Hey, what's up guys?
Have you ever wondered how many octaves are on your guitar?
Well, the kind-of easy and general answer is that most guitars have about 4 octaves
on them.
But, if you want to know how many octaves are on your own personal guitar, then stick
around because that's exactly what we're going to find out.
[ music ]
Alright. So like I said, most guitars have about 4 octaves.
And if you want to learn how many octaves are your guitar, first you need to understand
what an octave is.
So, an octave is basically 8 notes.
That's where we get that "oct" from.
So 8 notes, but it's not like 8 frets.
I know that's kind of confusing, it's actually 12 frets, but, just stick with me, if you
have a major scale, let's start with C because C is the easiest.
There's no sharps or flats in the key of C. So if we start with C, C is 1.
D is 2.
E is 3, then F, G, A, B, and C. C is 8.
So we have a low C, and we have a high C. So they're the same note, they're the same
letter, they're both C, but one is a low C and one is a high C. One is an "octave" higher
than the other.
So, that's basically an octave.
So, if we want to find out how many octaves are on our guitar, first we need to find out
what the lowest note on our guitar is.
So for most people, if you're in "Standard" tuning, and you have 6 strings, our lowest
string, our lowest note, is going to be an E. So the next E, the next highest E we have
is going to be right here, on the D string on the 2nd fret.
Hear how that sounds like the same note?
It's just one is higher and one is lower.
So the next octave is going to be right here, this high E string.
Just an open string.
Hear how that sounds the same?
So there is 2 octaves.
So we have our 3rd octave right here, on the 12th fret.
And that's important to remember because the last E that we had was open and then the next
E that we had was on the 12th fret.
So we know that an octave is 8 scale notes, but it's also 12 frets, or half steps.
Ok, we're on the 12th fret.
So in order to get to the next octave we need 12 more frets.
So 12 + 12 = 24 so our next E is going to be on the 24th fret.
But, let's see, how many frets do I have here?
We got 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
If I can make that note..There we go haha.
We got 20 frets on this acoustic guitar.
Now, your guitar may have 20, it may have 22, a lot of them have 22 if they're electric,
I think my electric has 22.
And so thats not quite 24, which means that... for me, on my acoustic, I've got 3 and maybe
a little bit more than a half.
So like 3 and a half octaves.
So everybody's guitar is a little bit different, right?
Like some people have more frets, some people have less frets.
Some people have more strings.
Like theres 7 string guitars.
What if you're in a different tuning?
Like Drop D, you get a couple extra notes out of just the tuning you're in.
So if you really want to know how many octaves are on your guitar, then just learn how to
count the octaves.
But, for most people, about 4 octaves.
Anyway, I hope that helps, guys.
If you have any questions, please leave them below.
Don't forget to like, don't forget to subscribe, and we'll see you in the next video.
Thanks a lot guys.
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