good evening everybody our top stories tonight President Trump in deal-making
mode keeping global opponents off balance and putting America first the
White House says the prospective summit with Kim jong-un could be back on the
table as the top North Korean envoy arrives in the United States to meet
with the Secretary of State the administration also threatening North
Korea's biggest ally China threatening new sanctions on 50 billion dollars of
imports from China upping the stakes on trade negotiations by imposing a
so-called 301 we've got the latest on those Chinese talks with top White House
trade adviser Peter Navarro tonight and Gordon Chang is here to talk about the
showdown with North Korea and China also the Trump agenda building up ahead of
the midterm elections president Trump touting a new string of a legislative
victories you won't hear about in the left-wing national media that could be
driving the Republican resurgence in recent polls and the Dean and Rollins
weighs in on the Trump election year accomplishments and what we can expect
as a result even as a record number of Republicans are resigning from the house
our top story tonight President Trump turning up the heat on China putting
pressure on Beijing to address the massive trade imbalance that it is
enjoyed with the United States for decades this coming within weeks of well
the position of tariffs if the Chinese don't act and the administration today
said that by June 15th it will finalize tariffs on fifty billion dollars of
imports from China the penalties on early 1300 product categories from
medical equipment to machinery could go as high as twenty five percent and by
the end of next month the United States would also impose historic restrictions
on Chinese investment in this country to combat rampant intellectual property
theft that cost the United States as much as sick
hundred billion dollars a year all of this unless the United States and China
can reach a trade deal within two and a half weeks
our first guest tonight continues to fight against China's unfair trade
practices as well as the global is working to subvert the president's
America for his trade policies joining us tonight is Peter Navarro top trade
adviser to the president director of the White House national trade council Peter
good to have you with us who is my friend how are you today well I'm great
and I know you're doing well the imposition of three oh ones I mean this
administration has already done more with the three oh ones and the previous
administration contemplated throughout its two terms in office it's yeah it'll
make me clear about a couple of things here Lou first of all will insist upon
it Peter will insist upon it this president is tough in their
toughest nails on trade and national security in this 301 investigation by
ambassador Robert light hyzer really combines those two things well here's
what we know from his investigation ordered by the president China not only
steals our intellectual property through economic espionage and cyber theft it
also forces the transfer of that technology from American companies on
Chinese soil trying to get access to the market it acquires our companies here in
Silicon Valley and elsewhere from by state-owned enterprises and they also
evade our export control laws they've been silent promises Peter we've been
following them I made in my mind and here's the it is being it is being
adjudicated before the World Trade Organization we're following the cases
and we understand that this audience here is the the reports on that on how
that is progressing and let's understand why these tariffs No let's understand
this I'm going to answer the questions here Peter i will seek answers from
before because i feel somehow irrelevant if you ask both the questions and
provide answers it seemingly III want to Iran Lou go ahead let's start with fifty
billion dollars all right you're talking about a trade relationship that is over
600 billion in the trade relationship between the
two countries these are peanuts and let's be very clear about that this is
peanuts so what will be the impact of these 301 KS if we get to June 15th and
there's no deal so the purpose of the 301 investigation basically is to stop
China from stealing the crown jewels of our technology and the perfect president
a city long for the purpose of the tariffs they're targeted at the
so-called China 2025 industries the artificial intelligence robotics
blockchain technology things like that and the purpose of the tariffs is to
defend our industries here in America that engage in research development
production of those entities as you know Lu China has a predatory model basically
where they come in and they attack our industry solar steel they try to steal
them from us so the purpose of the tariffs they're very targeted and it's
very important the purchasing investment restrictions are to prevent China from
then buying those companies which we nurture here so this 301 investigation
like a laser beam focuses solely on technology it is not a bargaining chip
let me make this clear Lu would it whatever deal what might be made this is
not a bargaining chip these tariffs will be put in place to protect and defend
our technologies as will the investment restrictions we have a whole nother
problem with the 500 billion dollars worth of trade exports the China sends
to us that's where the deal-making needs to be done but these are not trading
this is not bargaining chips Lou this will happen on June 15th for the tariffs
and June 30th for the investment restriction so let's be clear about that
the president is strong and tough and resolute on that he promised this during
the campaign Lou and there's a straight line between here the 301 investigation
which he ordered the results of that 301 investigation the decision he made today
to impose those tariffs and investment restrictions mm-hmm and the ZTE
accommodation to President Xi Alou I want to be clear two things about this
one you want you to be clear we're going to have a wonderful evening
because you're being so clear you remind us each time yes yes
ZTE number one is a law enforcement issue not my lane number two national
security issue indeed indeed it is and Secretary of minuchin and Wilbur Ross
are the ones to talk about with on that issue it is a law enforcement issue and
that's not something I can talk about because of that okay well so you don't
you think that the sanctions should be handled as simply a national security
issue rather than a response and trade the president is obviously reacted as if
it were a trade issue because he's making a personal exemption for ZTE
despite seven years of violating US sanctions with North Korea and with Iran
I I fully understand that Laura but I'm under directions and I'm a good foot
soldier here it's a law enforcement issue its Wilbur Ross and Steve told you
it was a law enforcement officer oh it is I mean that the national security
well how do you start and how you start separating national security from
international trade particularly with the communist country that is right now
being very provocative when we carry out freedom of navigation missions are you
the u.s. Navy does in the South China Sea this is this is becoming a rather
brittle matter isn't it yeah well certainly the freedom of navigation
issue is front and center China is building these large islands artificial
islands that they stole and seized no countries to begin with yes and then the
US Navy is very worried about that the Philippines and all Vietnam they're all
very concerned about and this is what China's doing in the South China Sea so
when you make the distinction with law enforcement I find that curious because
as a man who is written about trade with China and who understands clearly the
national security implications I would think he would be somewhat more
vociferous about how important that I don't want to trade relationship I don't
mind you pressing on this Lou and if I weren't part of the administration
in under orders that this is a law enforcement issue I would be free to
express my views on this but as I say Lou this is a law enforcement issue it's
being dealt with by the Justice Department the Department of Commerce in
a district court and that's all I can say again Wilbur Ross and Steve minuchin
would be the ones that that are the commenters on this they're the ones that
have gone up to Capitol Hill to talk about this and so those would be the
guys they've also gone to Beijing and come back with a really quite an
interesting but checkered result we're sitting here talking about 301's
in the administration's decision to to impose a punishment even as it's being
adjudicated before the World Trade Organization which some would consider
to be a further ambiguity given that the this administration has not been
particularly supportive of the idea of turning over sovereignty to the WTO well
there's only there's only one issue that the 301 is involved in with the WTO and
it's a very interesting one what China does is part of their coercion and
aggression is they force companies American companies the license the worst
transfer of technology its licensing it's it's if say Qualcomm has a chip
that that a said I want to do you know what I understand that you want to run
up the time but I just want you down but you've already succeeded and when I
appreciate your efforts and record to talking with you that what you do buddy
I you take care of yourself Peter Navarro up next president Trump
says Robert Muller's 13 angry Democrats are plotting to subvert our midterm
elections we take that up with Judicial Watch is Chris Farrell right after this
stay with us we're coming right back
she calls it like she sees it from
For more infomation >> DOBBS: "US-China trade talks" - Duration: 10:50.-------------------------------------------
Attorneys petition US Supreme Court to review Hampton man's death by police - Duration: 1:03.
'Don't toast marshmallows on Hawaii volcano' says US government - Duration: 3:32.
'Don't toast marshmallows on Hawaii volcano' says US government
Kilauea in the US state of Hawaii is one of the worlds most active volcanoes and recently as captured the worlds attention.
The US Geological Survey has responded to a social media query on whether it is safe to roast marshmallows over a volcanic vent. The answer is no.
Kilauea in the US state of Hawaii is one of the worlds most active volcanoes and it has been very active in recent weeks.
With its red-hot rivers of lava have destroyed dozens of homes on Hawaiis Big Island, with 2,000 people being told to leave their properties.
Jay Furr from Richmond, Vermont asked the US government department whether it would be safe to roast marshmallows over volcanic vents using a long stick. https://ichef. bbci. uk/news/485/socialembed/https://twitter. com/jayfurr/status/1001280299710472192~/news/world-us-canada-44294418.
The US Geological Surveys Volcanoes Twitter account, which posts official updates and information on volcanoes in the US, responded to Mr Furrs query, saying that such an experiment would lead to a bad taste and a pretty spectacular reaction.
They said it would not be safe and advised people to not try to do so. Last week, people in Hawaii were warned about toxic fumes produced when molten rock flows into the ocean.
https://ichef. bbci. uk/news/485/socialembed/https://twitter. com/USGSVolcanoes/status/1001281586476867584~/news/world-us-canada-44294418. Kilauea is an extremely active volcano and its present eruption began 35 years ago,.
A growth of volcanic activity in recent weeks has meant that it has quite literally been erupting in peoples backyards. Only one serious injury has been reported, after a man was hit by projectile molten rock as he sat on his balcony.
Trump lavishes praise on North Korea's 'brilliant potential' as US arrives for summit - Duration: 2:20.
Top officials of N. Korea, U.S. to meet soon in New York - Duration: 2:24.
Summit diplomacy seems to be heating up... as North Korea's former intel chief is in
New York City for talks with the U.S. Secretary of State.
The visit comes... as multiple meetings are taking place in different locations to set
the agenda for the summit and the regime's denuclearization.
Oh Jung-hee has our top story.
The right-hand men of Kim Jong-un and President Trump will be meeting soon in New York.
North Korea's Kim Yong-chol -- the regime's former spy chief and the current director
of its department for inter-Korean relations -- was spotted taking a flight bound for New
York on Tuesday afternoon in Beijing.
Trump confirmed on Twitter that Kim is coming.
And Washington's State Department says...
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will head over to New York on Wednesday to meet him.
"The Secretary will be heading up to New York tomorrow and I believe returning sometime
on Thursday."
Kim and Pompeo's talking points have not been specified.
But it's widely believed that their meeting is for the final coordination of the agenda
for the Pyongyang-Washington summit -- how North Korea will denuclearize... and how the
U.S. will guarantee the Kim Jong-un regime's security.
This... as an extension of the North Korea-U.S. working-level talks that took place twice
this week at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom.
The delegations at Panmunjom -- led respectively by Washington's former negotiator on North
Korea, Sung Kim, and Pyongyang's Vice Foreign Minister, Choe Son-hui -- met on Sunday and
"Well, this will be the Secretary's third meeting with Kim Yong-chol.
They've had, obviously, very deep conversations where they've talked about a lot of detail
about what the United States' expectations are."
"If Kim Yong-chol and Mike Pompeo settleD on a basic draft of their agreement and President
Trump accepts it, then that will lead to a confirmation that the summit will take place
for sure.
The fact that Kim Yong-chol is visiting the U.S. -- that in itself means that coordination
between the two is almost over,... with only a few factors left to be resolved."
Kim Yong-chol is the first high-level North Korean official to step foot on U.S. soil
in 18 years.
Attention is on whether he will meet with U.S. President Donald Trump... and deliver
a letter from Kim Jong-un -- much like when Pompeo twice met with the North Korean leader
in Pyongyang.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Warsaw begs US to set up military base in Poland as bulwark against Russian aggression - Duration: 3:52.
North Korea PANIC - Kim sends right hand man for EMERGENCY US summit talks - Duration: 2:45.
Top officials of N. Korea, U.S. to meet soon in New York - Duration: 2:24.
Summit diplomacy seems to be heating up... as North Korea's former intel chief is in
New York City for talks with the U.S. Secretary of State.
The visit comes... as multiple meetings are taking place in different locations to set
the agenda for the summit and the regime's denuclearization.
Oh Jung-hee has our top story.
The right-hand men of Kim Jong-un and President Trump will be meeting soon in New York.
North Korea's Kim Yong-chol -- the regime's former spy chief and the current director
of its department for inter-Korean relations -- was spotted taking a flight bound for New
York on Tuesday afternoon in Beijing.
Trump confirmed on Twitter that Kim is coming.
And Washington's State Department says...
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will head over to New York on Wednesday to meet him.
"The Secretary will be heading up to New York tomorrow and I believe returning sometime
on Thursday."
Kim and Pompeo's talking points have not been specified.
But it's widely believed that their meeting is for the final coordination of the agenda
for the Pyongyang-Washington summit -- how North Korea will denuclearize... and how the
U.S. will guarantee the Kim Jong-un regime's security.
This... as an extension of the North Korea-U.S. working-level talks that took place twice
this week at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom.
The delegations at Panmunjom -- led respectively by Washington's former negotiator on North
Korea, Sung Kim, and Pyongyang's Vice Foreign Minister, Choe Son-hui -- met on Sunday and
"Well, this will be the Secretary's third meeting with Kim Yong-chol.
They've had, obviously, very deep conversations where they've talked about a lot of detail
about what the United States' expectations are."
"If Kim Yong-chol and Mike Pompeo settleD on a basic draft of their agreement and President
Trump accepts it, then that will lead to a confirmation that the summit will take place
for sure.
The fact that Kim Yong-chol is visiting the U.S. -- that in itself means that coordination
between the two is almost over,... with only a few factors left to be resolved."
Kim Yong-chol is the first high-level North Korean official to step foot on U.S. soil
in 18 years.
Attention is on whether he will meet with U.S. President Donald Trump... and deliver
a letter from Kim Jong-un -- much like when Pompeo twice met with the North Korean leader
in Pyongyang.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
United States preparing for North Korea summit! State department 29/05/2018 - Duration: 29:35.
Pre-summit talks resume between North Korean, U.S. delegations at Panmunjom - Duration: 0:42.
Top negotiators from North Korea and the U.S. are meeting once again at the inter-Korean
border village of Panmunjom... for what's expected to be the final stage of discussions
on the agenda for the Pyongyang-Washington summit.
The U.S. delegation is led by Sung Kim, former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and former
top North Korea negotiator,... and includes Allison Hooker, the director for Korea on
the White House's National Security Council.
North Korea's delegation is led by Choe Son-hui ,... the regime's Vice Foreign Minister and
top U.S. negotiator.
This meeting follows another one held on Sunday.
It's expected to focus on North Korea's denuclearization... and how to guarantee the Kim Jong-un regime's
US Prison Ship Simulator 2018 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 3:46.
US Prison Ship Simulator 2018 New Android Game 2018
Trump BACKS the Euro? US officials tell Italy it's 'BETTER' to stay with EU currency bloc - Duration: 2:06.
Jud. Napolitano-"Secretary of State POMPEO expected NOKO meeting TRUMP" - Duration: 13:48.
we begin with a Fox News Alert we are awaiting the arrival of a top North
Korean official at New York's John F Kennedy Airport North Korea vice
chairman kim yeongcheol is then expected to meet with Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo the White House continues to lay the groundwork now to revive a potential
summit on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula we are watching all of
it as it makes news and it's live we'll bring it to you
this is outnumbered i'm harris faulkner here today Sandra Smith town hall editor
and Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich host of kennedy on fox business kennedy
and in the center seat today Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew
Napolitano outnumbered and ready to go so some of my closest friends
yes well North Korea's vice chairman kim yeongcheol as I just mentioned is on his
way to New York City expected to arrive within a couple of hours this afternoon
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is also expected in New York after the secretary
meets with President Trump at the White House this afternoon the latest moves as
the Trump administration works to hold that summit in Singapore with North
Korean dictator Kim Jong hoon as of now the date still on the calendar June 12th
the president canceled that meeting last week after hostile rhetoric from the
north but has since reopened the door to having it a short time ago we heard from
former US ambassador to the UN Governor Bill Richardson who is one of few
Americans to have direct negotiations with the north here he is you have to
set an agenda for the meeting and we have to narrow the gap between what we
consider a denuclearization and what the North Koreans considered
denuclearization let's be completely prepared because the North Koreans I've
negotiated with them they're relentless they're very focused and we have to be
focused too chief White House correspondent John Roberts at the White
House now John Harris good afternoon to you no meetings
like this are never a sure thing right up until the moment that the
cheerleaders get into the same room together but the thinking around the
White House here today is that the June 12th date for this summit really looks
like it could be on track the press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
yesterday aboard Air Force One on the president's weights Tennessee said quote
the president's letter specifically said that we were open to the meeting at the
time and again we expect it to take place but we'll see what happens we are
going to be prepared if it takes place June 12th will certainly be prepared if
it for some reason takes place at a later date we'll be prepared for that as
well a lot of people think June 12th could happen
some people think might need to be delayed by a couple of days maybe a week
a lot of whether or not this goes forward will depend on meetings that
Mike Pompeo the Secretary of State is having with the man that you see right
there kim yong-chul he's going to be meeting with him in New
York City likely later on today tomorrow morning as well
he is the highest-ranking North Korean official to come to the United States in
18 years and likely that a person of his rank wouldn't come all the way here
unless there was a good chance of putting something together listen to
what the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said yesterday this will
be the Secretary's third meeting with kim gyeong-cheol they've had obviously
very deep conversations where they've talked about a lot of detail about what
the United States expectations are I think it's important that we're going up
to New York I know the secretary looks forward to engaging engaging him in New
York pointed out as well that the rhetoric out of North Korea since the
president sent that letter last Thursday has been remarkably restrained and
Harris the one person that we have not heard from is the Deputy Foreign
Minister who really got things going when she said those intemperate things
about the vice president and then threatened a nuclear to nuclear
confrontation with the United States if these negotiations didn't bear fruit so
everyone playing nice at the moment and again
the the Secretary of State has met with kim yong-chul three times previously so
they know something of each other and we'll find out likely by this time
tomorrow whether they can get something done john roberts thank you very much so
john sets up the conversation for us Judge Andrew Napolitano with the facts
on the ground that things are moving well this general with whom secretary
Pompeo Pompeo is meeting is also the head of their intelligence services so
here's the equivalent of what Mike Pompeo was when he ran the CIA so when
having our it said this is the third time they're meeting this is the third
time they're meeting while Mike Pompeo is Secretary of State but it's not the
third time they've ever met because they met in the connection with their work as
being the head of intelligence agencies so they know each other here's the issue
what does Dee and John Robert spin this what does denuclearization mean there's
a an American expert this morning who said it will take 15 years for a total
denuclearization what will denuclearization whatever it
is satisfied Donald Trump that the American public can no longer be
threatened but give Kim some ability to say I can still defend ourselves well
what's interesting about that Katie is that it buys the time for North Korea to
figure out what that defense is going to look like that's not nuclear and you
know if this is the beginning of the conversation that's just it so maybe it
just buys time for both sides and that's why you've seen President Trump
repeatedly say don't worry Kim jong-un we will protect you you will be safe
because the North Korean regimes entire premise for having nuclear weapons is to
preserve the regime it's not to preserve the people of the country it's not to
protect the citizens is to protect the regime of Kim jong-un and his long
seated family in that position and so for a long time there's been this
enormous gap between what the United States wants which is complete
denuclearization what China wants we're just saying look you can push them to
get rid of nuclear weapons for bad purposes and threatening the rest of the
world but we don't actually think that you can ask them to completely
denuclearize and there are more of the same page with North Korea in that sense
where they're saying well we're willing to blow up a tunnel here a tunnel there
they've done in the past but when it comes to preserving the regime
it's gonna be a very tough sell to the North Koreans about how the United
States an adversary to them is going to protect them from getting slaughtered in
the streets like Gaddafi was yeah and a broader issue Kennedy for all this too
is we don't want them to be in a position to be able to sell those
weapons to others who would want them yeah like his friends in Iran they've
already been making transactions with Iran and with Pakistan unfortunately
that horse has already left the barn and they're really comfortable with the
international black-market when it comes to buying whatever it is they need
whether it's fissile material or you know other aides to emboldening their
nuclear program or you know oil and coal which they have gotten from China China
and some of their shrinking pool of allies but you know back to what Katie
was talking about this is a really specific dance because it's like when
someone is trapped in the wilderness for days and is starving but they can't eat
because they'll actually get very sick and could die and you know it's likely
that North Korea will want to gorge on you know the free market but the problem
is if that doesn't go as well as they want and if they want this deal set up
in stages and the beginning stages don't go to their liking and they're not
making as much money as they thought they could and they don't have as much
control over their society as they would like they are much more likely to back
out of future stages of the deal and you know that's one when people talk about
preparations they have to make sure there are stop gaps in place for the
United States so we don't get stuck in another phase or they'll produce civil
liberties yes they don't that's that's what unifies them the most precisely yes
some of the things we're watching for we know that there is that delegation from
the United States and the DMZ zone I mean they they they have put or DMZ I
should say put things in place now that are tangible for us to watch I think we
have to also take it to the right now because we've been talking so big
picture about this for so long and now we're coming down to minutes and hours
here we don't even know the exact timing of the meeting that's going to take
place behind between the North Korean dictator's right-hand man as he's known
as and and Mike Pompeo but when I was talking to Governor Richardson earlier
today who has a lot of background knowledge on dealing with North Koreans
he suggested it's time to let Mike Pompeo just take the lead here the
president and his team should just kind of sit back
well that's Mike Pompeo do his thing as you had just stated when we let off the
hour here this is he's done multiple meetings now listen he is a once spent
three days with him where we were doing seminars together he has a very very
savvy experienced guard speaking of Bill Richardson who I think gives in this
respect not democrat advice a Republican advice but good sound patriotic advice
the president the United States needs to know in advance what the agreements are
going to be and if they can't get agreements done by July 12th or June
12th there's no magic to that date and I agree with you that Mike Pompeo has to
have a long leash so to speak yeah you know the one thing I would wonder about
too you talk about that relationship based on three meetings but it's it's
more than what we know to have happened in recent years with with North Korean
leadership how important is it to have that relationship between our now
Secretary of State and the foreign official who's coming well remember that
foreign official could be changed like that
just that this this is a dictator who not only slaughtered the boy from the
University of Virginia I don't wanna get graphic he slaughtered his own uncle
missing as well correct but right now the leader that's in New York is a
four-star general is that I'm a two ranking person in all of North Korea
it's very important that Mike Pompeo has a great personality bonds with this I
would add to that that Mike Pompeo is experienced at the CIA is not just about
these three meetings he's had it's about the overall intelligence that he has
gathered as his position in the CIA which we saw when he met with kim
jeong-hoon before he was in confirmed as i kotnis have been here guys cuz i want
to set something up that's about to happen we've got the right subscribe
bill that's a controversial bill that lets terminally ill people be able to
have access and to utilize experimental drugs that are out there that perhaps
have not been looked at or approved by the FDA this is something that the White
House announced last Friday and it has been something that the president has
held as a priority and for the vice president as well
you know also what's interesting about this is that today as the president
we're anticipating to walk up in the in the White House and step up to that
lectern and and then to the table to the side they're in sinus bill today follows
that rally that the president just had in Nashville Tennessee where he talked
about taking a fresh look at health care issues so as that happens live we will
take you there let's come back though to the to the issue at hand and talk a
little bit more about what we think needs to be done before July 12th Katie
why the June 12 June 12 which is 13 days away it takes a day and a half to get
there so really we're looking at ten days that we have Matt between now and
then but it's important to go back to the beginning of this when the president
agreed to meet with kim jeong-hoon at the summit they actually said at the
beginning we are not putting any agreements on the table this is simply a
first step so there can be conditions that are put down on the table for
discussion but in terms of getting some kind of deal before that deadline I
think is ambitious and something in the White House hasn't actually talked about
whether they're gonna get there in ten days I don't know clearly people on the
date and said it's gonna either be June 12th or it could be delayed all right
some day I see no no downside to President Trump to delay this for two
weeks if Mike Pompeo in this North Korean general are sort of on a roll but
just need a little bit more well it's interesting because the president seems
to be married to dates and markers oh absolutely I think he's like that's also
because you've seen a Congress that when you wipe away a date they get nothing
done for of a wedding date and you know something that nigga now resonates in in
people's minds and it's very difficult to postpone a wedding you know when you
book the caterer and the band and you've already paid for the cake and there's
still some some love in the air even if one partner has pushed the other ends
around they're sold out surround they're out they're sold out I think this is it
just thinking that but we're gonna move on married to this date and it will
happen on June 12 or will not happen my president rusting slamming Democrats
over immigration ahead of the midterm elections is this
oh gee that could work for Republicans also the president is not backing down
on his attacks on the Russia investigation his latest accusations is
Rudy Giuliani his top attorney now sets a big condition for any sit down with
Robert Muller stay close
Senior N. Korean official Kim Yong-chol to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in ... - Duration: 0:56.
Kim Yong-chol's visit to the U.S. will be the first by a North Korean official of his
rank in 18 years.
After rescheduling his departure multiple times, he took an Air China flight at 1 o'clock
this afternoon, Beijing time, which will put him New York at around 2:20 in the afternoon
on Wednesday, local time.
He was accompanied by another top official, Choe Kang-il, who's in charge of North American
affairs at Pyongyang's foreign ministry.
When Kim Yong-chol meets Mike Pompeo, they're expected to discuss the issues of denuclearization
and a security guarantee for the North Korean regime.
Kim and Pompeo have had similar jobs -- both as head of their countries' intelligence agencies
and as top aides to Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump respectively.
So reports say it's possible that Kim Yong-chol will personally deliver a letter to President
Trump, much like when Pompeo twice met with the North Korean leader in Pyongyang.
Top North Korean Official to Visit US - Duration: 0:53.
U.S. to impose 25% tariff on US$50 bil. worth of Chinese goods - Duration: 1:49.
Just 10 days after Washington and Beijing agreed not to impose new duties on each other,....
the White House says it will press ahead with tariffs against Chinese technology goods.
Cha Sang-mi zooms in on how the Trump administration is trying to gain leverage in its talks with
The U.S.-China trade war appeared to have died down.
Until on Tuesday, when the White House announced that it is moving ahead with plans to impose
a hefty 25-percent tariff on 50-billion U.S. dollars' worth of Chinese goods containing
"industrially significant" technology.
The White House says the final list of imports covered by the measures will be announced
by June 15th,... and the tariffs will be imposed "shortly thereafter".
It added the products included on the list are related to the "Made in China 2025" program,...
a 2015 initiative promoting China's tech industries, including the information technology, robotics,
and bio-medical sectors.
A representative for China's Ministry of Commerce said Beijing was surprised by the White House
In a statement released by the commerce ministry, Beijing stressed its confidence and capability
to defend its own national interests, regardless of what measures the U.S. will take, and urged
Washington to act according to their joint statement.
This comes after a second round of talks in Washington earlier this month,... where the
two sides issued a joint statement vowing not to launch a trade war against each other,...
as Beijing agreed to "significantly increase" its purchases of American goods and services
to help the U.S. reduce its $375-billion-dollar trade deficit with China.
The trade tensions began earlier this year with President Trump imposing tariffs on steel
and aluminum imports into the U.S.,... with China striking back with additional tariffs
on 128 U.S. products.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
What Is MCA Motor Club America Best Roadside Assistance In US - Duration: 6:45.
hey guys Meleda Jackson here just shooting a quick video to let you know
some of the services that MCA offers and provides I was able to utilize one of
the services well I wasn't able to i had to utilize one of the services so stay
tuned and watch this video I absolutely feel horrible because I ran out of gas I
absolutely feel horrible because what MCA had me cover - thank you for calling
TVC Motor Club of America Chris - for roadside assistance press three to
cancel your members this call may be monitored or recorded for Quality
Assurance purposes if you're calling or still delivery our change walkout or a
jumpstart please press 1 if you are in a safe location
yes okay great can I have your member ID number please
um actually I'm trying to grab it right now
we're not your cell phone number I can probably get that way okay it's three
zero two five one nine
topanga's move I'm not sure pocket mrs. Jackson yes okay Frank can you verify
your billing address for me real quick yes it's um thank you very much and I do
need a callback number real quick before we get started is it the number the
three or two by one yes okay great and works on iodine
everything meet at so what kind of service training make sure you guys are
getting them MCA services and using home when you become an associate use those
MCA services because that's what you pay for and they do deliver let's see here
make a model of your car are you the owner of the vehicle and you're
obviously the last person to drive it but are you the owner yes okay and where
you might say to that alright so it'll say can we locate you
or something of that nature click on the link and then just please allow and it
will say I'm trying to locate you now once it's going okay okay okay you guys
so I went ahead and dispatch the company to come on out so you even have to wait
as long and when they MCA you guys it's real
it helped me I ran out of gas so I can pay right out here with my credit card
numbers alright cool cash or card they come to the spot
goodness thank goodness tonight I ran out of gas catch the car they come to
the fight don't read any half guys and if you do make sure you got a USP a car
and if you don't get yourself in and say car do what I did and call the number
they'll get you set up and squared away okay so everything else is safe for life
we Pipers are delivering everything so is there anything else I need to help
you with right now are you good and you'll probably receive a follow-up call
later on to make them you know just to verify that your service went okay today
I just want to let you know okay alright thank you you're welcome good luck ma'am
now the other thing we can you take a bag you know came to see you today
yeah baby you came out his way to do his job and
I'm just trying to do mine by showing you guys that MPA is absolutely real he
just gave me throw me some gas for my car because I ran out of gas this
morning and now I'm about to fail MCA got me set up dispatched him out here
for me and now I'm back in business guys I was dropping my kids off to school and
I ran out of gas right when I got to my son right when I got in front of my son
school I ran out of gas I wasn't even thinking that I did it guess I just been
busy all week but I'm back and I'm good I left my glasses I forgot my glasses so
yeah guys stop teasing guys
United States in search of Religious Freedom and Economic growth for the world - Duration: 30:24.
Pre-summit talks resume between North Korean, U.S. delegations at Panmunjom - Duration: 0:44.
Top negotiators from North Korea and the U.S. are meeting once again at the inter-Korean
border village of Panmunjom... for what's expected to be the final stage of discussions
on the agenda for the Pyongyang-Washington summit.
The U.S. delegation is led by Sung Kim, former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and former
top North Korea negotiator,... and includes Allison Hooker, the director for Korea on
the White House's National Security Council.
North Korea's delegation is led by Choe Son-hui ,... the regime's Vice Foreign Minister and
top U.S. negotiator.
This meeting follows the one held on Sunday.
It's expected to focus on North Korea's denuclearization... and how to guarantee the Kim Jong-un regime's
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