Chinese robots to TREBLE bomb production as tensions with US grow
SMART robots with man made eyes and arms could treble China's production of bombs and shells
in less than a decade, as tensions with the US grow.
The robots, which never get tired, are being used by China to assemble different types
of explosive weaponry.
Due to their artificial intelligence, the bots could also produce more sophisticated
weapons such as guided missiles.
Around a quarter of the country's ammo factories have now replaced many workers with the robots,
which are believed to be five times more productive than humans.
One assembly line that used to have more than 100 workers now only had three, with the rest
of the work being performed by robots.
One of the programme's lead scientists, Xu Zhigang, claims that productivity could
grow by 200% once robots were fitted in all of China's ammunition factories.
Despite the rapid advancement in their armouries, Xu denied that China was readying for war.
He said: "It's not like our nation is gearing up for a war and filling its armouries
at breakneck speed."
President Xi Jinping has embarked on a huge drive to bring his military up to speed, and
make sure it is more advanced than the US'.
China has clashed with Trump over territory in the South China Sea, with President Xi
demanding the US steps aside from the issue.
A Chinese diplomat even shockingly claimed that they would launch a full-scale military
invasion of the territory should the US send navy vessels to the area.
For more infomation >> Chinese robots to TREBLE bomb production as tensions with United States grow - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
How come marijuana is not legal in United States POV point of view - Duration: 19:24.
hey YouTube hey Internet hello warriors good evening good morning good night
good afternoon thank you for joining me now happy new year but this is the
question how come fireworks are legal in Georgia at marijuana is prohibited in
Georgia how stupid is the state of Georgia so if I truly have a freedom to
choose why is marijuana illegal why is marijuana prohibited in the state of
Georgia so that's what I want to know why is it illegal why is marijuana
illegal and it's not legal across the whole state across the whole country
Congrats to California for legalizing it you know I guess I didn't understand a
lot of the things that were going on and me maybe a lot of other people didn't
understand the magnitude of things were going on things that were going on -
maybe some did maybe some didn't I don't know and I put where's my freedom of
choice to use marijuana in Georgia that's what I want to know my freedom to
choose to use those my freedom to choose to use marijuana is being violated by
the state of Georgia my freedom to choose these marijuana is being violated
by the federal laws in the United States of America why is marijuana prohibited
that's what I want to know and so yeah I mean I didn't I guess I just didn't
understand all this stuff when I was like I wasn't even when I was first on
the internet it was like YouTube and Google+ and all that some of the things
I just didn't understand and and it's because of the just because of my family
upbringing and shit like that probably being around the military and shit like
that too
yeah and then of course the military has had ties closely related to the medical
industry you know because they like to experiment on the soldiers and things
like that and the family members and so yeah so marijuana should be illegal in
the United States of America all across the whole country yeah I just think
that's it should because it's just this is just getting old where our freedom
our freedoms of choice are taken away but yet the medical companies can say
well we have a freedom to choose to use their services yet their services are
too expensive because it would cost us eighteen thousand dollars for insurance
and better they call it and better and then it would be an additional ten
thousand dollars of a deductible plus the copay so it would be thirty thousand
dollars before we even got to use the insurance even to go to the hospital so
technically they're violating our rights to choose services you know drugs which
includes marijuana they're prohibiting us from using it because of the laws
that they have in place that's all I see so marijuana should be fully fully
legalized across the United States ASAP that's my opinion yeah so yeah I
just wish I would have understand this sooner but I guess it's one of those
things like Maya Angelou said we know better you do better so yeah I just
wanted to say that legalize fully legalized marijuana across the United
States fully legalized marijuana across the United States fully legalized
marijuana across the United States it's on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana across the United States on the federal level fully
legalized marijuana weed maryjane whatever you want to call it fully
legalized it yeah so and fully legalize it on YouTube too so yeah I guess I had
to learn some things how my rights were being violated and how I believed
something that because that I was born into so yes well I smoked marijuana when
I was a kid you know so and I would have been smoking it the
whole time well not smoking I had a problem and how to use it differently
because I've heard you don't have to smoke it but yeah I'm not buying into
the rhetoric bullshit anymore put out by the activism other fake companies donate
to us oh it's just so nauseating to see it it's you know oh don't eat to help us
raise money for this cause and for that cause donate to this and donate to that
and you know and and and their political action committees you know it's like now
I appreciate donations if people want to donate to me just because they want to
donate something I appreciate that but the thing is the critical thinking of me
kicks in and it's like those have to be separated
because there's real people who are being hurt by all of this you know so
you've real people are being used by all of this real people suffer the
consequences you real people have been made homeless because a lot of this crap
too and I don't know maybe the maybe the people that are part of it the secret
societies who are voting against marijuana I've always voted for it I
think when I was when I was out you know it's like but some of the issues when
they put them on the ballots they don't make them they don't put him in such a
way for for you to actually understand them and that was one of the things I
noticed when they talked about the extension that Jimmy deloach extension
from here into Savannah they called it an extension but actually it's a levee
so it being a levee is actually means that somebody else is going to flood
because I made this really really tall hill this big mound of dirt and they
made this really tall hill and so they flood other people out you know and so
that's when when they put some of those propositions and things on they were
them in such a way so people will be confused on purpose you know that's the
same thing when they charge us with like fees and taxes millage rates oh my gosh
let's see th e that there's a thesaurus and I'm gonna put in I'm gonna put this
in and show you guys I'm gonna put in tax and then you guys and I'm gonna show
you guys okay so a tax so here's all the ways that they charge you I mean
this is all the different things that words readings that they used to get us
to pay my contribution cost and duty expense fine levy price rate tariff
assessment vite brokerage capitulation custom dues excise give away the
position in past tributes so that so they use all kinds of different words
and things like that I'm gonna type fee in there because fee is another one that
my media company uses my internet company internet service provider uses
it and so you know fee is really similar to and they've added like ten different
fees on so I end up paying more and more account bill Commission compensation
cost cut expense pay payment price reward salary oh and one of the things
they use is rebate so the politicians are slick they'll use the word rebate
well we're gonna charge you this and then we're going to rebate you but
really when they say that that just simply means that that's a way that they
get you to pay for more see right now we're paying for a fire or paying a fire
tax with our property taxes plus we're paying a fire fee now so we're paying
double it's double taxation is what it is here's more a consideration and
emolument and end gravy okay that's funny
handle higher honorum house juice percentage piece rake off we come to the
contents remuneration a slice a take off take in and toll and so all they're
doing is changing the wording to tax us more and more and more because it's just
a bunch of word semantics and wordplay as well other all the politicians are
doing but a lot of these politicians I don't even think are real people so I
think right now it's kind of like we have a bunch of fake people who are
actors anyway that all paid sponsors so that's why people
ask to see their tax returns you got to ask to see their tax returns so yeah I'm
going to share this with you guys because it's just stuff I figured out on
my own and I'm going to share it with you guys I mean that that's I know it's
a little bit confusing but it's a little bit shitty too because a lot of people
like I said I end up in situations and things and they end up hurt and that's
not what I'm for I wanted affordable health care for everyone and and that's
the funny thing it's like they're the people who voted against it they just
really didn't ever understand that because that's all I ever wanted was
what a universal health care system but yet we have the oh I call it the echo
chamber the the paid product placement that's been around for decades as part
of the traditional media and they're they're part of the activism in our
communities and things like that so I don't know I don't know what a good word
is I like to call them the echo chamber but they're on somebody's payroll and
they're under a nondisclosure agreement there may be a lot of them and some of
them are kind of jerky like those videos that I've showed you guys about the the
women's rights they want to say that they have a right to take their kids
wherever they want to in the Centers but then if you curse then they then they
want to do that thing like oh don't curse you can't curse in here and and
then like the lady called the police so on it's like wait a minute that's a
double standard and they're hiding behind their kids that's what they're
doing they're hiding behind their kids and so there are a bunch of cowards
hiding behind their kids because they don't have the balls to just stand up
for something by their so they want to say oh I've got my kids with me but then
I was thinking what about the oh you know how there's a
kids being used as actors you know oh the child labor laws that's what it is a
child labor laws so if they're being paid are they abusing the child labor
laws so if they're if they're working for an activism group or a media agency
are they violating the child labor laws so that's something I'll have to go into
in another video and I will because I'm I'm going to be vlogging on this channel
this is my Teresa Richardson I'm gonna be vlogging on this channel so I hope
you guys will ask your friends to watch everybody to watch and you can agree
disagree whatever you want to do because you know the thing is through the
disagreements I've learned a lot you guys have taught me a lot somebody did
somebody taught me a lot and it's it's a really sick system that we have right
now it's based on deceit and lies and that's the sad part about it because
people end up hurt and it didn't have to be this way
it just didn't but I guess like my husband said we understand now
why women you know a lot of women are progressive a lot of them are and you
know it's one thing like if you have an interest in something you decide to go
on your own but then if there's women who are under something else or
incentivized in some way then that's a different matter so they become the
deplorable you know so I mean and and it's like to
think you know it's like okay a lot of us have been supportive we've always
been supportive of a lot of issues I've always been supportive of equality for
but yet what was it about 500,000 why is it the 500,000 people get on airplanes
and go to Washington DC after Donald Trump lost that's kind of strange that
that never really made sense to me how why five hundred thousand women would
just go somebody had to pay for it because it's like okay I really wasn't
interested in going in the cold but now if somebody paid for me for a trip to go
there I suppose I might go you know or if you know if it was a free trip I
suppose I might go so that is yeah this is making sense a lot of sense now so
people have been incentivized and those are the ones who have health care
they're the ones who have benefits they're the ones who are being taken
care of and but yet they very well may be playing a role they're on the payroll
of someone but yet whatever it is that they're doing they're taking care of
that everybody else isn't taken care of which is in turn they vote against their
own interest they vote against our interest and so then eventually the shit
rolls downhill to the point that they end up hurting their self you know so
yeah I kind of see how that works now but marijuana should be fully legalized
and you know I mean I don't care what people do in their bedroom I never did I
you know I was always like heck we had you know we had talked of gay people
back when I was in high school even and it's like I didn't care who if somebody
was gay I really didn't I didn't care and that was like in the 80s the late
70s and 80s I knew what gay was and I didn't care if somebody was gay but I
kept it to myself you know so but it's kind of like but yet the true me I never
let the true me out I wanted marijuana legal back in the 70s
myself I really did but it was something I had to hide and keep to myself
yeah but thank you thank you viewer for coming in so I hope more you guys will
come in I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I you know what I'm working on is not
being so oh I'm a big schedule and doing things precise and perfect that's what
I'm sticking to a routine and so I'm doing random uploads at any time so I
want you guys to come and look and watch at any time I don't want to be on a
clock I don't want to be on a schedule you know so yeah if you guys want shout
outs or anything like that and do things you know so yeah we're critically
thinking through this so thank you guys what's another word for oh you guys are
awesome you're awesome and yeah you're stars
you guys are stars you're the stars you guys my viewers are the stars so I'll
see you soon
U.S. gun crimes continue into 2018 - Duration: 0:49.
2017 has been a year racked by mass shootings in the U.S., and a series of violent gun crimes
on the last day of the year has added to the grim tally.
A 37-year-old man, identified as Matthew Riehl, fired more than a hundred rounds on sheriff's
deputies in Colorado, who were responding to a noise complaint.
The ambush left one officer dead and four others injured.
The suspected was also shot and killed.
Meanwhile in New Jersey, a 16-year-old boy is in custody after he fatally gunned down
his parents, sister and a family friend.
The teenage suspect's brother and grandfather managed to escape unharmed.
The boy's name is yet to be revealed and the county prosecutor says the incident seems
to have been an isolated domestic incident.
South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:09.
Pundits and experts have been reading between the lines of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
New Year's speech.
The verdict is that it was pro-South Korea... and very clearly anti-American.
While the analysis goes on and we await the next developments,... the U.S. State Department
has come out,... saying Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating on a unified response
to the North.
Lee Ji-won has more.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech sparked a flurry of speculation and
analysis worldwide, especially within the U.S.
Amid concerns Kim is attempting to drive a wedge between the alliance with his 'pro-South
Korea, anti-U.S. stance',...
Voice of America reported Tuesday that an official from the U.S. State Department said
it's working closely with Seoul on formulating a joint response to the North.
And to South Korea's welcoming of Kim's comment on his willingness to send athletes to the
PyeongChang Olympics in February,.. the official said the U.S. is certain the South will host
a safe and successful Winter Games.
This comes as Kim warned the U.S. that the entire mainland is within the range of his
nuclear weapons,... while, expressing North Korea's will to take part in the PyeongChang
Games and that they sincerely hope the event is held successfully.
Many watchers say the young leader's two-track approach is a ploy to shake the South Korea-U.S.
While most of the U.S. media sees Kim's willingness to join the Olympics as a gesture of reconciliation,..
Bloomberg reports that it puts ties between the two countries to the test.
The New York Times also reported that Kim's words are merely aimed at alleviating international
sanctions and to brew discord between South Korea and the U.S.
South Korea and the U.S. share one goal of denuclearizing Pyongyang,.. but have different
ideas on how to achieve it.
President Moon Jae-in wants talks and negotiations,.. while U.S. President Donald Trump continues
to emphasize sanctions and pressure.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
North Korea SHOCK warning: US forced to spark BLOODY conflict if China does not STOP Kim - Duration: 5:01.
North Korea SHOCK warning: US forced to spark BLOODY conflict if China does not STOP Kim
claimed it was a "pipe dream" to think it would ever give up its nuclear programme after the UN imposed brutal sanctions to halt Kim Jong-un's regime. Ralph Peters warned America has the military capacity to "devastate" Kim Jong-un's entire nuclear programme.
Appearing on , Mr Peters said: "The North Korea military is rotting away. We don't know how much loyalty is left.
We have the military capacity to devastate it very quickly. "While we don't want war, if we must strike North Korea, it's critical to do it all out with everything we've got because if you try to do it part way then you put Seoul and South Korea at risk." .
Mr Peters said he believes a showdown is on the horizon following North Korea's refusal to give up its nuclear programme. He said: "I hope I'm wrong.
Again, we want peace – a peaceful solution. And China is key. " is toughening sanctions but still not enough.
You've got to just bring the regime to a cold halt. "If China won't do that then I'm afraid as early as 2018 we may see bloody, violent conflict on the Korean peninsula and not because we want it – we don't." Pyongyang attempted to fight back after the United Nations Security Council imposed tough new sanctions on the hermit nation following its continued missile testing. .
The resolution is attempting to ban almost 90 percent of refined petroleum product exports to North Korea – a resolution which North Korea labelled an "act of war".
Following the UN vote, wrote on Twitter: "The United Nations Security Council just voted 15-0 in favour of additional Sanctions on North Korea.
The World wants Peace, not Death!" UN sanctions have forced China to stop all exports of petroleum exports to North Korea in November, Chinese customs data showed. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: "As a principle, China has consistently fully, correctly, conscientiously and strictly enforced relevant UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea.
We have already established a set of effective operating mechanisms and methods." .
In response to the sanctions, the North Korea foreign ministry said: We define this sanctions resolution rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our Republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region and categorically reject the resolution.
"North Koreas nuclear weapons are a self-defensive deterrence not in contradiction of international law.
We will further consolidate our self-defensive nuclear deterrence aimed at fundamentally eradicating the US nuclear threats, blackmail and hostile moves by establishing the practical balance of force with the US." North Korea's most recent missile test took place on November 29, and the regime said the Hwasong-15 missile flew 590 miles during its 53-minute flight before landing in the sea near Japan.
After the missile test declared that the North had "finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force".
In response to the test, the US President has promised to "take care" of the situation in a huge warning to Kim Jong-un.
Pakistan Summons US Ambassador After Trump Tweet - Duration: 0:59.
Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:06.
Looking back at Korea's economy last year, the country's exports for 2017 hit a record
And much of that was from the boom in semiconductors.
Yet the prospects for 2018 don't seem quite as bright.
Our Cha Sang-mi reports.
Korea's traditional growth engine, exports, set a new record last year.
The trade ministry announced Monday that the country's total outbound shipments for 2017
jumped nearly 16 percent on-year... to nearly 5-hundred-and-74 billion U.S. dollars.
That's the largest total amount for a single year since data was first compiled in 1956.
Imports also surged 17-point-7 percent to a little over 4-hundred-and-78 billion.
For the year, Korea posted a surplus of 95-point-8 billion dollars, up from 89-point-2 billion
in 2016.
Shipments from Korea accounted for 3-point-6 percent of all global exports, bringing the
country's ranking to 6th place from 8th the year before.
Most of Korea's main products -- 9 out of 13 product types -- saw a rise in shipments.
Semiconductors accounted for nearly 60 percent of the year's exports, followed by petroleum
goods at over 30 percent and then petrochemicals and ships.
And it was a landmark year for memory chips,... shipments of which reached 90 billion dollars
for the year, more than the country's total exports back in 1994.
The trade ministry said Korea has diversified its export markets, reaching out to countries
in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, India and the Commonwealth of Independent
States, and seeing large jumps in export growth to these regions in 2017.
(KOREAN) "We would like to find a new trade market
away from the China and U.S.-centered trade.
Through the New South Policy and the New North Policy we will strive to expand our trade
Yet the prospects for this year don't look quite as dazzling.
The Trade Ministry expects a 4 percent growth in exports in 2018, but highlighted a few
risk factors that could hit growth rates.
Financial uncertainties stemming from monetary normalization in major economies and a rise
in global protectionism could slow export growth.
But while Korea may face a stronger local currency, higher interest rates, rising oil
prices, and geopolitical risks, the Trade Ministry promised to strive hard to attain
4 percent export growth for 2018.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
Pakistan summons US ambassador over Trump's 'lies and deceit' tweet - Duration: 9:26.
Pakistan summons US ambassador over Trump's 'lies and deceit' tweet
Pakistan summons US ambassador over Trump's lies and deceit tweet
Diplomat asked to explain US president's comments accusing the country of taking aid but failing to help fight terror
Pakistan has summoned the US ambassador
In a rare public rebuke after Donald Trump lashed out at Aslam Abad with threats to cut aid over lies about militancy
Pakistan's Foreign Office summoned David Hale on Monday to explain the u.s.
president's comments Media said a spokesperson for the US Embassy in
Islamabad confirmed that the meeting took place in a withering attack
Trump tweeted on Monday that the United States had foolishly handed Pakistan more than 33
BN in aid in the last 15 years and had been rewarded with nothing but lies and deceit
They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan with little help no more Trump wrote on Twitter on
Pakistan's prime minister
Shahid cakana bossy will chair a cabinet meeting that will focus on Trump's tweet while on Wednesday the country's top
Civilian and military chiefs will meet to discuss
deteriorating US ties
relations between the US and Pakistan have been strained for years over Islamabad's alleged support for Haqqani network
Militants who are allied with the Afghan Taliban?
Washington has signaled that it will cut aid and enact other punitive measures if
Islamabad does not stop helping or turning a blind eye to the Haqqani network
militants who carry out cross-border attacks in Afghanistan
Islamabad has rejected suggestions
It is not the doing enough in the war against militancy saying that since 2001 it has suffered more than the u.s.
with tens of thousands of casualties caused by Islamists
Pakistan's foreign minister khawaja Aziz
Dismissed Trump's comments as a political stunt born out of frustration over u.s.
failures in
Afghanistan where the Taliban has been gaining territory and carrying out major attacks he has tweeted against us
Pakistan and Iran for his domestic consumption Asif told geo TV on Monday
He is again and again displacing his frustrations on Pakistan over failures in Afghanistan as they are trapped in the dead-end street in
Afghanistan he said Pakistan did not need US aid a u.s.
National Security Council official on Monday said the White House did not plan to send
255 meters in aid to Pakistan at this time and said the administration continues to review Pakistan's level of cooperation
In August the administration said it was delaying the payment. Thank you for watching for the follow-up
Subscribe to the channel yourself here by 11:00 Mumbai Pathan and other cross-border
Harassed attacks perpetrated by pakistan-based groups and just hours after this joint
Statement was released the US directed another blow at Pakistan
This time declaring his boom Utica Dean chief science. Allahu Dean as a global terrorist under
Salahuddin's tenure as senior Hizbul Mujahideen leader it has claimed responsibility for several attacks including the April
explosives attack and indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir
Which injured 17 people the US State Department said?
US citizens are now prohibited from engaging in any transaction with salahuddin and all of the 71 year olds property and assets
Subject to the u.s.
Jurisdiction will be blocked it was clear that the grounds had shifted and Trump wasn't viewing
Pakistan with the same Rose tinted glasses as he once did New South Asia policy
But things really took a head in August when Trump unveiled his new South Asia strategy for its part
Pakistan often gives safe haven to agents of chaos
Violence and terror the threat is worse because Pakistan and India are two
nuclear-armed States whose tense relations threatened to spiral into conflict
And that could happen Trump had said we can no longer be silent about Pakistan's safe havens for terrorist organizations
The Taliban and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond
Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in Afghanistan
It has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists. He had said
Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in Afghanistan it has much to lose by continuing to harbor
Terrorists these comments were as was expected met with the stern reaction from
Pakistan Pakistan on Tuesday suspended bilateral talks and visits with the United States according to the nation
Pakistan foreign minister khawaja of seif informed a Senate committee that the government had to take such a decision as a protest against Trump's
Comments against Pakistan according to the report khawaja told the committee that trump was not willing to accept
Pakistan's stance that India is harboring terror haven in Afghanistan to destabilize the country a top US officials visit to
Islamabad was also postponed at the request of the Pakistan government amid anti-american protests in Karachi
friends again
A month later however Trump swung back the other way
Saying he's starting to develop a much better understanding with Pakistan and its leaders
Taking to Twitter Trump had posted starting to develop a much better relationship with Pakistan and its leaders
I want to thank them for their cooperation on many fronts
I have openly said Pakistan took tremendous advantage of our country for many years
But we are starting to have a real relationship with Pakistan and there to respect us as a nation again
And so are other nations Trump said they are starting to respect the u.s. Again
He said banking the leaders of Pakistan for what they've been doing in this administration
We will call evil by its name. He said foes again, but the turn of the year seems to have changed
Trump's mind all over again on New Year's Day Trump took to Twitter again to lash out at Pakistan
this time in an
Unusually stern manner the United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than thirty three billion inches eight over the last
15 years and they have given us nothing but lies and deceit thinking of our leaders as fools
They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan with little help no more
He wrote as part of his new year message, and it wasn't just the statement this time
Washington also followed this up with action the u.s.. Suspended its
225 million military aid to Pakistan the u.s.. Does not plan to spend the
255 million inches, FY
2016 and foreign military financing for Pakistan at this time a senior
Administration official told PTI on conditions of anonymity the president has made clear the u.s.
expects Pakistan to take decisive action against terrorists and militants on its soil and that
Pakistan's actions in support of the South Asia strategy will ultimately determine the trajectory of our relationship
Including future security assistance. He said the u.s.. Administration continues to review Pakistan's level of cooperation
The official said with inputs from agencies. Thank you for watching for the follow-up
Subscribe to the channel yourself here
The American Institute for Economic Research
commended Trump's first-year regulatory victories
Especially reductions in red tape wrapping up sectors of the economy ties to environment energy and labor
His opening salvo was filled with dark musing about
Nationalism trade protection as the basis of prosperity the need for law and order crackdowns a call for New Deal style
infrastructure projects and a hint of populist fuelled
centralization Tucker Road in a recent editorial
The ethos of what has actually been accomplished is not by entire
American it is more from the Reagan era get government off our backs in this respect there has been notable progress and
There's certainly more to come the Trump administration's plan going forward is detailed in the recently released
unified agenda of regulatory and deregulatory actions the
579 actions outlined in the ambitious roadmap include
448 which are deregulatory and 131 that are regulatory
For the average American this simply means that we will be less safe
Gilbert told the news we expect these agencies our government to be on our side
The sight of the taxpayers the idea that instead of performing those duties the agencies will be focused on taking away those
protections in the interest of big businesses the issue the Trump administration
with only days left in
2017 wasup done dismantling Obama era regulations on Friday, but Bureau of safety and environmental enforcement
Published rules that will rescind regulations meant to improve the safety of offshore oil and natural gas drilling the rules were put in place
Following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster that killed 11 people and caused the worst oi
Top Risks 2018: Risk 5 - US-Iran Relations - Duration: 1:00.
Risk number five is U.S.-Iran relations.
I think it's safe to say that neither the Americans nor the Iranians are happy with
each other at this point, despite this nuclear deal.
President Trump to start with is going to do everything possible to pick on Iran on
the non-nuclear side.
That means in terms of support for anti US and anti U.S. ally proxies across the region,
support for terrorism as well as picking up economic sanctions, diplomatic efforts and
military efforts by the United States to check Iranian geopolitical power.
It's been on the rise across the region.
Trump also - and it's very important to understand - he can get up in the morning and he can
just end the deal any day.
If this deal goes down sanctions will get slapped back on and the Iranian nuclear program
could very well start back up again.
This time next year we could well be talking about the Israeli strikes on Iranian nuclear
That's a bad movie and we've all seen it.
Senator Lindsey Graham Makes Startling & Ominous Prediction For The U.S. In 2018 - Duration: 5:30.
South Korea, U.S. working closely for joint response to North Korea: U.S. State Dept. official - Duration: 2:03.
Going back to the unexpected New Year's speech from up North.
The U.S. State department announced, Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating on
a unified response to Pyongyang.
Pundits and experts still analyzing the statement... for now believe it is very pro-South Korea...
and clearly anti-American.
Lee Ji-won helps us read between the lines.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's New Year's speech sparked a flurry of speculation and
analysis worldwide, especially within the U.S..
Amid concerns Kim is attempting to drive a wedge between the alliance with his 'pro-South
Korea, anti-U.S. stance',...
Voice of America reported Tuesday that an official from the U.S. State Department said
it's working closely with Seoul on formulating a joint response to the North.
And to South Korea's welcoming of Kim's comment on his willingness to send athletes to the
PyeongChang Olympics in February,.. the official said the U.S. is certain the South will host
a safe and successful Winter Games.
This comes as Kim warned the U.S. that the entire mainland is within the range of his
nuclear weapons,... while expressing North Korea's will to take part in PyeongChang 2018
and that both Koreas can meet urgently on the Olympics.
But many North Korea watchers say the young leader's two-track approach is a ploy to shake
the South Korea-U.S. alliance.
Bloomberg addressed Kim's willingness to join the Winter Olympics as an apparent olive branch
and a gesture of reconciliation,.. but added that it could also put ties between Seoul
and Washington to the test.
The New York Times also reported that Kim's words are merely aimed at alleviating international
sanctions and brewing discord between South Korea and the U.S..
South Korea and the U.S. share one goal of denuclearizing Pyongyang,.. but have different
ideas on how to achieve it.
President Moon Jae-in wants talks and negotiations,.. while U.S. President Donald Trump continues
to emphasize sanctions and pressure.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Pakistan summons US ambassador over Trump tweet - Duration: 9:24.
Pakistan summons U S ambassador after Trump's angry tweet
Pakistan summons US ambassador over Trump tweet the US president used his first tweet of
2018 to tear into
Islamabad Pakistan has summoned the US ambassador in response to a tweet US
President Donald Trump sent in which he threatened to cut aid over lies about militancy in a rare public rebuke
Ambassador david hale was asked to go to the foreign office in Islamabad last night after the Pakistani capital
Responded angrily to Trump's allegations that it provided safe havens for militants in the latest spat to rock their alliance
A u.s.. Embassy spokesman today confirm Heil met officials
But added we don't have any comment on the substance of the meeting there was no immediate response from foreign office officials
Trump used his first tweet of
2018 to tear into
Islamabad the United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last
15 years and they have given us nothing but lies deceit thinking of our leaders as fools
Trump said in the early morning New Year's Day tweet
They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan with little help no more
Pakistan hit back swiftly saying it had done much for the United States
Helping it to decimate al Qaeda while getting only infective mistrust in return in angry comments from its foreign and defense
Islamabad has repeatedly denied the accusations of turning a blind eye to militancy
Lambasting the u.s.. For ignoring the thousands who have been killed on its soil and the billions spent fighting extremists
September 11th
To the September 11th terror attacks in the u.s. In 2001
Washington forges strategic alliance with Islamabad to help in its fight against militancy however
US leaders have often complained that Pakistan long accused by Washington and Kabul of supporting the Taliban
Has done too little to help a foremost concern is Islamabad's attitude toward the powerful Haqqani network whose leader
So ratchet in Haqqani is the deputy leader of the Afghan Taliban?
The group is accused of some of the most lethal attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and was dubbed by America's former top military
Officer Mike Mullen is a veritable arm of Pakistani intelligence
For many years it found safe haven in Pakistan
semi-autonomous northwestern tribal areas however the Pakistani military launched an operation there in
2014 and now insists it has eradicated all safe havens in the country as
Pakistani ties long contentious have taken a nosedive
under trump who first signaled that Washington was reassessing the fractious relationship in August when he accused
Islamabad of harboring agents of chaos the remarks triggered a series of high-level diplomatic meetings in the US and Pakistan but
Islamabad has given a few signs of concessions the Trump administration told Congress in August it was weighing whether turned with hole
255 million about 212 million euros in earmarked a to
Islamabad over its failure to crack down more effectively on terror groups in Pakistan
Thank you for watching for the follow-up
Subscribe to the channel yourself here very terrorists that we are fighting, but that will have to change and that will change immediately
No partnership can survive a country's harboring of militants and terrorists who target US service members and officials it is time for
Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to civilization order and to peace he had said earlier, but as expected
Pakistan with China by its side cared little Trump's new year tweet in the end soon
225 billion reduction in aid to Islamabad was very much on the cards interestingly
Pakistan was ranked the tenth most failed state in the world by foreign policy magazine in 2010
But the US China and Saudi Arabia wouldn't let it sink even though Pakistan is the world's largest
incubator of terrorism more significantly the entry of the People's Liberation
Army plan Pakistan and the CPEC has also added to the geopolitical
complexities of the region the US would also worry about the
strategic ambitions of China both in the Indian Ocean region and also in
Afghanistan the emergence of some 10,000 Islamic state fighters will fuel the boiling pot further
Pakistan's military
continues to ride the terror Tiger in sync with multiple terrorist organizations running their private armies with support from icy and
Tactically from China. It's because of this that a radical mullah like coffee Syed has been let loose
recently on November 26th
2017 the Pakistan government on behalf of the country's military
Object Lee surrendered to protesters in Faizabad through a six-point agreement the violence in Baluchistan has gone up
exponentially with increased casualties being inflicted on the native population by the Pakistan Army
But despite the genocide being carried out China gifted helicopter gunships to Pakistan
Which the latter used extensively in Baluchistan?
Already French and Algerian origin Islamic state cadre from Syria are confirmed to be fighting in
Afghanistan some 10,000 is state cadre have reportedly surfaced in
Afghanistan and Russia has beefed up its strength and Tajikistan with tanks and armored carriers under the CSTO
Agreement as more cadres head to the AfPak region the terrorists would attempt to target South Asia next
to India's East
Pakistani national ad Allah heads the era can ruin gaya Salvation, Army RC in Myanmar
Which is also actively supported by Pakistan's IC and terrorist organizations?
Like the lashkar-e-taiba lat as per recent reports Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar a leader of U and
designated terrorist group
Jaish-e-mohammed Jem have joined hands to target India
China's mollified intentions and double standards towards terrorism have been amply visible by
Intrepid levy vowing the move to designate Masood Azhar as a terrorist at the United Nations
Pakistan will face a terror backlash without doubt
But the stranglehold the military has over the country is growing stronger by the day it has now
infiltrated every sector of the country both government and non-government
In order to retain this power and money the military ensures that
Pakistan continues its state policy of terror against neighbours, India and Afghanistan
with its strategic ambitions
China will play the binding factor for Pakistan even as it
practically absorbs the latter as its own province at the same time the argument for
fragmenting Pakistan has been on the Western table since the country's birth in
1947 the most popular approach seems to be to lead Afghanistan absorb Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province
and WFP and federally administered tribal areas FATA which would also unite bish tune tribes as
mentioned by Michael Hughes
What the future holds for the region is anybody's guess
But the dear online imposed by the British and not recognized by Afghanistan is likely to see more violence on both sides
Plans to link CPEC to Afghanistan will also attract more terror and violence
president Trump's new year tweet indirectly places Pakistan in the category of a terrorist state
It is unlikely that India will designate
Pakistan a terrorist state when it has not even withdrawn the most favored nation status given several years ago
But India must focus on the fact that the Pakistani military
Will up the ante of terror attacks on India to divert attention from the country's internal happenings?
This is a war India must be fully prepared for not only defensively, but also taking into enemy territory
The author is a retired lieutenant general of the Indian Army. Thank you for watching for the follow-up
Subscribe to the channel yourself here
Cold Snap Continues to Grip United States - Duration: 0:58.
How the US Launched Its First Satellite - Duration: 6:15.
60 years ago this month, in January 1958, the United States launched its first satellite, Explorer 1.
It started a legacy and launched the longest-running space exploration program in history, so you'd
think making it would have been part of some big plan figured out years in advance.
But... nope.
Instead, Explorer 1 and the modified rocket that launched it were finished in just 84 days.
And we had a lot to figure out in those three months.
But somehow, we did it.
Like most of America's early space program, Explorer 1 was a result of the Cold War struggle
with the Soviet Union.
In October 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik, the world's first satellite.
And what did the US do?
It freaked out.
Like, seriously panicked.
In the race to claim the high ground of space, America was clearly behind.
To make matters worse, when the US attempted to launch its first satellite that December,
it failed just over a meter off the launchpad.
Newspapers called it "Kaputnik". Ouch.
Since NASA didn't even exist yet, coming up with a successful -- and fast -- response
to Sputnik fell to the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
better known today as JPL.
And in an incredible feat of engineering, Explorer 1 launched not even three months later.
Take that, Kaputnik.
But that's definitely not how things were supposed to happen.
As a show of peace, the US had long planned to launch their first satellite on top of
a modified sounding rocket.
Sounding rockets are used mainly to help study the Earth's climate, so this would be a
clear signal that this was a mission of science, and that we weren't trying to start an actual
war with the Soviet Union or anything.
But after that first failure, the Army just needed something that would work, so they
turned to the Jupiter-C rocket, which was used as a test platform for intermediate-range
ballistic missiles.
Also, the rocket that launched Sputnik was a modified missile, not a sounding rocket,
so the show of peace seemed less important by that point.
Even though it had three stages, or segments -- which these days is more than enough to
launch satellites -- the Jupiter-C wasn't powerful enough to put something into orbit,
so the Army did the only thing it had time to do: duct-tape on a fourth stage.
Well, not literally.
But adding another stage did make the setup seem kinda ridiculous.
It was a like building a triple-decker bus.
Like, sure, it's possible to do that, but it's not exactly the most, like, elegant
solution, and it can create more opportunities for things to go wrong with computers or engines.
For comparison, most rockets today usually only have two or three stages.
And much better computers.
But even with all that, the satellite itself still had to be really small -- just 14 kilograms,
or about as much weight as a beagle.
And about 40% of that weight was needed for its battery, which didn't leave a lot of
weight for other things.
So the engineering team had to get creative.
To relay data back to Earth, they equipped the satellite with an innovative antenna system.
And by "innovative", I mean really weird.
It consisted four wire "whips", which extended into a large transmitter as the spacecraft
spun along its axis.
Also, in order to keep the radio and other instruments from getting too hot or too cold,
Explorer 1 needed a temperature control system, but without the weight of fancy radiators.
So what did JPL do?
They painted the spacecraft in stripes of white and green.
Since different colors transmit different amounts of heat, the area of white versus
green could be tuned for just the right equilibrium temperature.
On January 31st, 1958 -- 119 days after the launch of Sputnik 1 -- all this was put to the test.
And it worked!
Getting into space was a big enough accomplishment, but Explorer 1 also performed pioneering scientific
experiments in orbit.
For one, it carried a Geiger counter to make the first direct measurements of the radiation
environment in outer space.
At times the counter registered so much radiation that it overwhelmed the sensors -- which baffled scientists.
Eventually, they figured out this was the result of radiation trapped by Earth's magnetic
field, regions we now call the Van Allen Belts after the leader of Explorer 1's scientific
The mission also carried a pair of experiments designed to measure the rate at which micrometeorites
strike the Earth.
One consisted of a wire grid mounted on the outside skin of the spacecraft.
If a small particle struck the grid, one of the wires would break, altering an electric circuit.
The other was a microphone inside the spacecraft that listened for the "plink" of a particle
striking the hull.
Over about a day, it picked up 145 impacts, giving scientists their first direct measurement
of natural space debris.
None of this seems exactly hi-tech, but hey, it got the job done.
Even though Explorer 1 only lasted a few months, it began a program that continues today.
In 2013, NASA launched a spacecraft to study the atmosphere of the Sun.
It was called IRIS, but its official record lists it by another name: Explorer 94.
In the next couple of months, NASA will also launch ICON and GOLD, two Explorers that will
study part of Earth's upper atmosphere.
And this year, they'll also launch TESS, which will search 200,000 nearby stars for exoplanets.
By the early 2020s, we'll probably even see the launch of the 100th Explorer mission.
Although they've each had their own goals, all the missions in the Explorer program have
followed in the footsteps of America's first satellite from 60 years ago.
And one thing's for sure: We're definitely a lot better at building satellites than we
were in 1958.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you love learning about space history, news, and other weird things in the universe
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Huma Abedin jeopardizes state department secrets - Duration: 3:26.
18 states hikes minimum wage after economic surge in 2017 - Duration: 6:54.
Could the US Navy blockade North Korea? - Duration: 5:05.
Technical Glitch At Major US Airports Delays Holiday Travelers Nationwide - Duration: 0:21.
Lorde Labelled a Bigot by US Rabbi (2018) - Duration: 0:31.
North Korea SHOCK warning: US forced to spark BLOODY conflict if China does not STOP Kim - DAILYNEWS - Duration: 4:32.
North Korea SHOCK warning: US forced to spark BLOODY conflict if China does not STOP Kim
NORTH KOREA could be devastated by a "violent" assault by Donald Trump if China does not
do more to halt the rogue state's nuclear ambitions, US professor Ralph Peters warns.
North Korea claimed it was a "pipe dream" to think it would ever give up its nuclear
programme after the UN imposed brutal sanctions to halt Kim Jong-un's regime.
Ralph Peters warned America has the military capacity to "devastate" Kim Jong-un's
entire nuclear programme.
Appearing on Fox News, Mr Peters said: "The North Korea military is rotting away.
We don't know how much loyalty is left.
We have the military capacity to devastate it very quickly.
"While we don't want war, if we must strike North Korea, it's critical to do it all
out with everything we've got because if you try to do it part way then you put Seoul
and South Korea at risk."
Mr Peters said he believes a showdown is on the horizon following North Korea's refusal
to give up its nuclear programme.
He said: "I hope I'm wrong.
Again, we want peace – a peaceful solution.
And China is key.
"China is toughening sanctions but still not enough.
You've got to just bring the regime to a cold halt.
"If China won't do that then I'm afraid as early as 2018 we may see bloody, violent
conflict on the Korean peninsula and not because we want it – we don't."
Pyongyang attempted to fight back after the United Nations Security Council imposed tough
new sanctions on the hermit nation following its continued missile testing.
The resolution is attempting to ban almost 90 percent of refined petroleum product exports
to North Korea – a resolution which North Korea labelled an "act of war".
Following the UN vote, Donald Trump wrote on Twitter: "The United Nations Security
Council just voted 15-0 in favour of additional Sanctions on North Korea.
The World wants Peace, not Death!"
UN sanctions have forced China to stop all exports of petroleum exports to North Korea
in November, Chinese customs data showed.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: "As a principle, China has consistently
fully, correctly, conscientiously and strictly enforced relevant UN Security Council resolutions
on North Korea.
We have already established a set of effective operating mechanisms and methods."
In response to the sanctions, the North Korea foreign ministry said: "We define this 'sanctions
resolution' rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty
of our Republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula
and the region and categorically reject the 'resolution'.
"North Korea's nuclear weapons are a self-defensive deterrence not in contradiction of international
"We will further consolidate our self-defensive nuclear deterrence aimed at fundamentally
eradicating the US nuclear threats, blackmail and hostile moves by establishing the practical
balance of force with the US."
North Korea's most recent missile test took place on November 29, and the regime said
the Hwasong-15 missile flew 590 miles during its 53-minute flight before landing in the
sea near Japan.
After the missile test Kim Jong-un declared that the North had "finally realised the
great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force".
In response to the test, the US President has promised to "take care" of the situation
in a huge warning to Kim Jong-un.
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