We all pay for insurance, it's required under the law.
And it's true that of the other driver hits you and causes you injury and damages, their
insurance company should be providing the payment.
There are a couple things about this, though, a lot of us don't think about a whole lot.
We in our position, of course, see this regularly and let me share a couple things about that
with you.
One, of course you report this to your own insurance company.
One reason being is you may have medical payments covered under your own insurance policy that
will pay directly to your medical care provider in a fixed amount, usually around five thousand
dollars without any indication of liability or fault, that's simply there, it's a benefit
that you pay for, definitely call and get the benefit of that.
Now your insurance company would do its best to try and recover those payments against
the other driver's insurance company.
So in truth, the liability and responsibility for that payment will rest on the other driver.
But it's important that you document it with your own insurance company to make sure that
you're getting the benefit of your policy.
The next thing is that your own insurance company will need the benefit of your good
reporting so they can make sure and document the claim on your behalf.
That's why you have insurance.
Make no mistake about it, every accident claim is an essence in injury claim involving insurance
Call them soon.
In fact, many people call attorneys and then call their insurance company, you can make
that choice.
We often can help people even in dealing with their own insurance company because they may
have other coverage that applies as well.
For more infomation >> Do I Need to Report My Accident to My Insurance if it Wasn't My Fault? | Collins, Collins, & Ray - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
How much content do I need to create? - Duration: 6:09.
Hi Rachel Lindteigen, President & Founder of Etched Marketing.
I'm so glad that you've joined us today for marketing tips or Monday's marketing tip
This is a new segment that I'm bringing you. Every Monday
I will jump on here and do a Facebook live where we talk about one marketing tip.
One thing that you can learn in a quick session, I promise that they'll be less than 10 minutes
and it'll give you an actionable item that you can walk away with and implement in your business. Today's marketing Monday
marketing minute
discussion is how frequently do I need to post content?
This is one of the most common questions that I receive from
people. They want to know how often do I need to do video?Hhow frequently do I need to post to my blog?
If I'm doing a podcast what do I need to do? The thing that I always tell people is
consistency is going to be the absolute key here.
In my experience working in SEO and digital marketing for the last 15 years what I've seen is that
consistently publishing great content is more important than anything. I think
that you need to publish once per week.
One blog post, one email
one video or one podcast episode. Whatever it is. I know that you may hear different recommendations.
I know you will hear different recommendations from different people. I know that within the industry we often have told clients
to blog two or three times per week
and there is a
definite correlation between the number of times each week that you post and the number of leads that are generated from a blog.
However the caveat for that is that
if you are doing this on your own or you have a very small team and you really don't have someone who is
dedicated to content creation and you are trying to do it yourself or everybody's trying to write blog posts in addition to what they're doing
you're probably not going to be able to consistently
write, research, optimize and publish two or three posts in a week.
The reason that I think this recommendation applies
to large businesses where have full content teams
but not small businesses, startups, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs is just that.
The lack of time that you have, there are a finite number of hours in the week, and when you are
working on all the different things, and you have a million responsibilities
content creation can become the item that goes to the bottom of the list. This is something that I hear from clients,
it's something that I hear from friends and relatives who are small business owners.
They struggle with creating content consistently. This is why I say once a week.
I think one post, one podcast episode, one video,
whatever it is once a week, is enough.
For the average small business owner you have to do what you are able to do on a consistent basis.
Google, YouTube
The search engines are going to reward you for
consistent content. You will get further by doing one post a week
than you will if you post two, three, four, or even five days a week for only a few weeks
and then you burn out and you're not able to keep up with that cadence.
That's where you will run into issues. So once a week. That's it. It's pretty simple.
Decide what type content you're going to create. Are you going to blog if so blog once a week?
Are you going to do a Facebook live video show or are you going to post videos
to YouTube once a week? Are you going to do a podcast episode once a week?
It's really simple, one time a week is really what you need to be able to make enough impact
with your content to show your audience that you are producing
consistently so they know they can come back and see you and read your content each week and
to signal to the search engines that you are producing content on an ongoing
basis. It's that that simple to answer the question. How often do I need to blog?
Start with once a week. If you're thinking but Rachel,
I really feel like I want to get to 2 or 3 a week.
I want you to do once a week for at least a quarter and make sure that you can keep up that
schedule and then the next quarter do once a week and in the background
I want you to write that second post and I want you to make sure that for an entire quarter
you are able to consistently create that second post even though you're not posting it yet.
Then you will have a little bit of a backup in case something happens.
You'll have a few in the back that you can pull out if you do ever have an issue when you move to that
twice a week cadence
don't jump in it twice a week start with.
Once you decide you want to go further than that, you want to do more than that, then test it.
Don't publish more than once a week until you have consistently written two posts a week for for a full quarter for 12 weeks.
Then you will have
12 backup posts that will be there & available
to you should you ever need them. should you ever run into a crazy week or a vacation or a deadline.
Something where you can't hit that second post that you've promised. Don't start with a whole bunch and
fall apart.
That's it. Hope that you found something quick and easy
here so that you can implement it in your business today.
If you want more marketing tips be sure to follow the channel here or join our Facebook group
I can't talk today join our Facebook group for
startup, small business owners, and entrepreneurs, marketing on a shoestring budget
And you can find that it's a linked group right here from the Etched Marketing page. Thanks so much happy Monday
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