Directed Energy 2,000 years ago, it was noted that a man named
'Archimedes' created a mirror that focussed the sun's energy onto its target.
This was proven to be possible in 2005, when MIT students tested it.
However, today we have special high-energy lasers.
These are supposedly capable of setting any object on fire, even from aircrafts thousands
of feet in the air.
Microwave Mind Control In 1965, the Russian military had been secretly
blasting the US embassy with low-frequency microwave radiation.
Though it doesn't literally give control over the people, it's said that the radiation
altered the behaviour and attitude of the people.
Instead of confronting the Russians, the Americans chose to recreate and study the effects themselves.
Heart Attack Guns Make no mistake, this isn't a conspiracy
or a theorised weapon - this gun actually does exist and it definitely works.
The bullets are actually frozen pellets of shellfish toxin, which when shot into a human
body - causes a heart attack soon after.
What's more, the toxin disappears in the body without a trace so no evidence is ever
left behind.
For more infomation >> Secret Weapons of the US Military #Know - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
U.S. military casualties in Afghanistan rose 35% in 2017: WSJ - Duration: 0:44.
The Wall Street Journal reports that an increase in U.S. military action in Afghanistan over
the past year has been accompanied by a higher number of casualties.
In its report on Monday, the paper said that 141 American service members were killed or
wounded in the 12-month period through November last year, marking a 35 percent on year surge.
Fourteen were reported to be killed in action, up from seven deaths the previous year, while
127 were wounded.
Most of the casualties have occurred in the last six months, leading to President Trump
ruling out any possible peace talks with the Taliban, which is a contradiction of his own
strategy to end America's longest foreign war.
US Publishes Sanctions List of Russian Elite - Duration: 0:58.
U.S. Soldiers Accidentally Reveal Secret Bases With Jogging App - Duration: 0:30.
First lady Melania Trump will attend her husband's State of the Union address - Duration: 5:03.
Salt, the solution to winter's dangers, threatens US waters - Duration: 2:14.
U.S. Soldiers Accidentally Reveal Secret Bases With Jogging App - Duration: 2:01.
Korea-U.S. FTA renegotiations and expected outcome - Duration: 14:23.
For a closer look at the Korea-U.S. FTA amendment talks set for Wednesday,... we're joined by
Dr. Yang Jun-sok, Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Korea.
Good to see you again Dr. Yang.
Q1 So, round two it is.
Could you lead us off by telling us the main discussion points of the
first round that took place on January 5th?
Q2 What will be the main focus this time?
What is the South Korean negotiating team's primary goal, and what will the U.S. be pushing
Q3 So
a good deal of time is likely to be spent on
discussing the safeguard measures that were imposed on Korean products.
But we hear that the net profit of Whirlpool, the U.S. home appliances manufacturer that
pushed for the safeguards, has increased recently.
How do you interpret that?
Q4 Korea's trade minister Kim Hyun-chong told
reporters that the safeguard measures violate World Trade Organization regulations, and
that he will take the issue to the WTO.
Do you think South Korea has chance of winning?
Q5 I hear there's an important phrase in the
Korea-U.S. FTA agreement that needs to be amended on the exclusion of certain products
from the safeguard measures.
Could you explain to us about the phrase?
Q6 This is all stemming from U.S. President Trump's
America First policy.
But according to some analytical reports, his policies are already backfiring in some
The reports say, in the field of solar panels, in particular, the newly imposed tariffs on
imported goods are actually taking away American jobs.
Why is that, and how do you analyze this?
Q7 Now
to steel products.
President Trump has
been openly unhappy about the imports of Korean steel products.
Are we expecting an announcement on that soon?
Q8 Trade Minister Kim has said that "no deal
is better than a bad deal."
Do you expect a meaningful outcome from the second round of
FTA amendment talks?
Q9 Many here in Korea, experts and citizens alike,
are demanding that South Korea be more aggressive in protecting its national interests from
Washington's often
unreasonable requests.
What's your take?
Q10 What
other issues do you think
will brought to
the table by
both sides?
Russian Jet Flies Within 5 Feet of US Navy Surveillance Plane - Duration: 0:54.
Largest ever gold SURGE if North Korea and US NUCLEAR WAR breaks out, economist reveals - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:21.
'Largest ever' gold SURGE if North Korea and US NUCLEAR WAR breaks out, economist reveals
WAR between the US and North Korea could result in one of the largest ever surges in the price
of gold, according to precious metals expert Jim Rickards.
The chance of war between the two countries continued to rise throughout most of 2017
as Kim Jong-un's hermit state tested ballistic missiles, breaking rules set out by the United
The dictator was locked in a war of words with the US President as both threatened to
launch nuclear bomb against the other.
Now, Mr Rickards has suggested that if a war was to break out between the two countries,
the price of gold could be pushed up to $10,000 (£7,106.30)
He said: "I don't sit around waiting for a war to start because I hope gold's going
to go up, but we probably are going to have a war with North Korea."
The economist added that continued tensions between the two countries and uncertainty
about what will happen next was also leading to an increase in the price of precious metal.
He continued: "Any kind of uncertainty or fear factor is going to drive gold higher."
Mr Rickards highlighted that if there is a liquidity crisis or a financial panic bankers
will try to restore confidence in the international monetary system by buying gold, leading to
a rise in its price due to the increased demand.
However, a war with North Korea is not the only event that could happen in 2018 which
is causing Mr Rickards to consider whether there will be a boom in the gold price.
Explaining other potential factors he said: "We probably are going to have a trade war
with in addition to a currency war with China.
"If the Democrats take the House of Representatives we're going to go right to impeachment proceedings."
Both of these outcomes could also help to see the price of gold dramatically increase
according to the trader.
He went on to highlight that this is the third major gold bull market – a steady increase
in price – in his lifetime.
He said: "The first one was 1971 to 1980, where gold went up over 2,000 per cent.
"The second one was 1999 to 2011 when gold went up 665 per cent.
"We're in a new Bull market that started in December 2015.
"Gold was up 25 per cent since then, gold was up in 2016 and 2017, the first back-to-back
year of gold gains since 2011-2012.
"So 2018 will be a break out year."
Gold's reached its highest value in more than a year last when it was priced at $1,370
per ounce.
Beautiful Home Sweet Home Near Liberty University, United States | Great Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:09.
Beautiful Home Sweet Home Near Liberty University, United States | Great Small House Design Ideas
North Korea will be able to hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months', CIA director w - Duration: 3:16.
North Korea will be able to hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months',
CIA director warns
Donald Trump's spymaster yesterday warned that North Korea could have the ability to
hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months'.
Mike Pompeo, the director of the CIA, also said he wanted America to get back on its
�front foot� by stepping up covert action overseas - pledging to do his 'damnest' to
steal secrets from foreign powers.
Speaking from the CIA�s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he revealed the US President
is briefed on �the most exquisite truth� that the CIA has learnt almost every day,
and is �curious� about the facts.
In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC, he warned that he expected Russia to target
the US mid-term elections later this year, but insisted the US would be ready to �push
Mr Pompeo, a Trump loyalist who was handed the job in January last year, said Kim Jong-Un
and North Korea�s nuclear programme were high on his agenda.
He went on: �We talk about him having the ability to deliver a nuclear weapon to the
United States in a matter of a handful of months.
�Our task is to have provided the intelligence to the president of the United States that
will deliver to him a set of options that continue to take down that risk by non-diplomatic
The President and senior officials were �mindful� of the fact that all-out conflict could lead
to massive destruction and loss of life, but that �many things were possible� in scenarios
for removing Kim Jong-Un or preventing him being able to launch nuclear missiles, he
When asked about President Trump�s use of Twitter and frank language about foreign policy,
he said: �When you see this language that the president chooses to use, there are many
audiences for it� and I assure you Kim Jong-Un understands the message that America is serious.�
In bullish remarks, he spelled out his vision for an unburdened and unleashed CIA, describing
it as �the world�s finest espionage service� in an ever-increasingly uncertain world.
Building on how he wants the CIA to operate, he told the BBC News at Ten: �We are going
to go out there and do our damnedest to steal secrets on behalf of the American people.
�And I wanted to get back on our front foot.� Quizzed about his relationship with Trump
and his capability as President, he revealed he briefs the Commander-in-Chief most days
when both are in Washington DC.
He said: �We deliver nearly every day personally to the President the most exquisite truth
that we know from the CIA.
�He is very focused in the sense that he is curious about the facts that we present.
He is curious in the sense he wants to understand why we believe them.�
He dismissed claims in the recent book �Fire and Fury�, which raised questions about
President Trump�s abilities as leader.
�It�s absurd.
I haven�t read the book.
I don�t intend to.
�The claim that the president isn�t engaged and doesn�t have a grasp on these important
issues is dangerous and false and it saddens me that someone would have taken the time
to write such drivel�, he added.
He said there had been no significant diminishing of Russian attempts at subversion in Europe
and the US.
He also said he was concerned about subversion by Moscow in the upcoming US mid-term elections
in November.
source daily mail
Where In The World Are United States Troops - Duration: 1:43.
US troops are around the world at all times.
Here's your Skimm on where US troops are and why.
There are more than a million men and women serving in five branches of the military.
The Army – They're ones mainly on the ground.
If you put everyone in the Army in one city, it would be the 4th largest city in the US.
The Navy -- They're the ones on, above and below the water.
The Marine Corps – They usually arrive by sea and attack on land.
The Air Force – They're the ones who dominate the skies.
You've seen Top Gun.
And the Coast Guard.
They police the ocean.
They help people or ships in danger.
So who's in charge of all these people?
Well first the President -- he's the commander in chief.
The Secretary of Defense is the President's senior advisor.
Right now, that's James Mattis.
He goes by the codename 'Chaos' -- comforting.
Here's where most US troops have dropped a pin: Europe - because it has very shady
The Indo-Pacific - because Kim Jung-un is everybody's problem.
The Middle East - because ISIS, and the Taliban, and other terror groups.
Africa - because it's a really big continent with lots of places for terror groups to hide.
And Central America - because crime, drugs, and human trafficking are happening right
in our backyard.
And that's just the beginning.
The US military has hundreds of bases with people doing every job you can think of: from
chefs and musicians to teachers, doctors, lawyers and pilots.
So who foots the bill?
Well, you.
Think of your military as an investment in a safe future.
It's kind of like a 401K except for the American people.
Since you already pay for it, you should know more about it.
And if you're in the military, thanks for your service.
U.S. Veteran Visits Palestine "It's Like Iraq, It's Horrifying" - Duration: 2:42.
My name is Mike Hanes I was a force reconnaissance marine in the Iraq War
and now I'm a veteran for peace. you know you hear a lot of information about the
Palestinians being oppressed, I thought it was very important to come here to
get on the ground be with the people to really see with my own eyes what's going
on here in Palestine
So Iyad told us a story about the Israeli soldiers coming into his home at night.
Last night when you showed the film and you
were talking about soldiers you know busting in your homes and that's what we
did. That's what we did in Iraq. I did that.
That made things very real for me
yeah I think maybe a lot of Americans don't really think about that too much I
mean imagine yourself you're in your home you're with your family someone
comes busting in your door you know a squad of people with weapons and
they're just loaded down with weapons and many times blacked out their faces
and take people out of their homes. That's very very horrifying
I remember the screams of little girls and little girls literally soiling
themselves and peeing their pants
that hits you that hit you right here you know that's that's really hard
US will not proceed with new Russia sanctions - Duration: 2:38.
US FALL TOUR 2017 - The Spacetime Ripples and Manhigh - Duration: 5:13.
im not your vagabound, im not your carpet bagger, don't look at me, don't you look at me.
Hello fuckers, this is a rock n roll RV, our house for the next 45 days.
Everyday a little bit to die, we are ready to fight it.
The mass...
just a video for the Spacetime Ripples,
hello little Ray.
Fabio taking a shower, in Santo Antonio, french shower, deodorant, if doesnt work a little bit of alcohol.
are ready for next week Fabio?
You gotta strech and kick, strech...
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