I Need a Break
I'm just so tired
Can I take a break?
Maybe a day to be inspired?
Just a day without an ache
Keep toxicity out of your existence
It's good to relax
Go Far, travel a long distance
And maybe have a snack?
I Need a Break
For more infomation >> I Need a Break - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
I need help. - Duration: 5:09.
going on k-squad!
I am here today
And as you see by the title I don't know what I said I might've said like can you help me translate stuff I need
Help or something. I don't know wh-what it is, but this video is just about
Translations on my videos, and this is a lot of p- a lot of people have come to me
Whether they speak Portuguese, they speak Korean,
There's lots of different people from different nations that watch the videos who who speak different languages and sometimes they can't understand English fully
So they asked me to do translations, and the thing is I only know English the English language, so I can't make translations
So here's what I propose and this is by no means. I'm not like asking
I'm not like: please do this like you need to do this. It's like it doesn't matter. It's seriously
It's up to you guys, but all my videos
There's the option where you can add subtitles like I have on my channel where you can add subtitles to any of my videos
so if you want to add subtitles to my videos
Go ahead and do it like I'm like I'd actually that'd be awesome
You don't get like you don't get paid or anything, but if you subtitle my videos. I'll put your name in the description
of umm, my- of the video that you translated thanking you um because like people just do that sometimes they translate my videos and
Once you translate them
It just comes to my like YouTube screen, and I just approve it
And I hope you actually- if you do i'm hope you actually do
Decent translations or like.. cause' I can't speak oth- I'm only guessing that you're doing the right translations
But it would help a lot because so many people come to me saying oh, I wish I could understand
I love your videos
But I don't really understand them all the time so like like you can
contact me on like Twitter or like or anything or you don't have to contact me like if you just want to do this and
Once you like do the translation of any of my videos it'll pop up. I can just approve it
I'll put your name in the description
Thanking you because it would means it would mean a lot if any of you did like
translations or anything like that for my fist so that more people can watch it and
More, I can make more people smile hopefully and enjoy my videos in different different countries who speak different languages cuz yeah
So many people who asked me to do that and it's just like I don't
Have first of all I like I don't I don't have any sort of other
Language that I speak other than English
And I really can't like hire
Professional people to like and pay them to do translations of all my videos because your boy's not big like that
But like just if you want like just the commute like the K squad if any of you K squad members
Like have time, or if you just like have spare time
And you just you feel like subtitling my videos you can do that at any point
Like so once you do the subtitles whether you yeah, like I said you can speak Spanish, Italian
Korean like I said. Like anything. It'd be amazing so any of my videos
Uh, and you do that you do the subtitles it'll pop up. I approve I put your name in the description
I thank you, it's amazing
It just would help out so much really you're not you're not getting
That much out of it like it would just be super helpful to me
Helpful to me and helpful to so many people that watch my videos that might not understand what I'm saying
But they still like want to watch the videos and understand what's going on um so yeah
I just wanted to come to you guys and ask for help. Once again:
I'm not like, I'm not like: 'please like I'm not like do it. I'm mad if you know we won't do it!"
You need to do it. You're not obliged to do it
This is just totally on you if you have time and you want to subtitle any of my future videos or past videos or like
Videos that yeah like I upload like today or come on everybody vain' like a lot of them are BTS related
They want to see like retest reactions or like my songs and things like that, but yeah
I just seen so many people ask me if I could have subtitles on my videos and yeah
That's just up to you guys if you if anybody has time
It would actually mean so much to me, and I once again it
I would I assume that you would rather do something else
But if you don't want to do something else, and you actually have time go ahead go for the subtitles
and I'll prove it and
And more people can watch the videos and enjoy them and that's all that I really care about is if more people are understanding
What I'm saying and if it can help them enjoy the videos more that would be awesome, so yeah once again
I keep saying it
You don't have to do it, but it's open all the videos are open to make subtitles for in any language
So yeah, and that would be should be so helpful
It would be so helpful
And I'd love you forever for it and I'll give you credit as I said in the description of any video that you umm
Subtitle, and yeah, I'll just thank you
thank you because so many people, k-pop's like literally so global and like so many other people my
My channel is mostly kpop so it's just that's why there's so many different people who speak different languages who watch my videos so
Yeah, It'd mean the world it would mean the world so if you have time. Yeah go for it
I'm rambling too long you get that you get what I'm saying. You've got it
I told you what you can do and go for it if you'd like any of my videos Future Passed anything, so yeah
I just want to say that I love you guys so much. I appreciate all of you so much
Thank you for those who still watch my videos even if you don't quite understand what I'm saying that is amazing to me
I guess this is kind of the same thing where sometimes I watch like BTS videos that aren't subtitles
I'm still like just enjoying it, but yeah. I love you guys very much
Thanks for watching this and thanks for helping out if you help out in the future it really helps though
And it means a lot, so yeah, I appreciate you guys. I love you so much have an exciting, wonderful day and remember:
("Bon Voyage" in Korean)
🔥Click clack to the bang bang, I'm a boy in a bangtan. Me and you, we were never bang bang🔥
🔥I'm a boy in a bangtan. Uh, yeah, let me do my thang🔥
🔥You were never really my friend. You can't do it, but I can you were never really my friend🔥
🔥 Yeah, baby let's face it. (Oh yeah)🔥
🔥You were nothing but basi-🔥
Do I Need to Report My Accident to My Insurance if it Wasn't My Fault? | Collins, Collins, & Ray - Duration: 1:41.
We all pay for insurance, it's required under the law.
And it's true that of the other driver hits you and causes you injury and damages, their
insurance company should be providing the payment.
There are a couple things about this, though, a lot of us don't think about a whole lot.
We in our position, of course, see this regularly and let me share a couple things about that
with you.
One, of course you report this to your own insurance company.
One reason being is you may have medical payments covered under your own insurance policy that
will pay directly to your medical care provider in a fixed amount, usually around five thousand
dollars without any indication of liability or fault, that's simply there, it's a benefit
that you pay for, definitely call and get the benefit of that.
Now your insurance company would do its best to try and recover those payments against
the other driver's insurance company.
So in truth, the liability and responsibility for that payment will rest on the other driver.
But it's important that you document it with your own insurance company to make sure that
you're getting the benefit of your policy.
The next thing is that your own insurance company will need the benefit of your good
reporting so they can make sure and document the claim on your behalf.
That's why you have insurance.
Make no mistake about it, every accident claim is an essence in injury claim involving insurance
Call them soon.
In fact, many people call attorneys and then call their insurance company, you can make
that choice.
We often can help people even in dealing with their own insurance company because they may
have other coverage that applies as well.
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