Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 17 2019

Hi I'm Mike, if you look around the ranch you will see most of it empty, thousands of

acres with only antelope and cute little bunnies hopping around.

All of this land is required here to sustain our herd of cattle, and although it may look

like tons of wasted space, but in reality, there is a carefully researched and orchestrated

plan, one that is constantly changing and being improved.

Today we look at stocking rates and figuring out we manage grazing on Our Wyoming Life.

Welcome back, and thanks for joining us as we continue to explore the ranch life and

escape the ordinary.

Please subscribe for more from the ranch, as winter wears on, and hopefully off, we

have calving just around the corner.

We are going to help around 150 cows have their little baby calves and even if the temperature

outside doesn't get warmer, its going to be heating up around here very soon.

Much of my job here on the ranch does center around manual labor, feeding cows, fixing

fence, tractors, farmers markets, whatever you name it.

It comes down to putting the work in to get something done and it can be hard work, but

today we are continuing in a series of videos from the past where we take a look at the

business side of things, so we aren't in the field.

We are in the office.

Most ranches have some sort of office somewhere, even my father in law Gilbert had an office,

although most of the information that he used to run the ranch was kept in two spots.

His little notebook, which he carried with him everywhere and his checkbook, which he

never left home without.

Gilbert had a theory that there was no problem that money couldn't solve, he was partly

right I guess, if you have money.

But now days, like most ranches, you have to play it smart and you have to find a balance.

Ever since we put out the cost of ranching video over a year ago, I have seen the joke,

how do you make a million dollars in ranching?

You start with two million.

Its funny, and for some it may be true, but if you want to make a solid go at it, no matter

what size you operation is, there are a few things you have to know and the big one is

called stocking rate.

Terms like stocking rate, carrying compacity and AUM are often used in ranching or raising

livestock, but there tends to be some confusion about what they actually mean.

In the cost of ranching video, I explained that at that time we had a stocking rate of

30 acres per cow and I still get a lot of grief over that fact.

Not because its not true, but because who ever is watching is in an area where you can

have a lot less acreage to support a cow and her calf.

So I thought I would take you through our process to determine our stocking rate, something

we refigure almost every year and for good reason, its not only the livelihood of the

ranch, but it could be the future.

We have a worksheet that we use to figure all this out and at the end of this video,

I am going to share with you how you can get your hands on that worksheet for your own

use as well, so stick around.

We start with definitions.

AUM or Animal Unit Month, that is the amount of feed require to sustain a 1000lb cow and

her calf for one month, its about 800lbs of dry forage.

The cool thing about this number is its translatable to pretty much any animal.

For example, a 200 lb sheep would be .2 AUM and 2000 lb bull would be 2 AUM.

For us our cows average about 1200 lbs, so a cow out here is equal to 1.2 AUM.

Carrying capacity is the maximum number of animals a site can support over a given period

of time without causing an adverse effect on future forage production, mostly by over


And then there is stocking rate the number of animals per unit area over a given period,

or how long they are on pasture.


It can be, until we start to plug in some numbers.

The first thing you need to know, or I need to know is how much forage, or feed for the

cows, our ranch is going to produce.

Its going to change year to year, you can look at an average, but if you are in the

ranching or farming business, I think you are going to agree with me on this, the average

is not the norm.

Its either above average or below, so if we look at the average production of an acre

out here, I would err on the side of caution and say its only about 1000 lbs per acre.

We have had better years, and we have definitely had worse but in planning for the upcoming

summer we have to start somewhere.

So we take our 5000 acres and take 1000lbs per acre, or 5 million lbs of feed.

Now cows could eat all of this, but we don't want them to, that would cause issues down

the road, so the general rule is eat half leave half, that takes us to 2.5 million.

Out of that, we can say that the cows will only utilize half of that, the other half

they will urinate and defecate on trample, and be down in.

now we are down to 1.25 million lbs.

Of course cows aren't the only thing out there, we have antelope, insects and the like,

and they have been shown to eat as much as 15% of that available forage.

Taking us down to just a little over 1 million pounds of available forage in the form of

grass for the cows to eat.

I hope that makes sense, its going to differ where ever you live.

We have a very short growing season here.

Our rainy season is from April to June.

After that, we don't get much more rain.

We hay in July because that's the end of the growing season and we don't get another

cutting, the grass wont grow back without water and much is the same for the grass the

cows eat.

Once they chomp it off, its done until next year.

That's why its important to control grazing and move cows from pasture to pasture once

they have taken grass to that 50 percent mark.

Take half, leave half.

There are areas where this is impossible to control, ditches along roads seem to be grazed

heavily, as does grass near water locations, cows are just going to naturally graze harder

in those areas.

So we know that we have a million pounds of available forage on the ranch for cows to


We also know we have 5000 acres to play with, so that is 200 lbs per acre, that's not


Now we go back to AUM, that animal unit month.

1 animal unit month is worth 800lbs of dry forage, its 26 lbs per day.

20lbs for the cow and 6 for her calf.

We've already said that our cows weigh 1200 lbs and are worth 1.2 animal units so by the

math we need 960 lbs per month per cow.

Lets use those number to get a stocking rate.

We have 960lbs of food needed per month per cow, we also know that we are producing 200lbs

of useable feed per acre.

So that one cow is going to eat 4.8 acres worth of our forage per month.

We plan on feeding hay that we have put up elsewhere on the ranch, or bought from other

hay producers for 6 months out of the year, so over the other 6 months, she is going to

eat 28.8 acres worth of hay production.

That I would round up to 30.

30 acres per cow stocking rate.

For us, here on our ranch.

Its going to change for you, no matter where you are at.

You might get rain year round, you might be able to get 4 cuttings of hay and your pastures

in turn produce 3 or 4 tons of forage per year.

That's awesome, but everything is relative.

Here you can buy an acre of agricultural land in the right quantity for 400 to 500 dollars,

elsewhere, where production might be higher you are going to see that land price go up,

based on what that land can produce.

Its all relative.

The nice thing, is that once you know your stocking rate, you can figure all kinds of

things out.

Lets say you have a 400 acre field, how long should you leave your herd in there.

Well we already know that a cow is going to eat 4.8 acres of forage per month, but we

can break it down to a day or .16 acres.

You have 150 cows in there, they are consuming 24 acres per day and that pasture should be

good for about 16 days.

This is the carrying compacity we talked about earlier.

So you have 16 days before you should think about moving them off and on to greener pastures.

None of it is rocket science, but it is different where ever you go, even a mile away, another

rancher might have a completely different stocking rate than we do.

We use ours to protect our land, to ensure that the next year we have something to continue


Is there room for improvement?

Of course there is and we are working on ways to improve production of forage on our land.

But we have to be tricky and smart, we have to conserve where we can, and move forward

where possible without risking

to much.

The nice thing about this formula is that its easily adjustable for different livestock,

its based on a 1000 lb animal.

A 300 lb llama would be .3 Animal Units, a 5 lb chicken, .005

Make the numbers work for you, and know exactly what you have available for your livestock.

The smarter we are, the better stewards of the land we become and really that's what

its all about, ensuring that the next has the opportunity to experience what we do everyday

and have a connection that is like none other.

These calculations are performed constantly on the ranch, they help us plan how to keep

back heifer, how to cull cows and even are factored into hunting, if the antelope population

grows too high, we increase the number of hunters we invite to the ranch, an antelope

is equivalent to about .1 Animal unit and it only takes ten of them to eat as much as

a cow needs.

Thanks for taking your time today to hang out with me today.

We have lots more on the way for you as we continue on our journey, exploring the ranch

life and we invite you to subscribe and escape your ordinary.

If you are interested in a worksheet that we use to figure our stocking rate and our

carrying capacity, I urge you to head to our website and sign up for the herd report, our

weekly newsletter.

As a link for that worksheet will be included in the upcoming issues.

A new episode of the project list is due out Tuesday, I hope to see you there, and until

then, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Stocking Rates - How Many Cows per Acre - Duration: 12:55.


How Many Seconds Should We Focus on a Manifestation? - Duration: 11:27.

Hey, my happy shiny puppies, this is Melody Fletcher, your go-to for everything Law of

Attraction and Reality Creation.

And today, I've got a treat for you!

What follows is an excerpt from one of our live Q&A calls, where people just like you,

students just like you, were able to ask me questions, and I answered them.

And today, you're going to get one of those.

And, as you see, in the coming weeks, we're going to be rolling out more and more of these.

And, if you'd like the chance to be a part of one of these Q&A calls, for free, then

stay until the end of the video, and I'm going to tell you exactly how to do that.

Alright, I'll see you on the other side!


"So the big question is this: How do we, those of us who feel deep-down that we're much more

powerful than we've been led to believe, and that there is something to this Law of Attraction

stuff, actually create our own realities?

What's the process of simply stepping into the reality of our choice?

What about those of us who need this process to make logical, intellectual sense?

My Name is Melody Fletcher; you've got questions about the technology of reality, and I've

got the answers.

Welcome to my channel, where the Law of Attraction finally makes some freakin' sense."

Hello Melody; how're you doing?

I'm good; how are you?

I'm good, thank you.

I'm just curious about something.

It's about activating the feeling of what we want, only when we have one, sort of, technique

that I seem to, kind of, lean on when I really want to do that, when I want to, consciously

get a really good manifestation going.

And that is just sitting, visualizing, and trying to get that really good feeling going;

imagining it all in the hologram.

And, I know it's working when I get, like, a silly, little smile on my face, and everything

feels really good.

And then, I just try to sit with that for as long as I can.


But something that I've noticed has popped up in various LOA teachings, here and there,

is this whole idea of the duration that you should do that for.

And, there's this thing about 17 seconds.

And, I've just always been curious about it.

Like, I'm not that bothered by it - but I just; it's always sort of, I've always been

curious about it.

Like, why 17?

That's so random, and why does that pop up?

And, you know what I mean?

So, it's a bit odd.

Well, that comes from Abraham.

Yes, yeah!

That 17 seconds thing comes from Abraham, where they say you have to do 17 seconds.

And, I think - I haven't listen to them in quite some time - but I think that at one

point I heard them say that it was even shorter now.

I've never gotten a message that said so and so many seconds.

I think that it is situational, and an individual, you know, thing that has to be looked at for

the individual.

And so, I basically have said, look - and I don't know about 17 seconds because, I have

certainly taken people through this process many, many, many times, where, after about

20 seconds they stop and they stop just short of actually getting there, because, you know,

that little bit of resistance comes up, that little bit of reluctance comes up, where,

you're like, "Ooh!"

And then, you kind of go: "This isn't working!"

And then, you want to run away.


Because you were just shy of coming to that.

And that doesn't happen at the 17 second mark.

So, if that was a universal measurement, then, we would be able to reproduce that, and measure

that, and see that every time.

17, 17, 17, 17.


You passed the 17 seconds mark.

And, it also depends on how pure the signal is; how much resistance you have as you focus

on it.


Because, if you have no resistance, how much, how often do you need to do it?

Well, once!

Boom - in!


The reason why we repeat is, because, often, we're still banging it into place a little


It gets a little bit more comfortable, a little bit more comfortable, and little bit more

comfortable; oh, now it's comfortable.


And so then, we do it as long as it takes, basically, to get to that really good feeling

place, which is often more than 17 seconds.


But what you can see is within - and they don't say it's solved within 17 seconds, they

basically - I'm going to use my language to explain what they say.



They say it takes 17 seconds to get the progression really going.

And, that may be true or not; I have not received that message, I don't know.


I've certainly not seen that play out in something that I could measure.

You know?

But, I think, that the message, the underlying message is that we're talking about seconds,

not hours, days, weeks, or months.


That, this kind of, work is really fast.

That if you really start to surrender to a frequency, and you really kind of go for it,

yeah, within a few seconds - I usually say, within 30 to 60 seconds, because that gives

people - people aren't going to watch the clock so much - 30 to 60 seconds, and that's

also my experience around where that happens.


Sometimes, after 20 or 30 seconds; sometimes, after about a minute.


But, where that happens, where, you get over that little hump, and it starts to already

feel better.

And, to me, that's the indication, when you're like, "Oh!"

That's the indication, now you're building a positive progression.

You just swapped into it, and everything starts to open up, and it's easier, and easier, and

better, and better.

It starts to build, and build; and more ideas come in, and more thoughts come in, and memories

come in that are positive.

That's when you're building that progression.

I think you can watch yourself do that.

And, it takes as long as it takes.

Sometimes it's going to be real quick.

Sometimes you're going to be sitting there for 45 minutes challenging yourself to - "Ok!

This doesn't quite feel right.

This doesn't quite feel right.

Let me re-shift.

What do I want; what do I want?

What do I want; what do I want?"


Until you hit that frequency, where then, you really start building that positive progression.

And so, I kind of stay away from measurements like that because I don't think they're helpful.


It's just always really confused me.

And, every time I do, actively, consciously try to sit and get that really good feeling

going, it's different every time.

You know, like, earlier I was just sitting, and trying to get into that really good feeling

place, without, sort of trying to force it, just sitting there, and my mind bounced around


And, I start thinking about, instead of focusing on this one particular thing, I started going

elsewhere, like a playground, and I was like, "Oh!

Wait a minute; let's go back here."

As long as it feels good!


You know; you can always let that happen because then, you understand what is happening, is;

you're getting lots of different representations.




You're on a good feeling frequency and that just explodes.

And, you're like, "Oh!

I could do this; and I could do this.

And, oh my gosh!


And, all these ideas come in.

That's when you're really popping.

You've got that frequency going, and lots of data starting to come in.

You see, the data doesn't just come in on the negative side.

When you're exploring something, you sit on the negative feeling; you get more data; that

happens on the positive side too.

Because all that is, is just building a progression.


Bringing in more information; bringing in more representations, bringing in more evidence.

You can do that on the positive side too.

And, that's why, if you're in meditation or, you know, you're just sitting and trying to

feel good - and, you know you have it, when that shit starts happening.


When your mind just can't - instead of it looking for every negative thing, it's like,

going to every positive place.


And then, you've really - you've made it; you've made a shift when that happens.

You just enjoy the shit out of that!!


Yes, sometimes, I get into it really fast - in fact, once or twice, it's happened on

its own, and I've just, sort of, found myself, daydreaming.

Next thing you know, I'm feeling all good, and mushy inside, and I'm smiling, and I'm

like, "Oh; holy crap, I'm actually doing it!"

You know?

But I think, yeah, it's really fun; it's really fun.

But I want to get more into a habit of being able to do that every day, just a little bit

here and there, and play with it a bit.

And then; and obviously, you know, like, you taught us, it's really good because then,

we'll see where our resistance is at as well.


But, yeah, but that whole thing about that specific time stamp has just always, sort

of, confused me, and I just thought it was really random.

So, it's good to hear that it's more about what feels right to you, and however long

it takes.

You know?

Yes, that's how I see it anyway.

I mean, I can only give you, you know, what I get, and what I can pass on.

But I never gave it much credence, just because, it didn't really resonate with me.

And, when I asked about it, the answers that I got, was that, that's too linear of a way

of looking at it.

And, I'm sure, you know, Esther Hicks and Abraham, they brought that through for a reason.

And, I think, the underlying message of that was, is: It really doesn't really take long

to do this.


Which, you know, I'm happy to say as well.

I just, you know, to me, it's not helpful, or empowering, to lock people into a certain

timeframe, because, especially with my crowd - maybe not everybody - but with my crowd,

people will lock into that 17 seconds, and then, if it hasn't happened by second 18,

they're like, "Oh!

I'm doing it wrong!"

And then, they'll over-think it, and they'll spiral, instead of - 30 to 60 seconds; how

about you give it that long?

How about - you know, you microwave a Burrito?

And, you give it that long.

Like, just relax a little bit, and you know, don't be so hardcore about how much time it

has to be.

But I do like to tell people that, because, if you're sitting there for 10 minutes, 20

minutes, and you're trying, and you're trying, and nothing's happening - you need to stop!

Like, don't keep hammering on after it.

Because if it didn't happen within a couple of minutes and you saw no movement; didn't

get worse, didn't get better, it's just the same, yeah, then, it's not happening.

Like, back-off; do something else.


You're not going to get it to pop by just pushing forward.

And so, I think, you know, there's a great message in the 17 seconds, which is: Don't

do this for, like, hours, and hours, and hours; as many people want to do.

Don't torture yourself.

It's like: You go in, you see if you get it to shift within, you know, a minute or

two, and if nothing happens, back away; because this is quick.

Now, sometimes, it takes several minutes, but something's happening the whole time.


So, if you have an anger release that takes 10 minutes, yeah, I mean, you are doing stuff

the whole time, energy's moving the whole time.

But if you go in, and you get, nothing happens within a minute or two, and you just, you

can't get any data, you can't get any more of anything - you just can't get at it yet;

you've got to back away, and let it come again.


Yeah, ok!

No, that's great; that makes a lot of sense to me.


Yes, because, the idea of putting in these parameters doesn't make sense.

I mean, because then you're just putting these, kind of, like weird restrictions on yourself

to have things a certain way.

And, I think, you've just got to go with how you feel.


So, yeah!



It works!

It so simple, isn't it?

Why, can't I just say that?

Let's put that on a T-shirt, and I can just retire.





No, no that's great, that's brilliant.

Thank you.

That was just my little point of curiosity that I wanted to ask, so.


Good Well, thank you Jo; that was a great question.

Cool, thank you, Melody.


Thank you; bye.

Look at you; you made it all the way to the end of the video!!

Good for you!

So, if you'd like a chance to be part of these Q&A calls that we do, for free, then all you

have to do is get onto my email list.

People on my email list get free gifts like this.

In fact, I'll even give you another free gift for getting onto my email list, which changes

periodically, so I'm not going to tell you what it is, so I can just change it, but just

check the description down below, get onto my email list, get your valuable free gift,

and you will be invited to take part in one of these Q&A calls yourself, where you can

ask me whatever you want.

Sound like a good deal?

I think so!!

So, sign up now; get invited to a Q&A call, and get your own answers.

Until then, enjoy the videos every week.

Thank you for bringing your light to the world.


For more infomation >> How Many Seconds Should We Focus on a Manifestation? - Duration: 11:27.


Frozen 2 trailer You wont BELIEVE how many times the Disney movies trailer has been watched! Boll - Duration: 1:02.

Frozen 2 trailer You wont BELIEVE how many times the Disney movies trailer has been watched! Boll

The trailer of dropped recently. The animated movie was bringing back Elsa and Anna to the big screen after six years. The first trailer of the Disney movie begins with Elsa trying to make her way around a dark island. She freezes water to leap over the deadly high tides however she eventually fails. She regains consciousness on a rock. Eventually the story unfolds with Sven riding off in search of someone. Anna is also seen concerned about something. Our hearts skip a beat when we see Olaf surrounded by unusual flames. The trailer ends with the hint that a huge problem is coming their way.

While we loved the trailer, it seems like Frozen fans couldnt get enough of it. Disney has already set a new record courtesy the trailer and boy, youll be shocked with the record. Turns out, Frozen 2 trailer has become the most watched animated movie trailer of all time within 24 hours. If that doesnt impress you, wait until you hear the previous record and the new record.

Disney confirms that the Frozen 2 trailer has been viewed 116.4 million views in its first 24 hours. The movie breaks the record of by 2.8 million views. Incredibles 2 trailer was watched about dollar 182.6 million times within 24 hours.

Thats not all. Frozen 2 trailer helps Disney bag its third trailer record within a year. The Lion King holds the record of being Disneys second most watched trailer with a mind blowing 224.6 million in November 2018 after Avengers: Endgame made an all time record with 289 million views.

Watch the Frozen 2 trailer here:

What do you think of the Frozen 2 trailer? Tweet to @bollywood_life and let us know. Frozen 2 releases on November 22.

Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved.

For more infomation >> Frozen 2 trailer You wont BELIEVE how many times the Disney movies trailer has been watched! Boll - Duration: 1:02.


How many Kyler Murrays are out there in specialization era? - Duration: 6:12.

CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11Kyler Murray has chosen football over baseball, at least for now

It is anyone's guess when the world will see another athlete with the skills and opportunity to have such a choice

The Oakland Athletics selected Murray ninth overall in the Major League Baseball draft last June

He then went out and won the Heisman Trophy in his only year as Oklahoma's starting quarterback, declared for the NFL draft last month and picked the NFL over MLB on Monday

Few athletes have positioned themselves to have such dynamic options. And in this age of youth sports specialization, it may become rarer still

Deion Sanders played pro football and baseball, and "Prime Time" has a special place in his heart for athletes who excel at a high level in both sports

He wishes more young men had the same opportunities as Murray, but laments that youth sports coaches often encourage kids to pick one main sport at an early age

"You've got some idiot in a youth league telling a kid, 'If you just focus on this one thing, you're going to be great,'" Sanders said

"Then, you've got the same (kind of) idiot in high school — 'You're not going to play this other sport because I'm not going to let you start until you dedicate yourself

'"Sports specialization has drawn a lot of attention in recent years, with baseball greats such as John Smoltz suggesting it can hurt young players simply because of the wear and tear

Still, many believe it has its place.After all, most athletes don't have the gifts of Murray, Sanders or Bo Jackson, the 1986 Heisman winner for Auburn who was an All-Star for the Kansas City Royals in 1989 and made the Pro Bowl for the Los Angeles Raiders in 1990

Tom Westerberg, Murray's football coach at Allen (Texas) High School who now coaches at Barbers Hill (Texas) High, said even the really good ones often are best served honing their skills in one sport

"Athletes like him (Murray) come around once in a long time, with that athletic ability and been doing it for that long," Westerberg said

"How many Deion Sanderses have there been? You can name the Bo Jacksons, the Deion Sanderses — you can name those guys on one hand

So it's not that all of a sudden you tell a kid to play multiple sports and you're going to get a ton of Kyler Murrays and Deion Sanderses

'"And having options comes with complications and questions.Back in 1992, Sanders played cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons during the day in Miami, then flew to Pittsburgh to join his Atlanta Braves teammates for a National League Championship Series game

Sanders looked back at that day during a recent ESPN documentary called "Deion's Double Play

"Sanders' true love was football, and it was his focus. He is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and had a productive baseball career, but he offered a glimpse of what might have been during the 1992 World Series, when he hit

533 with four runs, eight hits and two doubles in four games."I regret often that I didn't put a lot more into the game of baseball," Sanders said

"I really do. I have those thoughts often."Oklahoma baseball coach Skip Johnson said being special in both sports requires brains, too

Murray said he has been clocked at 4.3 seconds in the 40-yard dash, yet Johnson said his unusually high intellect is what allowed him to progress in both sports

"To have the thought process that Kyler has, to go through the things that he has, to learn (Oklahoma football coach) Lincoln Riley's system, to learn our system in baseball — it just goes to show you what kind of aptitude that guy has as an athlete," Johnson said

Dr. Mininder Kocher, a professor at Harvard Medical School and associate director of the Division of Sports Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital, has contributed to research that shows youth sports specialization is on the rise

He said the fact that Murray played both football and baseball for so long might have helped him excel in both

"On one hand, he clearly is sort of a unique athlete — maybe genetically or maybe just intrinsic athleticism that he can be so good at two different sports," Kocher said

"Some of that might just be a blip, that he's that good of an athlete. Part of it is that there are transferrable skills

It's good for the body to be doing different sports because you're not doing the same movement patterns over and over and over again

"Murray's success makes Johnson more than willing to look for more multi-sport superstars

Last season, Murray hit .296, had a .556 slugging percentage and hit 10 home runs in 189 at bats for the Sooners

"There's more athletes out there that can do the same thing," Johnson said.____Follow Cliff Brunt on Twitter: www AP college football: and https://twitter

com/AP_Top25CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11 Copyright 2019 The Associated Press

All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

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