[FREE] "SAW" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Rap Beat Instrumental
For more infomation >> [FREE] "SAW" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Rap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
THE DARK ELEMENT - Interview with Jani Liimatainen - Duration: 11:11.
[FREE] HARD I DARK TRAP TYPE BEAT 2018 "BLACK FLAG" ( Prod By Kappy Bangz ) - Duration: 4:05.
How to ride in the dark! - Duration: 2:02.
"GOAT" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL - Duration: 2:58.
"GOAT" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL
Just 1 Night - Remove DARK SPOTS, BLACK SPOTS & ACNE SCARS - Duration: 4:22.
remove dark spots on hands and feet in one night cosmetics and beauty products
are a major source of chemical exposure for most people an average beauty
product contains dozens of harmful chemicals many of which have not even
been tested for safety in humans fortunately there are natural
alternatives for every beauty product and most work better than the chemical
dark hands and fee don't look good and make us feel embarrassed at many times
here are some best ineffective natural remedies that helped a lot in dealing
with your dark hands and feet regular usage will help to lighten your darker
skin on your hands and feet lemon lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent that
lightens your dark skin or on your hands and feet it is enriched with vitamin C
and citric acid that helps to exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells and
enhance the growth of new cells to make your skin tone even and lighter take
half a piece of lemon and dip in sugar
use it to scrub the darker skin on your hands and feet
scrub it for a couple of minutes to get rid of dead cells dirt and impurities on
the skin let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse off thoroughly
with water repeat the same process regularly for once a week to get rid of
the dark hands and feet always remember to apply a good
moisturizer to your skin after using the lemon remedies for treating dark hands
and feet to prevent skin dryness also avoid going out in the Sun for at least
2-3 hours after using this lemon on the skin orange peel
most of us store the orange peel without knowing its benefits towards the skin
the peel of the citric fruit has rich content of vitamin C that makes it works
as a natural bleaching agent and thereby treats hyperpigmentation the citric acid
in this orange helps to exfoliate the skin to get rid of dead skin cells here
are a few ways of using orange peel for lightening your skin in the areas of
hands and feet add enough milk or yogurt to two tablespoons of orange peel powder
and stir well to make a paste apply this paste on the dark skin areas and wait
for 15 to 20 minutes then start scrubbing the paste applied areas with
wet fingers in circular motions apply this pack for once or twice a week mix
enough of rosewater to two tablespoons of orange peel powder to make a thick
then add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little of honey to this paste stir
well and apply this paste on the hands and feet after 15 to 20 minutes start
scrubbing it with your wet hands and rinse with cold water
aloe vera olive oils who did the skin and treat hyperpigmentation to light in
the dark or tan skin it also moisturizes and hydrates the skin which in turn aids
in natural glow to the skin apply freshly extracted aloe vera gel on the
hands and feet by rubbing all over the area for 5 to 10 minutes let it sit for
about an hour and wash the area with normal water repeat the same process
twice daily till you get even skin tone avoid sunlight for at least 2 hours
after using Oliveira on skin for any queries and suggestions feel free to
comment in the below comment box thanks for watching the video for more videos
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Lake of Blood The dark history of Laguna Yahuarcocha, Ecuador | New Discovery - Duration: 8:02.
Lake of Blood: The dark history of Laguna Yahuarcocha, Ecuador.Laguna Yahuarcocha, meaning blood lake in the Kichwa language, is a sacred lake of Ecuador
Looking across the still water in the picturesque region of Ibarra, it is hard to imagine that it was once the scene of a bloody massacre, a consequence of indigenous resistance against Inca domination
Laguna Yahuarcocha, also spelt Yawarkucha, is located about 3 kilometers (1.86 miles) from the northern city of Ibarra
Sitting at a height of 2190 meters (7185ft) above sea level, it is one of the region's main attractions today
It is estimated to be around 12,000 years old, and is a vestige of the post-glacier age
Historically, it is important because studies by some researchers claim this area holds wide, unexplored archaeological evidence
The name Yahuarcocha ('Yahuar' - blood, 'Cocha' - lake) has its origins in Kichwa, which is part of the Quechuan language spoken primarily in the Andes region of South America
This so named 'blood lake' was the scene of an ancient battle between the Incas, with Huayna-Capac (11th leader of the Incas and last undisputed emperor to rule) as their leader against a united front of indigenous peoples known as the Caranqui-Cayambe-Pasto confederation
Prior to the Inca conquest in the late fifteenth century, the Kingdom of Quito (modern day Ecuador) was made up of several linguistic groups including Pasto, Otavalo-Caranqui and Cayambe
Inca fortresses, built around the time of the battle, have recently been discovered near an extinct volcano called Pambamarca
Its discovery provided archaeologists with evidence of the war fought by the Inca shortly before the Spanish conquistadors arrived
Twenty fortresses have been identified as having been built by the Inca and two forts were built by the Cayambe
Evidence suggests that there was a pre-Columbian frontier, or borderline, which experts think existed between the Inca fortresses and the fortresses of the indigenous Cayambe people
The discovery provided archaeological evidence to support the legend of Lake Yahuarcocha, which Spanish chroniclers told when they penetrated into South America during the 16th and 17th centuries
According to these stories, Inca ruler Huayna Capac sought to conquer the Cayambe using a "very powerful army
" He was hoping for a quick victory but ended up getting entangled in a long struggle
The Battle of Yahuarcocha.The bloody Battle of Yahuarcocha took place over in 1487
The Cayambe had realized that their forces were not sufficient to face the Inca on an open battlefield, and according to the Spanish missionary Bernabe Cobo (in his 17th century book History of the Inca Empire), they withdrew to make strongholds in a very large fortress
Huayna Capac ordered his men to lay siege on the fortress and to bombard it continuously
The Cayambe put up a fierce resistance and forced the Inca to retreat due to high number of fatalities
Huayna Capac gathered a huge army to definitively subdue definitely the 'rebels'
The Inca eventually succeeded in driving the Cayambe out of their strongholds and onto the shores of the lake
A massacre at Lake Yahuarcocha.When Huayna-Capac finally conquered the tribes, historical documents record that he massacred all of the Caranqui males who were 12 years or older and had their bodies dumped into Yahuarcocha, which turned red with blood
Cobo writes that "the Inca ordered his men to cut the enemies' throats without pity as they caught them and to throw the bodies into the lake
" Current archaeological studies in the area have found ceramic fragments and parts of bones belonging to teenagers and adults
These bones show overwhelming impacts that suggest body to body fights, however, the total number of deaths here remains largely undetermined
Estimates range anywhere between 20,000 to 50,000 indigenous people having been murdered by the Incas
Unearthing evidence of the great battle.The newly discovered Inca fortresses (near Pambamarca) contained stone platforms called ushnus, and are located on ridges about 3,000 meters (10,000) feet above the ground
The soldiers who lived in them were prepared for battle with well over 100 structures having been found at the site of Quitoloma
The structures were filled with Inca weaponry and quite a few sling stones were retrieved from the houses, suggesting they had been lying in wait for the enemy to attack, or were about to storm down the hill
The two Cayambe forts, by comparison, are made out of a tough volcanic material called cangahua
They are sizable fortresses with people likely having lived inside and outside their walls
One of the forts has evidence for a battle with two types of ammunition (sling stones and bola stones)
Both fortifications housed pottery designed in indigenous Ecuadorian style rather than Inca styles, and Cayambe pottery continued to be used in the region, suggesting that their culture carried on, at least in some ways
It could be that the people decided after many years of resistance and warfare to lay down their arms or become allies with the Inca
In the decades following the war, large numbers of Spanish would make their home in Ecuador and neighboring Peru
Smallpox would ravage the population and the Inca soon found themselves fighting an enemy equipped with superior firepower
Against these odds, they fell back, with their last stronghold at Vilcabamba, Ecuador, falling in 1572
The conquest was nothing short of a disaster for the Inca and the indigenous people already living there
When the Spanish took over, they built estates called haciendas and the descendants of the Cayambe were forced into labor
They reportedly worked under severe conditions and in windowless room - a humiliating end for a people who, just decades earlier, had fought a war to win their freedom
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DARK SOULS 3 Snow Vs First Bosses and Guardians of the Abyss Lords of the Tizzoni - Duration: 17:12.
Dark Canyon Wilderness on the Manti La Sal National Forest - Duration: 5:24.
Today we are down in Dark Canyon Wilderness.
Which is the only wilderness area on the Manti-La Sal National Forest.
It was designated in 1984 by the Utah Wilderness Act.
And we are specifically in Horse Pasture Canyon which is towards the head of Dark Canyon.
Dark Canyon is a large canyon system, it was actually the first canyon system
that was designated wilderness on the Colorado Plateau.
This is a very unique wilderness area.
It basically starts in higher elevations up on Elk Ridge.
So you have really unique vegetation types here ranging from aspen and douglas fir
coming down to ponderosas and eventually into more arid pinyon, juniper, and sagebrush vegetation.
So it is a really unique wilderness in that it protects a lot of different ecosystem types.
Dark Canyon itself, we have a trail system in here that we manage and we maintain.
It's wilderness, so it is still fairly primitive.
But there is great opportunities for backpacking here.
There is a fourty mile loop that comes down Peavine Canyon and up Dark Canyon.
And there's numerous places for day hikes like where we are now
is a great place to come in and do a day hike or shorter backpack trip.
Horse packing is also something that is available here,
popular with people to bring horses or mules in and bring all their equipment in.
Those are the main ways to get into the wilderness.
The wilderness is essentially managed to maintain its naturalness
and opportunities for primitive recreation and also for solitude, opportunities
for solitude.
And solitude is one of the big qualities we have here in Dark Canyon.
It is fairly hard to get to, the logistics are kind of hard,
but if you make the effort to get out here, you are pretty much going
to experience some pretty wild country.
One of my favorite parts about Dark Canyon is spending the night down here.
the skies just turn pitch black, you get this amazing view of the stars
with very little light pollution, enough to see the milky way as well,
stretching out over the rim of the canyon.
The wilderness itself is basically a horseshoe shaped canyon system.
Which is wooden shoe on one side and Dark Canyon that comes down the other.
The canyons cut through cedar mesa sandstone, so you've got these big, huge walls, towers,
a lot of arches as you go up and down the canyon.
So the natural setting is just really spectacular.
And on top of that, the other factor that makes Dark Canyon
such a unique wilderness, is we have a really interesting and intact
cultural overlay on the canyon here.
So people have been living in this canyon for thousands of years,
starting with Paleo indians and then moving into a lot of the big archeology
that you see here is from the ancestral puebloans that a lot of people know as anasazi.
And there's a lot of those types of ruins in the canyon that kind of show the long habitation
from people living here.
At some point in history, this behind us was probably a giant corn field.
There's ruins all over the canyon itself where they would store the corn,
and that's a really unique feature of the wilderness and very sensitive feature as well.
It's something we try to protect and manage so that other folks can see it in pristine
There's also a lot of historical resources that are still here.
Just down below us here in the canyon you have what is known as Scorup Cabin.
That is a historic cabin used by the Scorup cattle company during the turn of the century.
Really intact, wood stove, a lot of different things that you can see in there
that showed the historic anglo settlement of the canyon as well.
So like I mentioned, here in the wilderness, we manage it for naturalness,
so we really want people to use leave no trace techniques when they come down here.
Fires are allowed, permits are not required right now just because we have a low amount
of use.
But when you do come down, we ask that people use an existing campsite
with an existing fire rings and not build new ones.
We ask that people don't build camp furniture down here, whether that's chairs or tables
out of rocks and stuff.
And really leave the area as natural as possible.
The other big potential impact that recreation use can have,
is on these archeological sites, and when you visit those,
you want to make sure that you do it in a very sensitive way.
Before you approach the site, you want to look at it and see where the most
hardened area is, if there's an existing trail, you want to
use that.
You do not want to climb on walls, put any weight on the walls,
climb through doors, or anything like that.
Because the accumulated amount of people that do that,
is eventually going to knock that ruin down.
Some of our structures here still actually have roofs intact.
You definitely don't want to be standing on a roof.
These are thousand year old structures and very sensitive to that type of impact
so if you do visit these sites, be incredibly careful when you visit them.
There's also pottery shards and artifacts that are protected under the antiquities act.
As well as the ruins, so if you see those things,
leave them in place, don't pile them into a little pile and make an outdoor museum,
but leave them where they are.
The context of those artifacts is what is important to the archeologists
to determine how people lived here and the timeframes they lived
and the pathways that they made a living down here.
So we just ask that people, it's ok to visit them,
it's an amazing place to visit these sites, but really be careful when you do it,
leave the artifacts there, and don't put any weight on the walls or climb
through the doors.
And here in Dark Canyon we have a very unique wilderness.
It's a place that people don't expect when they come here.
With cedar mesa sandstone walls and towers, with the really unique cultural overlay
the opportunity to visit places where people lived a thousand years ago
and still see exactly how they lived and where they lived, it's incredibly unique.
But the future of this place and maintaining the naturalness of it
and really the cultural importance of it is really up to visitors.
And when you come here, we ask that people come and enjoy their public lands and enjoy
this wild landscape but do it in a sensitive way and leave no
RHCP-Dark Necessities Live in NY(Meadows Festival)-Legendado-PT-BR - Duration: 5:50.
Dinner in the Dark from Leader Dogs for the Blind - Duration: 0:52.
We don't want to keep you in the dark...
We're planning an extraordinary event...
Like one you've never seen...
The table is set...
And there's a place just for you...
We'll be looking for you...
To put on the mask...
And see the light.
Dinner in the Dark
Presented by Sellers Subaru
MGM Grand Detroit
"IN DARK" - Lil Freezer - Duration: 2:53.
It's too dark out side Devil come to life
If you survive the night Lead me to the light
It's too dark out side Devil come to life
If you survive the night Lead me to the light
Stay up to late Who can relate
Devil be chasing me run for my fate Open the gate
Hold tight my mate Watching ur move don't fall for a bait
Smoke weed Hot bitch Maria High speed I feed She need Baby She lit
Popin xans we lit Ain't no plans we need
Ain't no sense we make Escape from the fake
Ain't no fear in dark Ain't no sense in dark
I don't fuck with devil Makin move in dark
It's too dark out side Devil come to life
If you survive the night Lead me to the light
It's too dark out side Devil come to life
If you survive the night Lead me to the light
It's too dark out side Devil come to life
If you survive the night Lead me to the light
Coronation Street spoilers: David Platt enjoys night out with rapist before dark twist - Duration: 3:38.
Coronation Street spoilers: David Platt enjoys night out with rapist before dark twist
It was reported late last year that the soap would see David Platt (played by Jack P Shepherd) raped after a night out.
And last week, the attacker – Josh Tucker (Ryan Clayton) – joined the Coronation Street cast.
Josh nabbed a job at the garage and is set to organise a charity boxing match in Luke Brittons (Dean Fagan) memory.
It seems the newbie is too good to be true, and that will soon be proven to be correct.
Actors Jack and Ryan have been seen filming upcoming scenes that look to be the moments leading to the rape.
In the scene, Josh plies David with drink after drunk before raping him at his flat later.
According to The Mirror, the actual moment wont be shown on-screen but viewers will know it has happened by Davids reaction the next day.
Its estimated that 12,000 men are raped every year in the UK and the soap has worked with Survivors Manchester to make sure the storyline is carried out accurately.
This is the first time the topic has been approached in Coronation Street, but not in the rest of Soapland.
Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks has included two male characters being raped – once in 2000 and again in 2014.
Back in 2000, in the late-night spin-off Hollyoaks: Breaking Boundaries, Luke Morgan (Gary Lucy) was raped by bully Mark Gibbs (Colin Parry).
The show aired graphic scenes in which Luke was beaten up before being raped as a way to try and torment and destroy him.
The soap used the difficult subject again in 2014 when John Paul McQueen (James Sutton) was raped by one of his pupils Finn OConnor (Keith Rice).
Producers decided against a later time slot for the episode to avoid suggesting male rape was something that couldnt be discussed.
It seems Corrie producers are opting for a similar way of telling the story, focusing on how David copes in the aftermath.
There have also been reports that Martin Platt (Sean Wilson) will return to the soap after 13 years to help David.
Coronation Street continues tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.
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