For more infomation >> Dark Souls Remastered Ps4 Walkthrough No Commentary Part 5 Darkroot Basin - Duration: 30:51.
Dark Souls III hacker :( i hate you. YEEZTY BEEYZY - Duration: 7:19.
Trailer: Dark Crimes je mrazivý horor s Jimem Carreym na severu Polska - Duration: 2:28.
Nova | Eli Sostre | Night Lovell Type Beat - Gosha (prod. koren) | Smooth Dark RnB Instrumental - Duration: 3:13.
Supergirl | Inside: Dark Side Of The Moon | The CW - Duration: 1:45.
Dark Waters | Curse of the Drowned Event Trailer - League of Legends - Duration: 1:13.
The world saw me drowning...
And did nothing!
I got friends everywhere.
Embrace the night.
We'll all be underwater soon.
For the cause!
Another name off the list.
Documents Reveal U.S. Military's Interest in Dark Energy and Other Dimensions - Duration: 4:14.
Documents Reveal U.S. Military�s Interest in Dark Energy and Other Dimensions
BY Brett Tingley
One of the biggest stories in UFO research over the last year has been the revelation
that the Pentagon has recently been funding recent research in anomalous aerial phenomena
to the tune of $22 million a year.
Claims of government involvement in UFO research are nothing new in ufology circles, but the
scope of the publicly-acknowledged program and the accompanying allegedly declassified
videos of military vehicles tracking strange, incredibly agile objects in the sky were enough
to make some skeptics wonder if indeed the government might know a lot more about unidentified
aerial phenomena than they let on.
The U.S. government�s interest might not just stop at aerial phenomena, however.
A new trove of documents obtained by KLAS-TV in Las Vegas seem to reveal that the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) has conducted extensive research in fringe science, touching upon
phenomena usually only discussed in paranormal circles.
The report, titled �Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,�
seems to indicate that the defense industry might indeed have a keen interest in the higher
mysterious of our physical reality itself.
Does their interest stop at theoretical research, or could the U.S. military actually be manipulating
the fabric of space time?
Probably not yet, especially given recent tests of the supposed EM Drive warp engine.
The report does seem to suggest that the DIA�s interest in these topics all center around
the explore reach far corners of interstellar space:
The idea that ? sufficiently advanced technology may interact with, and acquire direct control
over, the higher dimensions is ? tantalizing possibility, and one that is most certainly
worthy of deeper i?vestigation.
Control of this higher dime?sional space may b?
? source of technological control ?v?? the dark energy density and could ultimately play
? role in the development of exotic p?opulsion technologies; specifically, ? warp drive.
Exactly why the DIA is interested in space travel is unknown.
The report ultimately doesn�t reveal any black budget secret research projects into
space-time-bending technologies, but does suggest that the military-industrial complex
is tantalized by several current developments in quantum physics:
Of course, this may not b?
actualized until many years in the future, but consider the many spectacular physical
phenomena that are believed to b?
true at this early point in the 21st century.
One also believes that the universe may not consist of the three spatial dimension of
length, breadth, width, and one of time, but that, in fact, there m??
b? as many as seven additional compactified dimensions assuming the topology of ? Calabi-Yau
manifold, ??d that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are, in fact, extended
string-like entities.
In science fiction, it�s often the military who accidentally opens a dimensional rift
in an attempt to travel to a far away star system, allowing untold horrors to pour through
into our plane.
Does this report such an incident might be in our near future?
While it might sound fantastic, the report concludes with the sentiment that �it seems
entirely possible that the creative minds of the future may indeed find ways to accomplish
what, to us, may seem like magic.� Make your peace with the Great Old Ones now before
it�s too late.
Ph�nglui mglw�nafh Cthulhu R�lyeh wgah�nagl fhtagn.
Supergirl 3x20 Inside "Dark Side of the Moon" (HD) Season 3 Episode 20 Inside - Duration: 1:45.
- The Kryptonite's supposed to keep her weak.
- [Lena] Her body's adapting like Pestilence,
the anti-virus, she's becoming immune.
- [Henshaw] How long until you won't be able,
to keep her contained?
- I don't know.
- [Rovner] Episode 3.20 is called Dark Side of the Moon,
and it's a very cool episode.
At the end of the last episode,
what they found out was that the substance,
that the cult had is a substance that could cure Sam.
- [Winn] Now it is very rare,
but the exact same rock is hurtling through space,
on a meteoroid about five light years away.
- [Supergirl] J'onn, can your ship make it that far?
- [Rovner] Mon-El and Supergirl took J'onn's ship,
to outer space to find the substance,
on a meteoroid in space.
- Someone's trying to kill me.
- Somebody is trying to kill Alex.
- [Alex] Guys this is really bad,
okay, I can't have some psycho,
who is trying to murder me our there on the loose,
while I'm taking care of Ruby.
- [Queller] It's hard to zero in on who it might be,
because so many people would want to kill her.
The list is endless. - No, when they start
going through the list, it's huge.
- Keep your eyes open everybody.
- [Queller] Alex has always been a daredevil,
in the course of her profession,
because that's her business, catch the bad guy at all costs.
- [Alex] If Sam is gone, I am all that Ruby has left,
and if I'm gone.
- [Queller] This is the first time that she's really,
introspective about it,
and feels the weight of responsibility,
the responsibility of staying well,
and not being in danger because while Sam is unwell,
Alex is responsible for this child,
and she takes that very seriously.
- I will fight to protect you as long as I live.
(intense music)
Dark (GER) VS Sen Anlat Karadeniz (TR) /Hangi Oyuncular Daha Yakışıklı? - Duration: 3:02.
Get Better Looking Gunshots in the Dark | The Film Look - Duration: 4:15.
Gunshots: one of the most popular visual effects techniques used on Youtube.
Getting gunshots that look great can take some tweaking...
...and achieving a realistic gunshot effect in the dark is even more difficult.
But there are some things you can do to help achieve a realistic gunshot in the dark.
Welcome to the film look.
Give your action scenes extra impact with rocketstock's muzzle flash and gun smoke VFX library ricochet
This high calibre pack features over 450 elements some of which we'll be using in today's episode
We've put a link in the description find you want to find out more.
A gun shot is essentially a small explosion, and an explosion primarily produces light and sound
The sound part of this technique is pretty straightforward. You download a gunshot sound effect
Off the internet somewhere, sync it to the muzzle flash, tweak the sound of it, and away you go!
If your gunshots are sounding too similar and you start to hear some repetition
we have a video about how to make them sound better here.
The explosion from the gunshot produces a massive amount of light in a split second and in a dark scene this will be amplified
You, can add some fake light spill and post-production for your daytime shots.
you can do this by duplicating your layer, brighten it up with something like a curves or exposure adjustment
Mask around the subject where you want it to brighten
and feather out the mask to blend it all together.
It only shows for a single frame so it works well enough
But this won't work for a dark environment because you simply can't fake a realistic fall-off of light
In this case you'll need produce a real-life light flash during the gunshot. This is what we learned from the process.
The initial idea was to use a portable camera flash.
It does have a button on it to test the flash
so the plan was to hit it whenever the subject fires.
After trying this out, we soon realized that because of the small differences in shutter speed, frame rate and rolling shutter
The flash was giving us interference.
Resulting in a frame that looked like this. No good.
next on the list was a flashlight
This was getting us closer to the result but it simply wasn't bright enough.
Finally, we tried this LED panel from Aputure.
The great thing about this light for this effect in particular
Is that it has a light switch separate from the intensity dial
Some cheaper lights have a dial rocker that used the intensity and the light switch
In one go. but if you can find something that has an intensity and a switch separate it's gonna, make this effect a lot easier
So the light must be super bright. You want it to highlight your subject's face and light up some of the background for maximum effect
We dialed it in so it didn't completely blow out but produced a very hot highlight.
Now the most important part of this technique are
The steps you'll take in order to capture the light flash
a muzzle flash from the gun happens directly
After pulling the trigger but before the recoil from the explosion
the recoil is the pressure of the gun jolting your wrist back
So the steps are very important to make this look realistic
pull the trigger then freeze in place
Flick the light on, then flick the light off, then simulate the recoil
Rinse and repeat
in your editor you will make a cut on the frame the trigger is pulled, then go to
Where the light is at its brightest make a cut
Delete the footage in between, and join this together.
Then scroll along and find the moment of recoil
make a cut
And take out the gap here too
The light should be on the screen for only a single frame and this is where you'll add your muzzle flash and smoke elements
One downside of this effect is that we were only able to produce it from a static camera angle
We tested a few different ways to simulate the light in a moving shot
One by shooting a take without the light then shooting
A take with the light on, and trying to match up the takes for that single frame
But unless the takes are near identical in framing, the cut looks far too jarring to look realistic
so if you guys think you have a solution for producing this in a moving shot, let us know in the comments below
Or better yet, show us in a video how you did it.
visual effects work most effectively when they embed into a physical scene.
Compositing effects onto footage without any physical interaction will result in tacky-looking VFX
So if you want your visual effects to shine think about what those effects would produce in the real world
And try to replicate it
If you guys want a gunshot effects tutorial let us know in the comments below
And why not subscribe if you haven't already by hitting the orange lens cap, stay notified, and remember to achieve it one shot at a time
Dark money tactics used in West Virginia's primary could spread as midterm season heats up - Duration: 11:34.
Dark money tactics used in West Virginia's primary could spread as midterm season heats up
US Senate Republican primary candidate Don Blankenship is interviewed by media outlets following the closing of the polls May 8, 2018 in Charleston, West Virginia.
(CNN)A pair of mysterious pop-up super PACs, one with Republican roots and another tied to Democrats, spent more than $3 million in hopes of swaying West Virginias GOP Senate primary while keeping their donor lists hidden from voters until after the election.
The groups arrived on the scene with blurry names, like Mountain Families PAC, but blunt intentions: to quietly use truckloads of outside money to feather their political beds ahead of the November general election.
By the time their donors were revealed a few days ago, the primary felt like a distant memory.
To do this, the PACs used legal tactics that were nonetheless designed to defy the spirit of current campaign finance law, campaign finance experts say.
The play, which experts warn could set a roadmap for other groups seeking to avoid politically damaging disclosures, is actually pretty simple.
Both the Mountain Families PAC and the Duty & Country PAC switched their FEC reporting schedules in the run-up to the vote, allowing them to delay making public the sources of their millions until after the primary, rendering the new information useless to voters who had cast their ballot nearly two weeks earlier.
With these kind of campaign finance shenanigans, once the dam breaks, you can expect to see a flood of similar conduct, said Brendan Fischer of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.
Once one political operative figures out how to get around the law, you see others following suit. In West Virginia, Mountain Families PAC began airing ads targeting the former coal baron Don Blankenship with less than a month to go before the May 8 primary.
One of the spots, titled Sludge, hammered Blankenship over his conviction for conspiring to violate mine safety standards in connection with the deadly Big Branch mine explosion in 2010.
Who will clean up Washington? Not convicted criminal Don Blankenship, a narrator intones, ticking through Blankenships ugly record.
Isnt there enough toxic sludge in Washington? The group dropped more than $1.3 million on the contest in total, all of it aimed at Blankenship, who was running a slash-and-burn campaign targeting the establishment and using racist language aimed at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells family in his race against state Rep.
Evan Jenkins and the eventual winner, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.
Progressives seethe over DNC chair Perezs decision to back Cuomo in NY primary fight For voters intent on finding out where that money had originated, there were precious few clues.
Only an Arlington, Virginia, mailing address, and the listing of a veteran GOP operative as the groups treasurer suggested links to the same national Republicans Blankenship was targeting.
More concrete information about its origins, direction and, crucially, the funding, remained hidden.
The process began on March 29, when the group formed and, according to FEC documents, elected to file quarterly reports.
The first would be due just a couple days later, on March 31.
With no donations in that short stretch, Mountain Families PAC had nothing to disclose.
But there was another hurdle.
Quarterly filers also have to submit a pre-primary report, making public fundraising and spending information 12 days before the vote.
But just after the quarterly reporting period ended on March 31, Mountain Families PAC in a bid to sidestep that requirement made a timely switch to monthly reporting.
By law, this exempted them from filing a pre-primary report and pushed their next disclosure, their first monthly report, back to May 20, nearly two weeks after Morrisey had claimed the nomination and Blankenship, who had been showing signs of momentum, finished a distant third.
The Duty & Country PAC, which was also set up to avoid disclosing its donors until after the election, revealed the sources of its $1.8 million in ads targeting Jenkins and Morrisey -- both perceived as more formidable general election challengers to Democratic incumbent Sen.
Joe Manchin -- at the same time.
Only then was it revealed that the Mountain Families PAC, which had spent so heavily to derail Blankenship, has been funded entirely by the Senate Leadership Fund, a DC-based super PAC with links to Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican leadership.
SLF itself is funded largely by Republican megadonors like Bernard Marcus, the Home Depot co-founder, and Paul Singer, the hedge fund manager, and also corporate donors such as Chevron and Nextera.
Among the sources hidden until then were a roster of donors including CEOs and hedge fund managers based in New York and Massachusetts, Chicago Bulls and White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, the Greater New York Hospital Association, along with transfers from the Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue.
Adam Bozzi, the communications director for End Citizens United, a nonprofit aimed at electing candidates dedicated to opposing to the 2010 court rulings that paved the way for super PACs and other dark money groups and pushing new, stricter campaign finance legislation, described the situation in West Virginia as a symptom of the broken campaign finance system that in which both parties operate.
There is a rush of unlimited money coming in, undisclosed money coming in, and a bunch of gaping holes that allow a lack of disclosure, Bozzi said.
What were seeing is overall an increase in people and groups navigating the system in a way that they can hide money. The West Virginia tactics are reminiscent of a gambit pulled by Democrats in last years Alabama special Senate election.
In that race, a Democratic super PAC called Highway 31 was able to avoid revealing its donors until after the results were in by claiming to have done all their spending on credit.
They disclosed their donations -- ostensibly made to pay off that debt -- after the election.
They claimed up until the final report before Election Day that they hadnt raised a single dollar, the CLCs Fischer, calling it a creative legal argument. How that artistry would stand up under to the scrutiny of the FEC remains an open question, mostly because the commission, which is supposed to interpret and enforce election law, is in its current form often effectively absent from the scene.
On any controversial campaign finance issue, the FEC repeatedly deadlocks, said the CLCs Fischer.
It splits 3 to 3, or now that its down to four commissioners, it splits 2 to 2, which means that they dont take action.
They dont take action to craft new rules in light of a changing legal landscape and new court decisions and they dont take action to enforce those rules against candidates and super PACs that violate them. Bozzi, from ECU, believes the only solution is stricter legislation as part of a package of wholesale reform.
He cited the Restoring Integrity to Americas Elections Act, which would revamp the FEC and enable it to better monitor and regulate existing campaign finance laws, as one possible fix.
Another, called the Federal Election Administration Act, would eliminate the FEC and replace it with an agency that has broader authority to monitor and regulate existing law.
The outlook for any real reform, though, is bleak.
Fredericksburg one step closer to becoming Dark-Sky community - Duration: 2:12.
Movie Clip: Dark Crimes / True Crimes ("Truth is what you make it. Reality is perception.") - Duration: 0:53.
There's only one idea that matters. NOTHING IS REAL!
We create the fact, we create the fiction.
Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. The end.
Okay. We've time for one more.
You write a lot about Truth. Can you say what Truth means to you?
Truth cannot be separate from us.
It cannot exist independently of the human mind.
"Truth is strong and it will prevail."
There's nothing wrong with that, except it isn't true.
Truth is what you make it. Reality is perception.
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:19:34.
Toggling the Editor's Dark/Light Theme - Duration: 1:13.
(soft jazz music)
- [Narrator] In this video, we'll show you
how to toggle the dark and light themes
inside of the Glitch editor.
Let's get started.
To toggle the themes we need to go to the User Options menu
and that's located here at the top right of the page.
You can easily see the user options because it will
have your avatar here as the icon.
And once you click that, you'll see a menu here
with a button that will allow you to change the theme.
By default, the Glitch editor theme is light.
And you'll see that the button has a moon next to it.
To change it to the dark theme simply click this button
and now the theme will change over to dark.
You'll also notice that the moon has changed to a sun.
To save this change, just click anywhere outside
of the user options and you're all set.
For more videos like this, visit us on YouTube.
Thanks for watching.
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