Hi, I'm Megan from Xt3.com and we're here at St. John Bosco Parish asking the
youth group questions about the Mass.
My first impression of Mass? I was really young when I started going to
Mass 'cuz I was raised in a Catholic family but I probably thought it was pretty boring just
because there was a lot of talking and a lot of things happening and big words I didn't
really understand. It was a good chance to get some colouring in done and that sort of thing.
It really took me like a number of years to really understand what was going on and to get involved.
Before you actually get to know like what it's about, what all the the parts are and like what everything
means it doesn't really have all that much purpose to you like it seems just
like you know just something that your parents forced you to do.
I don't remember originally but like when I came back into Catholicism,
and it started to mean something to me, I was like "This is so beautiful! Oh my gosh!
Everyone is like so reflective! This is amazing!"
I suppose as a kid, honestly, I was just there because my parents got me the free cookies afterwards.
It was worth it.
It was interesting because I originally went to... although I was Catholic,
I originally went to a Pentecostal church and so my only experience of Catholic Mass
was at school and then I started coming more regularly to Bosco and it
was weird because everyone was a lot more silent, and there was a ..
it was a lot more reflection.
My impression the Mass - it's something that's pretty intensely meaningful.
Now? Completely different I went away for a couple of years then I came back and
ever since then it's been a totally different experience just really
wonderful having a priest like Father Mick which we have here at Engadine.
It really helped me when I first came back. He's got wonderful homilies and just
really gets everybody involved and makes them feel welcome.
The profession of belief in God on a weekly basis is something that challenges me to follow
God's will in everyday life.
Oh! It's so beautiful. I love it!
I love the reflection. I love how we say... it kind of has a format to it and
no matter where you go in the world, it's the exact same format.
To me personally, I needed to like break down the Mass a lot because I like everything I do
to have like a lot of meaning especially if I'm going there to connect with God
so like I've broken down the Mass a lot and I've analysed it so much
just because that's how my brain works.
It's something that you're involved in. It's your connection with God,
with Jesus through the Eucharist. It's a challenge through the Liturgy of
the Word to live up to the expectations and the love of God.
It's a very powerful way to actually connect with God in a more metaphysical
or even a more physical way.
It's always a good time to come back.
I think that's the best way to get the most out of it is to just keep persevering
even if it seems a bit weird the first time you go back and you don't really know
like what you're getting into. Just give it a go.
It can be a bit daunting I know because I went a long time when I was like 12 to 14 and
even 15 not going to Mass but sometimes the fears can be a little bit... shall we say
unwarranted. I can't stand the fear, but no one's gonna judge you for coming
if you haven't been in a while and they're only going to be happy that you have come.
Be open to see what God has to say and what you have to say,
and just really reflect on where you are at the moment.
The best way to do it is just to, you know, just listen. Take it all in and really think
about what it means for you and your own life, for where you're at.
I think it can really make a difference in people's lives, sometimes just to get closer to our God.
The word 'Mass' means 'to send out' just as Jesus sent out his disciples
to spread the good news to the world.
For more infomation >> What was your first impression of the Mass? | Xt3 Vox - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Massive New Mueller Scandal Rocks D.C. After What He Was Just Caught Doing With Terrorists - Duration: 6:08.
BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S Name Dropped In GROPING SCANDAL!!! What He DID WAS SICK! - Duration: 5:45.
What If Godzilla Was Real? - Duration: 4:52.
What if Godzilla Was Real?
Hello and welcome back to Lifeís Biggest Questions, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.
If you enjoy this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.
Godzilla has been a cultural phenomenon in Japan since the first film in 1954.
Since then, the beast has taken the world by storm, terrifying audiences across the
But what if he wasnít just on the big screen, but actually attacked in real life?
Letís explore.
Get ready, itís time to ask the question: What if Godzilla was real?
There have been a number of Godzilla films since the original in 1954, and each version
of the monster had its own quirks.
For the sake of clarity, this video will focus on Shin Godzilla, the 2016 film, as it is
one of the most realistic depictions of the attack.
Godzilla is a giant aquatic creature, often attacking Japan.
Itís believed to have been created due to radioactive contamination, which gave it the
ability to constantly adapt to its surroundings.
It leaves a trail of residual radiation in its wake, and is able to shoot atomic blasts
from its mouth and tail.
Godzilla is one tough cookie, so how could we deal with it?
The first step would have to be to evacuate all civilians from the area.
Depending on the population density in the area of the attack, this could take some time,
but it would be of the utmost importance.
Between Godzillaís attacks, atomic breath, and residual radiation left after it, not
to mention the attempts to stop the beast, those in the area would be in a great deal
of danger.
Once the area was evacuated, efforts to deal with the beast could begin in earnest.
Unfortunately, it seems that most weapons donít work against Godzilla.
As we saw in the 2016 film, even powerful missiles were unable to pierce its thick hide.
This would lead one to look to nuclear weapons, but this raises another concern: How would
you stop this huge and tanky beast while minimizing collateral damage?
One possible option is capturing Godzilla.
This would be very useful since it would allow us to study the beast, and learn from it,
and would likely be less damaging to the city and its people.
Unfortunately, this would be difficult to achieve, particularly with its atomic breath
able to blast it out of most containment areas.
Furthermore, if it had the same adaptive abilities as it did in Shin Godzilla, the longer it
was alive, the more dangerous it would become.
This likely rules out the option of capturing it alive, since thereís a chance that it
would simply adapt to whatever was holding it captured.
This means that killing it would likely be the only option.
Sadly, thatís easier said than done.
Shin Godzilla offered two potential solutions to the Godzilla problem.
The first and less desirable option is the aforementioned use of thermonuclear weapons.
This would potentially be enough to take the creature out, but would result in a huge amount
of collateral damage.
Not only that, but the attacking a radioactive creature with nuclear weapons could result
in unexpected consequences.
The superior plan, which ended up being very effective in the film, is the use of blood
coagulant to freeze the monster from the inside.
This was done by baiting it into using its atomic breath, then quickly knocking it down
and injecting it with coagulant while it was recharging.
This would be a difficult plan and would require a great deal of coordination, but it could
be very effective, especially if Godzilla was killed for good, thus preventing further
The only problem is, this coordination could be difficult to achieve.
One aspect of defending against Godzilla that is often overlooked is the bureaucratic side
of things.
While one might assume that a giant monster attacking a city would be enough to bring
people together, that isnít necessarily the case.
As weíve seen in various relief efforts in recent years, sometimes the resources are
there to help, but the hands of the government are tied due to policy restrictions.
As it happens, Shin Godzilla did an excellent job of highlighting just how much of a problem
governmental bureaucracy would be in dealing with Godzilla.
With so many different branches of the government being in charge of different things, it is
very difficult to coordinate all these efforts successfully.
This means that even if we had the proper weaponry to deal with Godzilla, it could be
difficult to organize and coordinate the effort in time to save the city.
This would be particularly problematic when attempting to coordinate the actions of several
And now we return to our question: What if Godzilla was real?
Well, humanity would be in for the fight of our lives.
Civilian safety would be a primary concern, with efforts to evacuate citizens from the
area of the attack.
Capture may not be an option if it had the adaptive capabilities we saw in Shin Godzilla,
which leaves us with killing the beast.
While nuclear weapons would likely be effective, the collateral damage caused could be too
much to bear.
For this reason, a method similar to the one in the film would likely be employed; fool
it into expending its nuclear energy, then freeze or incapacitate it while it is dormant.
Unfortunately, this might be easier said than done, since government bureaucracy could delay
the response until it was too late.
Thank you for watching Lifeís Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,
and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.
If this subject interests you, I would advise watching Shin Godzilla, as it takes an in-depth
look at many of the issues I described.
If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.
While youíre down there, let me know what YOU would do if Godzilla turned out to be
Until next time, Iím Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Lifeís Biggest Questions, wishing you
the best of luck, on your quest for answers.
What If You Were Trapped Inside A Washing Machine? - Duration: 2:12.
While most laundry related mishaps do not typically require medical attention, there
are some rare scenarios that can result in serious injury or even accidental death!
Have you ever wondered, what happens inside a washing machine once the door closes and
the machine is turned on?
Can you survive if you were trapped inside?
Let's take a closer look.
One of the benefits of front load washers is they allow you to fit more laundry into
the compartment - which is great for efficiency.
And to prevent you from accidentally opening the door while the machine is full of water,
it automatically locks once the wash cycle begins.
But this also means that if someone happens to be inside, they can't get out.
As the limited space in the washer fills with water and you're struggling to breathe,
the most pressing concern is obviously how to avoid drowning.
Now, let's suppose you've lucked out and found an air pocket, you better hope the washer's
temperature dial isn't set to hot.
Standard washing machines are capable of heating water to one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit
or about forty-nine degree Celsius.
That's hot enough for a serious scalding, and prolonged exposure to those temperatures
can lead to heatstroke.
But even with a cold temperature setting, you're still in for a pretty bumpy ride
during the main wash cycle.
And it only gets worse from there.
The last stage or cycle in most washing machines is called the Spin Cycle.
This cycle uses centrifugal force to separate and remove water from clothing by spinning
at speeds of twelve hundred revolutions per minute.
That's as fast as a DVD spins!
Which explains why most washer related hospital visits are the result of injuries sustained
from being tossed around inside while the machine is running.
So be extra careful in the laundry room, and never play in or around washing machines.
What may look really fun from the outside is actually quite dangerous if you're unlucky
enough to get locked inside.
If you want to make Fuzzy and Nutz happy, click that like button and subscribe to their
BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S Name Dropped In GROPING SCANDAL!!! What He DID WAS SICK! - Duration: 5:37.
Liberals, feminists, and Democrats want you to believe that treating women badly or abusing
your power is a Republican issue.
It goes hand in hand with the "evil old white man" stigma that they're trying
so hard to pass off as truth.
The feminist agenda depends on you seeing women as being held down, and their rescuers
being liberals and minorities.
Unfortunately, treating others as less than yourself, or taking advantage of the weaker
isn't a problem specific to any group of people, it's just human nature.
If anyone needed any more proof of that, the recent scandals that center around those who
are firmly on the left should confirm it, if you're looking for the facts that are.
It's a never-ending soapbox of liberals that President Trump is somehow anti-women,
despite all the women that he has put in high ranking positions around him.
On the contrary, former President Obama is lauded as being pro-women and minority, when
in reality he was primarily pro-whatever got him the most votes.
Case in point, Fox News reports that the Obama Administration was rife with sexual misconduct,
especially against women, and Obama did absolutely nothing.
Apparently, our former Commander-in-Chief was only interested in looking out for women
when the voters were looking:
"The Justice Department scolded the Obama administration on Wednesday following a report
on how sexual harassment of all kinds was improperly handled at the department for years.
The Washington Post reported that the DOJ's inspector general had found 'systemic'
problems with how complaints were addressed, with offending officials often being let off
the hook or even rewarded.
The article cited investigative reports on a lawyer who allegedly groped two female attorneys
and a top U.S. Marshals official who had sex with 'approximately' nine women in his
Though fresh complaints have been filed as recently as August, the IG said some of the
worst alleged offenses happened several years ago in the department's Civil Division.
Ian Prior, a spokesman in the Trump Justice Department, would not comment in detail about
the allegations but described the problems as largely occurring during the prior administration.
The Department does not discuss specific employee disciplinary actions or comment on personnel
actions or matters that may impact personal privacy.
That said, the Department was very disappointed with the issues that occurred in the Obama
administration and strives for a workplace free of harassment and other misconduct for
all of our 115,000 employees,' he said in a statement.
'That is why the Civil Division has implemented additional safeguards and systems to ensure
that all misconduct allegations are handled appropriately going forward.'
He said a 'working group' has also been convened to look at the issues raised and
will soon have recommendations.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz originally sent a memo in May alerting the DOJ to the
potential 'systemic issues.'
The Post reported that the IG found one top attorney in the Office of Immigration Litigation,
Victor Lawrence, 'groped the breasts and buttocks of two female trial attorneys'
at a happy hour.
He reportedly got a reprimand, a title change and 'relief from supervisory duties' but
was not suspended and did not receive a loss in pay or grade.
There reportedly was a concern that a suspension would "deprive the government" of his
One woman, who was not identified, told the Post she was 'terrified' to get in an
elevator out of concern he'd be there.
Several attorneys in the civil division reportedly got performance awards after the complaints.
A female attorney, not identified by the Post, said, 'They got free passes.'
Another case involved a woman, former Oregon prosecutor Amanda Marshall, accused of sending
harassing texts and emails to a subordinate after an 'intimate' relationship ended.
She later resigned and apologized, reportedly calling the relationship 'wrong' and a
According to the article, more allegations at the department surfaced this summer – with
17 DOJ employees writing to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in August reporting
sexual harassment.
It's unclear when those incidents may have occurred.'
Treating another person badly is something that everyone, no matter their race, or gender
or political affiliation will probably struggle with at some time in their lives.
The test of character comes when we see whether that person will fight the urge, or give into
Furthermore, those around them can be judged when we see if they turn a blind eye to abuse
for their own gain, or call out those who try to abuse the people under them.
Predators come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and no one should get a free pass.
Liberals want you to believe that Obama was a champion for everyone less fortunate, but
reports like these demonstrate, once again, that he was a champion when the cameras were
on and left everyone else to fend for themselves.
Abuse isn't something that should be made into a political game, but it is a good litmus
test to see who should be in power.
American was great because America was good.
Let's get back to being good and we might get back to being great.
Breaking!!! Obama's Name Dropped In Groping Scandal!!! What He Did Was Sick! - Duration: 5:46.
BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S Name Dropped In GROPING SCANDAL!!! What He DID WAS SICK! - Duration: 5:20.
BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S Name Dropped In GROPING SCANDAL!!! What He DID WAS SICK - Duration: 3:06.
Liberals, feminists, and Democrats want you to believe that treating women badly or abusing
your power is a Republican issue. It goes hand in hand with the �evil old white man�
stigma that they�re trying so hard to pass off as truth. The feminist agenda depends
on you seeing women as being held down, and their rescuers being liberals and minorities.
Unfortunately, treating others as less than yourself, or taking advantage of the weaker
isn�t a problem specific to any group of people, it�s just human nature. If anyone
needed any more proof of that, the recent scandals that center around those who are
firmly on the left should confirm it, if you�re looking for the facts that are.
It�s a never-ending soapbox of liberals that President Trump is somehow anti-women,
despite all the women that he has put in high ranking positions around him. On the contrary,
former President Obama is lauded as being pro-women and minority, when in reality he
was primarily pro-whatever got him the most votes. Case in point, Fox News reports that
the Obama Administration was rife with sexual misconduct, especially against women, and
Obama did absolutely nothing. Apparently, our former Commander-in-Chief was only interested
in looking out for women when the voters were looking:
�The Justice Department scolded the Obama administration on Wednesday following a report
on how sexual harassment of all kinds was improperly handled at the department for years.
The Washington Post reported that the DOJ�s inspector general had found �systemic�
problems with how complaints were addressed, with offending officials often being let off
the hook or even rewarded. The article cited investigative reports on a lawyer who allegedly
groped two female attorneys and a top U.S. Marshals official who had sex with �approximately�
nine women in his office.
Though fresh complaints have been filed as recently as August, the IG said some of the
worst alleged offenses happened several years ago in the department�s Civil Division.
Ian Prior, a spokesman in the Trump Justice Department, would not comment in detail about
the allegations but described the problems as largely occurring during the prior administration.\
The Department does not discuss specific employee disciplinary actions or comment on personnel
actions or matters that may impact personal privacy. That said, the Department was very
disappointed with the issues that occurred in the Obama administration and strives for
a workplace free of harassment and other misconduct for all of our 115,000 employees,� he said
in a statement. �That is why the Civil Division has implemented additional safeguards and
systems to ensure that all misconduct allegations are handled appropriately going forward.�
He said a �working group� has also been convened to look at the issues raised and
will soon have recommendations.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz originally sent a memo in May alerting the DOJ to the
potential �systemic issues.�
The Post reported that the IG found one top attorney in the Office of Immigration Litigation,
Victor Lawrence, �groped the breasts and buttocks of two female trial attorneys�
at a happy hour.
He reportedly got a reprimand, a title change and �relief from supervisory duties� but
was not suspended and did not receive a loss in pay or grade. There reportedly was a concern
that a suspension would �deprive the government� of his services.
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