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KOKO And Brother Build A Snowman For Children Learn Color For Kids - Maya Begum - Duration: 2:30.PLEASE, LIKE, , SHARE and SUBCRIBEA my video! Thank you very much!
KOKO And Brother Build A Snowman For Children Learn Color For Kids - Lucy Brooks - Duration: 2:23.PLEASE, LIKE, , SHARE and SUBCRIBEA my video! Thank you very much!
KOKO And Brother Build A Snowman For Children Learn Color For Kids - Mason Gilbert - Duration: 2:27.PLEASE, LIKE, , SHARE and SUBCRIBEA my video! Thank you very much!
Build a landing page with WordPress using the block editor [Gutenberg] - Duration: 26:03.Hi there!
My name is Robert and in this video
I'm gonna show you how to build a landing page with WordPress.
This Landing Page is built using the new WordPress Block editor.
Do you believe that?
Yes, it is, and I've done it in under 30 minutes.
All these nicely designed sections and elements are built using the so-called Gutenberg editor
and you can easily do it yourself.
A step by step guide coming up, so keep watching.
If you don't know what theme to use, I recommend Neve a super fast and featherweight theme
which works great with the new WordPress Blocks editor.
Here are just a couple of things you will get.
First of all, it gives you a lot of options to change the page layout, and secondly, you
will be able to adjust the page width too.
I'll show you more features Neve comes with, so just install it for now and move to the next step.
Otter Blocks comes with enhanced blocks and many features that you won't find in the default blocks.
For example, the default heading block comes with options to change the headings, font
weight, and style, you can set a link too, add a strikethrough if you want that, but
that's pretty much everything.
One more thing you can do is to change the heading alignment here.
That's it.
I know you want more options, so with the Advanced Heading from Otter, you can change
the text color, font size, typography and you can set shadow properties too.
More about its features and settings coming up, so stay with me.
Without further ado, let's start building the Landing Page.
Make sure you have the latest version of WordPress and the Bloks Editor on, so you won't face
any issues during the creation process.
We need to add a page, first, so go ahead and click on Add New over here.
The first field you see is the title of your page, so add one related to what your page
is about, and then move your mouse right below the title.
See the plus icon on the left?
Push it to add your first block.
Also, you can use the latest blocks on the right.
If you haven't installed the Otter Blocks plugin yet, you will see only the default
Most Used blocks here, so make sure you install and activate that plugin.
While the block editor comes with many blocks and columns by default, Otter Blocks have
more to offer.
It gives you the opportunity to structure the page in sections and use different backgrounds
for each section, as you can see on this page.
You also have a lot more options to make each section look exactly as you want it.
Let me show you how it works.
First, click on the Section block or choose the same block over here.
Select the Single Row layout this time and then hover over it until you see the thin
blue line around the Section Column and the Section.
Remember that these are elements you can configure separately.
See the difference between them in the options panel on the right?
One more thing we need to do before moving on is to change the page settings, in the
document tab over here.
Don't see the Page Settings tab on your dashboard?
Make sure you install and activate Neve, the WordPress theme mentioned earlier.
For now, set the Container to Full Width, the Customizer Setting to No sidebar and disable
all components below.
Enable individual Content Width and set it to 100.
If you do that, you won't see any space on the left or on the right side of your content
when you preview the page.
There is nothing you can see right now, obviously, but we will start adding content immediately,
so keep watching.
Don't worry about saving your work step by step because is done automatically.
Just to make sure you are safe to move to the next step, click on Save Draft here.
I will add a background to this section, first, as you can see here.
So, click to see the setting options for this Section.
Not the Section Column, but the Section itself.
Now, go to the Style tab and set the Background Type as an image.
You can choose a simple color or gradient too, but we will stick with the image type
this time.
Just upload the image you want to see here, a quality image.
A good resource where you can find free quality images is, for example, but the
best one will be your own photo.
That is for sure.
Next, click the Background Settings icon over here.
Set the Background Attachment to Scroll if you want to see this effect, or choose Fixed
to stick it with the content on scrolling.
See how it looks?
The Background Position I choose here is the Center Center, Background Repeat is No-repeat.
and the Background Size is Cover.
Next, let's add the elements: A logo, the "Awesome Wood Things" heading
and the button below.
See the plus icon when hovering over the section?
Click on it and choose the image block.
Upload your own logo and then adjust its settings.
Align it to the center of the screen in this drop-down, set the Image Size to Medium here
and that's it.
The text element I will add next is the Advanced Heading box.
Make the Heading Color white, type whatever you want in the field, WordPress Landing Page
for example, and then align it to the center of your screen.
Now, select the Font Family in this drop-down as Aladin if you want the same font family
I used on this page.
If not, feel free to select another font.
Next, set the Font Size to 100 and turn on the Shadow Properties below.
If you want the same effect I have on my landing page, click on Shadow Properties, set the
Opacity to 100 and set the Blur effect to 5 or even more if you want the text to pop out.
Let's add the last element this section has- the button.
Choose the Button Group block offered by Otter, set the Number of Buttons to one, then go
ahead and change the Color & Border settings.
To create the same button I use on this page, set the Color here to white, the Background
color to green and then copy the color code.
Set the border of the button to white and the Border Width to two.
The Border Radius I've used is 100 but you can set the value you want.
Align the button to the center of your screen in this drop-down, type in your text, something
like "Watch the video" or whatever else, adjust the padding if needed here, then set the position
of the icon to the right.
Choose the video icon in this drop-down and you are done.
One more thing before moving to the next section is to head over to the group settings, and
in the Typography Settings set the font size to 25.
Feel free to change other things here, like the Font Family for example.
Let's see what we have created so far.
To do that, I will click on Preview over here.
Well, I think the section height is too small so I will go back to the editor and I will
search for the Custom Height in the Section Structure over here.
I will set this value to 800, push Save Draft to save the changes instantly
and check out the preview again.
Better, right?
The button height is too small!
So, here is what you need to to to adjust it:
Set the Line Height to 50 over here.
Save draft and check the preview one more time.
Actually, this thin white space above the first section is something that doesn't look
so good.
Can we fix it?
Sure, no problem.
To do that, go back to the Section settings again and check out the Margin Top control
in the Padding & Margin settings.
Set this value to -10 and that's it.
We are done with the first section, so we can move to the next one.
For the Shapes & Design section, we will use three columns and three Font Awesome Icons
First, we need to add the heading that says Shapes & Design.
So, click on the plus sign here and choose the Advanced Heading block.
Type in Shapes & Design set the text alignment to center and set the Font Size to 38, for
Looks good, right?
I wanna let you know that you can pause the video any time you wish, and practice what
you learn.
Also, check the timestamps in the description box below to jump over the steps, any time you want.
Next, I will add a new section for the shapes you see below this heading block.
This time I will choose the Equal layout with three columns, like so, then I will start
adding the icons one by one.
To make this process faster, I will add the Font Awesome Icons block in the first column,
I will customize it to look exactly like the first icon on this Landing Page
and then I will duplicate it.
So, change the icon to "atom" in this drop-down, set the icon size to 150 and the Padding to 20.
The color of the icon will be green in our case and the border will be black.
To recreate the same border you see here, we need to set the border size to 3 and its radius to 14.
The first shape is done so, click on more options over here and duplicate the block.
Click and hold your mouse over this area and drag the block to the next column, like so.
To delete the default paragraph block you see below, type in something then click here
and Remove Block.
Duplicate the Font Awesome Block once again and move it to the last column.
Now, let's customize the icons.
The block in the middle will need to have a dog shape so search for the dog icon here and click on it.
Do the same in the last block but this time search for the baby-carriage icon.
Well done!
The second section is ready and we can preview what we have done so far.
Well, the icons seem to be too far from each other, so, go back to the block editor, hover
over the section until you see the thin blue line of it and click to see its options.
Set the width of the section as wide, and that's it.
Just preview the page again so you can be sure everything looks as it should be.
The heading is the first here too, but I want to work a little bit faster, so I will duplicate
the Shapes & Design heading block created earlier, then I will move it down.
Next, change the text to "Watch the video", for example, then add another section below.
Single Row layout will be just fine, again.
The background of this section will be a single color, green, so head over to the style tab
in the settings panel and change its color here.
To use the same color as you have for the icons, click on that box and copy the color
code you see here.
Go back to the section settings and paste the color over here.
Next, set the width of the section to full and then get rid of all paddings in the Layout settings.
To finish add a video block and use the "insert from URL" option.
Paste the video link of your choice in this field then hit enter.
Make it smaller by setting the Padding Control to 100 for the Section Column.
One more thing I want to mention is to make sure the video is aligned to the center.
So far so good so we can move to the next section.
The Pricing Table section is the most time-consuming step in this video so you can click on pause
and have a good cup of coffee before moving on.
Add another section below the video and this time uses the Template Library.
The cool thing about this resource is that you have a lot of ready-made blocks, and you
can filter them out by categories in this drop-down.
Just use the Pricing Table for now and make it look like the page you saw at the beginning of the video.
First, remove the heading block with the big 05 in it and then set the Margin Top for the
following heading block over here.
Change the font and then make some fine adjustments so we can have the same look as you can see here.
First, click on the section and change the Padding Top here to 50 and the Padding Bottom to 80.
Change the background color to white and use the same heading block for each pricing table.
You can do that by changing the Font Family with Aladin
then set the size of the font to 40 over here.
Duplicate then move the block to the next pricing table, delete the default one and so on.
Next, I will show you how to change the background color for each pricing column.
Let's start with the area behind the price.
Hover over it until you see the Section Column.
Click on it and change the background color to brown.
Copy the color and do the same with the thin line above.
This time you need to change the color of the Border here.
In order to have that same slightly curved line, as you can see here, set the Border
Top value to 7 and the Border Radius to 7 too.
Do the same with the Push Cart pricing column and then change the color on the pricing column
in the middle.
The column that stands for the Dog Shape will have a green background, so again, go ahead
and change the color here, and here.
Just remember to change the values of the Border Top and Border Radius to 7.
Remove the "Per Month" text boxes then change the text content below the prices.
If you need lees text lines here, remove what you don't use and change
the text in the remained field like so.
Wood Type, Shape Size, Shape Color, Safe For Kids, Fats Delivery.
Remove the default blocks in the following pricing tab and you can duplicate and drag
over the text field from the left, or you can edit them as well.
It's your choice, so use the method you prefer.
I do prefer the copy-paste method because it seems to be the fastest way.
I don't know why is giving me this empty space above the text when I paste it here but don't
worry because you can hit the backspace button on your keyboard to get rid of it.
Finally, let's change how the call to action buttons look by default and make them look
and act exactly the way you see here.
Start by changing the colors.
To do that, click on the first button and head over to the Color & Border settings, here.
First I will copy the brown color code from this element then I will paste it here.
As you can see, this is the text color.
Next, use the same code in the Border color field, here.
The only thing left to change is the background color on hover so go ahead
and click on the Hover tab over here.
Set the Hover Background color to the same brown used earlier.
Looks great, right?
The following button will be green so copy the color code here and repeat the process
from the brown button.
Change the Color, Border and Hover Background.
To make things faster, remove the Button Block here and duplicate the first button created.
Drag it over to the last pricing column and you are done.
There is one more thing you should do, actually, an that is to add the icons you see on the
buttons over here.
It's so easy to do it.
For the first button, go to the Icon Settings section and set the Icon Position to the left.
Select the Atom icon in the Icon Picker drop-down then moves to the next button.
Select the dog icon and for the last button select the baby-carriage icon, here.
Finally, you need to change the button text with "buy now", for example, and you can paste
the link to the product page in this field.
Save your changes and you are done.
The Pricing Section is finished.
Curious how it looks?
Let's check it out.
It looks ok but I think we can make it better.
The pricing table will pop-out if we will add a shadow effect to each column, so let's
do it and see how it works.
Go back to the Block Editor and click on the Section Column for the first pricing tab.
Head over to the Style Tab in the Block settings and go to the Border options.
Enable the Box Shadow here and adjust its settings if needed, then
do the same for each pricing tab.
Save the changes and check out the preview one more time.
Much better, right?
What's next?
This is the last section for this Landing Page and here is what you need to do.
Use the section block one more time and then click on Template Library.
Here, select the Get In Touch template.
Remove the first block because we don't need it on this page, and then set the top margin
of the following heading block to zero or more if you want to have some space between
the heading and the top margin of the section.
Next, change Font Family in the Style tab over here and the section image you see in
the background, over here.
Adjust the Background Overlay opacity until you get the best look and then click to save
the changes.
Now, I will show you how to create a contact form using the WP Forms plugin.
Click on Add New form over here.
Choosing a simple form in the next step will be just fine, so click to create a Simple
Contact Form, here.
Set the field size of each element to Large in the Advanced Options panel
and hide all the labels.
For the first and last name fields, hide the sub-labels too.
Finally, add some text in the placeholder field of each element.
First Name here, Last Name here, Email here and Message over here.
If you want to change the button text, go to the settings tab and change what you see here.
You can type in Send Message, for example.
Once you are done, click on Save and then copy the shortcode you see in the embed pop-up.
Go back and edit the page, then paste the shortcode in this field.
Save your changes then go ahead and preview the page.
It looks stunning, right?
One more thing you should do before hitting the publish button is to get rid of this subtitle
or change the text with something like "send us a message using the form below".
Finally, click Publish and we are done!
Now you know how to build a landing page with WordPress by using its own Block Editor.
How cool is that?
Use what you've just learned to create high converting Landing Pages for your marketing
strategy on Facebook and Google.
More of that, you can use Neve, your active WordPress theme, to create full websites for
a Vet Center, Lawyers, Doctors and so on.
Check it out yourself by navigating to Appearance / Neve Option on your dashboard.
You can import and use any template with one click, for free.
Is there any question you have about WordPress Blocks?
What do you think about the new way of adding content to your WordPress website?
Leave a comment below so we can chat about it.
More about WordPress in the videos I've published lately.
See you in the next one.
How to build a real Gundam Part 2 Engine Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket - Duration: 8:10.How to build a real Gundam Part 2 Engine Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Accuses Trump of "Stealing Money" to Build the Wall - Duration: 2:20.Speaking with CNN on Friday, Debbie Wasserman Schultz alleged that President Trump is "stealing
money from the military troops" in order to "build a border wall."
Discussing the president's declaration of national emergency at the US-Mexico border,
Wasserman Schultz called the move "repulsive" while accusing Trump of causing "damage"
to "military readiness and national security."
Wasserman Schultz denounced Trump's planned border barrier as "unnecessary," and "an
ancient form of barrier" which she said "the majority of the American people oppose."
The controversial Florida Democrat said President Trump "will jeopardize the safety and security
of our troops," adding, "he will steal money from our troops who are defending our
border in order to make sure that he can build this border wall."
"It's unconstitutional, outrageous, and we are going to use every tool we have at
our disposal in Congress to make sure he can't do it," asserted Wasserman Schultz.
From Breitbart: Friday on CNN's "At This Hour," Rep.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) accused President Donald Trump of stealing money from the military
troops to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border by securing funds through a national
emergency declaration.
Wasserman Schultz said, "My reaction is that it's repulsive that a chickenhawk like
President Trump would steal money from the military troops, damage military readiness
and damage national security.
All in the name of going around Congress because he didn't get his way in the compromise
deal to build a border wall that is unnecessary, that is an ancient form of barrier for border
And that the majority of the America people oppose.
" Bolduan said, "Not to get into the weeds,
but you are the chairwoman of the subcommittee that handles funding on military construction,
which is the pot of money that Donald Trump is now talking about, $3.6 billion is what
the White House says that they'll be redirecting taking and putting elsewhere."
Wasserman Schultz said, "He is jeopardizing our readiness, he will jeopardize the safety
and security of our troops.
And he will steal money from our troops who are defending our border in order to make
sure that he can build this border wall.
It's unconstitutional, outrageous, and we are going to use every tool we have at our
disposal in Congress to make sure he can't do it."
Gov. Newsom pushes for new ties with Mexico as Trump fights to build a wall Los Angeles Times - Duration: 7:33.Gov. Newsom pushes for new ties with Mexico as Trump fights to build a wall Los Angeles Times
As President Trump pushes Mexico further away, declaring a national emergency to force the construction of along the border, Gov. Gavin Newsom and California lawmakers have made clear they want to draw the country closer.
Along with a commitment to reopen a trade office in Mexico City, the governor also plans to revitalize a state commission that would allow California officials to work on issues with their counterparts in Mexican government. And over the course of his first term, Newsom and state Democrats are expected to refocus attention on what they consider the real issues at the heart of the U.S. Mexico relationship: tackling cross border pollution, promoting cultural and educational exchanges, and defending the human rights of all immigrants.
In a state where Latino elected officials have helped to the Trump administration, top California leaders say they see a powerful ally in the states new chief executive. They believe Newsoms more forceful stance on immigration and diplomatic approach to Mexico could help reinvigorate old ties and usher in an era of stronger collaboration, providing a viable alternative to the White Houses approach to relations there and around the world.
The relationship between Mexico and California is not only a political relationship, said Jeronimo Cortina, associate professor of political science at the University of Houston. You have commerce, you have tourism, you have trade. Regardless of what the federal government is doing, as a governor you dont want to lose that relationship.
But whether the state can move beyond the symbolic wins to become an effective model for how to improve and maintain those ties depends on whether Newsom is able to deliver on his promises.
Weeks before he took office, Newsom attended the inauguration of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, where he first pledged to open a trade office in Mexico City. He and his staffers have not yet released details on the plan or efforts to revive a Commission of the Californias, saying only that it will allow a state delegation and members of the Mexican government to work together on areas of economic, political and cultural concern.
Though most economic, foreign and border policy falls under the purview of the federal government, a governor can lead trade missions abroad, promote investment into state businesses and build alliances with government officials to elevate the states priorities on an international stage.
Two years ago, former Gov. Jerry Brown on climate change, touring China to meet with business leaders and executives just after Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris accord. In Mexico, in 2014, Brown signed to develop joint task forces and explore other ways to cooperate in battling wildfires, improving data on air quality and reducing greenhouse emissions.
State lawmakers say Newsom will be key in renegotiating those agreements, which are due to expire soon, and lauded the governors promise to reopen the Mexico City trade office, saying it could expand trade deals, loan agreements and technical assistance in manufacturing, alternative energy, technology and other areas.
But similar proposals for such a state funded office were twice rejected by Brown, who pointed to existing agreements between California and Mexican officials, saying he remained unconvinced the state needed it. Similar foreign offices closed in 2003 amid a recession and criticism from legislators and trade experts who said they doubled services and were ineffective.
Michael Flores, the states secretary of foreign affairs under Gov. Gray Davis, unsuccessfully fought to keep the Mexico office open and contested the claims.
You got to have dialogue, you have to have diplomacy, you have to be talking, he said. If not, there is a vacuum filled with something else the Washington rhetoric.
Injecting new energy into the cross border relationship could be a way to heal divisive rhetoric coming from the Trump administration, state lawmakers and political analysts said. But for California, it isnt just a matter of principles, its economics. Newsoms approach is more persistence of past [state] policies than resistance to [federal] policies now, said Tomas Jimenez, associate professor of sociology at Stanford University.
Mexico is one of the , exporting roughly dollar 26 billion in goods and importing another dollar 46 billion just last year, according to the state Chamber of Commerce. Latino purchasing power has grown to dollar 320 billion since 1990, one Latino advocacy group found, and the state is home to the largest most of whom are here legally people born in Mexico, more than 35 percent of the United States Mexican born population, according to census data and the Public Policy Institute of California.
Against that backdrop, it was Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon D Lakewood and former state Senate leader Kevin de Le and 243;n who first began to chart the states course in confronting Washington, releasing a joint statement the day after the 2016 presidential election declaring California the new keeper of the nations future.
As leaders of a state that is now home to the worlds fifth largest economy, they pledged to defend Californias progressive strides in historic diversity, scientific advancement, economic output, and sense of global responsibility. And as Latinos and representatives of immigrant dense Los Angeles communities, they began reaching out to Mexican leaders and passed legislation designed to counter the presidents call for mass deportations.
In court, they in Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, a former congressman and the son of Mexican immigrants, and Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who challenged Trumps unproven claims of widespread voter fraud and moves to change to , which they say threaten to significantly undercount the states immigrant population.
While Trump tolerance for illegal immigration is cruel and the source of a border crisis, Newsom has dismissed those characterizations as comedy and the theater of the absurd.
He walked on stage at his inauguration just after the music group Los Cenzontles serenaded the crowd with Mexican melodies and his wife, documentary filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom, in both English and Spanish by former U.S. poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera.
The governor has since state funded healthcare to more young immigrants who are in the country illegally and for nonprofit groups assisting asylum seekers in San Diego. Last week, he of most California National Guard members from the border, realigning the priorities of those left behind to ensure they do not enforce immigration laws.
Not all have praised the efforts. State Sen. Jeff Stone R Temecula called the overall tone of last weeks State of the State address disappointing, saying Newsom seemed more interested in picking a public fight with President Trump than addressing the needs of working California citizens.
To call the Presidents actions to curtail illegal immigration political theater is an insult to the millions of legal immigrants who came into this country legally and work hard every day to make California a better place, Stone said in a written statement.
But others said Newsom was making a smart investment in a young and growing population of Latinos, whose numbers will boost Californias political and purchasing power and serve as an .
California and Mexico previously experienced turbulent relations in the 1980s and 1990s, when the state was a wellspring of anti immigrant rhetoric and measures. Television campaign ads for statewide candidates played on voters anxieties over race and called for increased border security, using images of immigrants streaming across the border from Mexico.
The relationship between the state and its southern neighbor didnt begin to improve until the early 2000s under Gov. Gray Davis, who appointed Flores to serve as a liaison with Mexico.
Wed hear, No, no, Pete Wilson until they realized Davis wasnt Wilson, Flores said, calling the Davis administrations early overtures to Mexican officials difficult.
Under Davis, Mexican Presidents Ernesto Zedillo and Vicente Fox made unprecedented visits to California, the state opened a Mexico City trade office and Sacramento hosted a border governors conference in 2000, with members of U.S. and Mexican states. But the office closed three years later amid a recession and allegations that it took too much credit for deals other partners helped facilitate.
Over the next two decades, state legislators said, relations between California and Mexico though haphazardly organized remained strong as an increasingly diverse Legislature took office. Many members, some of whom began their political involvement in activism against the anti immigrant ballot initiatives of the 90s, took on a new focus: establishing protections for immigrants in the country illegally.
Later, as efforts to overhaul the nations immigration laws collapsed in Congress under the Obama administration, state lawmakers pushed Brown to work more closely with Mexican partners to provide access to drivers licenses, offer college tuition assistance for immigrants without legal status and put distance between immigration enforcement agencies and state and local law enforcement.
After Trumps election, Brown took a to defend immigrants without legal status, signing proposals to expand previous laws on immigration enforcement and fund legal services. But he was circumspect in his speech and actions.
Some lawmakers say their Mexican counterparts have started in the Trump era to echo the same concerns once heard under Wilson.
We spend more time than we need to with our peers across the border trying to convince them, Its not us, its not us, Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins D San Diego said.
With a new federal administration in Mexico, some lawmakers say they believe Newsom will do more to open lines of communication.
The governor is extremely influential in this discourse, state Sen. Ben Hueso D San Diego said. What resources and time and attention he plans to apply to this is going to be very important. Its going to be interesting for us to see and also send a message internationally about what this governors feelings are toward Mexico.
Rendon, legislators in his chamber and others including Mexican Consul General Liliana Ferrer already have been working on the California Mexico Strategic Dialogue initiative to develop the working relationship among officials. In April, members will take on cross border pollution, including cleaning up sewage and waste in the Tijuana River near San Diego and the New River, which cuts through Imperial County.
I wanted to make sure we went beyond the grip and grin meetings that didnt have any impact on policy, Rendon said. It initially had nothing to do with Trump, he said, but the state has filled the vacuum.
Gov. Newsom pushes for new ties with Mexico as Trump fights to build a wall Los Angeles Times - Duration: 8:00.Gov. Newsom pushes for new ties with Mexico as Trump fights to build a wall Los Angeles Times
As President Trump pushes Mexico further away, declaring a national emergency to force the construction of along the border, Gov. Gavin Newsom and California lawmakers have made clear they want to draw the country closer.
Along with a commitment to reopen a trade office in Mexico City, the governor also plans to revitalize a state commission that would allow California officials to work on issues with their counterparts in Mexican government. And over the course of his first term, Newsom and state Democrats are expected to refocus attention on what they consider the real issues at the heart of the U.S. Mexico relationship: tackling cross border pollution, promoting cultural and educational exchanges, and defending the human rights of all immigrants.
In a state where Latino elected officials have helped to the Trump administration, top California leaders say they see a powerful ally in the states new chief executive. They believe Newsoms more forceful stance on immigration and diplomatic approach to Mexico could help reinvigorate old ties and usher in an era of stronger collaboration, providing a viable alternative to the White Houses approach to relations there and around the world.
The relationship between Mexico and California is not only a political relationship, said Jeronimo Cortina, associate professor of political science at the University of Houston. You have commerce, you have tourism, you have trade. Regardless of what the federal government is doing, as a governor you dont want to lose that relationship.
But whether the state can move beyond the symbolic wins to become an effective model for how to improve and maintain those ties depends on whether Newsom is able to deliver on his promises.
Weeks before he took office, Newsom attended the inauguration of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, where he first pledged to open a trade office in Mexico City. He and his staffers have not yet released details on the plan or efforts to revive a Commission of the Californias, saying only that it will allow a state delegation and members of the Mexican government to work together on areas of economic, political and cultural concern.
Though most economic, foreign and border policy falls under the purview of the federal government, a governor can lead trade missions abroad, promote investment into state businesses and build alliances with government officials to elevate the states priorities on an international stage.
Two years ago, former Gov. Jerry Brown on climate change, touring China to meet with business leaders and executives just after Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris accord. In Mexico, in 2014, Brown signed to develop joint task forces and explore other ways to cooperate in battling wildfires, improving data on air quality and reducing greenhouse emissions.
State lawmakers say Newsom will be key in renegotiating those agreements, which are due to expire soon, and lauded the governors promise to reopen the Mexico City trade office, saying it could expand trade deals, loan agreements and technical assistance in manufacturing, alternative energy, technology and other areas.
But similar proposals for such a state funded office were twice rejected by Brown, who pointed to existing agreements between California and Mexican officials, saying he remained unconvinced the state needed it. Similar foreign offices closed in 2003 amid a recession and criticism from legislators and trade experts who said they doubled services and were ineffective.
Michael Flores, the states secretary of foreign affairs under Gov. Gray Davis, unsuccessfully fought to keep the Mexico office open and contested the claims.
You got to have dialogue, you have to have diplomacy, you have to be talking, he said. If not, there is a vacuum filled with something else the Washington rhetoric.
Injecting new energy into the cross border relationship could be a way to heal divisive rhetoric coming from the Trump administration, state lawmakers and political analysts said. But for California, it isnt just a matter of principles, its economics. Newsoms approach is more persistence of past [state] policies than resistance to [federal] policies now, said Tomas Jimenez, associate professor of sociology at Stanford University.
Mexico is one of the , exporting roughly dollar 26 billion in goods and importing another dollar 46 billion just last year, according to the state Chamber of Commerce. Latino purchasing power has grown to dollar 320 billion since 1990, one Latino advocacy group found, and the state is home to the largest most of whom are here legally people born in Mexico, more than 35 percent of the United States Mexican born population, according to census data and the Public Policy Institute of California.
Against that backdrop, it was Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon D Lakewood and former state Senate leader Kevin de Le and 243;n who first began to chart the states course in confronting Washington, releasing a joint statement the day after the 2016 presidential election declaring California the new keeper of the nations future.
As leaders of a state that is now home to the worlds fifth largest economy, they pledged to defend Californias progressive strides in historic diversity, scientific advancement, economic output, and sense of global responsibility. And as Latinos and representatives of immigrant dense Los Angeles communities, they began reaching out to Mexican leaders and passed legislation designed to counter the presidents call for mass deportations.
In court, they in Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, a former congressman and the son of Mexican immigrants, and Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who challenged Trumps unproven claims of widespread voter fraud and moves to change to , which they say threaten to significantly undercount the states immigrant population.
While Trump tolerance for illegal immigration is cruel and the source of a border crisis, Newsom has dismissed those characterizations as comedy and the theater of the absurd.
He walked on stage at his inauguration just after the music group Los Cenzontles serenaded the crowd with Mexican melodies and his wife, documentary filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom, in both English and Spanish by former U.S. poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera.
The governor has since state funded healthcare to more young immigrants who are in the country illegally and for nonprofit groups assisting asylum seekers in San Diego. Last week, he of most California National Guard members from the border, realigning the priorities of those left behind to ensure they do not enforce immigration laws.
Not all have praised the efforts. State Sen. Jeff Stone R Temecula called the overall tone of last weeks State of the State address disappointing, saying Newsom seemed more interested in picking a public fight with President Trump than addressing the needs of working California citizens.
To call the Presidents actions to curtail illegal immigration political theater is an insult to the millions of legal immigrants who came into this country legally and work hard every day to make California a better place, Stone said in a written statement.
But others said Newsom was making a smart investment in a young and growing population of Latinos, whose numbers will boost Californias political and purchasing power and serve as an .
California and Mexico previously experienced turbulent relations in the 1980s and 1990s, when the state was a wellspring of anti immigrant rhetoric and measures. Television campaign ads for statewide candidates played on voters anxieties over race and called for increased border security, using images of immigrants streaming across the border from Mexico.
The relationship between the state and its southern neighbor didnt begin to improve until the early 2000s under Gov. Gray Davis, who appointed Flores to serve as a liaison with Mexico.
Wed hear, No, no, Pete Wilson until they realized Davis wasnt Wilson, Flores said, calling the Davis administrations early overtures to Mexican officials difficult.
Under Davis, Mexican Presidents Ernesto Zedillo and Vicente Fox made unprecedented visits to California, the state opened a Mexico City trade office and Sacramento hosted a border governors conference in 2000, with members of U.S. and Mexican states. But the office closed three years later amid a recession and allegations that it took too much credit for deals other partners helped facilitate.
Over the next two decades, state legislators said, relations between California and Mexico though haphazardly organized remained strong as an increasingly diverse Legislature took office. Many members, some of whom began their political involvement in activism against the anti immigrant ballot initiatives of the 90s, took on a new focus: establishing protections for immigrants in the country illegally.
Later, as efforts to overhaul the nations immigration laws collapsed in Congress under the Obama administration, state lawmakers pushed Brown to work more closely with Mexican partners to provide access to drivers licenses, offer college tuition assistance for immigrants without legal status and put distance between immigration enforcement agencies and state and local law enforcement.
After Trumps election, Brown took a to defend immigrants without legal status, signing proposals to expand previous laws on immigration enforcement and fund legal services. But he was circumspect in his speech and actions.
Some lawmakers say their Mexican counterparts have started in the Trump era to echo the same concerns once heard under Wilson.
We spend more time than we need to with our peers across the border trying to convince them, Its not us, its not us, Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins D San Diego said.
With a new federal administration in Mexico, some lawmakers say they believe Newsom will do more to open lines of communication.
The governor is extremely influential in this discourse, state Sen. Ben Hueso D San Diego said. What resources and time and attention he plans to apply to this is going to be very important. Its going to be interesting for us to see and also send a message internationally about what this governors feelings are toward Mexico.
Rendon, legislators in his chamber and others including Mexican Consul General Liliana Ferrer already have been working on the California Mexico Strategic Dialogue initiative to develop the working relationship among officials. In April, members will take on cross border pollution, including cleaning up sewage and waste in the Tijuana River near San Diego and the New River, which cuts through Imperial County.
I wanted to make sure we went beyond the grip and grin meetings that didnt have any impact on policy, Rendon said. It initially had nothing to do with Trump, he said, but the state has filled the vacuum.
How to Build a Joyful Family? Your miracle time| Bro.Mohan C Lazarus #your_miracle_time. - Duration: 19:25.Son, drink coffee and go. At least you must go!
It's your dearest friend's marriage. If you don't go it won't be good.
Mom, without her, I can't go for marriage, mom.
Everybody will ask me why I didn't bring my wife along with me.
Then you wait here. I will scold her and make her to come.
Mom! Don't fight with her, please.
Hey! what you are doing is not correct.
What is not correct?
He has been requesting you so long.
Are you going to lose anything if you go with him?
Why are you poking your nose in my matters?
I told him that I don't like to go for that marriage. You mind your own business.
I mind my business. But you shouldn't be so adamant like this.
These days girls like you, are so fond of going out here and there with their husbands.
But here everything is upside down.
You see, we will also go to place where we should go.
Yeah, you have been going everywhere with him. I am seeing it daily, no?
Look! Did you tell your mother to quarrel with me?
Mom, why are you fighting with her? Leave her alone.
I will tolerate everything. Don't trouble her, mom.
Hear clearly now. Hereafter don't trouble me at all.
Hmm, that's right. Why should I worry about you hereafter?
Son, why are you keeping her on your head like this?
Are you so scared to argue with her?
Leave it, mom. Should I quarrel with her and get insulted?
Christian should not live like that, mom.
Leave it. I'm not going for marriage. Going to office, mom.
You should definitely come for my marriage and that too with your husband.
Don't tell me any excuses, okay?
Okay dear. I'll come.
Don't say, "I will come". Say, "We will come". Okay?
Okay dear. We will come. Right?
I refused to go for his friend's marriage.
Tit for tat! If he refuse to come for my friend's marriage!
Definitely he is going to say like that.
Mom, one of my friend is getting married.
For that what should I do now?
Do one thing, send me in an aeroplane, I will give gift and come back.
No mom. I have to go with your son.
You must pacify him and tell him to come with me for marriage.
Now the truth has come out.
You see, when you were so polite, I knew you were putting ice for me.
Mom, please forget the past. Please, mom.
How can I forget it? My son will not send you, you see.
Why are you saying like this, mom?
Then what should I say?
Look here, whatever we sow, we will reap that. Understand?
My friend is getting married. She is very close to me.
If we go together, it will be good.
Listen please.
Dear, if I go alone, she will get angry with me. So you should also come with me.
Take care of the house. I'm leaving.
He left without saying anything, mom.
How will he say? I have poured oil into the fire.
Simply don't sit and dream. Go and do your work.
I'm coming, dear.
Jeba, I have taken leave tomorrow. Are you happy?
Oh my God, what a surprise is this!
So are you coming with me for marriage?
Yeah. What is there for surprise?
Do you think I will also act like you?
Here, read the Bible.
In Proverbs 24:29,
"Do not say I will do to them, as they have done to me.
I will pay them back for what they did to me".
Jeba, when I was reading the Bible at the office, this verse spoke to me.
That is why, instead of doing the same you did to me, I am coming with you for marriage.
Here, also I have bought a gift for her.
Dear, please forgive me.
Did you see? This Bible verse has changed him as well as you.
So from today, both of you should never forget to read the Bible.
My beloved friends, in the name of Jesus Christ, I greet all of you today.
This is the blessing time for your family.
God has given this day to you, to bless and pray for your family.
Every week, every Monday morning,
your whole family should come and listen to God's words and pray.
That is God's wish.
We are preparing this program, and telecasting it just for you.
Throughout this week, God's presence should be with you.
With your children, with your job, with your business.
Every week on this day, we pray for your family.
So that you can be happy and enjoy this whole week.
Are you doing your family prayer properly?
Daily are you praying with family? Husband, wife and children?
It will take only 15 minutes.
Read the Bible, sing a song and then you should pray and praise God.
For those who does family prayer, we are praying here daily.
We have a plan called, "Family Blessing Prayer Plan".
Jesus Redeems prayer group, we are praying daily for you.
If you join in this plan, for what all things you should pray,
which verse you should read and pray, all these things we will send to you.
We have pamphlets for that, we will send it to you.
How you should pray?
You should pray for your congregation, pray for your pastors,
servant of God, pray for your bishop,
pray for your village, pray for missionaries,
pray for all your subordinates and pray for those who does business with you.
You should pray for the salvation of people living in and around you.
After praying for all these people, and at last pray 5 minutes for your family.
You should pray for your family and children.
If you pray daily like this, Jesus will bless your family abundantly.
Okay, if you ask, "Is it enough if I just pray like that?"
Only prayer is not enough. We must hear God's words.
That's why I'm telling you to read the Bible and pray.
Bible teaches us a method we should be living life.
One family means husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law,
then parents and children, all these relationships makes a family.
For a family to be happy and pleasant,
everyone should realise their duty and do their responsibility correctly.
It is written in the Bible, how a husband should be, how a wife should be,
how a mother-in-law should be, how a daughter-in-law should be,
how the children should be, how the parents should be,
everything is written in the Bible.
Now you have just seen a nice story, which happens in many families nowadays.
When the husband goes out and he calls his wife, and his wife accompanies him,
then the husband gets a respect.
But sometimes wife avoids her husband.
"I am not coming, you go, why should I come? I am not coming."
When she says like this, you are actually disrespecting your husband.
In a society, among some people, when a husband and wife attends a function of friend's house,
a relative's house or going for a marriage celebration,
only if you go together, you will get the respect and it will make you happy.
Or else if everybody asks, "Where is your wife? Why didn't she come?"
These types of questions will hurt the husband's heart.
The same about wife.
That is, it will affect both of them, so you should realise it and
the husband should adjust and go with his wife to a new place.
Like this when some people don't realise, these small matters there will be splits among families
and there won't be any peace at all.
Now when we talk about husband and wife, it was shown on the TV screen
the Bible verse, Proverbs 24:29.
"Do not say, I'll do to them as they have done to me;
I will pay them back for what they did."
I will do tit for tat between husband and wife, this should not be there.
Competition, jealousy,
if you do this I will do that, if you do that I will do this.
If husband and wife do like these, family will be affected,
relationship will be affected, children will be affected.
He is my husband, she is my wife.
If only you have the mentality of forgiveness and sacrifice,
you can build a family. There will be peace in the family.
So "If you do that, I will do this"
this kind of competition should not be there among husband and wife.
Please understand this, if it is a husband or a wife, don't give space for such a behaviour.
A wife might have done a mistake, a husband might be adamant about a thing.
Forgive that, forget it and you should settle family relationships,
when it is small itself.
By the word of God if you clear it, it won't become big.
You will have happiness and peace in the family.
A very small problem could bring in a huge destruction in your life.
Please realise that. And as per that, a husband and wife, should forgive everything.
I know a counsellor, somebody who does family counselling.
While I was talking to him, he said,
"Brother, do you know what are all the reasons for a family problem?
It started from a paste, just paste.
With a simple paste matter both husband and wife went for a divorce".
I asked him what is the problem.
Both husband and wife had different brushes, but paste was only one.
When husband took paste, wife said, "No it is mine, you should not take it".
He said I am not taking your brush, I am taking only your little paste.
"No you should not use it. If you want you can buy another one".
Problem started from a simple paste and at last they went for a divorce.
A very small matter you see. How it had turned into a huge problem.
So what is the reason?
They don't love each other. They don't have a forgiving mentality.
I will do tit for tat. I will also be adamant. If you are like that, I will be like this.
This is not good for family life.
Please keep it in mind, if it is husband or wife, if it is mother-in-law or daughter-in-law,
if it is parents or children, in a family everybody should forgive and forget.
There will be some drawbacks but don't make it huge. You should forgive and forget it.
And keep unity in the family.
In your family to have God's peace permanently,
and for your happiness, I am going to pray for you.
In this week, God will do everything in a most blessed way in your family.
Are there children in your house who study?
Pray and then send them to school or college.
Parents should do this definitely.
Specially mothers should keep hand on their head, pray and then send them.
In many houses, mothers put a cross sign on children's forehead and send them.
That is a good practice. Surrendering the children to God and sending out.
Even if they are big children, even if they are college students, keep your hand on their head.
Pray and then send them.
If you have to do that, first of all, you should to be perfect in your prayer life.
If you don't pray regularly, you can't pray like that. First you have to strengthen yourself.
Pray and send your children. Please concentrate on your children.
Check on whom they are having friendship with.
When you are sending children in an auto, you should be careful about the driver.
We are living in a worst era now. So pray and send your children to school.
Don't ever forget family prayer.
Everybody should sit together at least one time and eat food.
Sit as a family and talk with each other.
In the dining table, sit with children, talk and laugh with them.
Keep this unity then your family will be blessed.
Your necessities will be taken care of.
I will pray for your children to be blessed.
You have debts, problems in your business, problem in your job,
like this there are many problems for you.
I am going to pray. God will change everything.
Shall we pray together?
Kneel down and fold your hands like this. Let us pray to God as a family.
Father, I am praying for this family, Father.
This husband, wife, parents, children, Lord! Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law,
all relationships should have unity among themselves.
I pray that, they should be tied in a loving bondage.
At any cost, they should not have any sort of misunderstanding.
Habit of enmity, habit of doing tit for tat,
let both husband and wife forgive each other.
I pray, Lord to give them a good mentality to forget and forgive all mistakes.
God, let happiness and joy should be seen in their families.
Please bless all elders, children and everyone in their family.
In the name of Jesus, I bless them now.
Touch all those who are sick.
In the name of Jesus, let all the diseases disappear. Let all the weaknesses go away.
Let a miraculous healing come to their family. Touch the children and give them a good healing.
Whatever disease it may be, let it go away in the name of Jesus.
You have said that, You will remove all sickness. They should not have hospital expenses, Lord.
They should not have unnecessary expenses. Give them good healing.
And let them not spend money unnecessarily.
Bless them in their jobs. Give them promotion and bless them.
Bless their business and improve their income.
Remove all their debts. In this week, for whatever your children are praying for,
please fulfil all their requests.
Let all the obstacles move away. Let everything succeed.
Give them your blessing. Parents are praying for jobless children,
in the name of Jesus, open a way for them to get a good job.
Bless them. Thank You for blessing them.
Let Your merciful hand be with them and lead them.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Father.
Amen. Amen.
My beloved friends, God has heard our prayers.
He has blessed you. Don't miss family prayers.
Keep unity in your family. God's presence will be with you always.
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