BTS Shares Individual Goals For 2018 + What They Think Was The Key To Their Success
In a recent interview, BTS opened up about their individual goals for the future and what they thought was the key to their success.
After BigHit CEO Bang Shi Hyuk on the reasons behind BTSs meteoric rise to international stardom, it was the BTS members turn to give their own opinions on the matter.
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When asked what they thought had enabled them to become so successful, Suga replied, I myself was curious about this, so Ive given it a lot of thought.
I think its hard to point to just one thing.
But it seems like it started from the fact that we said the things that someone needed to say, but that no one did..
He went on, Recently, Ive been feeling restless and thinking, How did I use to make music in the past? When I looked back, I remembered what Bang Shi Hyuk told us from the beginning.
We were sitting together in a small studio, and he said, What kind of story do you want to tell? Think of a subject that matches this beat. I think we started off with the messages Respect our individual preferences and How come no one talks about school and society?.
What I find most unfortunate is that some people, after analyzing us, say that we succeeded only because of our use of social media.
Kim Saeng Min, who served as the MC at our fan meeting, recently complimented us on a podcast, saying, Not only are they good at what they do, they also work hard, which makes them unbeatable. When I heard that, I thought that he must really have been able to see how much effort we put in.
I was moved by the fact that, after five years, people are starting to notice..
Meanwhile, RM remarked, Weve received this question countless times, and I think Ive personally answered it more than 200 times.
As I kept answering, the answer gradually became clearer to me over time..
The BTS leader began by saying, I want to applaud producer Bang Shi Hyuks keen eye.
We started out as a hip hop crew, and Bang Shi Hyuk thought that he needed to find rappers who would say the things that ought to be said for society.
We were rappers that were able to implement that vision, and we also had members with strong dance and performance skills.
I think that the secret to BTSs success can be summed up with the keywords sincerity and skills.
I think the public can see sincerity.
However, people focus only on the fact that we communicated a lot with our fans through social media, lamented RM.
Since were singers, I think whats more important is that the quality of our music and performances has to be good above all else.
With that level of quality as a foundation, there was also our sincerity and the message we wanted to send.
Our consistent and frequent communication [with our fans] added to that, and Bang Shi Hyuk used his keen eye to support us in all of those aspects.
He gave us freedom..
He added, I think were a good example of an artist collaborating with an agency as business partners.
BTS also revealed their individual goals for 2018. Suga expressed that he wanted to improve his foreign language skills, mentioning English and Japanese in particular, while V remarked, Id like to be really good at singing.
I plan to focus all of my energy on working hard at this one thing..
J-Hope reported wanting to take better care of his health, saying, We have a lot of plans scheduled for this year, and if we want to accomplish those things, health needs to be a top priority.
He also hinted at the release of the solo mixtape eagerly anticipated by many of his fans.
The mixtape that Ive been working on since last year is going to be released soon, he revealed, so Ive been immersed in trying to create good music.
I hope a lot of people listen to it and like it..
Jungkook commented, Because theres always so many things I want to do, Ive never ended up doing them properly.
But I think that this year, I need to do something that will help me in my career as a singer..
Thats why I dont play games these days, he explained.
I want to learn to play classical music on the piano, and I want to be good at foreign languages and singing.
I plan to work hard at just those three things..
Jin chimed in, Last year, Jungkook started playing the drums, and I started learning to play the guitar at the same time.
But when Jungkook stopped playing the drums, I ended up also not playing the guitar anymore.
So now that Jungkook has started learning to play the piano, Im going to dig out my guitar and try to match his progress.
Eventually, Id like to form a BTS band..
Jimin said that he needed more time to decide his goals for the year ahead, while RM replied simply, Right now, its our.
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For more infomation >> BTS Shares Individual Goals For 2018 + What They Think Was The Key To Their Success - Duration: 7:53.-------------------------------------------
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Liberal Teacher Puts Out New Doormat, Veteran Student Disgusted By What It's Made Out Of - Duration: 3:53.
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What If Count Dooku Was In Star Wars Battlefront 2? How Would He Play? (Abilities Speculation) - Duration: 5:01.
Hey guys and welcome back to another video I am the twisted Jedi and I'm
really excited to bring you this video today this is gonna mark the start of a
new series for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and it will feature what-ifs for
characters that aren't in the game yet and I will discuss obviously their
weapon of choice as well as some possible abilities based on what we have
seen in the movies or TV shows I did something similar to this with kylo Ren
before the game came out and before his abilities were announced and it seemed
to be a really popular video with you guys and you really really liked it so I
thought I would bring it back with other heroes and villains so jumping into
today's what if character and you can probably tell by the title and thumbnail
that today's discussion will be on Count Dooku now we all know prequel content is
really lacking in battlefront 2 and I think Count Dooku would be an absolutely
awesome addition starting off with his weapon of choice obviously is his red
lightsaber which is extremely cool as it has the curved hilt making it really
unique from most other lightsabers and really complements his fighting
technique perfectly as far as how he would look in the game we haven't seen
him in too many different outfits so I'm gonna go with what he wears in attack of
the clones just to keep it safe with the cape and the dark robes to go over his
movement patterns quickly and how he would move around the map we don't often
see him run so I think just a standard run similar to how Luke runs in the game
but maybe a tiny bit slower because he is a quite a bit older than Luke and I
think when he jumps it should be more like Darth Vader with that slow glide
back down to the ground with the cape rising up in the air I think that would
look really really awesome as it does already with Vader and I think it would
only be the same with Count Dooku now as for his abilities I've gone back
and rewatched a fair bit of footage of Dooku from the movies as well as the
Clone Wars series and I've come down to these three main abilities number one is
force push or choke now I know this seems like a generic dark side user move
but Dooku uses force push a lot and has a lot of power and control in the ways
of the force his force push is seen not just in the movies but also in the Clone
Wars series quite a lot so I feel like to keep it different from Vader's choke
or moles push Dooku should lift the enemy into the air and then you should
be able to choose which direction to throw them that way if they're caught in
the move the enemy can be thrown into a wall or off the edge of the map
like on Kashyyyk or Naboo in heroes versus villains I just think he has such
good control of the force that he should be able to control which direction they
get thrown similar to how you can carry them with Vader's force choke moving on
to ability number two I called it master swordsman Dooku is an absolutely
fantastic swordsman and in multiple occasions he's taken on two opponents at
once like his battles with Anakin and obi-wan in the movies and also his
battles with Ventress and Savage Opress in the Clone Wars just to name a few
when this ability is activated Dooku will place one hand behind his back and
begin to deal with his lightsaber in this fashion no stamina will be drained
for the amount of time that the ability is in effect an increased damage will
also be apparent for the same period his movement speed and ability to deflect
blaster fire will remain usable and he's often seen dueling with one hand behind
his back and one hand on his lightsaber so I think it's kind of cool to have
that it's quite a unique style that's not really used by a lot of people and I
just think it would add something different to the game and it absolutely
look awesome moving on to ability number three is
obviously his Force Lightning now Dooku is seen on countless occasions using
Force Lightning so it makes sense that he would have this ability in the game
he's tortured the likes of Anakin Ventress Savage Opress and many others
with his Force Lightning so it's ideal for him to have this ability as long as
it's not too overpowered and also not able to be shot through walls and propel
Pettine anyways I think it would be really cool maybe it could be used as
more of a stun with a lesser damage output instead of being a main damaging
attack although that might counter his whole torture thing that he normally
uses it for in the TV show and movies so you guys let me know down in the
comments what you think about the Lightning do you think it would be
better off as a stun attack or more doing damage and be more of a main move
I think Dooku is a really great prequel era villain and definitely needs to be
in the game eventually his unique lightsaber an almost graceful fighting
technique would be really really great to counter someone like Rey who's quite
hard to take down on the battlefield anyways guys that's my thoughts on Count
Dooku as a future villain in Star Wars Battlefront to let me know what you
think about it down in the comments as well as commenting who you want to see
me do one of these videos for next and whichever character gets the most votes
will be featured for the next video in the series if you enjoyed your time here
please be sure to leave a thumbs up on the video and if you are new to the
channel be sure to hit that subscribe button and keep the ball rolling as
we've had almost over 600 new subscribers in the last two weeks which
is absolutely incredible anyways guys thank you so much for
tuning in again I am the twisted Jedi and may the force be with you
Liberal Teacher Puts Out New Doormat, Veteran Student Disgusted By What It's Made Out Of - Duration: 3:52.
Who was Mark Salling and what was his cause of d.e.a.t.h? - Duration: 10:58.
Who was Mark Salling and what was his cause of death? Glee actor dead aged 35 after pleading guilty to child porn charges
MARK Salling was an American actor and musician who is best known for appearing on hit TV series Glee.
The star has died at the age of 35, weeks before he was due to be jailed after pleading guilty to two child pornography charges.
Heres what you need to know about him.
Who is Mark Salling and what is his net worth?
Mark Salling was born in Dallas, Texas, on August 17, 1982, and was raised in a strict Christian home.
He graduated from high school in 2001, before attending the Los Angeles Academy College of Music, where he gave guitar lessons to make a living.
After roles in films Children of the Corn IV and The Graveyard, Salling was cast in the TV show Glee in 2008, playing American football star Noah Puck Puckerman.
During his six seasons on the show, his performances led to Salling being nominated for a Teen Choice Award for male Breakout Star.
As a musician, he released two albums, Smoke Signals in 2008 and Pipe Dreams in 2010.
Prior to his arrest on child porn charges, the 35-year-old was previously sued by ex-girlfriend Roxanne Gorzela for sexual battery.
She claimed Salling forced her to have unprotected sex with him and then later, when she confronted him over his actions, he allegedly pushed her to the ground and caused injury to her knees.
The pair settled the case for a reported $2.
7 million and Mark admitted to causing her to fall and injure herself through negligence.
What were the child porn charges faced by Mark Salling?
On October 4, Salling pleaded guilty to two counts of child pornography.
Police found 50,000 sexually charged images on the 35-year-olds computer, including pictures containing a pre-pubescent child.
While he was initially facing 20 years jail time, TMZ reported that prosecutors were looking for a sentence of between four and seven years with 20 years of supervised release.
Salling agreed to compensate the children in the photos to the tune of $50,000 each.
He was also required to enter a sex offender treatment program as part of his plea deal.
Police were reportedly tipped off by one of the stars ex-girlfriends and he was initially arrested on December 29, 2015, but later released on $20,000 bail.
He was charged with receiving and possessing child pornography on May 27, 2016.
The case was referred to federal authorities after investigators realised the scope of the collection.
Lieutenant Andrea Grossman, commander of the LAPD Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, said: It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, if you hurt a child you will be held accountable.
She added: These images are more than photographs, they are child abuse.
When did Mark Salling die?
On 30 January, TMZ reported that Salling had taken his own life.
He was reportedly found dead close to where he lived, weeks before he was due to be jailed over child pornography charges.
Sallings lawyer confirmed that the actor had died.
In a statement given to The Blast his family said: Mark was a gentle and loving person, a person of great creativity, who was doing his best to atone for some serious mistake and errors of judgement.
He is survived by his mother and father, and brother.
The Salling family appreciates the support they have been receiving and asks for their privacy to be respected..
TMZ had also reported in October that the actor had cut both his wrists in a suicide attempt weeks before his guilty plea.
He reportedly freaked out and called for his roommate, who called the emergency services.
Salling was rushed to hospital and taken to a rehab facility a few days later.
What did Marks ex girlfriend and Glee co-star Naya Rivera say about him?
After he was charged in 2016, Sallings ex-girlfriend Naya Rivera revealed that she always thought there was something more going on with the actor.
The 30-year-old actress told Entertainment Tonight why the charges of receiving and possessing child pornography did not come as a big surprise to her.
He was always just a very dark soul to me, Rivera explained.
I always felt like there was something that he was wrestling with..
The former couple dated on-and-off for three years while the two were on Glee together.
Naya claims she was dumped in 2010 following advice from Sallings publicist that being single would help his image.
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