Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 18 2019

Hey, my happy shiny puppies, this is Melody Fletcher, your go-to for everything Law of

Attraction and Reality Creation.

And today, I've got a treat for you!

What follows is an excerpt from one of our live Q&A calls, where people just like you,

students just like you, were able to ask me questions, and I answered them.

And today, you're going to get one of those.

And, as you see, in the coming weeks, we're going to be rolling out more and more of these.

And, if you'd like the chance to be a part of one of these Q&A calls, for free, then

stay until the end of the video, and I'm going to tell you exactly how to do that.

Alright, I'll see you on the other side!


"So the big question is this: How do we, those of us who feel deep-down that we're much more

powerful than we've been led to believe, and that there is something to this Law of Attraction

stuff, actually create our own realities?

What's the process of simply stepping into the reality of our choice?

What about those of us who need this process to make logical, intellectual sense?

My Name is Melody Fletcher; you've got questions about the technology of reality, and I've

got the answers.

Welcome to my channel, where the Law of Attraction finally makes some freakin' sense."

Hello Melody; how're you doing?

I'm good; how are you?

I'm good, thank you.

I'm just curious about something.

It's about activating the feeling of what we want, only when we have one, sort of, technique

that I seem to, kind of, lean on when I really want to do that, when I want to, consciously

get a really good manifestation going.

And that is just sitting, visualizing, and trying to get that really good feeling going;

imagining it all in the hologram.

And, I know it's working when I get, like, a silly, little smile on my face, and everything

feels really good.

And then, I just try to sit with that for as long as I can.


But something that I've noticed has popped up in various LOA teachings, here and there,

is this whole idea of the duration that you should do that for.

And, there's this thing about 17 seconds.

And, I've just always been curious about it.

Like, I'm not that bothered by it - but I just; it's always sort of, I've always been

curious about it.

Like, why 17?

That's so random, and why does that pop up?

And, you know what I mean?

So, it's a bit odd.

Well, that comes from Abraham.

Yes, yeah!

That 17 seconds thing comes from Abraham, where they say you have to do 17 seconds.

And, I think - I haven't listen to them in quite some time - but I think that at one

point I heard them say that it was even shorter now.

I've never gotten a message that said so and so many seconds.

I think that it is situational, and an individual, you know, thing that has to be looked at for

the individual.

And so, I basically have said, look - and I don't know about 17 seconds because, I have

certainly taken people through this process many, many, many times, where, after about

20 seconds they stop and they stop just short of actually getting there, because, you know,

that little bit of resistance comes up, that little bit of reluctance comes up, where,

you're like, "Ooh!"

And then, you kind of go: "This isn't working!"

And then, you want to run away.


Because you were just shy of coming to that.

And that doesn't happen at the 17 second mark.

So, if that was a universal measurement, then, we would be able to reproduce that, and measure

that, and see that every time.

17, 17, 17, 17.


You passed the 17 seconds mark.

And, it also depends on how pure the signal is; how much resistance you have as you focus

on it.


Because, if you have no resistance, how much, how often do you need to do it?

Well, once!

Boom - in!


The reason why we repeat is, because, often, we're still banging it into place a little


It gets a little bit more comfortable, a little bit more comfortable, and little bit more

comfortable; oh, now it's comfortable.


And so then, we do it as long as it takes, basically, to get to that really good feeling

place, which is often more than 17 seconds.


But what you can see is within - and they don't say it's solved within 17 seconds, they

basically - I'm going to use my language to explain what they say.



They say it takes 17 seconds to get the progression really going.

And, that may be true or not; I have not received that message, I don't know.


I've certainly not seen that play out in something that I could measure.

You know?

But, I think, that the message, the underlying message is that we're talking about seconds,

not hours, days, weeks, or months.


That, this kind of, work is really fast.

That if you really start to surrender to a frequency, and you really kind of go for it,

yeah, within a few seconds - I usually say, within 30 to 60 seconds, because that gives

people - people aren't going to watch the clock so much - 30 to 60 seconds, and that's

also my experience around where that happens.


Sometimes, after 20 or 30 seconds; sometimes, after about a minute.


But, where that happens, where, you get over that little hump, and it starts to already

feel better.

And, to me, that's the indication, when you're like, "Oh!"

That's the indication, now you're building a positive progression.

You just swapped into it, and everything starts to open up, and it's easier, and easier, and

better, and better.

It starts to build, and build; and more ideas come in, and more thoughts come in, and memories

come in that are positive.

That's when you're building that progression.

I think you can watch yourself do that.

And, it takes as long as it takes.

Sometimes it's going to be real quick.

Sometimes you're going to be sitting there for 45 minutes challenging yourself to - "Ok!

This doesn't quite feel right.

This doesn't quite feel right.

Let me re-shift.

What do I want; what do I want?

What do I want; what do I want?"


Until you hit that frequency, where then, you really start building that positive progression.

And so, I kind of stay away from measurements like that because I don't think they're helpful.


It's just always really confused me.

And, every time I do, actively, consciously try to sit and get that really good feeling

going, it's different every time.

You know, like, earlier I was just sitting, and trying to get into that really good feeling

place, without, sort of trying to force it, just sitting there, and my mind bounced around


And, I start thinking about, instead of focusing on this one particular thing, I started going

elsewhere, like a playground, and I was like, "Oh!

Wait a minute; let's go back here."

As long as it feels good!


You know; you can always let that happen because then, you understand what is happening, is;

you're getting lots of different representations.




You're on a good feeling frequency and that just explodes.

And, you're like, "Oh!

I could do this; and I could do this.

And, oh my gosh!


And, all these ideas come in.

That's when you're really popping.

You've got that frequency going, and lots of data starting to come in.

You see, the data doesn't just come in on the negative side.

When you're exploring something, you sit on the negative feeling; you get more data; that

happens on the positive side too.

Because all that is, is just building a progression.


Bringing in more information; bringing in more representations, bringing in more evidence.

You can do that on the positive side too.

And, that's why, if you're in meditation or, you know, you're just sitting and trying to

feel good - and, you know you have it, when that shit starts happening.


When your mind just can't - instead of it looking for every negative thing, it's like,

going to every positive place.


And then, you've really - you've made it; you've made a shift when that happens.

You just enjoy the shit out of that!!


Yes, sometimes, I get into it really fast - in fact, once or twice, it's happened on

its own, and I've just, sort of, found myself, daydreaming.

Next thing you know, I'm feeling all good, and mushy inside, and I'm smiling, and I'm

like, "Oh; holy crap, I'm actually doing it!"

You know?

But I think, yeah, it's really fun; it's really fun.

But I want to get more into a habit of being able to do that every day, just a little bit

here and there, and play with it a bit.

And then; and obviously, you know, like, you taught us, it's really good because then,

we'll see where our resistance is at as well.


But, yeah, but that whole thing about that specific time stamp has just always, sort

of, confused me, and I just thought it was really random.

So, it's good to hear that it's more about what feels right to you, and however long

it takes.

You know?

Yes, that's how I see it anyway.

I mean, I can only give you, you know, what I get, and what I can pass on.

But I never gave it much credence, just because, it didn't really resonate with me.

And, when I asked about it, the answers that I got, was that, that's too linear of a way

of looking at it.

And, I'm sure, you know, Esther Hicks and Abraham, they brought that through for a reason.

And, I think, the underlying message of that was, is: It really doesn't really take long

to do this.


Which, you know, I'm happy to say as well.

I just, you know, to me, it's not helpful, or empowering, to lock people into a certain

timeframe, because, especially with my crowd - maybe not everybody - but with my crowd,

people will lock into that 17 seconds, and then, if it hasn't happened by second 18,

they're like, "Oh!

I'm doing it wrong!"

And then, they'll over-think it, and they'll spiral, instead of - 30 to 60 seconds; how

about you give it that long?

How about - you know, you microwave a Burrito?

And, you give it that long.

Like, just relax a little bit, and you know, don't be so hardcore about how much time it

has to be.

But I do like to tell people that, because, if you're sitting there for 10 minutes, 20

minutes, and you're trying, and you're trying, and nothing's happening - you need to stop!

Like, don't keep hammering on after it.

Because if it didn't happen within a couple of minutes and you saw no movement; didn't

get worse, didn't get better, it's just the same, yeah, then, it's not happening.

Like, back-off; do something else.


You're not going to get it to pop by just pushing forward.

And so, I think, you know, there's a great message in the 17 seconds, which is: Don't

do this for, like, hours, and hours, and hours; as many people want to do.

Don't torture yourself.

It's like: You go in, you see if you get it to shift within, you know, a minute or

two, and if nothing happens, back away; because this is quick.

Now, sometimes, it takes several minutes, but something's happening the whole time.


So, if you have an anger release that takes 10 minutes, yeah, I mean, you are doing stuff

the whole time, energy's moving the whole time.

But if you go in, and you get, nothing happens within a minute or two, and you just, you

can't get any data, you can't get any more of anything - you just can't get at it yet;

you've got to back away, and let it come again.


Yeah, ok!

No, that's great; that makes a lot of sense to me.


Yes, because, the idea of putting in these parameters doesn't make sense.

I mean, because then you're just putting these, kind of, like weird restrictions on yourself

to have things a certain way.

And, I think, you've just got to go with how you feel.


So, yeah!



It works!

It so simple, isn't it?

Why, can't I just say that?

Let's put that on a T-shirt, and I can just retire.





No, no that's great, that's brilliant.

Thank you.

That was just my little point of curiosity that I wanted to ask, so.


Good Well, thank you Jo; that was a great question.

Cool, thank you, Melody.


Thank you; bye.

Look at you; you made it all the way to the end of the video!!

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For more infomation >> How Many Seconds Should We Focus on a Manifestation? - Duration: 11:27.


How Many Octaves Are On A Guitar Fretboard? - - Duration: 4:04.

Hey, what's up guys?

Have you ever wondered how many octaves are on your guitar?

Well, the kind-of easy and general answer is that most guitars have about 4 octaves

on them.

But, if you want to know how many octaves are on your own personal guitar, then stick

around because that's exactly what we're going to find out.

[ music ]

Alright. So like I said, most guitars have about 4 octaves.

And if you want to learn how many octaves are your guitar, first you need to understand

what an octave is.

So, an octave is basically 8 notes.

That's where we get that "oct" from.

So 8 notes, but it's not like 8 frets.

I know that's kind of confusing, it's actually 12 frets, but, just stick with me, if you

have a major scale, let's start with C because C is the easiest.

There's no sharps or flats in the key of C. So if we start with C, C is 1.

D is 2.

E is 3, then F, G, A, B, and C. C is 8.

So we have a low C, and we have a high C. So they're the same note, they're the same

letter, they're both C, but one is a low C and one is a high C. One is an "octave" higher

than the other.

So, that's basically an octave.

So, if we want to find out how many octaves are on our guitar, first we need to find out

what the lowest note on our guitar is.

So for most people, if you're in "Standard" tuning, and you have 6 strings, our lowest

string, our lowest note, is going to be an E. So the next E, the next highest E we have

is going to be right here, on the D string on the 2nd fret.

Hear how that sounds like the same note?

It's just one is higher and one is lower.

So the next octave is going to be right here, this high E string.

Just an open string.

Hear how that sounds the same?

So there is 2 octaves.

So we have our 3rd octave right here, on the 12th fret.

And that's important to remember because the last E that we had was open and then the next

E that we had was on the 12th fret.

So we know that an octave is 8 scale notes, but it's also 12 frets, or half steps.

Ok, we're on the 12th fret.

So in order to get to the next octave we need 12 more frets.

So 12 + 12 = 24 so our next E is going to be on the 24th fret.

But, let's see, how many frets do I have here?

We got 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

If I can make that note..There we go haha.

We got 20 frets on this acoustic guitar.

Now, your guitar may have 20, it may have 22, a lot of them have 22 if they're electric,

I think my electric has 22.

And so thats not quite 24, which means that... for me, on my acoustic, I've got 3 and maybe

a little bit more than a half.

So like 3 and a half octaves.

So everybody's guitar is a little bit different, right?

Like some people have more frets, some people have less frets.

Some people have more strings.

Like theres 7 string guitars.

What if you're in a different tuning?

Like Drop D, you get a couple extra notes out of just the tuning you're in.

So if you really want to know how many octaves are on your guitar, then just learn how to

count the octaves.

But, for most people, about 4 octaves.

Anyway, I hope that helps, guys.

If you have any questions, please leave them below.

Don't forget to like, don't forget to subscribe, and we'll see you in the next video.

Thanks a lot guys.

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