I am doctor Heather, Moore owner of Total Performance physical therapy.
Tonight we're going to go over what's causing your shoulder pain.
And I want to say before we begin, um, I need to kind of caviat this with generally.
Um, it's not one thing.
So we're going to go over several tests tonight that you can do at home to kind of make up
a differentiation on what's going on with your shoulder.
But a lot of times it's not just one thing.
And what happens is is people ignore the little signs that when they start when they should
be treated.
They've kind of brushed them off.
Like maybe it hurts to put your jacket on.
Maybe it hurts just to reach into the back seat, but guess what?
You can turn your body and you can reach into the back seat or you can just turn your shoulder,
get your arm in your coat without having it to really affect anything going on in your
everyday life so.
You make adjustments for things and you change how you do things, which then in turn allows
you to be able to function for longer.
And not have to do with the problem, but eventually what you find is maybe it starts to hurt while
you're sleeping now and now it's hurting when it's overhead and you can't do everything
you want to do at the gym.
Then you know it really snowballs.
And the more and more you ignore it in the longer you, allow it to snowball.
The worse it is , the more problems you're gonna have.
And so that's why it's really important to understand that while you might do these tests,
you may be able to fit yourself into all of these categories, depending on how long you've
let this go.
So it's one of those things where, you know, just to take this with a grain of salt, I
am going to show you some things you know, and if you wind up with getting positive tests
for all of these, you really need to be treated and you should have been treated in a long
time ago.
There's nothing really a home that I can say, yeah, let's do that.
And that's going to help.
It's going to be more of a hands on approach, you know, we need to get in there and really
fixed all the dysfunction that's going on.
So the first thing we're going to go through is called a roos tests.
And it's for, it's called thoracic outlet syndrome.
And this is something if you determine that you have not a lot you can do at home for
Um, some posture related stuff that you can fix, but you really need to get in and get
treated because it is affecting the nerves and you want to make sure that you're able
to um, recover.
And then the worse you let this get you actually can lose, strengthen your fingers, strength
in your hands, begin to drop things.
So you're going to start with your arms out, elbows up at ninety degrees hands just like
And all it is is just this, okay?
You're just making a fist okay.
You want to make sure that you're not dropping below here, okay?
And you would make sure your fingers are up and you want to make sure that you do this
for three minutes.
Now you're looking for numbness.
And Tingling every time I've seen this test, honestly, within like the first minute, somebody
goes numb or has numbness and tingling.
Most people who have thoracic outlet do not make it to three minutes joining us.
Um, some of you may fatigue, some of you may get burning in these muscles.
If you're not working out or you're not used to holding your arms up, some of you may get
just some pain in your fingers for doing this for three minutes but what we're looking for,
numbness and tingling, and that's really the caveat that's a positive task.
Other symptoms, pain, uncomfortable, that's not indicative of that.
You've have thoracic outlet syndrome.
It's really just this and you're gonna get some numbness and tingling.
The second thing we're going to go through is, um, it's called the empty can test.
This is going to test a specific muscle of the rotator cuff to see if there's a possible
tear there.
And all you're going to do is you want to, you're not going to go straight out, you're
not going to go out to the side.
you're going to go out at a 45 degree angle.
What you want to do is you just want to turn your thumb down so it's facing you and you're
just going to raise up nice and easy.
You don't want to go past 90 degrees.
You're not going to go all the way up here.
It's got a hurt up here.
I don't care if you have healthy shoulder and not get your thumbs down and you're all
way up here, it most likely is going to hurt so you stop at 90 degrees when you just want
to go up and down nice and slow.
All right, this is going to show that there's a problem with the supraspinatus muscle, which
is part of the rotator cuff.
If you want to have getting a positive test and will have a lot of pain on, people can't
even do it.
You need to seek some treatment for that.
It could just be inflammation that we can knock out pretty quickly, but this is definitely
a sign that there is a problem there with one of the muscles of the rotator cuff.
The next one is a painful arc.
So you're going to have your thumb up this time and you're just going to raise it up
overhead nice and easy.
So this is testing for tendinitis.
Now, one thing about tendonitis that you have to understand is the tendinitis has multiple
So there's really a lot of issues going on with your shoulder, but this just means that
you're, there's an inflamed tendon and all you're going to do is raise it up.
And what will happen is right here.
This can be great.
Great, great.
Ow, ow, ow. ow. ahhh ok so that's why We call it the painful arc right about here to here.
It's going to be painful once you get up here.
Feels great down here.
Totally fine in here.
That's the sign that there's inflammation going on.
If this is the only test that's positive, this is a great time to get it treated because
it means, there's not a whole lot going on.
You do have tendonitis with the rest of your shoulders intact.
You haven't really torn anything yet.
Um, that's substantial.
There might be a small tear in there, but you know you're able to do this and this is
just painful.
Um, that you, you know, we can treat that pretty quickly.
It's just a matter of correcting shoulder muscle imbalances in your shoulder.
And then the final test you're going to want to do is for impingement.
And a lot of this goes hand in hand with tendinitis.
Um, and then this actually leads to a rotator cuff tear.
So if you test positive for this, this is something you really want to get checked out
and really want to get treated because the next step beyond impingement is a rotator
cuff tear.
So this is kind of a fore warning of the cuff tear means that one of your muscles are getting
pitched, which is part of the rotator cuff and will eventually become a tear if you if
you if left untreated.
So are going to do is take your arm hand rested on the opposite shoulder and all you want
to do is lift up, use your opposite hand to lift up your shoulder.
Don't lift it up like this.
All right.
Just use your opposite hand to lift it up and lower it.
If you get pain that's positive for an impingement, again, it's something that it means there's
an inflammation going on.
The muscles being pinched if the muscle gets pinched enough.
It becomes a tear.
And that's how the rotator cuff tear starts.
So those are just a couple of quick, simple tests you can do at home in order to be able
to determine what the exact cause of your shoulder pain as if you don't test positive
test any of those.
There are some more complex tests that are a little bit harder to do on your own at home.
Um, just because of those four were not positive.
Doesn't mean that you don't have a shoulder issue.
It just means that those four things that are easy and quick to test at home, we're
not, uh, what you have.
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