Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jan 2 2018

Love For The Mama is one years old today and to celebrate the occasion

I asked women to finish off the sentence I need because not only as a woman but

as a mother we really forget what they are sometimes and I just hope that maybe

this video will get you back in tune with your needs

I need to get in touch with what I need because what I need doesn't really come

into anymore I guess I need this baby to stay put

over Christmas to live close to my family they are three hours away so it's

really really hard regular breaks to know that I am doing a good job to be

told that I am doing a good job both at work and at home career for me

personally I really miss having a job of importance I do have a job but do work

it's not an aggression job it's not something that I'm needed anyone could

do it give myself more self-care I used to take my own advice to heal over a

broken friendship I need a new bra and I'm pretty sure I also need something

because I need to think about what I need because the needs that I'm always

thinking about and not my own and then everything else becomes the priority in

what I need just goes to the bottom of the pile and actually what I need is to

think about my needs so that I can function properly because Korea is what

I need to read more books and I love Becks

I need sleep I need a break need a break so I can sleep to recharge

self-belief I need to believe in myself that I can be a good mum a good wife a

good friend and be good at my job but most of all I need a break that is

exactly what I'm doing now so now I need to go to my gift I really need time

alone and I can use that time to read a book meditate or do yoga but I really

need that space to clear my head and I find it really helps me appreciate those

around me a little bit more I probably need more help don't show that I need

and I always need a cup of tea you know what I need I need my roots doing you

know what else I need I need a new phone you know why I need a new phone because

my phone keeps telling me that my storage is full to the brim

literally and metaphorically I need to cut stuff out of my life rather than add

stuff in all of the time and I need to be more organized to stop stop

procrastinating put my ideas into action instead of thinking about doing it

tomorrow I think we lose the ability to see what we need and to articulate what

we need we just prioritize and spend all our time meeting each other's needs and

maybe I need space and maybe I need time and maybe I need to invest a little bit

more into myself I need to carry on making new friends because people say

they've got too many friends or got enough friends you can never have too

many friends or no friends I need help with the 14 full time childcare for

twins over full-time nights than full time of the day and egress to trust in

God fully and to know that he won't let me fail so

I have a need for 2018 to read more books and finish mobiles and have a

little bit more me time to rediscover what I really enjoy doing and do more of

it I need to just stop feeling guilty and beating myself up and focus in on

the things that I feel I'm not able to give the girls and and the things that I

don't do for them just need to stop feeling afraid I need one hour we

exercise my mind and my body I need to move forward I need to be accountable to

myself and then get to all the things I want to do I need to work to reassure

myself that I am doing a good job as a mum my kids are happy and healthy

I need exercise

I need to stop more sleep so I'm gonna start to go to bed earlier

and I also need to dance mom I just need to believe that I can be good at

everything by myself to focus on the important stuff and I

get a bit distracted with the kind of like the trivialities of life like

really stupid things and if I don't keep checking myself it kind of takes over

and he said I need to stop thinking other things that might take it that

wanted to do was raise family and I'm doing it and I'm loving it ask for help

I need to accept help when it's offered to me I need to stop trying to be the

best to everything and then thinking I'm failing

all the time and be my own person and not just a man I need to realize that

that I'm important as well maybe I deserve to be somewhere on my list of

priorities time I think time to be caped and not mom or wife was the start or

daughter or employee and everything else that kind of comes along with that I

need to be creative and each dance like nobody's watching do the funky chicken

remember who I was before I had the children I'm still that person have

confidence in myself that I can achieve what I put my mind to I needed a bit of

time for me just every now and again to to recharge and to remember that I'm my

own person still and not just a month to look after me

love myself maybe I need to we engage in the language because I guess I forgot

what it sounds like and love like who doesn't need love I think yeah that's

why I need

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