not proven

But in theory that could happen. Well, the next reason stems from the last one. We talked about nitric oxide production

And what does this mean for our blood pressure? It means dark chocolate can support

blood pressure regulation

The reason is because nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessel. That means the average flow diameter within the vessel is

wider and when this when this happens the blood flows through very easily and the global blood pressure is


compared to somebody who does not eat Dark chocolate and

It's mainly because of cacao everything stems from cacao and don't forget like I always I've always said you want to eat

dark chocolate

With lots of cocoa solids in them. So we're talking about good 90% or higher

Right the next benefit is insulin sensitivity

Now what does this mean?

Dark chocolate does promote insulin sensitivity and this has been studied. What does insulin sensitivity mean?

It means you need very small amount of insulin to actually clear glucose from circulation into the cells

When you're insulin sensitive, you only need small amounts. When your insulin resistant?

You need lots and lots of insulin because these cells are resistant

they don't allow glucose to get into the cell so you have high blood sugar levels and

Your insulin level is high, hitting the roof - Hyperinsulinemia, that's called

when you're insulin resistant. But when you're insulin sensitive, it is the direct opposite of that and

Dark chocolate actually promotes that. It means that you when you eat because your cells are insulin sensitive

the glucose in the circulation actually gets cleared from circulation into the cells very quickly

Because you just need very small amount of insulin your cells already sensitive

They're responsive to a little knock on the door by insulin say please let sugar in and

The cells will just open the door and let the glucose in that's insulin sensitivity when your insulin sensitive the door opens very quickly

Because these cells are responsive

But when your insulin resistant, your body cells don't usually open the door to allow glucose into the cells

So you don't want to be insulin resistant,

You want to be insulin sensitive and dark chocolate because it's made from cacao

Does promote insulin sensitivity?

Right the last benefit we're going to talk about is Cholesterol

Is dark chocolate good for cholesterol? Well, it turns that it is good for cholesterol

This has been studied and in those studies they found that

participants who actually had dark chocolate had lower levels of LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol whilst

Boosting the level of HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. So, dark chocolate made from cacao

actually reduces bad cholesterol while boosting the level of good cholesterol

And this is a good thing because it's protective for your heart

It reduces your risk of developing heart attacks, and it actually protects your heart and your blood vessels so that's a good thing

So here's the reminder I've talked to learn about all of these health benefits of

Eating dark chocolate, and I've always emphasized the fact that for you to actually get these benefits

You need to eat chocolate bars with

Plenty of cocoa solids in them plenty of cocoa solids, okay, it's gotta be 70% or higher

Preferably this 90% 90% or 95% the more cocoa solids the better that's when you actually get these health benefits

Okay, I just need to emphasize that. Now

we don't round up this video now ah

You need to subscribe. That's that's the next that you need to subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe

If you haven't subscribed you should. If you want 20/20 ideas that will lead you to better health well

Then if you subscribe because that means you have access to future videos that I make

And also leave me a comment in the comments

Tell me about all of these benefits that I've discussed today, which one of them actually piques your interest the most

I want to know about it

so let me a comment in the commenting section and

Then oh there are more stuff that I talk about on my website

The link is provided in the description. Just follow it to my blog and you read more all about it, okay

There are more benefits that I didn't talk about in this video, so there we go

Until next time don't forget dark chocolate is healthy for you

It's good for you, so long as you eat the healthy type. Not the white chocolate type. Not the milk chocolate type

It's got to be 70% or higher. Preferably 90% or higher, okay with cocoa solids

That's the type of dark chcolate I want you to eat. Until next time, take care

For more infomation >> What Are Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate {Beware} - Duration: 12:22.


Random Games - Dark Souls 3 #1 - Duration: 6:16.

Going Awayand Coming back

It's done all little things

I don't give a shit ! (x18)

For more infomation >> Random Games - Dark Souls 3 #1 - Duration: 6:16.


48 Hours Mystery "Dark Voyage" detailing Ashley Barnett's death on the Carnival Paradise Part 1 of 2 - Duration: 58:00.

For more infomation >> 48 Hours Mystery "Dark Voyage" detailing Ashley Barnett's death on the Carnival Paradise Part 1 of 2 - Duration: 58:00.


Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin - Australia 365 - Duration: 11:41.

Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin

Excessive sun exposure, use of deodorants or certain products, lack of exfoliation… these are some of the causes of dark spots on the skin.

Common areas for them are the armpits, elbows and knees.

In this article, well give you some home recipes that can help to reduce them.

Treating dark spots on the skin.

Your skin can darken and have an ugly appearance for many different reasons.

Melasma is a condition caused by an increase in the production of melanin at the cellular level.

In addition to being caused by our daily habits (sun exposure, deodorant, shaving or lack of exfoliation), it can also be caused by pregnancy, genetics or simply aging.

The good news is that there are various home treatments that can be very useful.

Take advantage of mother natures benefits!.

Aloe vera.

Every home should have this plant.

After all, it has multiple medicinal properties to help take care of your skin.

It can help to treat burns, wounds, and bites, and, of course, even dark spots.

Its very simple:.

Cut the aloe vera leaf and then open it horizontally (be careful not to prick yourself).

Remove the gel from the inside and apply it to previously washed skin.

Dont rinse.

Its better if you leave it to work over night.

Repeat daily. Lemon juice.

Its very important that you do these dark spot treatments at night.

This is because if the lemons acids come in contact with the sun, it will cause an adverse effect.

Before going to bed, squeeze the juice from this citrus fruit into a glass, use it to moisten a cotton ball and rub it over the areas that you want to whiten.

In the morning, rinse with cold water and apply a hydrating cream.

Use this procedure 3 times a week. Milk.

This is another food that helps your skin if you use it on a regular basis.

Its used in the same way as the lemon juice.

It should be room temperature or cold (just taken out of the fridge).

Apply using a cotton ball and let it be absorbed without rinsing.

The milks enzymes work to reduce the dark spots on the skin. .


This herb, often used in teas, can be an excellent home remedy for melasma.


1 cup of water (250 g) 2 tablespoons of plantain (20 grams).


Put the water in a pan and heat.

When it begins to boil, add the plantain and cook for 5 minutes.

Turn off the flame, cover, and let chill.

When it reaches room temperature, filter.

Apply the liquid (using a cotton ball) to the dark areas.

Repeat every day in the mornings and afternoons.

Dont rinse. Onion juice.

Onion juice is ideal for eliminating dark spots under your arms, for example.

Be careful and check that this zone is not irritated, because this home remedy can burn a bit.

The only thing that you need is a small, purple onion.

Crush it with a mortar or in a food processor until you have a paste.

Apply before going to bed and let sit for 10 minutes.

Rinse with a lot of water. Yogurt.

It works similarly to milk, but in this case, it can work as a mask because of its consistency.

Plus, if its mixed with grated carrots, the result will be even more efficient.


1 container of yogurt (200 g) 1 carrot.


Peel and grate the carrot Put in the blender and add the yogurt.

Mix well until you have a homogenous cream.

Apply to the dark spots.

Let sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Repeat treatment 3 times a week. Comfrey.

Comfrey is another plant that can help to eliminate those terrible spots caused by wax hair removal, perspiration, or hours exposed to the sun.


10 tablespoons of comfrey (100 g) 10 tablespoons of olive oil (200 g).


Add the olive oil and comfrey to a pot Cook at bain-marie (one container with water over the flame and another inside of that a pot with the ingredients) for 10 minutes Let sit for 20 minutes and filter into an opaque glass jar.

When it reaches room temperature, apply to the previously cleaned area with dark spots using a cotton ball.

Repeat two times a day for at least one week.


This is another ingredient that has to be on your skin care list.

Cucumber is made up of water, natural oils and vitamin E, that is why it is recommended for skin care.

To take advantage of its benefits, you just need to peel the cucumber, cut it into slices and get rid of the seeds.

Then, put it in the blender and apply it as a mask to the area that you want to lighten.

Let sit for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Once finished, apply a hydrating cream.


Lastly, this is a homemade exfoliant that can help to remove spots.


2 tablespoons of sugar (40 g) 1 tablespoon of water (10 g).


Mix the sugar with the water until you have a grainy paste (add more water if necessary).

Apply to the skin using a circular motion.

Rinse with warm water.

For more infomation >> Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin - Australia 365 - Duration: 11:41.


48 Hours Mystery "Dark Voyage" detailing Ashley Barnett's death on the Carnival Paradise Part 2 of 2 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 48 Hours Mystery "Dark Voyage" detailing Ashley Barnett's death on the Carnival Paradise Part 2 of 2 - Duration: 1:28.


The Voice : qui est Demi-mondaine, la rockeuse «dark» de la saison 7 - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> The Voice : qui est Demi-mondaine, la rockeuse «dark» de la saison 7 - Duration: 5:49.


Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin - Australia 360 - Duration: 11:29.

Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin

Excessive sun exposure, use of deodorants or certain products, lack of exfoliation… these are some of the causes of dark spots on the skin.

Common areas for them are the armpits, elbows and knees.

In this article, well give you some home recipes that can help to reduce them.

Treating dark spots on the skin.

Your skin can darken and have an ugly appearance for many different reasons.

Melasma is a condition caused by an increase in the production of melanin at the cellular level.

In addition to being caused by our daily habits (sun exposure, deodorant, shaving or lack of exfoliation), it can also be caused by pregnancy, genetics or simply aging.

The good news is that there are various home treatments that can be very useful.

Take advantage of mother natures benefits!.

Aloe vera.

Every home should have this plant.

After all, it has multiple medicinal properties to help take care of your skin.

It can help to treat burns, wounds, and bites, and, of course, even dark spots.

Its very simple:.

Cut the aloe vera leaf and then open it horizontally (be careful not to prick yourself).

Remove the gel from the inside and apply it to previously washed skin.

Dont rinse.

Its better if you leave it to work over night.

Repeat daily. Lemon juice.

Its very important that you do these dark spot treatments at night.

This is because if the lemons acids come in contact with the sun, it will cause an adverse effect.

Before going to bed, squeeze the juice from this citrus fruit into a glass, use it to moisten a cotton ball and rub it over the areas that you want to whiten.

In the morning, rinse with cold water and apply a hydrating cream.

Use this procedure 3 times a week. Milk.

This is another food that helps your skin if you use it on a regular basis.

Its used in the same way as the lemon juice.

It should be room temperature or cold (just taken out of the fridge).

Apply using a cotton ball and let it be absorbed without rinsing.

The milks enzymes work to reduce the dark spots on the skin. .


This herb, often used in teas, can be an excellent home remedy for melasma.


1 cup of water (250 g) 2 tablespoons of plantain (20 grams).


Put the water in a pan and heat.

When it begins to boil, add the plantain and cook for 5 minutes.

Turn off the flame, cover, and let chill.

When it reaches room temperature, filter.

Apply the liquid (using a cotton ball) to the dark areas.

Repeat every day in the mornings and afternoons.

Dont rinse. Onion juice.

Onion juice is ideal for eliminating dark spots under your arms, for example.

Be careful and check that this zone is not irritated, because this home remedy can burn a bit.

The only thing that you need is a small, purple onion.

Crush it with a mortar or in a food processor until you have a paste.

Apply before going to bed and let sit for 10 minutes.

Rinse with a lot of water. Yogurt.

It works similarly to milk, but in this case, it can work as a mask because of its consistency.

Plus, if its mixed with grated carrots, the result will be even more efficient.


1 container of yogurt (200 g) 1 carrot.


Peel and grate the carrot Put in the blender and add the yogurt.

Mix well until you have a homogenous cream.

Apply to the dark spots.

Let sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Repeat treatment 3 times a week. Comfrey.

Comfrey is another plant that can help to eliminate those terrible spots caused by wax hair removal, perspiration, or hours exposed to the sun.


10 tablespoons of comfrey (100 g) 10 tablespoons of olive oil (200 g).


Add the olive oil and comfrey to a pot Cook at bain-marie (one container with water over the flame and another inside of that a pot with the ingredients) for 10 minutes Let sit for 20 minutes and filter into an opaque glass jar.

When it reaches room temperature, apply to the previously cleaned area with dark spots using a cotton ball.

Repeat two times a day for at least one week.


This is another ingredient that has to be on your skin care list.

Cucumber is made up of water, natural oils and vitamin E, that is why it is recommended for skin care.

To take advantage of its benefits, you just need to peel the cucumber, cut it into slices and get rid of the seeds.

Then, put it in the blender and apply it as a mask to the area that you want to lighten.

Let sit for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Once finished, apply a hydrating cream.


Lastly, this is a homemade exfoliant that can help to remove spots.


2 tablespoons of sugar (40 g) 1 tablespoon of water (10 g).


Mix the sugar with the water until you have a grainy paste (add more water if necessary).

Apply to the skin using a circular motion.

Rinse with warm water.

For more infomation >> Homemade Recipes for Dark Spots on the Skin - Australia 360 - Duration: 11:29.


Eyes in the Dark - Blooper Reel - Duration: 2:17.

...Or an increased amount of predator sign of which we've seen a lot.

Dammit! Steve, would you come here and help me?

Fuck, your name's not Steve.

(laughing) (off screen) Cut, back to one.

I'm just saying, there's gonna be lay-offs and budget cuts.

That's why we need to extinguish ourselves, y'know, and...


(off screen) Distinguish.

We're on fire, we gotta extinguish ourselves. (laughter)

...Get started early.

Uh, oh. Who the hell's this?

Ranger Rick, on his way.

I don't know.

Hey! He said he was walking! What the hell?

Yeah, what the hell? Huh? How did he magically just--

This is my teleporter.

For no reason.

Is Jody still on-- Yeah, Jody's up on the van.

On the roof?

Jody's on the roof.

Oh, shit. Why?

It took you one day to find a site that I've been looking for for almost 12 months.

This map is...

Not a map.

It's a cave.


The only ward against the eyes is stone...

Fucked that up.

The stones! The stones!


The stones that Dean found in the cave!

In Heather's room?

Hurry, if we can get there now,

We can, we can get them before...


(off screen) Cut. Where are you going?

Oh, yeah, ooo, yeah.

Ha, ha!

You getting that?

Cold hands.

Is my line first?


Lacy! Lacy!

That's not my name!

(nervous laughter)

Alright! I love that we're rolling on this stuff.


(whispers) Pretty beast.

How the hell am I supposed to know how close to the lake we are?

I can totally see the lake, is that a problem?

Because it's right th--!

Oh, that burns!

Like my gonorrhea! Whew!

(laughter) Okay, we have a disturbing alternate take.

For more infomation >> Eyes in the Dark - Blooper Reel - Duration: 2:17.


A Place to Call Home - Demons of the Dark - Duration: 52:01.

For more infomation >> A Place to Call Home - Demons of the Dark - Duration: 52:01.


No Copyright Music | Dark Alley /Hip Hop & Rap 🎧 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> No Copyright Music | Dark Alley /Hip Hop & Rap 🎧 - Duration: 1:35.


Scientists Found a Galaxy With Almost No Dark Matter. Here's What That Means. - Duration: 4:14.

Roughly 65 million light-years away from Earth is a galaxy called NGC 1052-DF2 (DF2 for short).

But DF2 may as well be called F-U, because that's what it's saying to scientists

who thought they understood galaxies, dark matter, and really anything about our universe.

What makes DF2 so special, you may ask?

It appears to contain virtually no dark matter.

We've never seen dark matter directly.

We only believe dark matter exists because we can see how it affects "regular," or

baryonic, matter.

Based on these indirect observations, researchers have estimated that dark matter makes up about

27 percent of our universe.

Since dark matter was (sort of) discovered, researchers assumed dark matter was essential

to galaxy formation.

Dark matter would clump together.

Then, the gravity from those clumps would attract baryonic matter, forming the stars,

planets, and other objects we can actually see within a galaxy.

Easy, right?

Based on this understanding, the team studying DF2 thought they had a pretty good idea how

much dark matter it contained.

But when they calculated how much dark matter DF2 actually had, they discovered it contained

only 1/400th the amount they expected.

"It challenges the standard ideas of how we think galaxies work," Pieter van Dokkum,

a Yale University professor and lead author of a paper on DF2, now published in Nature,

said in a press release.

"This result also suggests that there may be more than one way to form a galaxy."

DF2 is unique in other ways, too.

It doesn't fit the characteristics of a spiral galaxy, which typically have dense,

central regions, spiral arms, and a disk.

But it also isn't like known elliptical galaxies, which have a black hole at their


Instead, DF2 is a rare ultra-diffuse galaxy.

"It's so sparse that you see all of the galaxies behind it," van Dokkum said.

"It is literally a see-through galaxy."

This might seem counterintuitive, but DF2 actually supports the existence of dark matter,

which some theories argue doesn't exist.

"For those kinds of theories, it wouldn't be possible to ever have a galaxy that looks

as though it doesn't have dark matter," Jocelyn Monroe, a particle physicist and dark

matter expert at Royal Holloway, University of London, who was not involved in the study,

told The Verge.

"So [this galaxy is] really interesting for the potential it has to exclude some of

these ideas."

The researchers hope to pin down the age of DF2.

"At the moment, we only know its older than 10 billion years, but we'd like to know

if it's 10 billion years old or 13 billion years old, which is right after the Big Bang,"

van Dokkum told ABC.

If DF2 does end up being 13 billion years old, it could rack in another superlative:

the oldest galaxy ever discovered.

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