Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 1 2018

Good afternoon guys

Just finished our

Leftovers from last night

Leftovers were pretty good. Actually got a whole pork chop. We're gonna do some

Crosswords here for all you crossword levels lovers this one. Here is brand new ran out crossword

As you can see there it says uncover a hot and win instantly

Well show what you win instantly anyways do that one here in the minute? We have started

The one we love to hate and that's this mega crossword and this one

Just makes a mess out of scratching half these darn

Symbols, we can't get on earth, so we've done

five letters

So let's go to the sea

As you can see some of these are kind of a mess but

They make the best

Fairly good start actually a little bit surprised, but there was an eye and an O in there, so

All right


Is scratch fine until they don't and then you hit kind of a tough spot

Like that one

All right

You know I'm not bad for the letter C for sure all right. That's it for the bottom row letter B

We would sure love to win something anything and be able to use the multiplier box it's been quite a while for us

Since we had an additional win on any crosswords really

And they all have that

multiplier box, but unfortunately for us it's always been a a one

Alright letter B. We're done with


There's another square it just will not give up

Maybe look at how that works out sometimes

All right letter G

Let's hope that's a good Val

If I'm not mistaken there's one 1u on the right puzzle

Not too many on the left puzzle


Thought I saw one that may be it

Alright letter D

Another one

Okay, it was spelled odd. It's not pretty, but we spelled it

One word in the right side

Unbelievably no D's on the left side

Alright the e is always a welcome sight

Man look how that works rub rub rub

And then the height comes off and you can't read the letters anybody else had this problem on this ticket, we've had this problem

Since this ticket came out

And we always swore not to buy it, but we have so many crossword lovers not that we don't like them you

Would think that they would fix that with all the money the lottery spends on tickets all right

We spelled one up here on the left so one on one bag

And he would sure be a welcome sight man, there's a lot of ease just noticed

Okay, we've got one more line to go



There's gotta be the ugliest ticket I've ever scratched


Number J is our letter for jet

It's gonna be one of the few J's we have

That will be the only

Jp4 soap and this ticket has been not bigger P

And this is the only ticket that does that to us watch when I start with that next new

Is that one called a red hot one we've done one of those and just wonderfully it's got just wonderfully

I'm gonna miss so many because this don't ticket is so ugly

alright letter P

For a week, and we are weeping about this poor ticket


We don't get that either we're gonna be in trouble


Jet they all need the e notice, also is one that needs the e

Lot needs the L

Blitz needs the L alright there's our second word here on the right column

Data and odds, so we have a ticket over here on the right side so far. Hopefully we can turn that into some cash

Yeah tension boy wicked spell that he we would have words if we could catch any we'd have words everywhere

All right t anymore

All right second to the last one is a w not gonna be a huge help

All right W on the left side for a week we're still waiting

The last one came out of here, and it was an E. We would have a good winner

but it's the sister so if I

Don't think it's gonna help. We have two over here on the right which is a ticket

Better than nothing the way this ticket kind of panned out to be so

we will double check this one as ugly as that ticket is and

Might find another one here, but I don't really see where without that E so on

Alright guys moving on here third or second crossword

Let's do the new one which is red hot you're going to see how easy this one scratch is compared to that

Last one. Oh my gosh

Alright bonus. We're down below. It's off the screen a little bit but brief

Brief and we'll try and keep them where you can see them all

All right


Let me get my bigger coin here

Alright J&B

This is the one where if you spell a red word it makes it five times a

Brand new ticket to us alright

Letter D

Looks like all our hits are into one word

1d now the whole mess alright should be more she should be

More already

Not very many more all right, I don't know


All right, that's it I think for wine one

All right, there's an a can only help us one two


Well hey there's 3/4 of the way there

There mo, we've forgotten about our prize bonus word whilst we'll catch up on here

Minimum of three M's we've had that word before image


brief our I



F so only one word on down below there a brief

Make that two if

Or 1f and the whole puzzle all right, I didn't see a V or two

One two like there's more

Three you might spell that red word for five times

Alright, that's it for me. Halfway done K

Not a single k will be some tease

Alright let her ask still hurting on the word briefed down there

Trespass that'll be the one we spell biggest word. We've got why

Another puzzle, we definitely need that II

Okay last row

Okay no our yet

Closer on a few now no I and no a though it's gonna be trouble

Yeah, I'll just showing

We could find that in we'd have a five times word if it was a winner for Avalon

W1 word up top

But we need to for a ticket

We're gonna need the I which would give us three words

Okay W down below

Node of use

He and notice there's sixteen the letters oh there is another one up there G


Will double check there, let's go with the G. They give us 16 plus the two at the top there

There's also a P


Think that's it one word up top

No ticket there

And only two and the bonus word two letters are ie I and the e crippled this ticket

All right guys last one money forwards

Each F

So we're trying to do is make a halt to

H is no ifs


All right cue I don't know

That's it


Recipe TV

Wow no V's and one T is it

Pretty fierce in the middle


All right goodbye

Good vowel but only to win the whole puzzle

All right, there's our X that'll be the one we spell II

Know why I guess

And will give us a triple

They would give us Jade

And would be our best one two words. Oh right next door the M

All right be there in it's you

That's it guys. No good on those

Puzzles we did get the one

The one little winter if you can call it that I'll make a crosswords but

might be one

We stay away from only because of how that ticket scratches so anyways guys appreciate you being here if you haven't subscribed

You know what to do about Arcade?

For more infomation >> 180 California Set For Life Mega Lottery Scratchers Las Vegas Giveaway - Duration: 21:05.


179 California Set For Life Mega Lottery Scratchers Las Vegas Giveaway - Duration: 15:06.

Hey guys good morning good Sunday morning right back from our


Sunday morning jaunt to the lottery store

here is

the desk of a mad scientist here

This is three hundred

Fifty eight dollars worth of tickets this week last week

We I should let me think about how to say this last week. We attained

316 that we bought three hundred sixteen dollars for tickets and we cashed in

338 that's what it was three hundred thirty-eight dollars, so we actually won

22 bucks which

Pretty tough to do on scratchers guys as you know these have a he's kind of have a big house


All right, we've bought one of these for luck

And what we're looking for is that?

We're looking for the Emerald

We haven't had oh look at that praise the Lord. There is a gambling God

Just gonna say. We've only got

the dollar signs

Really in the last couple weeks on this ticket, and I really think this ticket is due

This is the ticket that I want to scratch as a group

These emerald tens because I just have a just I just have had dreams about it

I just have a feeling that one of these is gonna pop for some big money. So anyways guys our group

We've had three people now send in their loot

to get involved in our group and

We're gonna split up whatever we earn


alright at 50 bucks oh

What a good start. What a starch?

first ticket Sunday morning

Yoshi hasn't even had his oatmeal yet look at that fifty dollars. Oh, man now. I should tell you that

speaking a Yoshi our veteran

Pilot here, we have we just took our maiden voyage

Ten minutes ago in his drone. We brought it up in the

brought it way up brought it up a hundred feet or so and

Kind of got our sea legs a little bit

So we did take the maiden voyage in the Maverick Pro

bonus oh

I see bonus doesn't mean anything you have to get a

75 100 or


Alright, anyways we did take our maiden voyage

We are learning about this mavica Perot. We've actually spent one of four or five days on

youtube at night

Kind of learning the ins and outs of how to fly this thing and all the checklists boy. It's just like being a pilot really

We didn't want to go out there willy-nilly and end up with losing a thousand our drones so anyways

Maiden voyage was today

We are gonna bring you some footage we were gonna go Scout out a few spots that we think would be kind of cool to

view from up top

All right, what would be even cooler is if we could hit this?

triple jackpot

We had these last week, but I don't remember anything have any consequences. Maybe a ticket or 10 to 15 bucks

32 we've got a 33

Right next to 45 12 so anyways guys are scratching group

What I propose is

The first one or two or three unless you guys have different ideas. I'd like to do the pure golds and the emeralds

For the simple fact. We've done very well on pure golds at a claimer had a 500 hour winter and the emeralds

I just think are are due to pop so if you want to be involved for

10 or 20 dollars

Once again, we're not looking for donations here. We're looking to include you you get your equal share of

what we win and

Let's just say we do $200 worth

I'll be in for at least a 20 if not a 40 and if we need some guy on the end

We're a little bit short

I'll I'll make up the difference and be in for you know fifty bucks if I need to but

Hopefully we get enough involved every week to work

We can include a dozen or so viewers

The PayPal link says on the bottom

that we've hit a winner the PayPal link says to send Yoshi a dollar and it's got the

PayPal link there

Send a ten or a twenty and send it by friends and family

because then obviously there's no Commission so

All right

And one last thing I'm going to not talk about that the rest of this video is be sure and put in

When you send us a 10 or 20 put in

To that correspondence with what your YouTube username is so we know who?

We have as part of our group

It's gonna be a little bit of bookkeeping involved here

So I may need to reach out and find somebody that can kind of keep that those records straight for us

I have somebody in mind, but we'll see we'll see what happens

All right


Number eight so no good on triple jackpot either one of them darn it let's see what else we have here

Let's do while we're talking about it. Let's do a

Your gold we actually bought the last of these. They only had I think it was six. We normally buy ten or twelve but

All right, let's zoom in here a little bit

the winning number


About lucky five to start off with

Alright no 17

21 or 40

28 34 35

Only 5 and 41

18 and 20 all right, they're gonna make us work for it here

11 and 13 Oh hit


22 and 32

Got 23 and that didn't help us

15 and 44

36 and 38 I've got nothing in the 30s

8 & 39


12 and 27 no

Three and 16 left them



33 we have a 23, but no 33 so nothing there

well while we're scratching losing tickets we Mizzell scratch a

poker ticket

because we know

We don't we don't win on these

All right, but I always have to reiterate. This is the only ticket I've ever hit one of those fast

spots on

All right, so it's gonna make us beat three jacks

And this will not be the one to do it and then the two

Will not be the one


This always seems like it's the Spade car number four is anybody else come to that realization, and then it gives you a

club or a heart

In pain King no

I'm in diamond. Oh well that wasn't even the first diamond, okay

Bonus chip will be twenty

No five only because it's no good. How about a dollar ticket here? I?

Hate to think that we're only gonna win on our M. No, that's normally the one we don't win on

All right this one here. Oh

I see we find an eight you get eight bucks two eights. You don't have to line them up

four eighths is


Understand this prize legend oh, and you can also match

three like

Prizes okay still a matching game, but the eights are somewhat of a bonus

Right now unless it's an eight this card cannot win

Well kind of an interesting concept

The feeling they're gonna give us a $2.00 maybe not

Maybe for

Now two or four is a winner oh

Man, and it's a ten

Good grief. We're gonna have to find another winner how about if we go to?

Asian the whole here, then we'll do a money forwards on the end here

You have fifty bucks in the well

All right, I don't see any deuces on there. I do see a four third from the bottom

There's a three then see the three look here. Oh, we beat them we beat them and

Number four is a winner, maybe we can win on this four also

We know it can't beat a queen

All right four be lucky. Oh man's a three

Now I don't think I

Don't know maybe even get a nice here

Well, it looks like a nice, but unfortunate staff or all right. We do have a prize and it's guess what

It is a tikki

All right, so we've got 52 bucks

What I say we're gonna do a money forwards let's do that one

Money forwards we are charging our drone as we speak here doing some tickets for you and

It's a little windy actually so if the wind dies down this afternoon. We're going to go out and

Try and do some footage

Out here in our rural desert


Alright P Q was there no queues, and oh, thanks. Oh alright should be some eyes

Should be small

Right H

Long time since we had a multiplier on this game, and I mean a long time weeks weeks

We get the little blue ones the little three digits

But no multipliers

Alright V

No B's

G for dumb

Maybe we're gonna spell all the blue ones again. It's a possible still

See ya know maybe we're gonna spell chill if we get an L

Come on Al we just want to be able to say we've done it

And then that helped the trust word

The LNA will give us ally as well


Well just thinking we can still spell all the blue ones

I'd rather have that L W

Don't think there was an X or


Mmm to duds only is it J

How can this happen three three in a row guys we have got problems with this ticket here

We have got problems and oh no hell no n no


All right

Guys we had a heck of a start, and this is the kind of start

I hope to put together on tie into our free 50 spots. Hey, we're not about these

And if you send ahead 50 bucks to our fifty

So you see it there guys right above ace in the hole?

We've got $50 there and a couple bucks back on ace in the hole so guys

Say your prayers for Yoshi. He's going back in his drone this afternoon, and we'll see what kind of footage

He brings you for now. I've had arcade

For more infomation >> 179 California Set For Life Mega Lottery Scratchers Las Vegas Giveaway - Duration: 15:06.


California, the End of the Road: Oceanside and the Palomar Observatory - Duration: 33:48.

For more infomation >> California, the End of the Road: Oceanside and the Palomar Observatory - Duration: 33:48.


Mantener a un preso en California cuesta más que una matrícula en la Universidad de Harvard - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Mantener a un preso en California cuesta más que una matrícula en la Universidad de Harvard - Duration: 2:09.


Así funciona el programa de asistencia alimentaria en California para familias de bajos recursos - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Así funciona el programa de asistencia alimentaria en California para familias de bajos recursos - Duration: 2:06.




For more infomation >> ENORMOUS ALIEN SPACESHIP APPEARED OVER CALIFORNIA SHOCKING FOOTAGE 1st April 2018!! - Duration: 10:03.


Trump lashes out at California governor (ASL - 3.31.18) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Trump lashes out at California governor (ASL - 3.31.18) - Duration: 1:31.


Tesla says warnings ignored from engaged Autopilot in fatal California crash - Duration: 3:54.

On Friday, March 23rd, a Tesla Model X crashed into a concrete divider on U.S. Highway 101

in Mountain View, California.

The driver died in a hospital after the crash, Reuters reported.

In Tesla's initial report following the accident, the company included photos of a

crash attenuator at the accident site before retrieving the car's computer logs.

One photo shows the safety device appearing in proper condition on an unstated date.

The second image, taken on March 22 by a dash cam in a car driven by a witness to the accident,

shows the same barrier crushed from an earlier crash.According to Tesla, "The reason this

crash was so severe is that the crash attenuator, a highway safety barrier which is designed

to reduce the impact into a concrete lane divider, had either been removed or crushed

in a prior accident without being replaced."

In a follow-up report after Tesla retrieved the car's logs, the company stated, "In

the moments before the collision, which occurred at 9:27 a.m. on Friday, March 23rd, Autopilot

was engaged with the adaptive cruise control follow-distance set to minimum.

The driver had received several visual and one audible hands-on warning earlier in the

drive and the driver's hands were not detected on the wheel for six seconds prior to the


The driver had about five seconds and 150 meters of unobstructed view of the concrete

divider with the crushed crash attenuator, but the vehicle logs show that no action was


Reacting to criticism that Tesla lacks empathy for crash tragedy when it quotes the relative

statistical safety of driving in Telsa vehicles, the company stated, "Nothing could be further

from the truth.

We care deeply for and feel indebted to those who chose to put their trust in us.

However, we must also care about people now and in the future whose lives may be saved

if they know that Autopilot improves safety.

None of this changes how devastating an event like this is or how much we feel for our customer's

family and friends.

We are incredibly sorry for their loss."

Tesla's Autopilot warnings, and the company's admonitions about not using the system without

keeping hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, do not mean the system is safe from


Following the first Tesla fatality in 2016, the National Traffic Safety Board reported

the driver was at fault for not paying attention and for "overreliance on vehicle automation."

The NTSB also reported at the time that Tesla "could have taken further steps the prevent

the system's misuse," Reuters reported.

The NTSB and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are both investigating

this month's accident.

Human error is widely considered at least partially responsible for more than 90 percent

of fatal accidents each year, as documented by a study published by Stanford Law School.

Tesla states there is one automobile fatality for all vehicles for every 86 million miles,

but one fatality for every 320 million miles with Teslas equipped with Autopilot hardware.

According to Tesla's figures, Tesla drivers with Autopilot hardware are 3.7 times less

likely to be in a fatal accident.

For more infomation >> Tesla says warnings ignored from engaged Autopilot in fatal California crash - Duration: 3:54.


Modeling Legend Fabio Goes on Tucker, Unloads on Democrat Leaders in California - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Modeling Legend Fabio Goes on Tucker, Unloads on Democrat Leaders in California - Duration: 3:10.


SUPERLOTTO PLUS winning numbers Mar 31 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

SUPERLOTTO PLUS winning numbers Mar 31 2018

For more infomation >> SUPERLOTTO PLUS winning numbers Mar 31 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


Once again :Coffee may come with a warning label in California - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Once again :Coffee may come with a warning label in California - Duration: 1:42.


Fantasy 5 winning numbers Mar 31 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

Fantasy 5 winning numbers Mar 31 2018

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