Welcome to what will (again) hopefully be
My last Dark Souls 2 stream
Before moving on
To bigger and better things
Last stream was an absolute train wreck
I actually had to bring it to an emergency stop
Because my den, that I am currently streaming from
Was filling up with water
But I got that sorted out
And now it is actually...
...snowing outside
It's a real, legit blizzard
Instead of just a downpour, so...
...I shouldn't have any problems with that anymore
...when we last left off
The last three bosses
Left in the game for me
And the last three things that I plan to do
Were the optional trio of people that you fight
At the end of the first DLC
The Darklurker, and the two Tigers that you fight
At the end of the Third DLC
Now, I cleared out all the paths
On the way to all three of those bosses
But unfortunately...
...while clearing out the path to the first DLC bosses
[Graverobber, Varg, and Cerah]
I ended up killing them in the test
To actually see what it was like to fight them
So, sad that I didn't end up catching it on video
But nice that I got lucky enough to kill them
Because that fight was full of
Luck strikes and heals
So I ended up doing that off-stream
So that leaves two more bosses for me to actually fight
And I think I'm going to start with the Darklurker
(laughs dryly)
Clearing out the Frigid Outskirts here took...
...I don't even want to try to figure out
How much time
Walking for five minutes
To get my face stomped in by
Five lightning horses at once
It was less than pleasant, suffice it to say
The actual path between...
...between the [Pilgrims of] Dark covenant here
And the Darklurker itself
Isn't farmed out completely
I don't even know if it can be farmed out
Only because it costs a Human Effigy
Every time I go to actually go in there
And I don't have that kind of Effigy-
Oh, shit
I don't have that kind of Effigy storage
In mine right here, I have eighteen of them left
I'll have to go farm some if I end up running low
Which I hopefully won't, I mean
The Darklurker doesn't look like too much trouble
I really should have burned a Human Effigy at the bonfire
Because when somebody invades
It just makes it...
...infinitely harder to actually do this section
There's only the one guy down here, right?
Oh shit
I used five Estus
Did not mean to do that
I'll use Lifegems next time
Tired of your shit
That's probably going to end up being a problem, but...
...oh well
So this is the first time I've actually fought the Darklurker
When I first found him
I just kind of let him kill me
Because I wanted to stream the actual fight
What the fuck are you doing?
Oh Jesus Christ
Make sure there's no holes for me to fall down...
Apparently no
What I should do...
...ah, it's actually kind of too late for that
I should imbue my...
I should imbue my sword with lightning or fire
I don't really wanna get hit with that
I'll wait until he does something...
...that looks like it's gonna take along time
Nope, not long enough!
Oh shit
Okay, I don't know where he went
Let's use...
Oh, hi
Doesn't really seem to be doing much more damage
A little bit, maybe
I don't even know what that is
Balls that shoot things at me?
Wow, he's doing almost no damage!
Oh okay, he got me there
(laughs) He did almost no damage because
I had shielded that attack
I thought he hit me
Ohhh that's not good news at all!
How do I...
...not fight two of you at once?
Oh, Christ!
Don't tell me you have a new move set, too
That would be...discouraging
I can't seem to lock on to that one
Yeah, three Estus is not good news right now
I don't even know what the other guy's doing
Oh, he's just bashing me with his sword
Yeah, definitely should have saved more Estus
For this fight
Trying not to get completely owned by that sword
Getting some good hits in
Where did you go?
Oh, fucker
Get on the move!
Little quicker
Aw, they're just pelting me with fucking fireballs now
Ahh, fuck!
Too strong
Yeah, running out of Estus was the biggest problem there
You end up sinking all your time into healing
And then...'re not gonna get anywhere
There we go
Oh geez
He got a hit on me
So I'll probably buff first next time
Because I could have gotten a couple hits on him
And he had enough time to hit me there
So that's not good
I'm not really even getting to use this buff anyway
Rolled right into it
You can actually see that coming
Oh, he sends it through... like a warp hole
And out another one
Yeah, I scarcely get to use that buff at all
I probably just won't bother with it
Aw, are you fucking splitting again?
God damn it
You back out wayyy to fucking slow
I'm lucky to not be dead there
I don't like not seeing what the other guy's doing
Oh he's... racking up his fireballs
This is irritating at best
Fuck, I didn't know that exploded!
Aw man
I'm having a hard time here
Oookay, fuck the bow
I got two heals in!
Still died
Fuck, you're at like 70% health!
Christ, man!
Get that roll in
Don't know where the other guy is
Yeah, he's...
...racking up fireballs
That fucking explosion!
Get your heals in
You guys figure out what the fuck you're gonna do
And then...
(laughs) ...I'll act on that
Okay, no more long-ranged bullshit
God damn it
Fucking relentless
He split at like 70% health that time!
He didn't fucking wait around
Okay, he's doing his bullshit, here
Aw, fuck
I was hoping to try and hit both of them at once
Don't know how he didn't hit me there
Aaand here comes that beam
I should not be two-handing anymore
The hell was that!?
I'm just gonna keep my shield up
When he's not...
Holy shit!
That flame ruins my fucking day completely
(angry sigh)
I can't even fathom what the fuck happened there
So I have both the Dark Quartz and the Flame Quartz+3 rings on
My shield almost completely blocked his dark attack
But the fireballs took, like...
...three inches each, off my health?
The fuck did you go!?
No mitosis!
Nope, nope, nope!
God damn it
Okay, here comes the fire
So staying the FUCK away from that
And your beam bullshit
Which I'm just gonna ignore you for
What are you doing?
I can't even see you!
Having a hard time
Ohh I don't like the fire, or the beams
Seven Estus...
Just... just... just
For like two god damn seconds
That's what I'm looking for
I need to see both of you, though
He got me right in the face with that
Oh, stressful
(long sigh)
And here come more of them
Damn it!
Last two Estus
Healing's too slow now
Are you doing two fire...?
Fucking two fire in a row
Calm yourself
Jesus Christ
Nope, nope!
Ahh, where's the other one?
Oh noo, don't you dare!
God damn it!
I knew he was gonna do that!
One of them with the fire
The other one with the dark explosion
Oh, I thought he was gonna split
He's down to like fucking half his health
Ohh, he had to explode first
That makes sense
Come on
Help me out, here
Ohoo, that was fucking close
I was two-handed a second earlier
Just use all my Estus, then!
Straight away
Get that out of the way
And then I won't have to worry about it
(exhausted sigh)
I don't know where the other guys is
So I'm just gonna start running
Just in case
I can't outrun that
Come on, cat
I'm busy
(laughs) Hello!
Both of you
I'm just going for it
Please don't shoot fire at me
Okay, so that worked out
Jesus Christ
Shepherd, I swear to god
If you get me killed in a boss fight
I'm fucking selling you
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