What's your biggest fear?
For some people, the thought of a small house spider minding its own business in the corner
of a bathroom, eating pesky flies and generally being a good dude - is so massively fear inducing
that they'd rather call the fire department to kill it with an axe than have to face it
Also, please don't do that ever - that was just a hyperbolic joke.
For me, anyway - mannequins, in particular, hold a strange fear deep within my primate
brain - the fear of the uncanny, a thing that appears to be human but, in fact - is far,
far from it.
It's strange that our brain is hardwired in such a particular way that even the most
bizzare objects or entities can produce mind-numbing fear.
But, well - I've got one that will terrify you all.
Let me introduce you to SCP-303, and err - you'll never look at a doorway the same.
Hello Internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube, Life's Biggest
Questions, as per usual I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch, as today, we figure
out what you're all made of - and curiously ask the question, What If SCP-303 Was Real?
Roll the clip.
Now - I'm not in the nature of making you dear listeners completely paralyzed by fear
the next time you try and step through a mysteriously dark doorway, but I'm afraid it may be innately
transient over the next 7 or so minutes.
Besides, it's a fear that already exists in us all anyway - although you may have not
yet realised.
Have you ever been walking through an empty corridor, late in the evening - and you're
about to step through the next set of doors - but suddenly, you get a strange and abrupt
feeling, instantly, as you step through the threshold.
What if there's somebody waiting up ahead - hidden in the doors blindspot?
What if someone is just waiting to peek their head through the small porthole?
What if something is through there… waiting in the shadows.
Well - what if that someone was actually an anomalous entity, an apex predator of fear
- whose sole purpose was to make sure you never stepped through his door, ever again.
Or her door.
It's kind of complicated.
I'll explain momentarily.
As the record states, SCP-303 is a euclid class anomalous entity - which witnesses describe
as a nude, sexless, emaciated humanoid figure with reddish-brown skin.
Instead of normal facial features, its head is entirely made up of an extremely large
mouth, which bears a set of oversized, human teeth.
It's not quite right, is it?
Not only that though, but SCP-303 continually vocalizes a wheezing noise, loud enough to
be heard from the other side of most solid doors - like an even more nightmarish version
of Muriel Finster.
All individuals who have had an encounter with SCP-303 are completely capable of describing
it in full, including individuals who have not physically seen any part of it.
Alright - so there's some weird little guy with a huge mouth, what's the big deal?
This guy also goes by the nickname, The Doorman - and no, he's not a door man.
Uh - that was a niche reference.
Ten points to whoever gets that one.
But - let's not get sidetracked - because SCP-303 will periodically materialize behind
any closed door, hatch, or other entryway barrier that is opposite a sentient observer.
These portals are seemingly chosen by some unknown means, and no discernable pattern
has yet been made.
SCP-303 will then remain behind the door for an indeterminate amount of time - and any
individual attempting to open the door or barrier experiences an intense, paralyzing
fear that lasts until SCP-303 dissipates - either on its own, or to avoid being seen directly
be another observer.
The source of this intense, paralyzing fear isn't exactly clear on a psychological level
- but it appears to be similar in nature to arachnophobia and ophidiophobia - AKA spiders
and snakes - and originates on some pre-conscious, ancient - genetic level.
As in - we were built to maintain and somehow react to this level of fear in our human brains,
although it isn't exactly clear why.
Strangely enough though - an analysis has also indicated that SCP-303 is not, in fact,
purposefully inducing fear in the affected individuals - it just kind of IS terrifying
by proxy, although perhaps doesn't necessarily mean to be.
Poor guy.
I don't know - I wouldn't want to risk it, really.
Let's not give 303 the benefit of the doubt just yet.
Because here's the most terrifying part.
SCP-303 doesn't allow itself to come into direct visual contact with any observer, and
has never allowed any one individual to view more than 10% of it's given form.
When the door or other entryway barrier is partially or completely transparent, SCP-303
will materialize in an orientation that leaves 10% or less of its body visible, or cause
effects of fog or frost on the transparent surface to achieve the same effect.
Which is - I don't know about you - but the literal personification of fear of the
What the hell is this thing?
I don't want to go through that door.
Several tests that the Foundation have undertaken, have even detailed D-Class Personnel who were
willing to straight up murder their cellmates than go through the same door that SCP-303
has affected.
There aren't many more options left, really - doors are quickly becoming a huge problem
in this hypothetical scenario.
And that would appear to be the simple solution, right?
If SCP-303 Was Real - we should just shift our infrastructure and construction industry
to not include doors.
But do you realise how ridiculous that would be?
Do you realise how important doors are?
We can't just blanket ban doors for the sake of one anomalous, terrifying entity.
How would we prevent fires from spreading?
How would we keep people out of our homes?
What would we politely hold open to be a generally decent member of society?
Doors stay.
We're not giving them up.
We won't negotiate with SCP-303.
So what's the answer?
Well, I think we may just have it.
Alright, we might have a few kinks to work out.
But yeah.
Star Trek Doors.
Non transparent.
Automatic - controlled by a fully sentient AI that is constantly aware of any creatures
on the other side of the door with malintent - SCP-303 wouldn't know what had hit him,
or her - sorry, it's complicated.
But the non complicated answer is - Star Trek Doors.
And finally - after all this time - we'd have the motivation to make them real, all
because of a spooky little dude with massive teeth and an unhealthy obsession of hanging
out behind pre-24th century doors.
Thank you, SCP-303.
Thank you.
Well, what do you guys think?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Before we depart though, let's read out some of your more creative comments from our
previous SCP video.
Kiki Zandov says -- By researcher you mean a d-class?
The guys in the orange suits?
THE testing subjects of researchers?
Don't you just hate when someone makes a video on something he BEARLY knows.
-- Well, Kiki.
Listen up.
Your assumption there is based solely on the pictographic information of SCP-2521.
But when an entity is discovered, it first needs to be notarized by a Foundation RESEARCHER
- and THEN, it's tested on D-Class personnel.
In the context of Bruce's story - he was first discovered before tests were conducted
on his anomalous nature.
Also, sorry buddy - but you spelled barely wrong.
Thanks for the comment though!
Well - on that passive aggressive note, cheers for sticking around all the way until the
end - if you were a fan of this video - make sure to hit that thumbs up button, as well
as that subscribe bell - and I'll be seeing you in the next one.
As per usual, you've been watching Life's Biggest Questions - I've been your disembodied
floating voice Jack Finch - and until next time, you take it easy.
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