Tommy Tommy listen to me. He is the contractor he's the contractor okay, I can't lose this job I
Understand with let's talk about this in the morning. Okay. We'll talk about it in the morning. You know
Sunday twerk, huh
What are you still doing that it's late crud, what time is it it's way past your bedtime still today
Honey, please not right now. I do not have the energy for this
This is your birthday
You kept complaining about broken watch so I figured you know you like it
Honey this is
Nice, but I think it's stuck. It's not what no no no oh ha ha
Where did you get the money for this drugs? I sell hardcore drugs. Oh good
We started helping out with the mortgage then yeah, you wish
Yeah, Sarah honey, I need to get your daddy on the phone uncle Tommy what what time is it?
I need to talk to you dad now stop
Uncle Tommy hello
What was that all about
Dang it I forgot to give this to them
Phone's dead
You'll in here seem to be somehow connected to the nation
We who are you we've received reports that victims afflicted with the infection she least aggression
There seems to be some commotion coming from
What is going on
There's his phone
Eight missed calls where the hell are you call me on my way
Is he
Here you are sir, are you okay? Yeah?
Zen we'll come in here no come in here don't go near the doors, just just stand back there
Ahead you're kind of freaking me out. What's going on? It's the Cooper's
There's something going on you've got to get out of here. Do you understand me? Yeah?
You have any idea what's going on out there? I got some lotion oh shit
You got blood all over you
But let's just get out of here you say half the people who save you lost their minds just please go
You're gonna tell me what happened later
Hey, Sara. How you hold up, honey in fact?
Go hear us on the radio. Yeah sure thing
No cell phone no radio Lee yeah, we're doing great
Newsman wouldn't shut up. He said want to go he said
Armies put up roadblocks on the highway. No getting into Travis County when you get the hell out take seven seven
If they say how many are dead probably a lot we found this one family all mangled inside their house, right
Christ having this happen they got no clue
But we had the only town first they're saying it's just the Sabbath these Coast West Coast
That's Lewis's farm
That sumbitch made it out
I'm sure he did
Boy sick
Of course how do you know I said, it's just people in the city. We're good Jimmy work in the city
That's right he did fine trust me all right
Let's see what they need
Do you think you're doing keep driving? I got a kid Joe, so do we we have room?
keep driving Tommy
See what I see so Melissa come along
Every one of their mother had the same game I hear just backtrack
Holy shit
What are you running from Gibson I'm try
We can't stop here, it's okay fucking Russell going up there behind me - there there hold on go
Hey you back you back
I'm here, baby
What is it need to run
People are fired don't look sir
Keep looking at me, baby
We're gonna get endless
He's dead dammit we're almost there. We're almost I ready
Keep going come on don't
Get to the highway go you've got Sarah I can outrun them then meet you there hurry
To be found we're almost there
We're safe, we're safe hey we need help pops it's my diary. I think her legs broke right there
We're not
Sick we've got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise daddy. What about uncle Tommy? Oh Frankie you safe tango background, okay?
Sir. There's a little girl
Yes, sir
somebody we've just been through hell we just
See me you know this would be okay, baby stay with me
Come on baby, please
Don't be paid
For more infomation >> The Last of Us Hometown Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Duration: 15:39.-------------------------------------------
U.S. Soldiers Accidentally Reveal Secret Bases With Jogging App - Duration: 2:01.
Now That U S Economy Is Booming, Dems Say It's Not a Key Policy - Duration: 5:05.
Now That U.S. Economy Is Booming, Dems Say It�s Not a Key Policy Priority
A telling new survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that Democrats who considered the
economy a top priority under the Obama administration have changed their tune now that the economy
has taken off under Trump.
The results of the survey are stark.
In 2013, an overwhelming majority of the Democratic party (87 percent) said that strengthening
the economy was a top priority, whereas today just 64 percent of Democrats say they consider
the economy a key issue.
Something similar has occurred in Democrats� appreciation for the importance of jobs.
In 2013, 81 percent of Democrats said they viewed improving the nation�s job situation
as a top policy goal, while today just 58 percent of Democrats say this.
Taking the place of the economy and employment among Democrats� top priorities are global
warming and environmental protection.
Today, 68 percent of Democrats and those leaning Democratic say that addressing climate change
should be a top priority for Trump and Congress, Pew found.
By contrast, a scant 18 percent of Republicans and Republican leaners say it is a top priority
A majority of small business owners, 63.8 percent, believe that President Trump�s
policies have helped their business, according to a survey from the Job Creators Network.
More business owners�57.5 percent�believe Republicans do a better job of managing economic
issues than do Democrats (14 percent).
The survey finds the support is likely due to Trump�s ability to roll back regulations
and red tape on businesses.
A majority of businesses also support the tax reform package that was signed into law
and believe media coverage of the proposal was biased.
Sixty-eight percent of small businesses view the legislation favorably or somewhat favorably.
Fifty-eight percent said the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will benefit their business.
�Since much of the media coverage surrounding the bill has been critical (57.3 percent of
respondents viewed the coverage as biased), these numbers provide insight into what the
biggest job creators in the country are expecting to gain from the new tax relief,� the survey
Home Depot (HD) announced on Thursday that it will pay its U.S. hourly workers a one-time
bonus of up to $1,000 tied to President Trump�s tax reform.
�This incremental investment in our associates was made possible by the new tax reform bill,�
Craig Menear, chairman and CEO of the company, said in a statement.
The largest U.S. home improvement chain is joining JPMorgan (JPM), Verizon (VZ), Disney
(DIS) and others in adding to employee compensation after President Trump signed a sweeping tax-reform
bill into law.
The Home Depot bonus will be paid in addition to the retailer�s existing bonuses.
It employs more than 400,000 associates
The Trump administration�s tax reforms will accelerate global economic growth, according
to the latest forecast of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Total economic output for the world will grow 3.9 percent in 2018 and 2019, after adjusting
for inflation.
That would be the strongest year for global growth since 2011 and represents an upward
revision of 0.2 percent since the IMF�s forecast in October.
When the IMF released its Global Economic Outlook in October, it assumed that U.S. tax
policies would remain unchanged.
In other words, it assumed Republican efforts to pass tax reform would fail.
The changes to the U.S. tax code are expected to be responsible for �about half� of
the upward revision, the IMF.
Much of that will arise from lower corporate income tax rates.
The IMF estimates that lower rates will lead to an acceleration of business investment.
As well, a larger federal budget deficit will stimulate the economy and boost U.S. growth,
according to the IMF
Thieves Target U.S. ATMs For 'Jackpotting' Attacks - Duration: 1:52.
CNN 10 - January 30, 2018 | US warn that a fitness app lead to security problems for American troops - Duration: 10:01.
Trump delivers Davos speech to entice investment in US - Duration: 3:23.
Fitness app shows location of US military bases - Duration: 1:00.
A fitness app lets you publicly share your exercise route, and it's causing some security
concerns for some remote military forces.
It's called Strava, and it lets users share their GPS tracked exercise routes to a heat map.
The heat map shows where people are exercising all over the world.
Privacy settings on the app let users decide if they'll share their exercise information.
The security concerns stem from use of the app on military property.
Some U.S. bases light up on the map, but so do some unconfirmed locations like a CIA facility
in Somalia.
A 20-year-old in Australia stumbled upon the details.
He pointed it out on Twitter, saying "US Bases are clearly identifiable and mappable."
He also said it isn't just a problem for the United States military, but for anyone with
an established exercise path.
The Strava heat map update was released in November 2017.
A Pentagon spokeswoman told CNN the department is reviewing the situation to see if any policy
changes are needed.
Largest ever gold SURGE if North Korea and US NUCLEAR WAR breaks out, economist reveals - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:21.
'Largest ever' gold SURGE if North Korea and US NUCLEAR WAR breaks out, economist reveals
WAR between the US and North Korea could result in one of the largest ever surges in the price
of gold, according to precious metals expert Jim Rickards.
The chance of war between the two countries continued to rise throughout most of 2017
as Kim Jong-un's hermit state tested ballistic missiles, breaking rules set out by the United
The dictator was locked in a war of words with the US President as both threatened to
launch nuclear bomb against the other.
Now, Mr Rickards has suggested that if a war was to break out between the two countries,
the price of gold could be pushed up to $10,000 (£7,106.30)
He said: "I don't sit around waiting for a war to start because I hope gold's going
to go up, but we probably are going to have a war with North Korea."
The economist added that continued tensions between the two countries and uncertainty
about what will happen next was also leading to an increase in the price of precious metal.
He continued: "Any kind of uncertainty or fear factor is going to drive gold higher."
Mr Rickards highlighted that if there is a liquidity crisis or a financial panic bankers
will try to restore confidence in the international monetary system by buying gold, leading to
a rise in its price due to the increased demand.
However, a war with North Korea is not the only event that could happen in 2018 which
is causing Mr Rickards to consider whether there will be a boom in the gold price.
Explaining other potential factors he said: "We probably are going to have a trade war
with in addition to a currency war with China.
"If the Democrats take the House of Representatives we're going to go right to impeachment proceedings."
Both of these outcomes could also help to see the price of gold dramatically increase
according to the trader.
He went on to highlight that this is the third major gold bull market – a steady increase
in price – in his lifetime.
He said: "The first one was 1971 to 1980, where gold went up over 2,000 per cent.
"The second one was 1999 to 2011 when gold went up 665 per cent.
"We're in a new Bull market that started in December 2015.
"Gold was up 25 per cent since then, gold was up in 2016 and 2017, the first back-to-back
year of gold gains since 2011-2012.
"So 2018 will be a break out year."
Gold's reached its highest value in more than a year last when it was priced at $1,370
per ounce.
Russia claims US meddling in Russian election - Duration: 0:51.
Russia says the United States is trying to meddle in the Russian presidential
election in March that's because the US Treasury has until the end of the day
Monday to hand Congress a list of wealthy Russians and their connections
to Russian President Vladimir Putin u.s. president Donald Trump also has until
the end of Monday to impose sanctions on Russia for the country's interference in
the 2016 US presidential election a Kremlin spokesman told journalists that
quote we do think that this is a direct and obvious attempt to time some sort of
action to coincide with our elections in order to influence them
he also said Russian officials will analyze the report Putin is up for
re-election in March and his only opponent Alexei Navalny was barred from
campaigning because of previous embezzlement conviction
Navalny was recently released from jail after he was arrested for organizing
illegal anti Kremlin protests
Cougars Declared Extinct in Northeastern US - Duration: 0:53.
Trump touts US in Davos amid lower-than-expected GDP - Duration: 9:49.
North Korea will be able to hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months', CIA director w - Duration: 3:16.
North Korea will be able to hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months',
CIA director warns
Donald Trump's spymaster yesterday warned that North Korea could have the ability to
hit the US with nuclear weapons in a 'handful of months'.
Mike Pompeo, the director of the CIA, also said he wanted America to get back on its
�front foot� by stepping up covert action overseas - pledging to do his 'damnest' to
steal secrets from foreign powers.
Speaking from the CIA�s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he revealed the US President
is briefed on �the most exquisite truth� that the CIA has learnt almost every day,
and is �curious� about the facts.
In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC, he warned that he expected Russia to target
the US mid-term elections later this year, but insisted the US would be ready to �push
Mr Pompeo, a Trump loyalist who was handed the job in January last year, said Kim Jong-Un
and North Korea�s nuclear programme were high on his agenda.
He went on: �We talk about him having the ability to deliver a nuclear weapon to the
United States in a matter of a handful of months.
�Our task is to have provided the intelligence to the president of the United States that
will deliver to him a set of options that continue to take down that risk by non-diplomatic
The President and senior officials were �mindful� of the fact that all-out conflict could lead
to massive destruction and loss of life, but that �many things were possible� in scenarios
for removing Kim Jong-Un or preventing him being able to launch nuclear missiles, he
When asked about President Trump�s use of Twitter and frank language about foreign policy,
he said: �When you see this language that the president chooses to use, there are many
audiences for it� and I assure you Kim Jong-Un understands the message that America is serious.�
In bullish remarks, he spelled out his vision for an unburdened and unleashed CIA, describing
it as �the world�s finest espionage service� in an ever-increasingly uncertain world.
Building on how he wants the CIA to operate, he told the BBC News at Ten: �We are going
to go out there and do our damnedest to steal secrets on behalf of the American people.
�And I wanted to get back on our front foot.� Quizzed about his relationship with Trump
and his capability as President, he revealed he briefs the Commander-in-Chief most days
when both are in Washington DC.
He said: �We deliver nearly every day personally to the President the most exquisite truth
that we know from the CIA.
�He is very focused in the sense that he is curious about the facts that we present.
He is curious in the sense he wants to understand why we believe them.�
He dismissed claims in the recent book �Fire and Fury�, which raised questions about
President Trump�s abilities as leader.
�It�s absurd.
I haven�t read the book.
I don�t intend to.
�The claim that the president isn�t engaged and doesn�t have a grasp on these important
issues is dangerous and false and it saddens me that someone would have taken the time
to write such drivel�, he added.
He said there had been no significant diminishing of Russian attempts at subversion in Europe
and the US.
He also said he was concerned about subversion by Moscow in the upcoming US mid-term elections
in November.
source daily mail
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