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BREAKING NEWS Out Of California…
A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of
the military as "the frickin' lowest of the low" in a classroom rant to students
has gone viral, FOX NEWS reports.Gregory Salcido, previous Mayor, previous councilman for Pico
Rivera City and now a High School teacher for a History class, slanders the United States
Military and every soldier who ever served.
"Think about the people you know who are over there, Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie
or whatever.
They're dumb s – – – s.
They're not high-level bankers.
They're not academic people.
They're not intellectual people.
They're the freakin' lowest of our low."The Pentagon fired back Monday at a Southern California
high school teacher who was recorded apparently ranting to students that members of the military
were "dumb s—s" and "not intellectual people."
Pentagon spokeswoman Amber Smith said the remarks by Gregory Salcido, the El Rancho
High teacher who's also a Pico Rivera city councilman and former mayor, were "very
Before we continue with this clowns temper tantrum and mental breakdown, I believe blunt
truth is needed to "Educate" Salcido and his ilk.
I find it hilarious that the 1st thing Mr. Salcido did was hide behind the 1st Amendment
to defend his hate speech.
According to CBS Los Angeles:
Salcido could not be reached for comment, but on a Facebook post stamped New York he
wrote: "I don't think it's wise for me to make any specific comments, but I want
my friends, family and students to know we are fine and we respect the rights of free
expression for all individuals."
How can he educate today's youth on "American History" when he obviously has no idea how
America was founded and who protects his precious rights?
Salcido does have the right to his own opinions and he has the right to express said opinions,
so long as it is done on his personal time and in such a manner that is considered legally
He does not have the right to use his classroom as his personal pulpit to attempt to indoctrinate
the students on his anti-American hate speeches and his obvious hate of the United States
Military and those who serve.
Salcido also questioned why military recruiters were permitted to visit the school, comparing
them to pimps.
"We don't allow pimps to come into the school."
The student who recorded the rant, said he did so because he was angry with the teacher
for what he was saying to another student who was wearing a "Marine Corps" sweatshirt.
"I was very angry, It was so disrespectful to my dad and my uncles and all veterans and
those still in the military."
The student went on to say that his father and uncles fought in Vietnam, Afghanistan
and Desert Storm as United States Marines.
The student recorded the Salcido from his phone which he hid under his desk, because
he wanted his mom to hear it, but really did not intend for anyone else to hear it.I served
8 years in the Army as a Combat Medic, 6 years as a civilian EMT I/D and am a husband and
I did not go to some IVY league college, life did not serve me with a silver spoon and I
certainly never claim to be the smartest man in the room, though my IQ is in the 120 range,
per the MENSA Test which I participated in a Community College classroom to take.
The class just happened to be Anatomy and Physiology.
I can say without a doubt that a huge part of me desires to provide Mr. Salcido with
some blunt force trauma over his comments about those of us who served and those who
currently do and those that gave all.
However, I believe the best form of education for Mr. Salcido would be for him to go and
see what soldiers on the front line do and what they live on a daily.
In all walks of life you have those who excel in education, those who excel in street smarts
and those who have a balance of both.
Salcido crossed the line in his rant and made it extremely personal in his slander and then
as such cowards do, he screamed for protection under the 1st Amendment.
I have read countless comments from civilians who are defending our Soldiers and our military
as well as veterans who have very colorful feelings about Mr. Salcido.
My message to Salcido is that he has his rights to express his opinions, but does not have
the right to do so in a classroom.
Because he chose to do so in his classroom and he singled out a student, he showed he
is far from an educated person.
His choice and his actions show a cowardly individual who lacks respect, honor, integrity
and valor as well as humility and gratitude for his rights and opportunities that life
has provided him.
He does not have to like the military, soldiers or the warriors ethos, he does however need
to respect them.
If it was not for our military, we would not have the rights and freedoms in the United
States that provide the Democrats and scumbags to run their mouths and let stupid flow out.
These ungrateful maggots that hate the military, generally do so because they are cowardly
little individuals that are scared of their own shadows.
Individuals that lack the strength and fortitude to lace up, disgraceful and filled with hate,
they live lives controlled by fear.
I suggest if Mr. Salcido feels so strongly about his opinions and right to express his
hate, then man up and go confront soldiers and our military leaders and have the intestinal
fortitude to say it directly to us.
Stop bullying the youth and attempting to indoctrinate them with your hate and cowardly
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California teacher slams military members as 'lowest of the low' in classroom rant caught
A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of
the military as �the frickin� lowest of the low� in a classroom rant to students
has gone viral.
El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido -- who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera
city councilman and was once mayor -- even goes so far as to refer to those who are in
the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, "Fox & Friends"
reported Sunday.
�Think about the people you know who are over there,� Salcido is heard saying.
�Your freakin' stupid Uncle Louie or whatever.
They're dumb s - - - s.
They're not high-level bankers.
They're not academic people.
They're not intellectual people."
�They�re the freakin� lowest of our low.�
He is also heard questioning why military recruiters were allowed to visit the school.
We don�t allow pimps to come into the school,� he says.
A post on Facebook with videos of the rants had nearly 1.5 million views as of Saturday,
the Orange County Register reported.
District Superintendent Karling Aguilera-Fort told the paper that he had not spoken to Salcido
because the teacher was out of town.
He said Salcido would be disciplined.
Salcido posted a statement on his personal Facebook page Friday from New York.
�The Salcido 3 just got out of an excellent musical, �The Band�s Arrival,� he said.
�I turned my phone back on to unexpectedly see a storm.
I don�t think it�s wise for me to make any specific comments, but I want my friends,
family, and students to know we are fine and we respect the rights of free expression for
all individuals.�
Pico Rivera Mayor Gustavo Camacho issued a statement that did not address Salcido�s
remarks, but said that the city was founded upon the �principles, values and sacrifices�
of our many veterans who when called upon served with great pride and honor.�
The student who shot the video told local news outlets that he shot the video Jan. 19
during a government class at the Pico Rivera school.
He told CBS2 Los Angeles that he took out his cellphone when Salcido started lecturing
another student who was wearing a Marines sweatshirt.
"I was very angry," the student said.
He appears to have shot the video from underneath a desk.
Salcido is heard on the video but not seen.
The student told the Register that Salcido went too far when he said those in the military
were stupid and only joined as a last resort.
�It was so disrespectful to my dad and my uncles and all veterans and those still in
the military,� he said.
He said his father was a Marine vet as were two uncles.
He said they fought in Afghanistan, Desert Storm and Vietnam.
He said the video wasn't meant for anyone else, but his mother shared it with a few
friends "and now it's this."
In 2010 Salcido was accused by a parent of making inappropriate comments about race to
his summer school class, the Register reported.
source foxnews
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