What's up guys, This is chase from chase's workshop in this video ill show you How I built my CNC controller for under
$120 dollars. this is the actual board right here
We're gonna go through all the parts where to get them how much they are they're all gonna be links in the description too we
Can go down and click on them and go buy one if you want to this helps you out
Please give me a like if you liked it. Please subscribe. Thanks for watching guys
Our guys so real quick
I'm just gonna go over all the parts and then we're going to zoom in and go over them individually so
I always have here. It's not a lot, but it looks like a lot of no
I've got the four driver boards these two are both for my y-axis. I've got a wild one in a white X
I have two motors from our y-axis
And then I have a x-axis and a z-axis
These boards are here are smacking. I think's how you say it smacking like I said, they're linked in the description. These are actually
$14.90 now when I bought them, they're right at sixteen seventeen dollars
So like I said, they're cheap. They have a revised version of these, but the the revised versions
Don't have a good reviews as these I guess because they're new or new all the kinks worked out in them. These are actually
Rated from nine votes to 42 votes so if you get a 48 volt power supply make sure you adjust them to to work
under their specs
The next thing I want to go over at quick is does this breakout board I got this from CNC for PC
They also actually sell these on Amazon now
So I'll link that in the description to the same company doesn't have a lot of good stuff to there if you haven't been there
And seen what they've got
CNC for PC
Dot-com they have all kinds of different things. I'll link them in the description to you. There's a lot of good stuff
This was actually this right now. It's 23 dollars on Amazon
And that the board that I'm gonna linking it looks a lot different than this board a lot of these components and stuff for
Surface mounted underneath now and so this top just looks bare when I first saw it
I was like that that's not the same board but according to do miss exact same board just smaller components and stuff for it and
like I said 23 bucks on Amazon so
$14.90 for each of these and
$23 for this board here the power. Supply is a 24 volt
15 amp power supply about this one on Amazon - and it was
Linked in the description is $23 our $21 $21 right now, so like I said a while ago
if you won't use a forty eight votes make sure if you're going to use these drivers to
Adjust this little potentiometer here down to where you're only giving out less than 42 votes, so you don't fry your driver boards
This right here is just the old computer supply that I that I had lying around
Technically, I don't need this you could just borrow five vote
Power supply or something, but I was thinking in the future
I'd like to have maybe an Arduino board in here something that I can run different things with and so I put this in here
All it's doing is it's sending five votes to my breakout board
And it's sending power to a fan which I have disconnected right now because this stays open now
And I hadn't put a top on it yet
But anyways now we're gonna go I'm gonna zoom in and go through all the different parts of how to hook them up and stuff
Like that so I'll stick around okay
Guys so here's our driver one of our driver boards that we're using and like I said you can see down here
where it shows you your
voltage rating nine votes - took 42 voltage DC
These are just receiving power right here that whatever your power
Supply is is feeding to this voltage DC plus right here, and then you have a ground so it's coming off of
the power supply - here
We're going to go over how the breakout board connects right quick it just comes in
With two P or 3 pins actually there on your breakout board. There's a there would be a pin -
Then there would be a common between it then they're a bit pin 3. I've got on this one you can set up
However you want to but on this one
I've got the pin - coming in and going to direction pulse right here are the direction. I'm sorry right here
So it's on the red, so it's going to this one here
Okay on the common on the breakout board. We've set the breakout board to
Send common as five votes
Plus five votes, and I'll show you when we go how to do that
But anyway so that that's this red wire coming in right here
And this is five votes coming in and it's feeding right into the direction
Plus five right here as you can see
Direction plus five and then there's a jumper right here that circling around and coming to our
posts plus five votes
So that that common that we're running from the breakout board is going to both of those and then the number three pin
That's on our breakout board over. There is coming to here and
It's actually the pulse so we have a direction in a pulse coming from our breakout board
And we have a five boats coming so Direction one pin pulse one pin and then
Plus five votes is another pin over there so each of these job boards is getting
three wires from our breakout board
And then this is where the motors hook up these four wires right here you have
a B negative B plus and a negative and a plus and
Those are pretty straightforward when hooking up your motors and stuff you can figure that out
Once you get your motors did a lot of research. I mean you this really simple so
Like I was talking about a while ago. These these dip switches. They're back here on this backside right here
You know and there's there's six of them, so there's there's three right here and this first block
Try to move this other way where you can see it this first block right here is
The actual first three pins the second block is the next three pins
And so you just go through there what your specs are like I said mine. I'm using let's see
my conception uses 8 micro steps
and that
Tells me I need to off on off for my first three so the first one needs to be off
Only second one off on the third one and then like I said my aunt my motors are pulling about two amps to point to
Currents to point to somewhere around there
Are two point o2 to point to something my steps are owned off off for the four five and six ones?
Like I said these are
Easy to figure out I mean you can look at them and figure out how to do it
So that's really all there is and like I said this board is
$14.90 on Amazon, so like I said it'll be in the description so you can get one just like it
Okay, and here's here's our power supply and like I said, this is a 24 volt 15 amp power. Supply it actually has three
Voltage pluses out so we have a voltage here voltage 24 volts here 24 volts here 24 bucks here
And we have three ground ground here and here ground ground here, so
For these first two drivers are here for my y-axis
I'm using one of these legs 24 volt leg coming up here, and it's just going to here
Voltage for a driver and it's jumping to this side for voltage so it's feeding both of these
Then I have a ground coming back to my purse on the ground
And then this white one comes up here and goes to my other driver board over here
And the ground come back to here, and then the black goes up here and goes to this driver board back over here
And comes back so the this is why are these UPS pretty simple if you wanted a second board?
You know you second power supply you could mount it next to it
And you would just instead of using this red going to these two and you would put red from?
This board over here to these two and then the ground back to that board so
That's pretty that's pretty simple pretty self-explanatory
Like I was saying while ago. There's a little dip switch right over here on the backside of this
That you can adjust it up and down for like this is if this was 48 boats and this board doesn't
The specs are
442 votes you can come up here and you can put you a
Meter here and adjust that voltage down to where you're not
putting 48 votes on to your 42 vote driver board
That's pretty much it on that
Okay, here is the breakout board?
And I got tenure while I go
We had to set these Commons
So you can see a common is between each of these
Like we have pin two and three there's a common right below that we have four and five here. There's a common there
Six and seven common there seven and eight common eight and nine common so we have a common between every everyone these
output pins
Alright now if you look at this pin right here are this I guess this will be pins
If you look right below it it says 1 2 2 is a common
equals ground and
then if you flip this to 2 and 3
2 2 3 common equals 5 votes
so you want this to be on 5 votes to send five votes to each of our boards and
Like I said a while ago. I've got 2 & 3 hooked up to one one board with the common or to one driver
4 & 5
Coming to a driver 6 & 7 & a common to a driver & 8 & 9 & a common to a driver
that's how that's
Easy-peasy hook up there
of course you have your parallel port that comes in right here from your computer and
You have this right here is actually I'm sending a
voltage out and bringing it back on
Pin 15 and this is for my limits I have limits on my
My machine to where if it gets if it hits a certain limit it shuts the Machine down
and then we have our ground and
5 votes coming in and then I jumped this - I don't remember why I did this
But I know you need to to make it work
Jump the five votes to eat in here. That's it this pin says Ian on
And you have some more inputs here, too, we could do more if you wanted to you can do more
send more limits out of you and limit for each of these or happy wanted to do that and
That's really it on the border
I will make make sure if you're gonna get on these boards make sure you have a computer that has a parallel port
If you don't that I do have
USBs two parallel, but I've never used it
So I don't I don't know how how all that works if they work good or not?
And if if they do or if you're gonna do that I would do a lot of research on them yeah
That's it for this video
If you have any questions comments, please leave them below I'd love to help you out and getting your CNC machine up and running
If you need information on how to hook this thing up to Mach 3 or any other software that your controller software
Just search on youtube. There's a bunch of good videos on YouTube about Mach 3. I use Mach 3
you can figure out how to hook these pins and different pins up to the
Breakout board stuff like that and it's not hard at all
But if it is hard
Let me know I'll make a video. I don't care
I'm wanting ideas for videos, so if that's something you want me to do
Just tell me hey chase make a video on it ok, I will
also, tell probably gonna make do it do it maybe a
series where I'm going through like my
Workflow and basically where the workflow is if you know what to see and see you know what that is you've got a CAD program
a cam program a controller program
And then you know everything how I get from there to
To a product and idea in my head to a product in my hand how do I do that and I'm gonna go through it?
so I'm
If that interests you please subscribe, and if you liked the video, please give me a like. Thanks for watching guys
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