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oh okay pay Pam we'll figure something out
ah good thinking grit hey are you the new guy that's me I'm one of you guys
nice a desert I thought you meant desert
I guess he made some new I like your cardigan by the way actually I like your
overall style man really I'm Sam by the way oh I'm panda
wait you're up nope I don't have anyone to
ride this bike with oh okay cool come on oh that's awesome sir sir over here
please Jimmy Ice Bears down to me tomorrow
funny newbie you're gonna fit right in here new guy hey great work fantastic
loving it just great hmm unorthodox and bold I like it in fact I'm gonna give
you a promotion director of presentations how does that sound okay
I can't go up there chicken oh stop it you sound like my
whiny ex huh I will marry you wait no I wasn't I'm so happy
yes fabulous voila he is perfection gonna get rid of this
all together and done you're gonna be beautiful perfect I spirit won't go
under the knife what okay okay Wendy okay I've got five minutes I don't know
what I'm doing but I'm gonna do it what do these things have in common
small but what does this smallness mean it means no donut Fridays no donut
Fridays means unhappy employees and monster trucks mount Rushmore's burritos
these are things or competitions is big big big can we take a rest for a minute
please Samantha what's the meaning of this
intrusion we're getting married daddy they're proposed on top of a
billboard that's how I proposed to your mother I like your style great men think
alike you have for our new venture
your ideas his style and get me marketing on the line freedom I hate to
say this but we bears are not suited for this lifestyle we're naked I'm wearing
those ridiculous clothes guys lesson well learned Ice Bear wants freedom boba
from boba Rama yeah let's try someone she dropped 22% last quarter
there are that really fast fine but give it right back please I need to post that
photo yeah man I just go check something
what's the song called again no stop
own and I can't trust you to with it anymore oh hey man guess what we got new
huh well we felt bad about yeah super cool that you guys have really sweet
phones that's not even half of it it is these super advanced security features -
I spare will demonstrate hey guys do you want to go to the moon uh-huh are you
guys texting each other or something oh we're not texting what was that then
I mean that blob alert a blob is that like a so what's for dinner tonight Bros
um guys hello don't worry you're hungry little Tommy I got this
in five four three Oh fresh prepaid Hawaiian barbecue straight from Maui Lee
we sold out of those this morning and but our generic version the comet X 4000
is still available but all trades are final all trades final huh what do you
say sir no no no how can this be let me see it
hmm sorry man your new phone's not legit might even be worse than your old phone
what happen your old phone anyway good can you get it back we find our phones
we looked everywhere we even check the pockets of that pair pants we have oh no
what an unfortunate accident gosh of you pogs just not the same Ice Bear gives up
a pity a tragedy really you know I wish there was some way to find your phone
find your phone huh don't find you Panda you're brilliant yeah that sounds good
actually we'll play cool okay
I'm gonna go get something to drink I'll be right back man that means a lot
Ice Bear is touched no prob hey you guys should just go relax in the living room
you know just put your feet up relax watch some TV take your mind off
yes by the way I have your phone um okay just sit alright well we'll get back to
that case later today panting please help yourself just pick one
okie dokie um and oh you're trembling are you sad for us please it was not me
you're sweating you're shaking everyone knows you did it
I really don't deserve a phone anymore I'm really sorry about this guys hey
panda check out what we got my phone
it needs more time to set up the table
Grizz our dinners in the trash well let's just wait I'm I'm starving
yeah what's the deal where'd he go come on let's go yeah
SIB licking so girl tell us a little more about you okay
well at this moment I managed a mousepad store totally
I give you my brother a few seconds to deliberate on our decision so were you
think I think he's a total dweeb but I also think that we don't have another
now you guys relax while I make dinner okay girls such a nice guy but you know
it's not the same I really miss our little brother
you think you'll ever walk into that place with Darrell get our little bro
jealous yeah you'll have no choice a mother
this way please Dozo Dozo yo Seamus a press four we have our new brother who
happens to be an amazing cook right brother Daryl why they made this beef
after a basketball player huh mm-hmm this looks delicious check on a guy she
must hey would you just say all right those'll are you really gonna make us
pay you're our brother you can't abandon us like this oh wow I didn't know this
was your brother how could you do this do
please leave huh nice meetin ya more like our little brother
what no I don't think I mean alright your training begins now
hey guys what do I have to listen little bros go one axe-wielding pam pam the
lock number two ninja star power freeze sign him up for 20 mixed martial arts
class come on Darryl what's the matter with you come on now now we have no
brothers at all hmm
oh come here a few guys we're really sorry Daryl you didn't deserve to be
treated like that there there's the place bro we're sorry
we have an offering of beasts under weren't you the gentlemen who are
harassing my chef Daryle don't you have a spare tire or something I I got a lot
of smalls Tim for good I'm sorry pan pan this there's nothing
we can do now good night sweet prince huh hey don't you give up now we're too
late let's go home Griz bro hey man we're really sorry that we took you for
granted look I know sir
together all right Bob must come
okay I'm just gonna dry my hair I'll be right out all right I'm sorry I think my
hair dryer blew a fuse huh hey it's working your fridge on no I'm so so so
sorry do you want to sleep in my room tonight
I have an AC unit that you could use so you'll be good
I go feast on my room good night then you can go take his perfectly
air-conditioned room but I spared oh whoa we're family we share which one is
yours come on
oh wait I thought you ran away thin crust pizza whoa Oh Ice Bear wants
answers gotta find a way to get out of here
oh no robot snakes they're everywhere I'm gonna need you to break the middle
door Pando oh no my name is Grizz we we own the cave upstairs I just got a
couple of let's get those evildoers Cobar Jones oh no it's been 40 years
since I last saw you what the where am I
toilet water temperature 61 degrees Grizz what am I looking at you are
looking at tomorrow's toilet today I mean this are you talking about Kwan Yew
to our Ice Bear I can't believe it why have you kept this bathroom us no I
saw your precious movie where you make me look like a clumsy whiny sidekick
says character that doesn't make sense your face doesn't make sense there like
a big dingle sorry
or cannot complete self-cleaning mode oh yeah
way to go Jones petty I totally understand the toilet sign that bridge
works now
I own that up I suppose
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HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions 01.28.2018 - 04 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.
New Fashion Design | Kids Outfits Collection Of Girls And Boys | Latest Baby Dresses Collection - Duration: 2:57.
latest baby dresses collection
new fashion dresses of baby girls and boys
HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions 01.28.2018 - 03 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
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PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE My Video! Thank you very much!
oh it's okay pay Pam we'll figure something out oh good thinking grit hey
are you the new guy that's me I'm one of you guys I said I thought you meant
desert well I guess he made some new I like your cardigan by the way actually I
like your overall style man really I'm Sam by the way oh I'm panda
wait you're up nope I don't have anyone to ride this bike with oh okay cool here
come on oh that's awesome sorry sir over here
please Jimmy Ice Bears down to me tomorrow
funny newbie you're gonna fit right in here new guy hey great work fantastic
loving it hmm unorthodox and bold I like it in fact I'm gonna give you a
promotion director of presentations how does that sound okay
what are you going wait wait what I can't go up there
chicken oh stop it you sound like my whiny ex huh I will marry you wait no I
wasn't I'm so happy
yes voila he is perfection I'm gonna get rid of
this all together and done you're gonna be beautiful perfect Ice Bear it won't
go under the knife what okay okay okay Randy okay I've got five minutes I don't
know what I'm doing but I put my heart into it what do these things have in
common what does this smallness mean it means
no donut Fridays no donut Fridays means unhappy employees and monster trucks
mount Rushmore's burritos these are things or competitions is big big big
can we take a rest for a minute please Samantha what's the meaning of this
intrusion you're getting married daddy they're proposed on top of a
billboard that's how I proposed to your mother I like your style great men think
alike you have for our new venture your ideas his style
please and get me marketing on the line
freedom I hate to say this but we bears are not suited for this lifestyle yeah
we're naked problem we're in those ridiculous clothes guys lesson well
learned Ice Bear wants freedom boba from boba Rama
yeah let's try someone she dropped 22% last quarter
please fasten your seatbelt plane let's split up we have to staple some sweet
it's Kara nothing an action buddy knows no fear the world is my oyster at
ordering seconds oh yes please what are you up to
don't have a seat do you is that the best you got
well you lost yeah that's me I gotta get those pancakes see nothin to
worry about now ready to have some what the heck is going on with this plane
don't worry sir it's just some mild
what I have the best maple syrup in my kid why don't you pipe down and eat your
pancakes already okay but Susie that was the best flight suit on top of a plane
I've ever seen ah whoo not higher than we are now
let me go we wanna be alone sir little guy can you open the door also aren't we
supposed to be landing something warning warning pilot input required losing
what if I can
okay thank you baby
Congrats on landing this baby all by yourself I should kid you saved my butt
out there so anything I can do to repay you
this tastes like heaven hey save some for me guys the saints suite
this is Boise
two half-steps to my right two half-steps is just one step grades too
many steps i spare getting frustrated come on guys
it's gonna look so good when you're done worth all the effort right that's what I
call remodeling oh oh let's get them gift-wrapped it'll be
like a gift to ourselves I have a membership so they'll get here really
fast yeah what is it good morning officer my brothers and I
we're expecting a delivery today to our cave and hang on did you say cave yes
and would you classify yourself as a bear wow they're fast you're the victim
here hapless bumbling etc okay new prime suspect you've got that darkness in you
I could see it in your eyes Ice Bears eyes are blameless kills can
anyone tell me what exactly is missing I know our package contents string whites
color Oh country of origin Oh serial thief out here in the woods so far
there's nothing far-fetched about seeking justice my mother was a ranger
before me and she taught me to fight for what's right no matter how inconvenient
that looked like enough tape - you boys missed a spot in the laughs man that
should do it come on boys look lively we're not done
here we need more clues they must have left something behind we order another
pack something's coming what is that
what just happened delivered actually I've cleared all the
campsites of bees thank you very much believe it or not I am in the middle of
investigating something much more sinister
listen tabes you tend to blow things way out of proportion honestly this isn't
that important I bet even these bears agree with me oh well I was
inconvenience in you well why don't we get that form started for you guys just
fill this out and I'll approve it immediately oh thanks I don't think
wanting to do what's right is blowing things out of proportion these bears had
something taken from them and I want to help because I care someone has to care
about missing packages no matter what yep couldn't agree with you more here
you go boys I hope you get your money back of it I don't want our money we
want justice are you guys sure okay
I'm glad
this way hmm follow me and keep wonder what's in here
panda Oh guys have you seen all these whoa hey wait we don't know if it's
dangerous don't worry these robots are all busted
got you brother
getting away come on we can get you take the week
fine but give it right back please I need to post that photo yeah man I just
got what's the song called again no stop
own and I can't trust you to with it anymore oh hey man guess what we got new
huh well we felt bad about God super cool that you guys have really sweet
phones oh that's not even half of it it is these super advanced security
features - I spare will demonstrate hey guys do you want to go to the moon huh
are you guys texting each other or something oh we're not texting what was
that then I mean that blob lured a blob is that like a so what's for dinner
tonight Bros um guys hello don't worry your hungry little tummy I got this in
five four three Oh fresh prepaid Hawaiian barbecue straight from Maui
hey we sold out of those this morning and but our generic version the comet X
4000 is still available but all trades are final all trades final huh what do
you say sir no no how can this be let me see it
hmm sorry man your new phone's not legit might even be worse than your old phone
what happen your old phone anyway good can you get it back we can't find our
phones we looked everywhere we even tricked the pockets of that pair pants
we have oh no what an unfortunate accident gosh a few clouds just not the
same Ice Bear gives up a pity a tragedy really you know I wish there was some
way to find your phone find your phone huh don't find you Panda you're
brilliant yeah that sounds good actually we'll play cool okay
I'm gonna go get something to drink I'll be right back man that means a lot
Ice Bear is touched no prob hey you guys should just go relax in the living room
you know just put your feet up relax watch some TV take your mind off
yes by the way I have your phone um okay just sit alright well we'll get back to
that case later today panting please help yourself just pick one
okie dokie um and oh you're trembling are you sad for us please
it was not me you're sweating you're shaking everyone knows you did it
I really don't deserve a phone anymore I'm really sorry about this guys hey
panda check out what we got my phone
How style and fashion can empower you - The psychological power of style 1 - Duration: 8:41.
Hi everybody and welcome to my still very new YouTube channel.
I am Thea and today I will tell you how style can empower you and you will learn
how to find the items in your wardrobe that will help you feel empowered in
important situations. This is the first video of a little series I want to do
about the psychological power of style - and about how style can help you for
your inner well-being and also your mental health. I experienced in my own
life how important the power of style can be and so I want to share my
thoughts on it with you - because I think it's really important that we as women
empower each other and encourage each other. When I speak of style I mean the
way you style yourself: the way you groom the way you dress the way you wear your
hair - everything on your outside where other people who will meet you can get a
little glimpse of what's on the inside. So let's dive right into today's topic:
How can style help you feel empowered and how can you use your personal style
to feel more confident? Let's talk about our clothing: clothing can be a
kind of second skin for us. It's a protection from the outside world, it
protects us from the weather, it protects us from other influences that come to us
and it sometimes also helps us to hide a little bit behind a mask or a facade
sometimes - and sometimes we use it as a kind of security blanket. But style can
actually do something more for us: it can empower us! In the last years there have
been several psychological studies about clothing and today I want to tell you
about two of them. The first study I want to tell you about was made by Professor
Karen Pine at the University of Hertfordshire (I hope I pronounced that
right). In this study they had two groups of students. One of the groups
wore superhero shirts and the other group wore normal blank plain t-shirts. Then
they made them do some mental ability tests - and guess what happened? The
students with the superhero shirts scored better in the tests.
And thye also said that they felt more likeable, that they felt superior and that they even
felt physically stronger. Isn't that great? Just by wearing a
superhero shirt! I will tell you why the results were like that in just a minute.
But let me tell you about another study, this was made by - let me look that up -
this was made by Adam and Galinsky at Northwestern University. And in this
study they also had two groups of people, and one group wore white lab coats and
the other group wore just their normal clothing. Then they did some
attention tests with the test persons and the people with a lab coat scored better.
And to take the experiment one step further, they again had two groups of
people and they gave both groups the exact same white lab coat. And then they
told one group that they are wearing artistic painter smocks and they told the
other group that they are wearing doctor's coats. And in the attention tests
the people with the doctors coats scored better. This is because in our
society and our cultural background being a doctor is associated with being a
well educated and intelligent person. So just by wearing these doctors coats, the
people embodied the characteristics and qualities they associated with being a
doctor and scored better in the tests. And the same is true for the superhero
shirts - the people who wore them felt more likeable and felt stronger because
superheroes are associated in our society with strong and likeable persons.
Adam and Galinsky called this phenomenon "enclothes
cognition" and it captures the influences clothes have on the wearer's
psychological processes. Just by wearing an item we can prime our mental
processes to work in a special way, because we - in most cases unconsciously -
embody the symbolic or cultural meaning of the item. What does that mean for our
daily lives? We can't and maybe don't want to run around in superhero shirts
or lab coats all day long... What I want to show you with these examples is, that if
you are wearing an item that has a special or deeper meaning for you - it can
be a symbolic meaning, a cultural meaning, it can be a personal meaning - then you
will embody the meaning that this clothing item has for you while you're
wearing it. And if it's a positive meaning you can empower yourself and
feel more confident or perform in a better way. From my own experience I can
tell you it's working. When I was a teenager I had this little black dress
- my mother had made it for me and I really loved it, and I wore it on special
occasions like weddings or when we went to theater or when I went to a ballet
performance. And I felt so sophisticated and elegant in it, because, that's what we
associate in our society with little black dresses , don't we ? And I still have
some items in my wardrobe which I use as my.... let's call it "power pieces". And I am
wearing these power pieces when I want to feel supported by my clothing for
important occasions. Now I will tell you how you can find your personal power
pieces in your wardrobe. Reflect on the terms "successful" or "polished" or maybe
"sophisticated" and then go to your wardrobe and find the items that you
associate most with these words. If you have an important situation coming up
and you don't have items that reflect to these words... go, buy them!
Keep these terms in mind when you have an occasion coming up like maybe a job
interview or maybe an important meeting with a client where you have to present
something - or something else where you need to look successful or polished or
sophisticated. You can also play a little bit with it. You can think about a date
night - and when you want to look beautiful or sexy on that date night
then go to your wardrobe and check the clothing in it and find the pieces that
really correspond with the words "beautiful" and "sexy" for you and then go
and wear it on the date night! If you have some power pieces in your own
wardrobe please share them in the comments! I'm really curious to hear from
you and I also want this channel to be a place where we can all inspire each
other and maybe it's helpful for someone. If you liked this video or found it
useful, please give it a thumbs up! And if you want to learn more about the
psychological power of style or want to see some of my other videos about
positive lifestyle and self-care, then please subscribe to my channel. And if
you want YouTube to tell you when I upload a new video then you have to
press the little Bell button next to the subscribe button. Thank you so much for
watching everybody! I really appreciate each and every one
of you who is watching, because my channel is still so new! I see you in
the next video and until then, embrace your life and be your unique beautiful self!
then please subscribe to my channel haha sorry
Singer fashion mate 7256 reviews - Duration: 1:35.
This is sewing
Today I am going to review best sewing machine
After doing research I found top 10 best sewing machine
Every product truly best in market right now
I'll give you product link in description if you liked this video make sure subscribe my youtube channel right now
Now get started with our best-selling machine reviews
Starting of our list at number 10
singer fashion mate 7 2 5 6 reviews
This is an extraordinary electronic sewing machine for anyone the sewing machine operates peacefully and smoothly
singer fashion made 7 2 5 6 reviews will automatically regulate the stitch length and width
It does an incredibly good job on thick and skinny fabrics
The singer fashion mate 7 2 5 6 reviews can be threaded
Singer fashion made 7 2 5 6 reviews can be ready to going only 6 seconds by using Machado threading option
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singer fashion made 7 2 5 6 has 70 stitch patterns
The sewing machine offers horizontal threading it has automatic needle threader
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the machine has LCD screen for showing stitch settings
every sewing machine our newest choices
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Go there now and search for best sewing machine
Fashion Forum: Grammy's - Duration: 4:57.
Diego Forlan reminds football fans he is still playing in DAZZLING fashion with free-kick - Duration: 2:11.
Diego Forlan reminds football fans he is still playing in DAZZLING fashion with free-kick
The Uruguayan surprised many who thought he had retired by popping up with an absolute pearler for Hong Kong side Kitchee to open the scoring.
Standing over a set piece around 30 yards from goal on the right side of the pitch, the former Atletico man took a three side run-up before lacing a jaw-dropping strike into the top corner.
An alternative angle of the strike showed the ball swerve drastically, curling over the wall before arrowing into the back of the net just underneath the crossbar.
Forlans still playing?" one astonished viewer wrote after the footage was posted online. Another said: "Im so happy right now, my favourite player in his prime." "Still got it," a third added.
Forlan, 38, played two seasons in the Premier League during his career, enduring a rough spell at Old Trafford after joining Sir Alex Ferguson's side in 2002.
He scored just 10 times in 68 appearances before being farmed out to Villarreal – a move which revived his ailing fortunes.
An impressive tally of 54 goals in 106 appearances earned him a move to Atletico Madrid, where the prolific striker scored 74 times, becoming a club legend along the way.
It comes as Arsenal youngster Emile Smith-Rowe became a viral star this weekend thanks to a jaw-dropping strike for the Gunners' U23 side.
The 17-year-old reportedly turned down interest from Barcelona and Spurs to sign a professional contract with the club last summer.
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