hello beautiful divine seekers and welcome to this video thank you so much
for tuning in today and spending time with me I've got my Palo Santo going
right here to tune into the session this is for you for cleansing and for good
energy I hope you use the Palo Santo it really works because today we're going
to talk about star seeds how many starseeds are incarnated on this planet
Earth today what is a starseed and I'm also going to convey to you a message
that my higher guides which are by the way all starseed spirit guides and
higher guides all of them a message they conveyed to me recently and I really
feel compelled to share this with you for those who are new I'm Natasha cosmic
Empress if you haven't subscribed yet give it a try and see if you like the
content on this channel okay so let's jump into it right away in
a recent video I talked about starseeds earth seeds animals and animal
reincarnation the video was titled are animals able to reincarnate as
humans I'm gonna link it up there check that out that's kind of part one a lot
of what I say there has to do with this theme today so question number one what
is a star seed we hear about this all the time and it's actually really really
simple you are a starseed if your first incarnation 'el cycle into a physical
body was not on earth okay it's that simple
we are incarnated here right now and it's not only once that we come and live
a life it is usually many times that we choose to incarnate in a cycle of
incarnations in one place so all of us who are here this is not our first
incarnation or this is not our first life on earth I do a lot of this type of
work I work one-on-one and I haven't found a single person or a single soul
whose only incarnated once on planet Earth
the average amount of reincarnation ty is between one and 200 okay so you've
most likely incarnated anywhere between a hundred and two hundred times on
planet earth so you are a sta seed if your first incarnation 'el cycle as a
soul your first time coming into a body was not on planet Earth so many many
souls living on this planet today are not earth seats so they have not
incarnated first here I talked about it in the last video of the densities of
the planets the first density when a planet is just forming there is nothing
really going on except for gas and rock formation in the solidifying of the
planet when the planet moves into the second density of is its existence then
we start to see second density life forms which are animals and plants and
the third density is what we're living in right now the 3d third density is
when we attain consciousness as human beings that are aware and that want to
grow and that strive towards the light so a lot of souls on this planet went
through the cycle of reincarnating many times in lower densities and then at
some point reaching such awareness that the consciousness changed into 3d into
human consciousness so a lot of us on this planet or earth seeds that went
through this incarnation 'el cycle and didn't incarnate on another planet
before but many many of us are in fact star seeds that is Palladian star seeds
syrian star seeds Oh sighing star seeds there are many different places in the
galaxy that souls can incarnate and do their cycles of life and after that we
are able to make a choice and incarnate somewhere else so that's how it works
and if you're here watching this on a channel a youtube channel called cosmic
Empress you are very most likely a star seed okay most of you will be star seeds
and I want to tell you what I found out in the Akashic records so I work with
the Akashic records with the pendulum and with visions and this is a
vibrational library where it's possible to get very concise information and I
tuned into the Akashic record of mother Gaia and my my fav reference planets are
conscious beings so by tuning into the Earth's Akashic record the Earth's soul
record it's possible to get accurate information of all this stuff right so
what I found I'll just recap you late from last time
there are 45% of the souls living today in a human body like us human bodies 45%
are earthlings who went through that whole incarnation 'el cycle from first
second to third density who basically are their soul group of origin is
earthlings then 2% of the souls living on this planet actually jumped in
consciousness from animal consciousness to the next incarnation into human
consciousness and you might say that's crazy that's not possible I know all
these concepts are a little bit crazy but bear with me hear me out if you're
thinking this animal thing is crazy or you don't know what I'm talking about
watch the video I'll link it again up there then that is only 47% so the
question is what's the rest the rest of the percentage who are they and I'll
tell you right away I found out I went into the Akashic record of mother Gaia
and I found out that 34% of human beings walking on this earth today are indeed
starseeds that's a lot and if any of you are
familiar with the teachings of the law of one the channelings of a raah I'll
link that down below that was a series of channelings that for me is like the
best runnings I've heard so far except for the very modern ones that are coming
out now and the numbers were a little bit
different like the same principle was taught there but the percentages were
different so today we have 34% starseeds and that's amazing can you imagine that
that is truly amazing so that you are one of them is very very likely now
there's a couple of percentages missing so I want to explain I'm talking about
the star seeds that are incarnated here in their cycles from outside this solar
system okay within the galaxy or from other galaxies or from parallel
dimensions okay souls who have decided to come here and the beautiful thing
about star seeds is that at the moment we are moving from third density to the
fourth density or if you want to think of dimensions usually people talk on the
internet about dimensions it's the same thing we're living in the fourth the
third fourth dimension and we're moving into the fifth dimension 5d right that's
the same thing as the fourth density so don't get that confused
it's just terminology basically we are us tending our consciousness the next
level right in the evolution of consciousness and that is what everyone
is talking about that is what the Ascension process is that we are all
talking about that is the raising of vibration that we are doing because we
want to ascend our planet and us as souls in our next incarnation 'el cycles
we want to ascend into that next higher density so life can be better because I
think it'll be a lot easier 3d is not easy
3d is not easy so the star seats that are incarnated today are often and
that's probably you and it's me I know it's me that's us coming here from
higher densities choosing to incarnate here to actually help raise the
vibration of the planet to actually help mother Gaia Gaia ascend because things
aren't really going how they are supposed to go you know there's a lot of
negativity there's a lot of stuff going on on the planet right now which is not
really helping the essential process so that's why so
many souls from other more higher densities higher vibrations more
ascended ways of living you could see it that way as well have come here to help
raise the vibration okay so there are many different places that starseeds
come from very popular ones and I'm going to do that as a next step to see
where these star seeds come from when I go into the Akashic records next but I
think many star seeds come from Sirius from the Pleiades from Andromeda there's
there's a few here from Andromeda prosign there's there's a whole list so
I will talk about that in a video very very soon and I'll let you know exactly
the percentages now there's a few percent is that percentage is missing
okay and the interesting thing is and this some of you may know this for some
of you it may be another crazy concept like Natasha what are you talking about
are you going and I know and go how this sounds the rest of the percentages of
the souls on earth are the following we have 10% from Maldek okay Maldek is a
planet that wasn't the solar system that had a highly developed civilization very
technically oriented and they basically blew up their planet with their
technology the whole planet exploded like a Star Wars zoom right yeah so that
actually happened and all these souls suddenly in one instant all these humans
lives were wiped out and what happened was the souls from Maldek was this is
how the the law of one talks about it this is where I got this information
from the law of one so a lot of the frame of reference I got from the book
of the law of one and other studies and then I always confirm it for accuracy
for myself so I'm not just taking whatever I read and
randomly you know talk about it on my channel I always check for accuracy and
I study this like profoundly before I talk about it so when the planet Malek
exploded all the souls kind of came into a knot of anxiety and fear and they were
stuck can you imagine like your planet being destroyed in one second all the
the beings they are destroyed in the solar left like in extreme trauma so
that's what happens so they were in a place of trauma stuck for a long long
time but then there was help you know spiritual help from the outside from
beings of light from teams of light that worked on these Souls for a long time
and finally they were able to release and they started incarnated on earth
because earth was very closest in the same solar system and earth was a
three-dimensional inhabitable planet so 10% of the population of the souls
incarnated today are from Maldek there's 8% left so bear with me a little more
what is the rest of the 8% and these are actually souls from Mars
yeah from Mars that sounds even more crazy but Mars is a civilization that
also was destroyed when Maldek exploded so when Maldek exploded it actually
stripped bare the surface of Mars and made life in 3d impossible so a lot of
souls that were in their incarnation or cycle on Mars 3d as well had nowhere to
continue their incarnation of cycles and it's interesting you can't just say oh
I'll start to incarnate and I'll stop when you start incarnated into the third
dimension and you start creating karma and lessons and growth you have to
finish it before you can move on that's the reason why we want to clear our
karma and get rid of our negative karma so we can move on okay
and that's a lot of the work that I do as well is looking at karma and helping
you clear it so what happens when a planet is destroyed and a soul is in the
middle of its learning process well then you have to look for another place to
incarnate so a lot of the MAL dekyon souls started in creating on earth as
well okay so Mars sorry the MA a lot of the Mars Souls started
incarnating here as well so Mars and Maldek together make 18 percent of the
population of Earth so there you have it that's how the population is put
together now there's another number which I need to tell you about and I
have made videos about this I'm going to make another very clear and concise
video about this this talks about negative and positive Souls okay solve
of a positive orientation and a negative orientation now I'm not going to say
evil or good because every soul every soul in its journey has free will and
choice to choose to be positive or negative it's the different little
choices we make that in the end you know bring us towards the the shadow and the
light side the two polarities we live in a world of polarities and 3d even higher
dimensions as well there's always the polarity it's just a matter of choice
what do you choose so presently we have 90% positively oriented souls on our
planet incarnated 90% that's pretty brilliant you think yes but we do have
10% negatively oriented souls living on this planet and in the law of one they
talk about service to others positive service to self negative and it doesn't
sound like a lot but you know that one very very negatively oriented person can
wreak a lot of havoc a lot of havoc just one person in a room of a hundred and if
a lot of negatively oriented Souls are in places of power it can really cause a
lot of destruction and it's very important to understand that
and a lot of starseeds who are incarnated here are positively oriented
let me see if I got that number I did I did
so all the starseeds you and me most likely we are a 95% positively
positively oriented okay so the amount of people 95% of all the star seats on
the planet are positively oriented 5% are negatively oriented okay so there
you have it so from that I deduct and I I got this as a confirmation from the
recent encounter which I will tell you about in a moment that a lot of us have
incarnated here and chosen these incarnation or cycles to really raise
the vibration of the planet and that's a beautiful thing that is absolutely
beautiful so if you feel that you are a star seed and I will make another video
how you can know if you're a star seed and if you're really really into this
and interested that's the work that I do I look into your Akashic record I can
see exactly where you have lived your incarnational cycles what other places
you have lived everything is you can you can pretty much get the information
about everything pertaining to a specific soul in the Akashic records
okay so if you feel that you're a star seed feel proud because if you find your
way have found your way to this channel and if this all resonates you're most
likely incarnated for the purpose of contributing to the raising of the
vibration of this planet which is a beautiful and important important
mission so now I want to tell you the message that I got from my higher guides
recently I have been working more and more with my spirit guides I'm learning
this too I'm constantly learning and expanding my own consciousness and I've
recently found my exact team of spirit guides who they are with
and they're all star seed spirit guides I have discovered that I have four
Akashic record guides who were helping me with my psychic my spiritual work
when I'm working with clients and working with information like this and
recently I went to a place where I met with a council of guides twelve people
we were all together exactly what that is food for another video but I want to
let you know the message so I was doing a series of meditations deep meditations
to communicate with my higher guides my team my heavenly team of light and I
found myself at this table when we were 12 and this was the first time I had
been called to this council of guides and the one thing that overwhelmed me so
much was the incredible honor and love that came through because I was trying
to figure out why am I here what's going on and I know that the message that
everybody was telling me it was like individual messages telepathically
feelings and words like everything kind of mixed like all this information came
that indeed I am here to help raise the vibration of the planet that is my
purpose I signed up to do this I'm part of that team of the lightworkers
incarnated here to raise the vibration of the planet to help expand
consciousness and to help increase the positive percentage of us on this planet
so and this this gave gave me immense kind of confirmation of what I'm doing
here and I was saying yeah but I'm just you know this little person you know I
don't I don't know much I'm limited I have great forgetting of where I came
from and I was kind of not feeling so good and the immediate response from
everybody was you are honored so much for in
nating in a place where you agree to forgetting where you agree to danger
where you agree to - chaos - to having to deal with karma you are putting
yourself in a situation by choice to help the raise of a vibration of the
planet so I want you to know that this message is for you as well
if you ever feel inadequate never do that if you feel that you don't know
you're not spiritual enough you're not wise enough you are an incredible high
vibrational soul who has made the choice to incarnate in 3d where we forget where
we have you know our human DNA and and drives and then stupidities and our
karma and we make mistakes because we don't known because we don't remember
right but you made that conscious choice to learn and to help raise the vibration
of the planet and that's a huge sacrifice that's a huge sacrifice and
that's what they told me and they told me listen you are so honorable and you
are worth so much and what you're doing is so much greater than what all we're
doing because we're just here hanging out in spirit you know having a good
time being able to know everything it's so easy but you are doing the dirty work
you're doing the hard work you put yourself into that situation and you
have to somehow in your life try to try to expand your mind and figure out
everything for yourself without direct knowledge you have to figure it out and
you're doing a great job it's amazing that you that you're doing what you're
doing that's what they told me and that's what you have to know as well
right you who are watching you chose to come down here with onto this earth with
negative souls with war with problems with abuse with negative karma you did
this because you wanted to grow as a soul because you want to help
the planet ascend and that's huge that is precious that is amazing and that is
worth so much and if you knew and this was just my team of guides you have your
own team of spirit guides and hire guides and angels and you have so much
support if you could see like I'm kind of seeing that the collective the
collective routes overwhelm if overwhelming if I look at all of you who
are watching this video and I see your teams of light it's like thousands and
thousands of beautiful huge teams of light that I see as a collective so you
if you're watching this you have a beautiful team of light who honors you
who supports you who's there for you you just got it make the effort and do your
spiritual work and then you will be able to contact them feel them listen to them
get messages from them I didn't grow up psychic I never knew any of this when I
was growing up I'm not one of those people who grew up psychic and
everything automatically happened and I heard voices no I had to work for this I
was always very clear cognizant like I knew things but I never heard voices or
saw angels or any of that through meditation and through spiritual
awakening I got to this place that means that you can't - if I did it you can do
it - because you are a beautiful divine soul with a team of light and you are so
much more than you can see and imagine that you are and that's the message that
I wanted to give to you today and some data to back up better that I got yeah
okay but from my work in the Akashic records so if you're feeling down or
you're feeling that you're kind of a little bit worthless or that what you're
doing is not working and it's very very hard just know that you are doing an
incredible service to mother Gaia to the rest of humanity to the rest of the
galaxies in the universe because everything is one we are all connected
and if planet Earth you know stays or is very negative everything else and
everyone else in the galaxy is affected as well so remember that you are a
beautiful divine being who chose to do the hard work it's kind of like you know
the warrior who goes out with his armor and fights the battle ok that's who we
are spiritual warriors that's the one who goes blindfolded into the jungle on
a quest to save the rest who are there that that's us that's also remember that
ok ok so I hope that's made sense to you let me know what you think about all
this let me know if you think that your star seed or maybe from Mars or Maldek
or maybe incarnated going up from an animal or if you're an earth seat it
would really interest me and if you know of anyone who's feeling down who kind of
doubts their own spiritual connection send them this video and that might help
a little hide ok so thank you so much thank you for being here thank you for
joining me please subscribe or leave a comment and keep going with me on this
beautiful spiritual journey on this channel thank you so much love you all
cosmic Empress
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