If a girl's got blue eye shadow on,
you are in for a good time.
I wonder why it never looked good on me.
Welcome back, everybody!
Woo! I'm Grace.
I am Mamrie, and today, this might get werked. - Yeah.
We have a guest today, and normally we'd like, chitchat.
Do a little up top.
No, we just want this guest right in here.
Let's welcome
Willam! - Willam!
Grace: Welcome, Willam!
Grace: Come on in, hello!
Mamrie: I'm so happy to have you here.
[unclear] in the middle. Mamrie: Oh, for sure.
Mamrie: It's weird to have an even taller, beautiful blonde beside me.
This is messed up.
Oh no, these shoes are perfect.
Aren't they good?
I love them. Look at that.
Just a simple sneaker.
This for your cardio.
Look like a pump, feels like a sneaker.
You've been traveling and performing
almost every single day, it feels like.
Yeah, like, pretty much any time I want to work in another place, I can.
Did you know you could get scabs in a fishnet pattern?
Holy smokes!
This is an American [bleep].
Willam: It's not grayscale!
I am not in "Game of Thrones."
This one's cute, too.
Grace: Whoa! Mamrie: This is your next book, just beautiful scabs.
Where do you get your inspiration for your looks?
My inspiration comes from lots of things.
Old Patricia Field stuff.
Old '90s music videos.
I love... I feel like you're very...
You could be in a Deee-Lite video.
Oh, "Groove is in the Heart," definitely. - "Groove is in the Heart."
All that, all that. Very B-52s.
1990s Gautier. - OK.
Galliano. - All of it.
Oh, I love a Rainbow!
Dot. [bleep] Go to a Dot and tear it up.
There are some trends happening on the runway
that we're not too sure about,
so we want to get your, like, expert opinion if this is a good thing
or a bad thing.
And then maybe we can get a little bit of help from you
in upping in our looks.
Some [unclear].
Major [unclear].
Yohji... Yohji Yamamoto?
It's like "The Haunting" and a geometry word problem got in a fight.
This would take, like, a pack of braiding hair,
a little piece of a cardboard box,
two little wig clips and hair spray, and a trusting soul.
That's amazing.
Thank god.
OK, what's our next look?
This is from Prada at Milan Fashion Week 2018.
I feel like [bleep] stole your look!
I mean, blue lets them know you [bleep].
What do blue lips mean, then?
Blue lips mean, um...
you got pulled out of a river?
Oh, there we go. And here's our final trend from
Giambattista Valli?
Well I know that, like,
galaxy ink was really big on the Internet,
so now are the runways copying YouTubers?
I just do a lot of glitter because it's...
everywhere that you have to blend, if you put glitter instead,
you don't have to blend.
Oh, so they're doing it right.
Or bangs.
She's got it in her ear!
No, I have a problem with this, because if she tries to shower this off,
and it just goes down south to her vag,
she can get a UTI real quick.
Oh, don't I know it!
A cautionary tale!
A cautionary tail for her tail.
Oh, her south mouth is going to be all irritated.
South mouth!
What's happening this fall?
I'm in a movie with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.
[cheers and applause]
I just looked for the camera to mug, I'm like, which camera?
Oh, just do 'em all. I just make sure every single one's got it.
It's weird because I only see you guys when I'm on a job.
But I love it!
No, Willam has an amazing craft night that I've heard all about, - So fun.
but you... you're the queen of inviting like
two minutes before something starts.
Oh, always. "Hey, what are you doing? Oh sorry, the parking's full. Don't come."
We think that we could use some, some freshening-up.
Some modernizing of our looks.
And that's why we would love for you to take some inspiration from these trends,
and hopefully give us a little bit of a makeover.
I can do it.
Okay, so who wants to go first?
OK. - Done and done.
What'd we say, glitter or what?
Glitter or that blue thing?
I'm gonna do the hair on miss Grace.
OK, that makes sense.
'Cause you're red, and red is a hard hair to match.
It really is, and I only got about ten of them,
so I don't know if it'll even attach.
You said we can't use your pubes, right?
I love Locks of Loved 'em.
Oh, man! [laughter]
OK, I think I will go for that like, blue thing.
Ooo, goodie!
Because I think I could wear that out.
I love blue.
Yeah, if you said it didn't work for you in the past, I think
now is the time to try it again.
Plus, I want people to know my intentions.
This is a water-based product, I'm guessing.
We're gonna find out.
It's only been tested on tranimals.
Now do you ever repeat make-up looks? 'Cause I feel like every time...
That's a wet... That's a...
It feels like a dog just licked my face.
This is going good!
You are always doing new looks. - Always.
Do you ever repeat?
Yeah, I get bored really easy. Look up for me.
It really matters what brush is clean.
And then based on that and like, which finger's clean.
Yeah, I get that.
What's been your favorite look that you've done recently?
My favorite look is by this artist named Jody Steel. You guys should talk to her.
I already did. - Oh, we talked talked about this!
She's gonna turn me into my dog.
[bleep] She is amazing!
She turned herself into a llama.
It was crazy. - I've seen this.
It was so great.
This is very Gautier.
[softly] Oh no.
You gotta test it.
They're not gonna put anything on the... on the shelves that you can't ingest.
I've been *saying* this for years!
That gasp, I thought it was like a Grace: [softly] Tide pods.
whole room [bleep].
Yeah, I ate paint once, and people freaked out.
Girl, I ate chalk and ramen every day in school.
Dry ramen bricks, just gnawing. I was that kid.
Would you put the seasoning on it? Would you...
That's good. That looks really good. You're like a snow globe.
[surprised noises]
You [bleep], this is gonna be here for years.
No it won't. It's a little bit and it's great.
You look like rollergirl's aunt. Trendy. Trending!
Does it look good?
Willam: Trending!
Grace: So good.
Am I just straight-up Prada in Milan?
I mean, if we had a blue eyeliner because I forgot to bring mine.
Oh, work [bleep]!
She does.
Oh, this is a smokey real girl color.
This one's going to be super easy.
It's some of the same
finely-tuned skill techniques you saw me demonstrate on Mamrie.
My favorite part of this look is that when I like,
lightly move my head, it's just like a fantastical little snowfall.
It gives your business.
It's magic dandruff.
Mmm, I like that.
Thank you.
This is clean. - OK.
Mamrie: Oh yeah, if you just make it like a stamp.
Yeah, exactly.
Grace: Wow...
I used to make stamps out of potatoes, I know.
I was gonna bring a potato, but I didn't know if she was doing the Keto diet!
What's been the most creative thing that you've DIY'd for yourself?
I have a show called "Crafternoonting"
and it's on my YouTube channel, and I made a pumpkin bong.
I made a Christmas tree out of dildos.
I mean, you're Martha Stewart.
You know, my career goals are actually Martha Stewart mixed with Chris Hardwick.
What were you doing in Barcelona?
Cross-dressing for money. Just a little gig. I sing in Spanish.
Grace: Very cool. Mamrie: [gasp] Prove it!
[sings in Spanish]
[applause] Whoa. -That's so good!
Alicia Keys.
Cooling treatment.
Mamrie: Oh my god, you know what you look like?
Mamrie: You look like an edgy calico kitten.
You know, when you go into the pound and you're like,
Ooo, look at that one with the fun eye.
Ooo, let's get that one!
Let's get that one!
I'm gonna be very careful, don't worry.
You do your thing. I'm ready to be beautiful.
[deep voice] Whoa!
So you made this backstage in like 30 seconds. Just FYI.
Willam walked in and just immediately started just... hair was a-flyin'.
Willam walked in and goes, "What color's your hair?"
I said, "Don't even talk to me, let me see your roots!"
[snap] Get it.
One clip. - Ooo.
Did you feel that?
I felt thaaat.
Mamrie: Grace, holy crap. You have never looked so modern. [snap]
Thank you! This feels great. It feels like a gentle hug.
Willam: Sorry about that.
No, it's OK. It was very nurturing. Mamrie: Whoa!
I'm going to get you...
Yeah, what do I need?
to spray the hairspray as I tease.
Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork.
I'm ready. - OK.
Aaaand, spray.
Higher, higher.
From above.
A well-oiled machine.
OK, that's good.
It smells great.
Oh wooow!
Grace, I know you don't normally like to get drinks
in our finished looks here. [laughter]
But, I mean, I feel like the world deserves to have us out in the wild.
There is an Outback across the street.
Oh my god.
And they don't have any rules.
I'm gonna just take off a little bit of this length
because it's really weighing you down.
Cool, I don't want to look stupid.
[Mamrie cackles]
OK, you can stand up.
I can stand up and reveal my final form?
Wow! - Wow!
[applause] Willam: Voilà! Drag!
I feel amazing.
1, 2, gorgeous.
Thank you so much for coming and doing this. Willam: Of course.
Grace: Thank you so much.
Willam, everybody!
Yay me! You're welcome!
Willam! Plug all your [bleep]!
I have a book!
I'm on the Internet at willam.
W I L L A M. It's not my fault, my parents are idiots.
And you a YouTube show?
Et cetera, yes on YouTube.
I do "Beatdown," that's coming back.
I do something called "Paint Me Bitch."
I do other things to get me strikes.
Ugh, those strikes!
Those are tough.
Thank you for coming!
Grace: Thank you, Willam!
Grace: Thank you!
I love it. They're good at drag hugs. It's this.
Not too close!
Mamrie, who do we have a gratitude problem with today?
Well, today, Grace, we have a gratitude problem with Craig Wintin,
who said, "Spending the night doodling and catching up on 'This Might Get.'
So naturally, this happened."
Look at this. We're like Simpsons characters.
I love it.
And I feel like we look pretty identical to that, right at this current moment.
Absolutely. Next time, Craig Wintin, please cinch my waist a little more,
but thank you so much!
You're so talented, and we would love to feature more of your talented works
in the Gratitude Problem, so upload them to your social media and tag @thismightget
and maybe you'll see your works up here.
And if you're not subscribed to this YouTube channel, what are you waiting for?
Stuff like this happens on a daily basis, Monday through Friday.
Hit that bell notification so you know exactly when we go live.
I'm gonna go to the optometrist.
OK, I'm gonna go out.
Oh how dare you.
For more infomation >> BECOMING FASHION WEEK MODELS ft. Willam Belli with Grace Helbig & Mamrie Hart - Duration: 10:40.-------------------------------------------
Covet Fashion Hack- Gain Unlimited Diamonds (Android/IOS) 2018 - Duration: 3:24.
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Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion Lime Accenten Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:12.
✅ Sophie Charlotte brilha em evento fashion em São Paulo - Duration: 1:24.
Sophie Charlotte marcou presença no lançamento da nova coleção de uma marca de roupas na noite desta terça-feira, 29, em São Paulo
Com uma minissaia, a atriz exibiu as pernas e mostrou sua boa forma. Sophie é mãe de Otto, de 2 anos, fruto do seu relacionamento com o ator Daniel de Oliveira
Juntos desde 2014, Sophie e Danie vivem uma relação inspiradora. Decidida a seguir carreira artística desde criança, a mãe de Otto considera a maternidade como uma experiência maravilhosa e de autodescoberta
Anos antes de se casarem, os dois passaram por relacionamentos bem estáveis. Durante três anos Sophie esteve junto com Malvino Salvador, e Daniel foi casado por oito anos com a atriz Vanessa Giácomo
Em 2012 o casamento chegou ao fim. _____________________________________________________________________________ Gleici Damasceno, vencedora do BBB, participa do novo clipe de Gaby Amarantos
✅ Sophie Charlotte brilha em evento fashion em São Paulo - Duration: 1:24.
Sophie Charlotte marcou presença no lançamento da nova coleção de uma marca de roupas na noite desta terça-feira, 29, em São Paulo
Com uma minissaia, a atriz exibiu as pernas e mostrou sua boa forma. Sophie é mãe de Otto, de 2 anos, fruto do seu relacionamento com o ator Daniel de Oliveira
Juntos desde 2014, Sophie e Danie vivem uma relação inspiradora. Decidida a seguir carreira artística desde criança, a mãe de Otto considera a maternidade como uma experiência maravilhosa e de autodescoberta
Anos antes de se casarem, os dois passaram por relacionamentos bem estáveis. Durante três anos Sophie esteve junto com Malvino Salvador, e Daniel foi casado por oito anos com a atriz Vanessa Giácomo
Em 2012 o casamento chegou ao fim. _____________________________________________________________________________ Gleici Damasceno, vencedora do BBB, participa do novo clipe de Gaby Amarantos
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