hey YouTube hey Internet hello warriors good evening good morning good night
good afternoon thank you for joining me now happy new year but this is the
question how come fireworks are legal in Georgia at marijuana is prohibited in
Georgia how stupid is the state of Georgia so if I truly have a freedom to
choose why is marijuana illegal why is marijuana prohibited in the state of
Georgia so that's what I want to know why is it illegal why is marijuana
illegal and it's not legal across the whole state across the whole country
Congrats to California for legalizing it you know I guess I didn't understand a
lot of the things that were going on and me maybe a lot of other people didn't
understand the magnitude of things were going on things that were going on -
maybe some did maybe some didn't I don't know and I put where's my freedom of
choice to use marijuana in Georgia that's what I want to know my freedom to
choose to use those my freedom to choose to use marijuana is being violated by
the state of Georgia my freedom to choose these marijuana is being violated
by the federal laws in the United States of America why is marijuana prohibited
that's what I want to know and so yeah I mean I didn't I guess I just didn't
understand all this stuff when I was like I wasn't even when I was first on
the internet it was like YouTube and Google+ and all that some of the things
I just didn't understand and and it's because of the just because of my family
upbringing and shit like that probably being around the military and shit like
that too
yeah and then of course the military has had ties closely related to the medical
industry you know because they like to experiment on the soldiers and things
like that and the family members and so yeah so marijuana should be illegal in
the United States of America all across the whole country yeah I just think
that's it should because it's just this is just getting old where our freedom
our freedoms of choice are taken away but yet the medical companies can say
well we have a freedom to choose to use their services yet their services are
too expensive because it would cost us eighteen thousand dollars for insurance
and better they call it and better and then it would be an additional ten
thousand dollars of a deductible plus the copay so it would be thirty thousand
dollars before we even got to use the insurance even to go to the hospital so
technically they're violating our rights to choose services you know drugs which
includes marijuana they're prohibiting us from using it because of the laws
that they have in place that's all I see so marijuana should be fully fully
legalized across the United States ASAP that's my opinion yeah so yeah I
just wish I would have understand this sooner but I guess it's one of those
things like Maya Angelou said we know better you do better so yeah I just
wanted to say that legalize fully legalized marijuana across the United
States fully legalized marijuana across the United States fully legalized
marijuana across the United States it's on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana weed maryjane whatever you want to call it fully
legalized it yeah so and fully legalize it on YouTube too so yeah I guess I had
to learn some things how my rights were being violated and how I believed
something that because that I was born into so yes well I smoked marijuana when
I was a kid you know so and I would have been smoking it the
whole time well not smoking I had a problem and how to use it differently
because I've heard you don't have to smoke it but yeah I'm not buying into
the rhetoric bullshit anymore put out by the activism other fake companies donate
to us oh it's just so nauseating to see it it's you know oh don't eat to help us
raise money for this cause and for that cause donate to this and donate to that
and you know and and and their political action committees you know it's like now
I appreciate donations if people want to donate to me just because they want to
donate something I appreciate that but the thing is the critical thinking of me
kicks in and it's like those have to be separated
because there's real people who are being hurt by all of this you know so
you've real people are being used by all of this real people suffer the
consequences you real people have been made homeless because a lot of this crap
too and I don't know maybe the maybe the people that are part of it the secret
societies who are voting against marijuana I've always voted for it I
think when I was when I was out you know it's like but some of the issues when
they put them on the ballots they don't make them they don't put him in such a
way for for you to actually understand them and that was one of the things I
noticed when they talked about the extension that Jimmy deloach extension
from here into Savannah they called it an extension but actually it's a levee
so it being a levee is actually means that somebody else is going to flood
because I made this really really tall hill this big mound of dirt and they
made this really tall hill and so they flood other people out you know and so
that's when when they put some of those propositions and things on they were
them in such a way so people will be confused on purpose you know that's the
same thing when they charge us with like fees and taxes millage rates oh my gosh
let's see th e that there's a thesaurus and I'm gonna put in I'm gonna put this
in and show you guys I'm gonna put in tax and then you guys and I'm gonna show
you guys okay so a tax so here's all the ways that they charge you I mean
this is all the different things that words readings that they used to get us
to pay my contribution cost and duty expense fine levy price rate tariff
assessment vite brokerage capitulation custom dues excise give away the
position in past tributes so that so they use all kinds of different words
and things like that I'm gonna type fee in there because fee is another one that
my media company uses my internet company internet service provider uses
it and so you know fee is really similar to and they've added like ten different
fees on so I end up paying more and more account bill Commission compensation
cost cut expense pay payment price reward salary oh and one of the things
they use is rebate so the politicians are slick they'll use the word rebate
well we're gonna charge you this and then we're going to rebate you but
really when they say that that just simply means that that's a way that they
get you to pay for more see right now we're paying for a fire or paying a fire
tax with our property taxes plus we're paying a fire fee now so we're paying
double it's double taxation is what it is here's more a consideration and
emolument and end gravy okay that's funny
handle higher honorum house juice percentage piece rake off we come to the
contents remuneration a slice a take off take in and toll and so all they're
doing is changing the wording to tax us more and more and more because it's just
a bunch of word semantics and wordplay as well other all the politicians are
doing but a lot of these politicians I don't even think are real people so I
think right now it's kind of like we have a bunch of fake people who are
actors anyway that all paid sponsors so that's why people
ask to see their tax returns you got to ask to see their tax returns so yeah I'm
going to share this with you guys because it's just stuff I figured out on
my own and I'm going to share it with you guys I mean that that's I know it's
a little bit confusing but it's a little bit shitty too because a lot of people
like I said I end up in situations and things and they end up hurt and that's
not what I'm for I wanted affordable health care for everyone and and that's
the funny thing it's like they're the people who voted against it they just
really didn't ever understand that because that's all I ever wanted was
what a universal health care system but yet we have the oh I call it the echo
chamber the the paid product placement that's been around for decades as part
of the traditional media and they're they're part of the activism in our
communities and things like that so I don't know I don't know what a good word
is I like to call them the echo chamber but they're on somebody's payroll and
they're under a nondisclosure agreement there may be a lot of them and some of
them are kind of jerky like those videos that I've showed you guys about the the
women's rights they want to say that they have a right to take their kids
wherever they want to in the Centers but then if you curse then they then they
want to do that thing like oh don't curse you can't curse in here and and
then like the lady called the police so on it's like wait a minute that's a
double standard and they're hiding behind their kids that's what they're
doing they're hiding behind their kids and so there are a bunch of cowards
hiding behind their kids because they don't have the balls to just stand up
for something by their so they want to say oh I've got my kids with me but then
I was thinking what about the oh you know how there's a
kids being used as actors you know oh the child labor laws that's what it is a
child labor laws so if they're being paid are they abusing the child labor
laws so if they're if they're working for an activism group or a media agency
are they violating the child labor laws so that's something I'll have to go into
in another video and I will because I'm I'm going to be vlogging on this channel
this is my Teresa Richardson I'm gonna be vlogging on this channel so I hope
you guys will ask your friends to watch everybody to watch and you can agree
disagree whatever you want to do because you know the thing is through the
disagreements I've learned a lot you guys have taught me a lot somebody did
somebody taught me a lot and it's it's a really sick system that we have right
now it's based on deceit and lies and that's the sad part about it because
people end up hurt and it didn't have to be this way
it just didn't but I guess like my husband said we understand now
why women you know a lot of women are progressive a lot of them are and you
know it's one thing like if you have an interest in something you decide to go
on your own but then if there's women who are under something else or
incentivized in some way then that's a different matter so they become the
deplorable you know so I mean and and it's like to
think you know it's like okay a lot of us have been supportive we've always
been supportive of a lot of issues I've always been supportive of equality for
but yet what was it about 500,000 why is it the 500,000 people get on airplanes
and go to Washington DC after Donald Trump lost that's kind of strange that
that never really made sense to me how why five hundred thousand women would
just go somebody had to pay for it because it's like okay I really wasn't
interested in going in the cold but now if somebody paid for me for a trip to go
there I suppose I might go you know or if you know if it was a free trip I
suppose I might go so that is yeah this is making sense a lot of sense now so
people have been incentivized and those are the ones who have health care
they're the ones who have benefits they're the ones who are being taken
care of and but yet they very well may be playing a role they're on the payroll
of someone but yet whatever it is that they're doing they're taking care of
that everybody else isn't taken care of which is in turn they vote against their
own interest they vote against our interest and so then eventually the shit
rolls downhill to the point that they end up hurting their self you know so
yeah I kind of see how that works now but marijuana should be fully legalized
and you know I mean I don't care what people do in their bedroom I never did I
you know I was always like heck we had you know we had talked of gay people
back when I was in high school even and it's like I didn't care who if somebody
was gay I really didn't I didn't care and that was like in the 80s the late
70s and 80s I knew what gay was and I didn't care if somebody was gay but I
kept it to myself you know so but it's kind of like but yet the true me I never
let the true me out I wanted marijuana legal back in the 70s
myself I really did but it was something I had to hide and keep to myself
yeah but thank you thank you viewer for coming in so I hope more you guys will
come in I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I you know what I'm working on is not
being so oh I'm a big schedule and doing things precise and perfect that's what
I'm sticking to a routine and so I'm doing random uploads at any time so I
want you guys to come and look and watch at any time I don't want to be on a
clock I don't want to be on a schedule you know so yeah if you guys want shout
outs or anything like that and do things you know so yeah we're critically
thinking through this so thank you guys what's another word for oh you guys are
awesome you're awesome and yeah you're stars
you guys are stars you're the stars you guys my viewers are the stars so I'll
see you soon
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