Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 2 2018

- So if you just do those things,

you keep a close eye on it your campaigns will live forever

and Facebook will become a reliable, continuous source

of new patients.

(soft upbeat music)

Hi there, my name is John Nesbitt

with Million Dollar Practice Builders

here with our episode of the The Straight Answer.

So this is my kind of informal video for you

that you ask me any question and if I've had that question

like more than once I'm gonna answer it to you right here

on camera straight, the straight information

so that you can actually do something with it

and not just to make me seem like I'm some sort of expert

but actually give it to you in a way

that you can actually change the way you operate

and do better with your marketing, okay?

So today's question comes from, Doc asked me, okay

what do you do when your Facebook marketing campaign

stops working, this is really common.

A lot of guys will get their ads running,

they'll put their, they'll write a good couple ads

they'll put a landing page together,

everything so to get it running, targeted right,

and they'll actually get some results and then

after like a few days or maybe a week or two

or sometimes even a month or two, it'll just die.

And it won't come back.

Like they'll try running more, they'll run more budget

maybe even the ad stops even,

it doesn't even spend all the budget anymore right

like something happens with the campaign.

Alright well here's what you have to know

about Facebook marketing, first,

there's one whole way to setup marketing campaigns.

It's a whole technology of its own.

How do you set it up right?

You get the targeting right, you get the ads

put in the right spot you get a landing page created,

get all the stuff put together so you get the leads,

that sort to thing, right?

There's a whole different set of what you have to do

every day to keep it running.

So it's kind of like buying a car

is different than owning a car right.

When you first set up you do one thing

and then when you own it day by day, you do something else

you keep gaz in it you keep oil in it, that sort of thing,

right, so on a day by day basis, what you need to be doing

is looking at the numbers as the go up and down

and making adjustments and little refreshes.

Like you change headlines a little bit,

you change ad copy a little bit,

you change the images a little bit, right?

You wanna do this both for the landing page

and for the ads themselves, right?

You wanna constantly be doing a little bit

of observation of what's happening,

and then making these little tweaks all the time

even when it's running great,

especially when it's running great.

'cause what'll happen is, you'll get one ad

that's working you know really well,

and if you just do the wrong propeteal thing

to try to set it and forget it,

that ad will die, and the whole campaign will start to fade

and you won't have anything to test with anymore, right?

So if you are always kinda taking a couple ads

competing against each other just a little bit

on a daily basis, you'll always have a strong ad

up and coming and your campaign stays strong.

Now, that said there are times when it's gonna die anyway,

right you run the ads, you tweak like crazy

you've kept it going for maybe six months even, right?

Sometimes you make these things live a long time,

but it just starts to fade out and die.

With that one you have to do a basically

much larger kind of refresh of the campaign.

I recommend you actually change the offer.

What it means is, when the big campaign dies like that

when you have a big death and then the tweaks don't work,

it's because that audience has gotten tired of the offer

or all the people who are gonna respond to that offer

have responded easily, and now you're just sort of

down after the drags.

If you change the offer, like for example,

you honestly change the offer,

say you had an offer it was a $29 first consult special

and you get an x-ray and a this and a this and a this,

that's the $29 special, great.

Change it to a $35 new patient special,

give away something similar, highlight the fact

that they get the consultation and the massage comes with it

right so maybe they get the massage consult offer right?

Or for a vet for example you could say

well we had the pet grooming one,

let's go ahead and do the new puppy special, right?

Just go to a complete different market with it,

just change the offers to a different type of person.

That way you're kind of fishing in a whole new lake

while the old lake sort of regrows,

you don't wanna fish out the whole lake right,

'cause that's what that means when you actually got

a campaign that dies hard like that, okay.

So that's pretty much the cure for this,

every day by day you tweak it

and when those little tweaks stop working,

you change something big like the offer, alright?

So if you just do those things,

you keep a close eye on it, your campaigns will live forever

and Facebook will become a reliable, continuous source

of new patients, alright?

See you in the next video.

(soft upbeat music)

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