REPORT: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge
Although the left and their cronies have spent the last year and a half attacking and throwing
temper tantrums as they have tried to overthrow a sitting president, there is no way for them
to hide the stone cold facts of what the Trump presidency has meant to our nation and its
people. President Trump in a year and a half into his presidency was able to do what no
other president has been able to do since 1969 when the Republican Richard Nixon was
In new numbers released on Friday, we can now confirm what isn't hard to notice if
you take the time away from "resisting" in order to see what's actually right in
front of you. President Trump has given us the best economic numbers most of us have
seen in our entire lifetime. The jobless rate is now officially the lowest since 1969.
In fact, In a separate report released on Thursday, the Labor Department has now said
initial claims for state unemployment benefits have dropped 24,000 to a seasonally adjusted
209,000 for the week ended April 21. That's the lowest number seen since December 1969.
More on these numbers via Yahoo Finance:
The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in more
than 48 years last week and the goods trade deficit narrowed sharply in March amid strong
export growth.
"The U.S. economy is still moving higher," said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MUFG
in New York. "The pullback in goods orders from companies is not a red flag for the economic
outlook yet even if the caution light should be left on."
The Commerce Department said orders for non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft, a closely
watched proxy for business spending plans, slipped 0.1 percent last month. Data for February
was revised to show these so-called core capital goods increasing 0.9 percent instead of the
previously reported 1.4 percent jump.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast core capital goods orders rising 0.5 percent
last month. Core capital goods orders increased 6.5 percent on a year-on-year basis.
Last month, orders for machinery fell 1.7 percent, the biggest decline since April 2016,
after a gain of 0.3 percent in February. There were, however, increases in orders of primary
metals, computers and electronic products, fabricated metals and electrical equipment,
appliances and components.
Overall orders for durable goods, items ranging from toasters to aircraft that are meant to
last three years or more, increased 2.6 percent in March as demand for transportation equipment
rose 7.6 percent. That followed a 3.5 percent surge in durable goods orders in February.
Shipments of core capital goods declined 0.7 percent last month after a downwardly revised
1.0 percent increase in February. Core capital goods shipments are used to calculate equipment
spending in the government's gross domestic product measurement.
They were previously reported to have vaulted 1.4 percent in February. Business spending
on equipment likely cooled in the first quarter after double-digit growth in the second half
of 2017. The moderation in equipment investment is expected to have combined with a sharp
slowdown in consumer spending to restrain economic growth in the first quarter.
U.S. Treasury yields held at lower levels after the data. The dollar rose against a
basket of currencies. Stocks on Wall Street were trading higher as strong earnings from
Facebook and a handful of chipmakers powered technology shares.
According to a Reuters survey of economists, GDP growth likely slowed to a 2.0 percent
annualized rate in the first three months of the year. The economy grew at a 2.9 percent
pace in the fourth quarter. The government will publish its advance estimate of first-quarter
GDP on Friday. The anticipated slowdown in economic growth
is likely to be temporary against the backdrop of a robust labor market that is expected
to underpin consumer spending. The economy is also expected to get a boost from the Trump
administration's $1.5 trillion income tax cut package as well as increased government
spending, which should also support business investment.
"We still expect investment growth to pick up over the rest of the year, as tax cuts
boost domestic demand and capacity constrains bite," said Michael Pearce, a senior U.S.
economist at Capital Economics in New York.
In a separate report on Thursday, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment
benefits dropped 24,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended April 21, the lowest
level since December 1969. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims falling to
230,000 in the latest week.
The labor market is considered to be near or at full employment. The unemployment rate
is at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent, not far from the Federal Reserve's forecast of 3.8
percent by the end of this year.
"The tight labor market keeps getting tighter," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics
in New York. "Companies are extremely reluctant to release labor, presumably because of the
difficulty in replacing workers."
A third report from the Commerce Department showed the goods trade deficit fell 10.3 percent
to $68.0 billion in March. Exports rose $3.4 billion to $140.1 billion last month, reflecting
a strengthening global economy and weak U.S. dollar. Imports fell $4.4 billion to $208.1
billion in March.
The department also reported that wholesale inventories rose 0.5 percent last month. Retail
inventories, however, fell 0.4 percent. The goods trade deficit and inventory data had
a marginal impact on first-quarter GDP estimates." Let us not forget how former President Barack
Hussein Obama once told us that the jobs lost were never going to make their way back from
I guess it was never the jobs that were never going to come back but instead the conditions
presidents such as Obama put on our economy that made it so jobs were non-existent. When
all you do is tax and regulate businesses to oblivion that's what happens, they stop
creating jobs, pack up and move to a more business-friendly environment. Not unlike
what's now happening to the state of California where the only businesses and people who care
to live there are somehow connected to either silicon valley or Hollywood.
Who would have thought it would take a brash outsider to bring America back, especially
after both sides of the political aisle told us we had to learn to live with the fact that
the United States isn't what it once was. Must be easy to come to terms with that when
you get elected to a position which pays $150k a year and 10 years later you end up being
worth over 10 million dollars.
For more infomation >> REPORT: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 6:46. -------------------------------------------
Dr. Richard J. Joseph, United States Air Force Chief Scientist - Duration: 2:50.
- [Brian] You're a scientist.
You must know what it's like
to fail at something.
- Oh, yes.
- [Brian] So,
- I'm an expert at that.
- [Brian] You're an expert, (chuckles)
I am too. (laughing)
what have those failures given you?
- You're never a failure unless you quit.
That's the big thing.
It's the desire to know
why something works.
One of your questions said,
"What are your favorite research programs?"
I don't have any favorites,
but I look for characteristics.
And one of them is this being
pursued with curiosity?
The desire to know what we don't know.
Can we look back and see that the
fundamental science that this
technology, for instance,
has come from,
and can we look ahead to see where
it is we want it to go.
So it's looking in both directions.
Back in time and forward in time.
We need people who wanna do something,
not people who want something to do.
I had met a young Air Force captain,
who had a PhD in engineering,
and he said,
"My first assignment after the PhD
"was as a contract monitor."
And he said,
"I kept wondering why did you send me
to school if this is what you want me to do?"
And I said this is still going on.
It was going on 30 years ago.
It's still going on,
how can this be?
- [Brian] Is that frustrating?
- Is is frustrating?
Well yeah, of course it is,
but it's more frustrating for the
people who are going through it.
Especially at a time when we really
need these people.
Right now,
the system from the Congress through
The White House,
through the Department of Defense,
and into the Air Force,
is fully behind innovation and taking risks.
But if we don't produce,
if we don't make some real gains
that may go away.
In technology,
the coin of the realm is a great idea.
Really good ideas can change the
way we do things.
It doesn't matter whether the person is,
is brand new or whether they've been
here for 25 years.
The young person with great ideas,
who infects the rest of the corps
with those ideas,
can make a profound change.
I still believe that.
For more infomation >> Dr. Richard J. Joseph, United States Air Force Chief Scientist - Duration: 2:50. -------------------------------------------
BOMBSHELL Evidence How CIA Made Obama A US Citizen – DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!! - Duration: 14:04.
BOMBSHELL Evidence How CIA Made Obama A US Citizen – DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!
Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery may have discovered the CIA and/or other government entities illegally
hacked into the Hawaii Department of Health records in an effort to search for birth records
on Barack Obama.
Investigators report government breaches began on November 14, 2008.
This was just after Obama's first presidential victory.
Those breaches continued through January 12, 2011 – some three months before the White
House issued a computerized version of what Obama claimed was the authentic long-form
version of his birth certificate from 1961.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media scoffed and laughed at anyone that dared to question the
authenticity of said document.
A database created in 2013 by Montgomery contained large sections of an electronic surveillance
database was provided to Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator of the
Cold Case Posse (CCP), a special investigative group created in 2006 in the office of Joseph
M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff in Maricopa County, an Arizona State Certified Law Enforcement
Agency, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
It shows this database was created by the NSA as part of the NSA's illegal and highly
unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens in violation of their 4th amendment
rights under the label of Project Dragnet.
Dennis Montgomery is former U.S. intelligence contractor and he walked away with more than
600 million classified documents on no less than 47 hard drives from both the NSA and
the CIA.
His breach is considered even larger than that of Edward Snowden.
The evidence provided by Montgomery detailed warrantless collection of phone, financial
and personal data and the unmasking of identities in spy data about millions of Americans.
He has accused the Bureau of massive and flagrant amendment violations of the American people.
Among those 47 hard drives included information supplied to Zullo regarding Obama's fraudulent
birth certificate.
Montgomery also filed suit against the FBI, NSA, DOJ, and several other government agencies
in June 2017 for their illegal conducted surveillance of millions of American citizens for years,
as reported by AFF in June 2017.
Circa reported Montgomery divulged to the FBI "a pattern and practice of conducting
illegal, unconstitutional surveillance against millions of Americans, including prominent
Americans such as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges,
prominent businessmen, and others such as Donald J. Trump, as well as Plaintiffs themselves."
As such Montgomery is represented by prominent Conservative attorney Larry Klayman of FreedomWorks
in U.S. District Court.
The case is being heard by the exact same federal judge who has already ruled that the
NSA's collection of data on Americans is a Fourth Amendment violation making for a
legal proceeding that will affect all Americans for the future.
With Montgomery's information in tow, Arpaio and Zullo held a press conference on December
15, 2016, in which the contents of a multiple year forensic investigation into the validity
of Obama's birth certificate was released.
The conclusion reached was that the Long-Form Birth Certificate released by Obama in April
2011 was indeed a forgery and the evidence they supplied strongly suggests CIA involvement
in the forgery with the following breaches of known Hawaiian IP addresses accessed by
known CIA IP addresses –
According to –
The IP addresses, both from the Hawaii government offices breached and from the CIA proxy IP
addresses used in the breaches.
"Montgomery also traced the IP data paths of the breached servers and discovered on
a number of occasions information was sent from the breached Hawaii computers, only to
be routed to a server located in Jakarta, Indonesia," Zullo said.
From Indonesia, the data was sent back through the server in Jakarta, routed back to government
servers in the United States.
Montgomery claims the server used in Jakarta was operated by the CIA at the time the breaches
were executed."
Montgomery brought forward to Arpaio and Zullo the information presented here regarding the
CIA breaches of Hawaii government computers that Montgomery alleges was collected while
he was employed as a subcontractor for the NSA, working on PROJECT: SPEARIT and various
surveillance projects.
Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA, in part to develop computer breaching
software that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American
citizens without legal justification.
While Montgomery's credibility has been called into question, Zullo maintains that
the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinarily
voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in 2013 that
is only now being revealed by media outlets.
Zullo claims to have received information from top officials with the Hawaii Department
of Health claiming prior to the release of the long Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate
by the White House the Hawaii Department of Health was in the process of forging a birth
certificate for Obama.
Arpaio's investigators also revealed that this same source revealed the attending physician
named on the forged document was known to be deceased and was believed to have destroyed
all birth records after leaving practice making him an ideal candidate for forgers.
Zullo also claimed to have received information from two different hospital administrators
independent of one another regarding meetings held in 2008 as Obama was preparing for his
initial presidential bid where all hospitals on the island worked to identify which hospital
Obama was born in.
Both administrators attested to the fact no hospital in Hawaii could locate any records
to prove Ann Dunham Obama had been a patient, or that Barack Hussein Obama was born there.
Zullo states –
"Queens Hospital was the hospital originally named by the Obama family as the birth hospital,
but when it developed that Queens did not have records of Obama's birth, the family
shifted to story to claim Obama was born at Kapiolani Hospital.
Queens Hospital quickly reported publicly that Obama was not born in their hospital.
The admission of Queens Hospital that no birth record existed presented a serious problem
for the already belabored Obama birth narrative.
Kapiolani refused to comment neither confirming nor denying Kapiolani Hospital was Obama's
birth hospital.
To date, Kapiolani has not produced a single shred of evidence that any original birth
records exist, nor has Kapiolani Hospital ever produced any supporting documentation
or released any information that proves Stanley Ann Dunham was a patient at Kapiolani in August
1961 who gave birth to a son, Barack Obama, supposedly born on Aug. 4, 1961." also reveals that Zullo went on to point out that a written statement of
former Hawaii Director of Public Health Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued in October 2008 cast
further doubt that an original 1961 LFBC for Obama ever existed in the Hawaii Department
of Health archives.
On Oct. 31, 2008, Fukino issued a statement that read in part:
"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar
of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital
records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health
has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies
and procedures.
No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital
record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of
the State of Hawaii."
Zullo was not convinced, stating –
"That statement would indicate, if true, that Fukino simply walked in to the file vault
at the Hawaii Department of Health, went to the shelf containing the bound book volume
holding some 500 certificates including Obama's, located it inside that bound book, touched
it, and returned the bound volume back to its proper place, back on the shelf along
with 500 others.
The CIA breach would also enable the undetectable insertion of fraudulent digital information
of a fictitious birth event to be surreptitiously implanted into the Hawaii Department of Health
vital records computers database.Once the fictitious record has been created that would
allow an unsuspecting clerk to simply locate the fraudulent record in the computer database
and print a computer-generated Short-Form Birth Certificate (SFBC) without ever verifying
the existence of the original Long Form Certificate (LFBC) in the file room vault.
Hawaii did in fact originally produce a Short-Form Birth Certificate in 2008.
In an attempt to quell the growing controversy and to satisfy the questions surrounding the
Obama birth narrative, a Short-Form was released in 2008 during Obama's presidential campaign.
However, that was a digital record and not an original Long Form Birth Certificate.
This did not satisfy the growing number of skeptics.
In various discussions with Montgomery, he suggested 'three-letter agencies' had
the ability to not only hack into a computer network unnoticed and to download information
out of that computer network undetected, but also had the ability to upload information
into a computer, again undetected.
That upload capability would allow the implantation of completely fictitious or altered information
at will.
Once implanted, this would grant an unsuspecting clerk the ability to create and issue a Short-Form
Birth Certificate that was retrieved from Hawaii Department of Health legitimate computers
in accordance with Hawaii Department of Health procedures and customary practices."
Montgomery turned this information over to the FBI along with 600 million records illegally
obtained by the federal government for an immunity deal 2 years ago.
Zullo went on to explain –
"The Obama birth certificate information was included in the information Montgomery
turned over to the FBI.
The FBI has done nothing with Montgomery's information for more than two years.
That's when the White House released to the public via the internet a computer-generated
PDF File of a purported Long-Form Birth Certificate claiming to be a copy of Obama's birth records
located in the Hawaii Department of Health vault on April 27, 2011.
What the White House released was not a physical hard copy document.
It was not a copy of any verified authentic document, it was absolutely nothing.
It was a computer-generated PDF file containing a copy of something that had its metadata
erased from the electronic file, making it impossible to determine origin and authenticity
of the file.
This PDF file cannot be relied on as proof a birth event in any legal setting," Zullo
"It is not paper, it was created in cyberspace and resides in a computer.
On April 27, 2011, Obama showed the nation and the world absolutely nothing."
Arpaio and Zullo held a press conference showing Obama's birth certificate where a forensic
expert explained it contained "nine points of forgery," establishing that Obama's
Long-Form computer-generated birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011,
had been copied
from Johanna Ah'Nee's birth certificate.
For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL Evidence How CIA Made Obama A US Citizen – DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!! - Duration: 14:04. -------------------------------------------
SkillsUSA Massachusetts States Silver Medal Video | Digital Cinema Production - Duration: 1:01.
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For more infomation >> SkillsUSA Massachusetts States Silver Medal Video | Digital Cinema Production - Duration: 1:01. -------------------------------------------
U.S. considers Libya's denuclearization model for North Korea: Bolton - Duration: 2:11.
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton says Washington is considering Libya's model
of denuclearization in 2003 and 2004 for North Korea.
President Trump's top national security aide also reiterated that Pyongyang needs to dismantle
all of its nuclear weapons before the U.S. makes any concessions.
Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.
Washington is considering using Libya's model of denuclearization as a benchmark during
its negotiations with North Korea over its nuclear program.
That's according to White House National Security Advisor John Bolton,... who told Fox News
on Sunday that the North has to give up all of its nuclear weapons before the U.S. gives
the regime anything in return.
"We have very much in mind the Libya model from 2003, 2004.
There are obviously differences.
The Libyan program was much smaller.
But that was basically the agreement that we made.
And so we'll want to test North Korea in this first meeting for evidence that they have
made that strategic decision."
Bolton also said that he believes a U.S.-North Korea summit is going to happen,... adding
the two sides are still discussing the date and location.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo echoed the same conditions.
In an interview with ABC News,... Pompeo said he sees a real opportunity to make a satisfactory
deal with Pyongyang.
"The objective remains the same: complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization.
That's been the administration's goal.
President Trump has put economic pressure on the North Koreans and it appears to have
given us this opening, this real opportunity for something that would be transformative
for the world if we can achieve it."
Pompeo also highlighted Washington's obligation to engage in diplomacy with North Korea and
seek a peaceful resolution to protect its people from the regime's nuclear threats.
He added that he had in-depth discussions with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on denuclearization
when the two met in Pyongyang earlier this month.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> U.S. considers Libya's denuclearization model for North Korea: Bolton - Duration: 2:11. -------------------------------------------
REPORT: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 7:57.
For more infomation >> REPORT: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 7:57. -------------------------------------------
Professor Velma García - How Life and Land Have Changed Along the U.S. Border Wall - Duration: 6:47.
(thoughtful opening music)
- I actually was born and raised
in the Rio Grande Valley, which is the southern tip of Texas
where the Rio Grande flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
And so I was trained as a political scientist
doing comparative politics, Latin America
and really my research had been on Mexico.
But about 10 years ago there was more and more literature
about the border, border politics.
You know, relationship between US and Mexico
and border politics, and then what happened
is that around 2006, between 2006 and 2008
a border wall was built in roughly 620 miles
along the US-Mexico border and part of that border wall
was built south of my hometown of Mission, Texas.
So I became, of course, very interested
not only because of my intellectual interest
but also my personal interest
since it now was actually affecting my hometown.
And so yeah, so my research started way before
Donald Trump brought up this issue of the border wall.
I think for me one of the frustrating things has been,
recently in the last couple of years,
has been that so many people are talking
about the border wall as if it were a new thing.
And in fact, the border wall that was built in 2008
was built as a result of two pieces of legislation.
One of them was the Real ID Act of 2005.
And the Real ID Act was mostly about
standardizing information on driver's licenses
across the country for purposes of security,
but there's also a provision in the Real ID Act
that gives the power to the head of DHS,
the head of Homeland Security to unilaterally ignore
any law that interferes with the construction
of barriers at the border as long as they're designed
to enhance national security.
The other important piece of legislation
is a 2006 secure wall act.
And in that piece of legislation Congress actually says
to DHS that they must build 613 miles of border wall, again,
to enhance national security.
In Texas you have a very long border.
You have, for example, land owners who have been very upset.
I can give one case study.
A village called Granjeno, Texas, which is again
in the southern tip of Texas in the Rio Grande Valley.
So they have complained bitterly
about their experiences with the 2006 Secure Fence Act
and they've had several complaints.
One is that the border wall that was built
actually divided their village in half.
And so again, this is a little town
that goes back to the 1700s, has a lot of historic value,
and is now cut in half by an 18- foot wall.
Another group that has been very upset
with the border wall, and again, this particular area
of the Rio Grande Valley, is environmentalists.
This area of South Texas
is a very unique place environmentally.
It looks superficially a lot like, perhaps, Florida
with a lot of palm trees, a lot of vegetation
and it's also a place that is home
to many endangered species of animals and plants.
So I think President Donald Trump and his supporters
have been calling for a border wall.
And what I find interesting is that
in that discussion you rarely hear
that we already have this 600- mile border wall.
I think that a lot of people in this country
either have forgotten about that wall
that was built 10 years ago, or were never aware of it.
And I think that there's still so much fear an anxiety,
which drives people to want a real visible barrier
that they could point to
that would be solving these problems.
And again, these problems are fear of terrorism,
so wanting to protect national security,
fear of the other, of the undocumented people.
Perhaps some people are worried
that this country will no longer
be a predominantly white country.
The idea that some people are trying to get here
and not waiting in line, not understanding
the intricacies of our immigration system
and I think in general, just thinking
that drug trafficking can be solved
by building a border wall, whereas we know, I think,
that we need to think hard about
the problems of addiction in this country.
The problems that these walls are supposed to address,
the problems are too complicated.
A lot of border scholars say that we actually in many ways
on purpose create these flawed projects at the border.
So on the one hand you have a border wall.
We already have one now.
Has it actually stopped drug trafficking?
Has it stopped undocumented immigration?
No, it has not.
If we add even more miles to the border wall
the same is going to continue, but that is because
you can't satisfy both sides at the same time.
Some people still want their cheap labor
or their products to go back and forth across the border.
Some people still want a closed border
because of their own anxieties.
I think I just hope that more people pay attention,
not necessarily just people who live on the border,
but pay attention to something like that fact
that the head of DHS has been given the right
to ignore any law as long as that person
is building a barrier at the border
that enhances national security.
We've already had over 30 laws waived.
Again, laws having to do with the environment,
with the protection of Native Americans and their property,
their lands and properties, the Clean Air Act,
the Endangered Species Act.
I think we need to think about the erosion
of our democracy in light of our focus on national security.
(thoughtful electronic music)
For more infomation >> Professor Velma García - How Life and Land Have Changed Along the U.S. Border Wall - Duration: 6:47. -------------------------------------------
Pres. Moon shares outcomes of inter-Korean summit with leaders of U.S., Japan, Russia - Duration: 3:04.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has been sharing the outcomes of his summit with Kim
Jong-un over the weekend.
He spoke with leaders of the United States, Japan, and Russia, expressed appreciation
for their support... and promised to coordinate closely with all of them.
Oh Jung-hee has the details.
It was phone call after phone call over the weekend for South Korean President Moon Jae-in,...
sharing the outcome of the inter-Korean summit with the U.S. and nearby countries.
The relay phone conversations began on Saturday night when President Moon talked with U.S.
President Donald Trump for over an hour.
President Trump said Seoul and Pyongyang have made a significant progress in their relations...
and President Moon replied... it was all possible thanks to President Trump's strong support.
He added the inter-Korean summit lays the groundwork for success in President Trump's
own summit with the North Korean leader.
"President Trump said it's very good news for not only the two Koreas but for the whole
world that they reaffirmed the goal of achieving a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete
The leaders reaffirmed that their governments will continue to coordinate closely to achieve
the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
President Trump said he's on the same page with Seoul and Pyongyang... on their agreement
to formally end the Korean War... and expressed anticipation for his meeting with the North
Korean leader.
On Sunday morning, President Moon had a phone conversation with Japanese Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe.
"Prime Minister Abe praised the fact that the leaders of South and North Korea reaffirmed
the goal of complete denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula through the Panmunjom Declaration.
He said that North Korea's moves are especially forward-looking and hopes the declaration
leads to specific actions."
The Japanese leader said Tokyo is willing to talk with Pyongyang to normalize relations
and settle the affairs of the past,... and President Moon told Abe that North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un feels the same.
Prime Minister Abe said he will work for an opportunity to talk with North Korea... and
will ask for South Korea's help if necessary.
Finally, the South Korean leader spoke with his Russian counterpart late Sunday afternoon...
and thanked him for his strong support.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the results of the inter-Korean summit will form
a solid foundation for building an unwavering peace on the Korean Peninsula... and hailed
President Moon's accomplishment of something he said was very difficult to achieve under
complex circumstances.
President Putin said the inter-Korean summit should lead to a trilateral economic project
among Seoul, Pyongyang, and Moscow,... and President Moon agreed with him.
The Russian leader also invited President Moon to make a state visit to Russia in June.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Pres. Moon shares outcomes of inter-Korean summit with leaders of U.S., Japan, Russia - Duration: 3:04. -------------------------------------------
Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 3:35.
Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge
After a year and a half of obstruction and bellyaching, the democrats cannot wipe away
the facts.
When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, career politicians sneered;
both democrats and insider republicans questioned his ability.
How could anyone outside of politics expect to help the country?
What does he know?
Well, it seems like he knows quite a bit.
While Trump is not a career politician, he is a massively successful businessman, and
his keen leadership skills and negotiation has helped our country recover from a dark
The economy is doing incredibly well; in fact, much better than any "expert" predicted.
After Obama swore jobs would never come back, guess what?
They're coming back.
Companies are investing in the United States like never before.
American products are selling around the world, thanks to trade deals.
It has resulted in jobless claims plummeting, as more Americans are back to work.
We haven't seen unemployment this low since 1969!From Yahoo:
"The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in more
than 48 years last week and the goods trade deficit narrowed sharply in March amid strong
export growth…
The anticipated slowdown in economic growth is likely to be temporary against the backdrop
of a robust labor market that is expected to underpin consumer spending.
The economy is also expected to get a boost from the Trump administration's $1.5 trillion
income tax cut package as well as increased government spending, which should also support
business investment.
In a separate report on Thursday, the Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment
benefits dropped 24,000 to a seasonally adjusted 209,000 for the week ended April 21, the lowest
level since December 1969."
We are seeing amazing statistics like this come out almost every day, and many liberals
said it would never happen.
(They didn't even WANT to see this happen).Under Obama, our country was in trouble.
His terrible leadership and decision-making caused the U.S. to bleed jobs.
Foreign countries walked all over us, thanks to bad deals like NAFTA, TPP, and the Paris
Climate Accord.
On top of that, Obama hiked taxes and burdened companies with massive regulation.
That all amounts to shrinking businesses and fewer jobs.
It was a deliberate plan by globalists to destroy America, because a weak United States
would have been easier to exploit.
But strong, prosperous Americans will not be cowed!
Under President Trump, everything has changed: he is putting America first.
The tax bill is having a tremendous effect, and he has slashed hurtful regulations.
Businesses are no longer being punished for investing the in U.S.
For more infomation >> Report: U.S. Posts A Positive Number It Hasn't Seen In Almost 50 Years, Trump Scores Huge - Duration: 3:35. -------------------------------------------
Romo Misses Out On Local US Open Qualifying - Duration: 1:18.
For more infomation >> Romo Misses Out On Local US Open Qualifying - Duration: 1:18. -------------------------------------------
MSP-Deleting Spree+Free Acc+Free VIP+My US Account ♥ - Duration: 8:31.
Make sure to follow the rules and subscirbe!
Also support
Enjoy the vid!
For more infomation >> MSP-Deleting Spree+Free Acc+Free VIP+My US Account ♥ - Duration: 8:31. -------------------------------------------
President Moon shares outcomes of inter-Korean summit with leaders of U.S., Japan, Russia - Duration: 3:04.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has been sharing the outcomes of his summit with Kim
Jong-un over the weekend.
He spoke with leaders of the United States, Japan, and Russia, expressed appreciation
for their support... and promised to coordinate closely with all of them.
Oh Jung-hee has the details.
It was phone call after phone call over the weekend for South Korean President Moon Jae-in,...
sharing the outcome of the inter-Korean summit with the U.S. and nearby countries.
The relay phone conversations began on Saturday night when President Moon talked with U.S.
President Donald Trump for over an hour.
President Trump said Seoul and Pyongyang have made a significant progress in their relations...
and President Moon replied... it was all possible thanks to President Trump's strong support.
He added the inter-Korean summit lays the groundwork for success in President Trump's
own summit with the North Korean leader.
"President Trump said it's very good news for not only the two Koreas but for the whole
world that they reaffirmed the goal of achieving a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete
The leaders reaffirmed that their governments will continue to coordinate closely to achieve
the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
President Trump said he's on the same page with Seoul and Pyongyang... on their agreement
to formally end the Korean War... and expressed anticipation for his meeting with the North
Korean leader.
On Sunday morning, President Moon had a phone conversation with Japanese Prime Minister
Shinzo Abe.
"Prime Minister Abe praised the fact that the leaders of South and North Korea reaffirmed
the goal of complete denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula through the Panmunjom Declaration.
He said that North Korea's moves are especially forward-looking and hopes the declaration
leads to specific actions."
The Japanese leader said Tokyo is willing to talk with Pyongyang to normalize relations
and settle the affairs of the past,... and President Moon told Abe that North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un feels the same.
Prime Minister Abe said he will work for an opportunity to talk with North Korea... and
will ask for South Korea's help if necessary.
Finally, the South Korean leader spoke with his Russian counterpart late Sunday afternoon...
and thanked him for his strong support.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the results of the inter-Korean summit will form
a solid foundation for building an unwavering peace on the Korean Peninsula... and hailed
President Moon's accomplishment of something he said was very difficult to achieve under
complex circumstances.
President Putin said the inter-Korean summit should lead to a trilateral economic project
among Seoul, Pyongyang, and Moscow,... and President Moon agreed with him.
The Russian leader also invited President Moon to make a state visit to Russia in June.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> President Moon shares outcomes of inter-Korean summit with leaders of U.S., Japan, Russia - Duration: 3:04. -------------------------------------------
US says border crossing didn't have room for asylum seekers - Duration: 1:28.
For more infomation >> US says border crossing didn't have room for asylum seekers - Duration: 1:28. -------------------------------------------
Bill Gates Warns Millions Could Die If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic - Duration: 7:37.
Bill Gates Warns Millions Could Die If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic
by Tyler Durden
Should a deadly pandemic comparable to the 1918 influenza outbreak reach the US in the
relatively near future, the US government would be powerless to stop it.
And in all likelihood, hundreds of thousands - if not, millions - of Americans will die.
That's the message from a Washington Post interview with Microsoft founder Bill Gates,
which touched on many of the same subjects from a talk he gave Friday before the Massachusetts
Medical Society.
Bill Gates says the U.S. government is falling short in preparing the nation and the world
for the "significant probability of a large and lethal modern-day pandemic occurring in
our lifetimes."
Gates discussed his efforts to convince the Trump administration to set aside more funding
for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to prioritize the creation of a national
response plan that would govern how resources are deployed during a pandemic or biological
weapons attack.
During the interview, the billionaire who appears to have gotten such a touch eccentric
in his gray years, confirmed that he had raised the issue of pandemic preparedness with President
Trump, and that he tried to convince the president that he has a chance to lead on the issue
of global health security.
According to Gates, Trump told him to raise these issues with officials at the Health
and Human Services Department, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug
Gates said he also met with HR McMaster, who was ousted as National Security Advisor last
month, and he hopes to meet with McMaster's successor John Bolton.
He is probably the only one.
That said, Gates may have a point: Even this winter's flu season - the worst in years - overwhelmed
hospitals, some of which were forced to pitch tents outside the facilities and deploy other
emergency accommodations.
Gates, whose Gates Foundation focuses on public health initiative, has shifted his focus in
recent years to international pandemic awareness and preparation.
To be sure, he's not the only one who believes the developed world is dangerously ill-prepared
to beat back such a threat.
Gates and his wife, Melinda, have repeatedly warned that a pandemic is the greatest immediate
threat to humanity.
Experts say the risk is high, because new pathogens are constantly emerging and the
world is so interconnected.
Many experts agree that the United States remains underprepared for a pandemic or a
bioterrorism threat.
The government�s sprawling bureaucracy, they say, is not nimble enough to deal with
mutations that suddenly turn an influenza virus into a particularly virulent strain,
as the 1918 influenza did in killing an estimated 50 million to 100 million people worldwide.
Even this winter�s harsh seasonal flu was enough to overwhelm some hospitals, forcing
them to pitch tents outside emergency rooms to cope with the crush of patients.
If a highly contagious and lethal airborne pathogen like the 1918 influenza were to take
hold today, nearly 33 million people worldwide would die in just six months, Gates noted
in his prepared remarks, citing a simulation done by the Institute for Disease Modeling,
a research organization in Bellevue, Wash.
So what should the US do according to Gates: the nation needs to prioritize the development
of better vaccines - including a "universal" flu vaccine - and other treatments as well
as new diagnostic capabilities to help doctors detect and identify a pandemic before it has
the opportunity to spread, according to the Microsoft founder.
In those remarks, Gates highlighted scientific and technical advances in the development
of better vaccines, drugs and diagnostics that he said could revolutionize how we prepare
for and treat infectious diseases moving forward.
He praised last year�s formation of a new global coalition, known as CEPI, to create
new vaccines for emerging infectious diseases.
He also announced a $12 million Grand Challenge in partnership with the family of Google Inc.
co-founder Larry Page to accelerate the development of a universal flu vaccine.
But vaccines, he noted, take time to research, deploy and generate protective immunity.
"So we need to invest in other approaches, like antiviral drugs and antibody therapies
that can be stockpiled or rapidly manufactured to stop the spread of pandemic diseases or
treat people who have been exposed," he said in his speech.
Among the advances in these areas are a new influenza antiviral recently approved in Japan
that Gates said "stops the virus in its tracks" by inhibiting an enzyme it needs to multiply;
research on antibodies that could protect against a pandemic strain of a virus; and
a diagnostic test that harnesses the powerful genetic-engineering technology known as CRISPR
and has the field-use potential to check a patient�s blood, saliva or urine for evidence
of multiple pathogens.
That test could, for example, identify whether someone is infected with Zika or dengue virus,
which have similar symptoms.
But even the most cutting-edge remedies are useless without a plan to deploy them, something
Gates says the Trump administration recognizes.
Trump and senior administration officials have affirmed the importance of controlling
infectious disease outbreaks.
But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is facing a loss of emergency funding provided
in the wake of the 2014 Ebola epidemic and has begun to dramatically downsize its epidemic-prevention
activities in 39 out of 49 countries where disease risks are greatest.
Congress provided additional funding in last month�s spending bill.
But it also directed the administration to come up with a comprehensive plan to strengthen
global health security at home and abroad.
"This could be an important first step if the White House and Congress use the opportunity
to articulate and embrace a leadership role for the U.S.," Gates said in the speech.
No other country, he noted, has the depth of scientific or technical expertise that
the United States possesses, drawing on the resources of institutions such as NIH, CDC
and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, as well as the Defense Department's
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
While Gates's sense of urgency is admirable, other experts on the likelihood of a global
pandemic emerging in the relatively near future make Gates look like a Walt Disney-level optimist.
"We know that it is coming, but we have no way of stopping it," said WHO infectious disease
specialist Dr. Sylvie Brand.
If you haven't already, now would probably be as good a time as any to invest in some
surgical masks.
Unless of course Elon Musk is correct with his own doomsday prediction, and sentient,
AI-capable killer robots have already bought out the entire inventory.
For more infomation >> Bill Gates Warns Millions Could Die If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic - Duration: 7:37. -------------------------------------------
Five: VP PENCE VISIT U.S-MEXICO BORDER-The Five 04/30/18 Fox News Alert - Duration: 6:14.
the caravan of asylum seeking migrants is at America's southern border and as
you can see our current wall in San Diego isn't doing much to stop them from
entering many of the illegal immigrants are now camping out in Mexico after
being turned away by the Trump administration the president is reacting
to this latest development by calling for funding for his big beautiful border
wall we are a nation of laws we have to have borders we're not borders we don't
have a country and I've been watching for weeks as the caravan came up we have
to have changes in Congress and we have to have it quickly we need a wall
number-one and you see that right now you know where they are even though it's
not a particularly good wall and even though a small percentage can climb to
the top they have to be an extremely good shape but a small percentage can
climb that particular wall we have a wall that's much more difficult vice
president pence was on the ground today in California checking out the new
border wall construction Greg you've said this a few times the caravan was
almost designed to help President Trump politically what do you think it's a
terrible visual image for amnesty and an amazing image for people who prefer
process and enforce borders but the most obvious question if this is an asylum
claim why not just stop in Mexico if you were truly desperate right you should be
overjoyed to get out of your horrible country and get to Mexico but no you're
saying no Mexico's not enough for me I need to get to the United States that's
insulting New Mexico and it's kind of pushy it's a bit you're cutting in line
I don't know Americans don't like it when you cut in line and when you look
at the groups there's a lot of young able-bodied men showing up and you think
these are not refugees this is a this is a symbolic political gesture that is
backfiring when you see that it's backfiring of all it does is prove that
we need law and order we keep process look at that visual right there I mean
you're right this is made to order anybody that sees this in this country
sees how easy it is to breach our southern border Kimberly look at that
and the minute they step foot on American soil they're entitled to a
process where then they can go in front of a judge and claim that they're scared
to return to Honduras yeah that's a problem you know so
everybody but when people are desperate and they're trying to flee their
countries they'll juice about anything for
themselves and for their family when you have that kind of sense of desperation
how where will I work tomorrow how will I feed my children so that's why you
have mothers pregnant mothers even going coming over here and they or they listen
if I I hear that if I come over and I can give birth in the United States then
my child can stay there and hopefully then the rest of the family can come
that is their business plan that is the business plan and of course the this is
a country founded on immigrants wonderful people from all over the world
so we want to have open arms and be welcoming but we want to do it with an
eye towards public safety and national security and securing the border because
it makes for a safer situation for everyone and for a lawful process that
should be followed and abided by so I mean the president's fulfilling his
campaign promises we understand his reasoning and then it's also important
if you're gonna try to work on it to make it more of a you know a cooperative
understanding what's going on here they've got to come in to the laws to
enjoy the benefit of being in this country but follow the law first before
you get it right so you want to be compassionate but also fair right and
tough one so people yeah right he wants a merit-based immigration - and that's
important when you see these images well this isn't there's not about merit-based
exactly not this is about asylum and remember Greg that in fact this caravan
which is an annual event I think for the last five years or so
most of the people did stop in Mexico you have about 50 people who are trying
to get in here and what they want to do is to force the United States to give
them an asylum right hearing and they believe that based on the evidence of
not only political instability but actual violence oftentimes perpetrated
by gangs and the like that they have a case to be made and that's why you have
American lawyers on the other side of the fence giving them counseling about
what to say how to handle the asylum situation but I agree with you guys I
think this is tailor-made for President Trump and people who are anti-immigrant
to say hey you know the borders I illegal and no no because remember Trump
a proposal was to cut legal immigration to the United States
once merit-based no not the lottery excuse me he didn't it didn't matter
merit or nightmare he wanted to cut legal immigration as a result of merit
no no no he just wants to cut every evil he even wants to cut people who are
qualified for legal merit-based immigration so the president also says
he wants to get more funding for the wall next time in the fall wants to shut
the government down if he doesn't get it yeah so September 28th that's all
setting up for a really big midterm election campaign issue I think that
this video is an in-kind contribution to Trump and his you might have to check
out what those contribution limits are down there I do think that the president
could be in a position now whence these people will not all get in they'll have
to go back but one thing that he could do he's on like a foreign policy role
right now and he's had some really good meetings with world leaders and these
people in El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica etc that have these problems just
like we've been saying about Syria if you help solve the problem at its source
and if the issue is law and order if the president can figure out a way to help
them with their law and order problem people won't want to leave home yeah we
definitely need to focus on Central America a little bit more all right I
had America round of excuses from MSNBC host joy read her pals in the liberal
media of course rushing to her defense the hypocrisy up next
made deep long-lasting pain relief
For more infomation >> Five: VP PENCE VISIT U.S-MEXICO BORDER-The Five 04/30/18 Fox News Alert - Duration: 6:14. -------------------------------------------
Migrant Caravan Reaches Immigration Road Block At US Border - Duration: 1:28.
For more infomation >> Migrant Caravan Reaches Immigration Road Block At US Border - Duration: 1:28. -------------------------------------------
Drama At The Border: 'Caravan' Kept From Entering U.S. - Duration: 1:22.
For more infomation >> Drama At The Border: 'Caravan' Kept From Entering U.S. - Duration: 1:22. -------------------------------------------
Mobile carriers T-Mobile, Sprint agree to US$26 bil. merger - Duration: 0:41.
After years of back and forth, U.S. telecoms giant T-Mobile announced Sunday that it has
finally agreed to buy rival Sprint.
The all-stock merger is worth 26 billion U.S. dollars and needs approval from America's
antitrust regulators.
Pundits believe the deal will go through because it will create thousands of jobs and also
help the U.S. beat China to creating the next generation mobile network.
However critics say reduced competition in the American telecoms market could end up
hurting consumers.
If the merger is confirmed, then T-Mobile will be positioned as a fierce rival to Verizon
and AT&T.