- So the question is how many chances do you give someone
with an addiction or with an alcohol problem
and the answer is one more.
You never wanna give up hope.
We see all the time people who have had multiple,
multiple, multiple times of going through treatment
and not getting it and then they come
and one time they do get it.
Sometimes, honestly, it's with us
and sometimes it's with other people.
It's not like there's any magic cure.
We do a great job of getting people detoxed
and give them a chance to being on recovery.
We use Naltrexone implants and Vivitrol.
We make the detox relatively easy and successful
and we give them a chance, one more chance at recovery
but at the end of the day,
it's up to them to work a program,
to listen to what's being told, to follow the directions,
to stay on the right track
and make sure that they turn this chance
into the time that they are gonna stay
in long-term recovery.
We've seen it over and over
where we almost gave up on people and guess what?
They're now doing,
I can think of a patient right now with an alcohol problem
that we've been through probably 20
or 30 different treatment programs
and now she's got nine months of sobriety,
she's happy and everything's going well and God bless her.
I hope that she stays on that path.
She certainly knows what she needs to do
and right now she says she's willing
and she's actually doing it.
The key is people have to really work
their recovery program.
It's not something passive.
It's not something you say you'd like to do.
It's something you have to do.
I tell patients it's a little bit
like having a gym membership.
The gym membership doesn't actually do you any good at all
unless you actually go and lift the weights
and do the exercises then you start seeing the results.
So do you ever give up on people?
What you should listen for is what their motivation level is
and what they're saying about what they'll do differently.
If I've got a loved one that I'm thinking
should I go and put myself out
and maybe pay some money to help him get treatment
and they're not telling me
that they're gonna really take it seriously
and tell me exactly how they're going
to work a program differently
then I'm not really and nearly as inclined
to put myself out to help them and put my time out
when it's pretty clear they're not gonna do their piece.
So it's the effort that counts.
They need to learn what to do
and then they need to actually do it.
So bottom line is never give up hope.
We've seen miracles and we've seen people do well.
The key is the work that they do.
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