how to create a WordPress website with SiteGround. SiteGround tutorial hey guys
bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video I'm going to be showing you how to
create a WordPress website on SiteGround creating a WordPress website on
SiteGround is now easier than ever by the end of this video you will know how
to build and create a WordPress website on SiteGround this is an easy to follow
SiteGround tutorial I'll be providing you with a site ground hosting discount
of up to 60% off shortly make sure you subscribe to our channel as we are
always posting new WordPress tutorial videos let's get started with the steps
on how to create and build a wordpress website on SiteGround I'll be going over
four different steps step one is how to sign up for an account with SiteGround
step 2 is choosing a hosting plan where you can get up to 60% off site ground
hosting step 3 is registering a domain name
step 4 is installing and setting up WordPress on site ground and then I'll
be going over WordPress so you can get familiar with the basics to get your
site ground discount and consisting of up to 60% off site ground hosting just
click the link below in the description in the discount is automatically applied
a little disclosure the link is an affiliate link I'll receive a commission
which helps support this channel ID helps us put out WordPress tutorial
videos on a regular basis a little about site ground site ground currently powers
over 1 million domains worldwide they provide 24/7 technical support they
provide a 30-day money-back guarantee 99.9% uptime guarantee free daily
backups of your site and they provide free SSL certificates with all their
hosting plans setting up WordPress on site ground only takes a few clicks of a
button if you haven't already feel free to click the site ground link in the
description to walk through the steps with me to build and create a website on
site ground let's get started after you click the link you'll be at the site
ground web hosting page this is where you can select your hosting plan you
will see 3 different plans a startup plan grow big plan and a go geek plan
the most popular plan is to grow big plan this plan is good if you plan on
having more than one website this plan also comes with premium features which
consist of a free site transfer priority technical support super cash or for
faster site speed and free backup restore the startup plan is a great
choice too if you plan on just having one website you can always scale
up to another plan anytime if you hover over all essential features you can see
everything the plan includes for the grow big plan or go geek plan hover over
the premium features and you can see what that includes
if you scroll down a bit you can get more information on each plan as you can
see here once you know the plane that you want click the orange get started
button at the top of the page or the green or blue get this plan button you
will now be on the choose a domain page if you need to register a new domain
name just enter the domain that you would like to have once you type in your
domain it'll let you know if it is available or not if you already own a
domain name select you already own a domain name option and enter in your
domain name once you are done click the proceed button the next step is to put
in your account information put in the best email address for you in the
password you want to have for your site crown account next put in your
information for the client information put in your country first and last name
company name is optional state or Providence city street address zip code
and phone number next put in your payment information next you will see
purchase information if for any reason you need to change the plan click the
square box to change your plan you will see data center by default it will
choose a data center closest to you click the grey box with arrows to see
the other data centers and change if you need to the next you will see period
click this to choose how long you want to purchase the strike gown hosting plan
for I recommend going with at least a 12-month option so you can avoid the
setup fee and save some money by doing so next extra services if you already
own your domain name two of the options regarding the domain name will not show
up if you registered your domain name with SiteGround
you will see the domain registration fee domain privacy I highly recommend as
this will keep your personal contact information safe so that your personal
information is not out for everyone to get access to by choosing this
information you will show site grounds information instead of yours without
domain privacy more than likely you will get a good bit of telemarketers and
marketers bugging you trying to sell all their services to you next
SG site scanner this plugin will scan your site daily to see if there is any
malware on your site if you've been hacked it'll let you know
if this happens all these extra services options are completely optional and you
can always get one at a later date if you decide to next agree to the terms
and conditions select if you want SiteGround news and special offers sent
to your email address and click the Pay Now button you've successfully purchased
SiteGround hosting site ground will email you a copy of your receipt if you
did register your domain name with SiteGround you will get a confirmation
email that you'll need to confirm for the new domain you registered now we
need to install and setup WordPress on SiteGround now just log in to your site
ground dashboard you can do so by clicking login at the top on the site
ground website once you're logged in this is what the site ground dashboard
looks like click my account you'll see a go to cPanel button click this click
proceed this is what the site ground cPanel looks like you will see auto
installers you'll see WordPress this is rule will be installing WordPress first
let's install the free SSL certificate to make your site secure scroll down to
the security section and click on let's encrypt click this you will see it says
you have no let's encrypt certificates installed on your account select your
domain and click install once you install the free SSL certificate you
don't need to do anything else it will automatically renew now go back to the
site ground cPanel like you see here you will see auto installers you'll see
WordPress click WordPress next find the Install Now link click this you'll see
HTTP click this and change to HTTPS now choose a domain name that you selected
for your website the directory keep blank you don't want anything put in
here now put in your site name put in a site description my blog is dedicated to
WordPress so my description is WordPress tutorial and resource site next ignore
the enable multi-site unless you are implementing that now put in your admin
username password in the admin email address that you want to use for your
WordPress site select your language next select if you want limit login
attempts this will limit the amount of time a wrong password or username is
entered in to protect you from hackers next you can select contact forms by WP
forms this makes it easy for you to add contact forms to your site
next choose a theme I just keep this to none I'll be going over this here
shortly I wouldn't mess with Advanced Options unless you are experienced with
the things listed under that click install WordPress will now begin
installing on your site Brown account give it just a few minutes once it is
done installing it will list out your WordPress admin URL click this to go to
your WordPress login page I would bookmark this link so you can
easily access it making logging in a quick process for you to log into the
WordPress the easiest way for the future is typing your domain name with a slash
WP dash admin just like you see here this brings up the WordPress login URL
now enter the WordPress username and password you picked out you'll now be in
the WordPress dashboard on the far left you will see tabs hover over them and
get to learn them post is where you can add new post pages is where you can add
new pages the media tab is where your images will show that you upload to your
blog comments is where you can view comments people leave on your site
plugins is where you can install plug-ins for your site almost any
customization or feature that you would want more than likely there's a plug-in
already made for it appearance is where you can pick out a
theme or change the look of your theme or change your theme to another one or a
premium theme select themes when you hover over appearance it will showcase
free wordpress themes that you can choose from if you select the most
popular it will show you the most popular free WordPress themes hover over
a theme and click install and then click activate to make the theme your
WordPress theme you should also see add new theme on this page this is where you
can add a new theme if you got it from another site or is a premium theme a
great resource i've used for several years and recommend for professional
WordPress themes that look like an award winning design agency did your blog is
theme forest this is the theme forest homepage and the drop-down where it says
WordPress you can click on popular items to check out the most popular premium
WordPress themes you can easily search for your industry with WordPress after
it to search premium WordPress themes you can click a theme and you can click
preview theme to see what the theme would look like live on the web here's a
few examples of premium WordPress themes that are already pre-made for you to
input your information or change however you'd like you'll see
they look really good click the link in the description below to check out theme
forest in the top left of your wordpress dashboard you will see welcome here or
your site title towards the top of the page click this to view your site
another great resource that is helpful and used by over 500,000 users is the
drag-and-drop editor called element or page builder element or page
builder makes starting and creating your wordpress site easy you can make edits
by dragging and dropping search element or page builder on the plugins page and
install and activate it if you'd like to try it out Elementor has a free and paid
version I provided a link in the description so you can check out and
compare the features of the free and paid versions and that is how to create
a wordpress website on SiteGround I hope you enjoyed this SiteGround wordpress
tutorial alright guys thanks for watching give this video a thumbs up and
subscribe to our channel for more wordpress video tutorials leave us a
comment we love hearing from you
For more infomation >> How To Create A WordPress Website With Siteground | Siteground Tutorial - Duration: 9:49.-------------------------------------------
Help build a new home for Darul Arqam Studios - Duration: 5:12.
you might have noticed that you remember people's face long after you have
forgotten their names this is because the human visual memory is much more
stronger than our audio memory in fact visual education is the most effective
Assalamualaikum wa Rehmatullah wa barakatu, My name is Dr. Maaz Aslam
And my name is Erfian Asafat, I had spent more than 10 years in illustration
industry when I left my job to make Islamic education Universal, Free, state-of-the-art
and available to every human being our idea was simple take the work of
absolutely the best scholar in the respective field and combine them with
state-of-the-art animation and illustration video and make it available
in all major language of the world for free to 3 billion people connected to
the Internet but many have told us that it was impossible idea and not possible
to do this consistently as making animation illustration video is very
expensive and we wanted to cover complete Islamic education using the
same method and if that was considered difficult we also wanted to make it free
for every human being was it even possible
nobody had tried this before in animations and illustration industry but
we have a dream and a vision and we were determined to put our trust in Allah SWT
and take the leap of faith Alhamdulillah with Allah Subhana talla
impossible became possible by Allah SWT mercy and through
your help we succeeded beyond our wildest
imaginations today we are the largest nonprofit animations and illustration
studio in the world we now have more than 30 professional animators and
illustrators brothers working with us full-time we also have teams
in 25 different countries working on translating all our videos into local
languages over the years we have produced nearly thousand animation videos today
we have directly got content from 11 of the best scholars in the fields covering
entire Islamic education from all angles we now have 5 million subscribers on our
social media pages there are millions of views for each of our animation videos
and each of our video has hundreds and hundreds of reupload because of being
available free of any copyright to the entire world we have now reached a point
in our progress where for further expansion of the quality and quantity of
our work we need your help to move to our own state of the art studio building
to attract the best talent to this mission and to provide the best
environment to make this mission possible some of us have to contribute
to enable the rest of humanity to have access to Islamic education you can buy
a brick and a source of constants Sadqa Jaria for you and your family by
helping us move to our new studio and by making a small contribution we will send
you a special gift a very special limited edition USB containing all our
works todate each of this USB will contain 1000 plus animations and
illustration videos 11 different series from the best scholars in their field and
covering the Islamic education from all different angles we will also put your
name on our founders' wall that will be the first thing people see when they
enter the new studio building in sha Allah along with that we will send
you a special personalized thank-you note written and made by us especially
for you your name and your family name will be shown on rotating basis at the
end of our videos asking everybody who benefit from the video to make special
prayers and dua for you your family and your loved ones for
helping make it possible most importantly every person who learns from
our video you will get a share in the Sadqa Jaria for helping make it
possible for we believe that it is the right of every human being to have
access to Islamic education with a single click together we can make it
happen in Sha Allah please do like and share this video and help us spread the
message enable us through your contribution to make this dream come
true In sha Allah.
Xây Dựng Nhà Chòi - Tuổi Thơ Của Bao Thế Hệ ( Build a house in the forest ) - Duration: 21:09.
How To Build an Unforgettable Brand: 3 Lessons From Our Favorite Offensive Company - Duration: 8:12.
In this episode of MarieTV we do have some adult language.
So if you have little ones around, grab your headphones now.
Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business
and life you love.
You know, I thought it was about time to bring back one of our favorite segments called
I Love Your Branding Baby.
That's – we got it.
We got it, Zach.
Thank you.
In this segment we highlight a brand that just gets it.
Then we break down how to apply their smart insights to whatever you are working on.
So today we're taking a look at a free Mac app called Muzzle, which lets you silence
embarrassing notifications when you're screen sharing.
Like when you're giving a presentation to clients or colleagues or, in my case, when
you're about to give four live webinars to tens of thousands of people around the
As you can see, on their hilarious landing page they show you just how important their
app is by displaying a wide variety of cringe-worthy notifications.
Now, I don't know anyone who'd want any of these messages popping up during a live
webinar or presentation:
Text from Grace: This bitch keep likin ur photos on Instagram.
Peyton: Enough moping!
You need to get laid TONIGHT!
Calendar notification: STD test tomorrow.
Text from Barry: The password for tonight's orgy is "astroglide".
A Slack message from Diana: Your boss sounds like a tool.
I think you get the idea.
So I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw this app I sat for at least 10 minutes straight
reading every single message and laughing my face off.
Now, with that said, here are three smart lessons we can all learn from Muzzle.
Lesson number one is turn screw-ups into solutions.
Look, nobody's perfect.
We all stumble, we all make embarrassing mistakes.
But how often do we dig deeper and see how our failings can possibly become fixes?
The Muzzle creators told AdWeek that the app was inspired by a real experience of having
a real "F this client" message pop up via iMessage mid presentation.
Takeaway here?
Every stress point or fail contains a gem.
Find it and you can use it to fuel your career and possibly help others.
Lesson number two is show, don't tell.
So for example, developer Brian Jones said, "Don't tell people you're funny.
Make them laugh."
Within two seconds of hitting the Muzzle site you know exactly what problem we're trying
to solve for you.
So to be clear here, show don't tell doesn't have to be about being funny or about showing
something visually the way that Muzzle shows actual messages on the screen.
Show don't tell is actually a golden rule of copywriting.
It means using specific, concrete details to paint a picture.
Because painting a picture is always more persuasive than presenting some abstract idea.
Here's an example.
Let's say you sell artisanal air fresheners for cars.
Saying, "This will make your car smell lovely," would be an example of telling.
Instead we can show by saying something like, "Your car will smell like an English garden
right after a spring rain with top notes of your grandma's fresh baked oatmeal cookies."
Or, if you're on the freaky deaky side, "Make your SUV smell like an unwashed tank
top from Gold's Gym."
Hey, we don't judge.
Here's another example.
Let's say you sell something more abstract, like leadership training.
An example of telling would be, "Want to feel more important and significant at work?"
Instead, showing might sound like this.
"Want coworkers to snap to and put down their phones whenever you talk?"
Now, if you want to become a master at showing and not telling, get your butt over to
and sign up for free writing tips.
And, I've got to be honest, I hope you're gonna take the full program.
Once you do you'll learn how to write faster and easier and you'll get way better results.
Lesson number three, stop trying to make everyone happy.
So I've said this before, I will definitely say it again: you have got to be true to who
you are and stop trying to please everyone.
First of all, it's impossible.
Next, it'll make you miserable.
Plus, it's a recipe for a boring, failing business.
For example, people have told The Muzzle team that the fake notifications should be less
R-rated comedy and more PG awkwardness.
Co-creator Brian Jones says this: "That's simply not my style.
Life is messy and graphic, it has profanity and dirty text messages.
If you can't laugh at yourself and the absurdities around us, that's totally fine.
Just don't visit our websites."
On their help page they even have a clear response for folks who find their website
It reads: "Your website offends me.
Welcome to the club.
It meets on Wednesdays at 7:30 to yell at me on Twitter."
Pretty badass, right?
I cannot tell you guys how many people tell me all the things they want me to do differently
on this show.
I hear things like this: "Marie, can we please have more dancing?
"Bring back the brick wall, Marie."
"Don't make God a woman.
Hashtag offended Hashtag not my fallopian tubes" "We needs more Jams.
Hashtag Jams" "Dear Marie, stop wearing holes in your jeans.
It's really unprofessional.
"Dear Marie, I would like to see less mankinis."
"Hey, Marie.
More mankinis, please."
"Oh, my God.
Marie should just shut up."
Dude, I'm standing right here.
Oh, my God.
I'm such a big fan.
You know what I say?
Can't please everybody.
But right now here's what I want you to think about.
Just look at your business.
Are you trying to get everybody to like you?
Think about where might you be watering down your message or trying to accommodate everyone
instead of being true to yourself?
Important food for thought.
And there you have it, folks.
Three smart lessons from Muzzle that can make sure you're not muzzling your gifts or your
Now I want to hear from you.
So which of these three lessons would help you the most right now and why?
Or tell me this, have you ever had an embarrassing notification pop up on your screen at the
exact wrong moment?
I want to hear about that one too.
Leave a comment below and let me know.
As always, the best conversations happen at the magical land of, so head
over there and leave a comment now.
And once you're there be sure to subscribe to our email list and become an MF Insider.
You'll get instant access to a powerful audio training called How To Get Anything
You Want.
And you'll get some exclusive content, special giveaways, and personal updates from me that
I just don't share anywhere else.
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that very
special gift that only you have.
Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.
Ready to find your voice and sell with heart?
We'll show you how.
Get started now with our free writing class at
Side effects include enlarged profits.
When are you gonna air that episode, Marie?
We need more dancing.
Ha ha ha!
Bring back the bic – the d*** wall.
More mankinis.
More mankinis.
Reverse it.
Beep beep beep beep.
My bad.
You want me to say less words?
I can understand that.
Build A Streamlabs Automated Merch Store In Under 60 Seconds - Duration: 2:21.
hey what's going on guys this is Dustin with Streamlabs and today I'm going to
show you how to create your own Streamlabs merch store in under 60 seconds so
let's get started so the first thing you're gonna want to do is either fire
up Streamlabs OBS or go to your browser and navigate to and
then here in your dashboard as you can see under my account just click on merch
store so after clicking on merch store under my account click on add a new
product and here we can get into the details of what we want to make here
will click on upper where choose American Apparel choose our color then
we can click here to add our logo or image and here you can choose from your
gallery or from the top left choose an image from your computer we'll choose
this one and here we can drag around to place and use the tools on the right to
fine tune we'll click Center horizontal and we're all set now we can choose a
name and price for our merch so my first shirt and for alert message
you can choose something custom so whenever someone buys something on your
stream and alert will pop up that someone bought your merch and we'll set
it $25 and in under 60 seconds we can click Save and once you've clicked save
all you need to do is just wait a couple moments before your product shows up in
your merch store and there we go we have our very first product in our merch
store all done in under 60 seconds and if you have a lot of products to make
you can use the upload wizard here on the right hand side now that your store
is up and running you can let your viewers know that they can find the
store on your tip page alternatively you can add some panels by clicking on the
panels tab here and choosing one of these to add to your profile and that's
it now your new merch store alerts and everything are good to go now your
viewers can enjoy all of your new merch be sure to download Streamlabs OBS by
visiting and hop into our discord server at
for live community support check out the links in the description below
How to Build a Meaningful And Successful Career. - Duration: 5:24.