My name is that Adam Erhart and welcome to modern marketing minute on this episode how to build a seven-figure Network the clock is tickin
Don't like to name drop and so that's not what this episode is about rather
I'm gonna explain to you as quickly as I possibly can how to build a
Seven-figure network of your very own now it may be a bit of a cliched statement in the business and entrepreneurial world
But your network really does determine your net worth and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind
Then my network is very much responsible for getting me to where I am today
So there's a lot of ways to build a high value network, but in this episode. We're gonna cover
Just one super simple tactic that I believe you can go out there and deploy as early as today. It's not sexy
It's not glamorous, but it works, and I call it the money talks strategy. Here's how it works first
You've got to be a good person, and you've got to be good at what you do
But I'm going to assume you've already got those bases covered
Next you want to clearly identify who it is that you're trying to add to your network and start to build a relationship with
after that buy their stuff pretty much any of their stuff
but higher prices tend to signify a higher level of commitment and seriousness and
Lastly use their stuff get results interact with their community and make sure to let them know about the results you've been able to achieve
with their content
That's really it
And it works for a couple of really core reasons first of all money does talk and by investing it shows that you're taking them
Seriously and willing to put your money where your mouth is next actually
using and implementing their stuff puts you miles ahead of the competition and
Catapults you onto their radar because frankly most people don't take action and lastly
telling them about the results you got or showing them the results you were able to achieve with their help is a
Massive ego boost and who doesn't like that so that's really it
I know you might have been hoping for something a little more glamorous or a little more fancy
But the reality is this simple strategy has done
Worlds and worlds of good in helping me build a very high value network and has greatly contributed to my success
And the growth of my business, and I know it can do the same for you
For more infomation >> Marketing Strategy | How to Build a Million Dollar Network - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
PLANNING & PREPARATION // Let's Build A Fallout Gaming Board (MrStainless001) - Duration: 6:43.
Hey everyone, Sam here also known as MrStainless and if there's one thing that I want to
be doing more of in 2018 it's tabletop gaming.
It was something I was interested in as a kid, I moved away from
the hobby for a long time, but now it's drawn me back in.
You've likely seen my recent videos covering the new Fallout Wasteland Warfare game from
Modiphius thats coming out, if you haven't, there's a little annotation in the corner.
But basically after seeing the game, and after pre-ordering the starter set I kind of thought
it would be cool to have a fallout themed game board to play it on.
So, over the next couple of months I'm going to be planning, building and crafting my own
Fallout Gaming Board, and I'm taking you all along with me.
I'm going to be creating videos showing off my progress and my process in how I do
each stage.
Now I've never made a game board before so I'm hoping that not only will it give
you guys some cool tips but equally, hopefully give you all the confidence to do this at
So if you want to stay up to date with my progress there are three things you can do:
- First of all you can subscribe and hit the bell icon to be notified of when my build
videos go live, I'll be doing these once a month, tackling a new stage of the build
each time.
- Second of all you can join my Discord in the video description, I have a hobby chat
there where I'll be posting videos, answering questions and chatting about my progress.
- Thirdly you can head on over to Beasts of War and check out the forum thread there I
have where I'll be doing the same.
So today we're going to be talking about planning and my vision for the game board.
Now going in to this project there were three things I knew:
- The board had to be 3 foot by 3 foot, the standard game size for Wasteland Warfare.
- I had to do it on a budget of £50-60.
- And finally, I wanted this act as a sort-of player settlement.
So I started researching settlements in Fallout 4, looking for imagery, plans and designs
that could give me a bit of inspiration but that equally looked like they could be made
within my very limited skill level.
One settlement that I really liked the look of was Abernathy farm, it's incredibly basic
looking, a few metal fences, some crops growing and a robust junk structure with a massive
pylon attached.
I equally came across the Covenant settlement which looked really cool, I loved the pre-war
architecture but it seemed very confined and I wanted to have plenty of open spaces where
my mini's could explore.
This is equally the point where I came across the Woodbury Rise series of buildings from
4Ground, if you don't know who 4Ground is they create some stunning pieces of scenery,
buildings and terrain.
They've created some perfectly suited residential buildings but not only that, some stunning
ruined homes as well which I'd love to have as the main centrepieces of my board.
So, with that in mind I decided to combine the aesthetics and styles of both Covenant
and Abernathy farm to create a rural hamlet that has been repurposed as a settlement.
So I started mapping out what I'd need to build, perhaps where I'd put it on my 3x3
sheet of MDF.
I think the really important thing for me, especially in this build, is that there isn't
any pressure to completely pack out the board with elements.
In Wasteland Warfare players will have the ability to upgrade their settlements after
every match, investing caps they've found in the narrative mode so for me I wanted to
give myself the option to add to this build as I progress through the game, maybe add
a watchtower, or add a junk fence rather than just a normal metal fence.
Equally because of that it's important also that the elements of the board can be removed
so that they CAN be upgraded.
So here is what I've planned out to start off with.
At the top of the board I've used the dimensions of 4Grounds Woodbury Rise houses and set out
a place for two of them, just below that I've got an area where my survivors can farm some
food, I'll likely create a little waist-high fence as well for this area just to keep those
hungry Brahmin away.
To the left of the board there I realised that my survivors are going to need some form
of power so I've set out a 6x6 CM area to create a junk wind-turbine which I think will
be a really nice addition.
Then towards the bottom of the board I've got what could be a dirt road, I'm not sure,
if I really want to challenge myself I'll make this a dilapadated concrete road, we'll
just wait and see.
But basically thats it as it stands so far.
It may not look overly complicated but because this is my first gaming board and the first
time I've done any of this I didn't want to make things so complicated that they weren't
actually achievable.
So with the planning done, all that's left to do now is to actually lay down the foundations
of the board, get it painted, prepped, flocked and ready for our terrain elements.
And that's exactly what we'll be doing next episode.
So folks, if you want to join me on this journey as I create my first gaming board please do
feel free to hit that subscribe button to be kept up to date with my progress, if this
build goes well i'd love to do more in the future, perhaps even build a Vault, who knows,
but in the meantime thank you so much for watching, have a great week and I'll speak
to you soon.
Build a Personality Quiz for the Google Assistant with No Code - Template Tutorial #3 - Duration: 5:03.
Go Go Tayo Bus & Disney Cars 3 | Build A Bridge | Toys For Kids - Duration: 32:08.
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