For more infomation >> Dark Souls Remastered Ps4 Walkthrough No Commentary Part 5 Darkroot Basin - Duration: 30:51.
"GUTTER" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:25.
"GUTTER" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL
Darkorbit Pvp Server ws - Duration: 9:02.
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Gémbot | Dark Souls Remastered : Dióhéjban - Duration: 5:46.
Supergirl | Inside: Dark Side Of The Moon | The CW - Duration: 1:45.
What Is Dark Energy? - Duration: 4:17.
What if you threw a baseball up in the air and it never stopped?
And then, not only did it defy gravity, it started racing away faster and faster with
nothing propelling it.
That's exactly how astronomers felt in 1998, except, instead of a ball, they found the
entire universe was racing apart faster and faster by the instant.
So, why would the universe do that?
Our best theory is that there's something invisible all around you--and even though
you've never seen it, it makes up 70% of the universe.
It's called dark energy.
So, 20 years ago, by looking at supernovae, astronomers noticed that the universe wasn't
just expanding outward--it was actually accelerating faster and faster outward.
And they began to think, maybe space itself is expanding.
But saying it just is special and expands is kind of random.
It's like having magnets and seeing them attract and just saying, "OK, magnets attract," and
not worrying about electromagnetism or the fields involved.
Now, remember, in Einstein's view, spacetime is basically this mesh that just sits there
unless energy or matter bends it.
And you might have seen videos or images of the bending of that spacetime mesh that causes
things to attract.
But maybe there's a special kind of substance, something invisible and undetectable that
pushes the spacetime mesh apart.
OK: Imagine that space is full of bubbles that repel each other.
And whenever there's enough space for a new bubble to form, it does.
And that bubble repels all the other bubbles.
And then bubbles keep popping into existence, pushing each other apart, and pushing space
with it.
So, space and time probably isn't made of bubbles, but on really small scales, you actually
do have particles popping in and out of existence.
They're called virtual particles, and they live for a very short time before they annihilate
each other.
So maybe the energy of these particles is what's causing the universe to expand.
But if you calculate the amount of pushing from all the virtual particles that exist
in the standard model of particle physics, you get too much pushing.
You actually get a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
trillion times too much pushing.
So, our current quantum theories of particle physics can't explain observations of dark
And some people think we just need to add something onto those quantum theories--something
like supersymmetry.
But other people think that we actually need to change our theory of gravity--change general
relativity so, say, space itself expands without worrying about these particles.
Either way, dark energy is even hard to imagine.
Even in our shows here at NOVA, we show some beautiful things, but they're not what dark
energy would look like.
If you make dark energy, say, green, so you could see it, it would actually look like
It has the same density everywhere.
And if it started to expand, it would actually do this.
You see it expanding?
Dark energy doesn't even get diluted because it's embedded in space.
As space expands, you get more space, but you get more dark energy with it, and it looks
the same.
For now, all we know is that the bigger the universe gets, the faster it flies apart.
And one day, the distance between our Milky Way and the neighboring galaxies will be growing
faster than the speed of light.
When that happens, even our best telescopes won't be able to see those galaxies.
I say, let's get to know our neighbors while we still can.
Documents Reveal U.S. Military's Interest in Dark Energy and Other Dimensions - Duration: 4:14.
Documents Reveal U.S. Military�s Interest in Dark Energy and Other Dimensions
BY Brett Tingley
One of the biggest stories in UFO research over the last year has been the revelation
that the Pentagon has recently been funding recent research in anomalous aerial phenomena
to the tune of $22 million a year.
Claims of government involvement in UFO research are nothing new in ufology circles, but the
scope of the publicly-acknowledged program and the accompanying allegedly declassified
videos of military vehicles tracking strange, incredibly agile objects in the sky were enough
to make some skeptics wonder if indeed the government might know a lot more about unidentified
aerial phenomena than they let on.
The U.S. government�s interest might not just stop at aerial phenomena, however.
A new trove of documents obtained by KLAS-TV in Las Vegas seem to reveal that the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) has conducted extensive research in fringe science, touching upon
phenomena usually only discussed in paranormal circles.
The report, titled �Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,�
seems to indicate that the defense industry might indeed have a keen interest in the higher
mysterious of our physical reality itself.
Does their interest stop at theoretical research, or could the U.S. military actually be manipulating
the fabric of space time?
Probably not yet, especially given recent tests of the supposed EM Drive warp engine.
The report does seem to suggest that the DIA�s interest in these topics all center around
the explore reach far corners of interstellar space:
The idea that ? sufficiently advanced technology may interact with, and acquire direct control
over, the higher dimensions is ? tantalizing possibility, and one that is most certainly
worthy of deeper i?vestigation.
Control of this higher dime?sional space may b?
? source of technological control ?v?? the dark energy density and could ultimately play
? role in the development of exotic p?opulsion technologies; specifically, ? warp drive.
Exactly why the DIA is interested in space travel is unknown.
The report ultimately doesn�t reveal any black budget secret research projects into
space-time-bending technologies, but does suggest that the military-industrial complex
is tantalized by several current developments in quantum physics:
Of course, this may not b?
actualized until many years in the future, but consider the many spectacular physical
phenomena that are believed to b?
true at this early point in the 21st century.
One also believes that the universe may not consist of the three spatial dimension of
length, breadth, width, and one of time, but that, in fact, there m??
b? as many as seven additional compactified dimensions assuming the topology of ? Calabi-Yau
manifold, ??d that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are, in fact, extended
string-like entities.
In science fiction, it�s often the military who accidentally opens a dimensional rift
in an attempt to travel to a far away star system, allowing untold horrors to pour through
into our plane.
Does this report such an incident might be in our near future?
While it might sound fantastic, the report concludes with the sentiment that �it seems
entirely possible that the creative minds of the future may indeed find ways to accomplish
what, to us, may seem like magic.� Make your peace with the Great Old Ones now before
it�s too late.
Ph�nglui mglw�nafh Cthulhu R�lyeh wgah�nagl fhtagn.
Supergirl 3x20 Inside "Dark Side of the Moon" (HD) Season 3 Episode 20 Inside - Duration: 1:45.
- The Kryptonite's supposed to keep her weak.
- [Lena] Her body's adapting like Pestilence,
the anti-virus, she's becoming immune.
- [Henshaw] How long until you won't be able,
to keep her contained?
- I don't know.
- [Rovner] Episode 3.20 is called Dark Side of the Moon,
and it's a very cool episode.
At the end of the last episode,
what they found out was that the substance,
that the cult had is a substance that could cure Sam.
- [Winn] Now it is very rare,
but the exact same rock is hurtling through space,
on a meteoroid about five light years away.
- [Supergirl] J'onn, can your ship make it that far?
- [Rovner] Mon-El and Supergirl took J'onn's ship,
to outer space to find the substance,
on a meteoroid in space.
- Someone's trying to kill me.
- Somebody is trying to kill Alex.
- [Alex] Guys this is really bad,
okay, I can't have some psycho,
who is trying to murder me our there on the loose,
while I'm taking care of Ruby.
- [Queller] It's hard to zero in on who it might be,
because so many people would want to kill her.
The list is endless. - No, when they start
going through the list, it's huge.
- Keep your eyes open everybody.
- [Queller] Alex has always been a daredevil,
in the course of her profession,
because that's her business, catch the bad guy at all costs.
- [Alex] If Sam is gone, I am all that Ruby has left,
and if I'm gone.
- [Queller] This is the first time that she's really,
introspective about it,
and feels the weight of responsibility,
the responsibility of staying well,
and not being in danger because while Sam is unwell,
Alex is responsible for this child,
and she takes that very seriously.
- I will fight to protect you as long as I live.
(intense music)
Dark (GER) VS Sen Anlat Karadeniz (TR) /Hangi Oyuncular Daha Yakışıklı? - Duration: 3:02.
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:17:17.
Trump is facing a major test from the dark - Duration: 3:30.
Fredericksburg one step closer to becoming Dark-Sky community - Duration: 2:12.
Movie Clip: Dark Crimes / True Crimes ("Truth is what you make it. Reality is perception.") - Duration: 0:53.
There's only one idea that matters. NOTHING IS REAL!
We create the fact, we create the fiction.
Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. Fact, fiction. The end.
Okay. We've time for one more.
You write a lot about Truth. Can you say what Truth means to you?
Truth cannot be separate from us.
It cannot exist independently of the human mind.
"Truth is strong and it will prevail."
There's nothing wrong with that, except it isn't true.
Truth is what you make it. Reality is perception.
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:19:34.
Toggling the Editor's Dark/Light Theme - Duration: 1:13.
(soft jazz music)
- [Narrator] In this video, we'll show you
how to toggle the dark and light themes
inside of the Glitch editor.
Let's get started.
To toggle the themes we need to go to the User Options menu
and that's located here at the top right of the page.
You can easily see the user options because it will
have your avatar here as the icon.
And once you click that, you'll see a menu here
with a button that will allow you to change the theme.
By default, the Glitch editor theme is light.
And you'll see that the button has a moon next to it.
To change it to the dark theme simply click this button
and now the theme will change over to dark.
You'll also notice that the moon has changed to a sun.
To save this change, just click anywhere outside
of the user options and you're all set.
For more videos like this, visit us on YouTube.
Thanks for watching.
The Dark Side - Branding & Content - Duration: 6:37.
Hey ladies I am busting these out so y'all might see me live a few more times
I have two kids who are occupied so I'm gonna try and ocupado this really
quickly these are going to be Facebook live tips obviously I promise y'all
branding training as well so I've been I am still working on this and still
perfecting this and honestly part of me doesn't want to be too professional so
don't feel like you have to either so here's the goal with Facebook live
Facebook lives Facebook lives are the top and best with the Facebook algorithm
right now so if you do a Facebook live you're most likely going to get shared
on a lot more newsfeed cuz that's why Facebook lives are huge if you upload a
picture a status and I don't know share something I guess share would be the
other and picture status and share all at the same time and do a Facebook live
these are not gonna get seen by nearly as many people as your facebook live my
kids gonna come in here screaming just let you know so here's a few tips one
you always want to have a call to action this is gonna be like the basics okay
I'm not going to get super in-depth I will on another training so the basics
would be hey put a 1 in the comments if you're catching me live and a 2 in the
comments if you're catching the replay you say something like this and you have
a call to action because the majority of people excuse me the majority of people
who are going to see your video are going to be replayed viewers so that is
why you're telling them hey let me know that you're replaying because then
you'll also see who is interacting with you here's another trick when they are
writing obviously commenting on their news feeds it will boost your video in
the Facebook algorithm so when you're telling people hey comment 1 if you're
watching me live or comment 2 if you're catching the replay when they comment to
your video is now being boosted again in the Facebook algorithm instead of just
sitting there and you know you did a live and you didn't tell anyone to do
anything ok so call to action and people have very short attention spans so I
have notes I'm going to copy them onto here with it people literally like if I
see a video that's more than like I'm seeing I've seen videos that are hour
something I'm not going to watch them I'm gonna know that I'm committing to
watching an hour-long video and it's not going to happen so I don't unless it is
very very very important content and 19 point nine percent of the time it's not
so I'll skim through the video and see if I see what I want to find and then
I'll be done so when you go to do a Facebook live try and keep it less than
five minutes if you are I know it's hard because you have people hopping on so
you're like trying to say hi to them and trying to say hi to everybody else who's
watching and I like I've had upwards of 20 30 people watching me and I felt like
I've needed to get more content don't do it because you're actually losing replay
viewers by having longer and longer content ain't nobody got time for that
that's right Christina hey Athena I will have notes after this for you as well so
when you go to do a Facebook live less than 5 minutes
stick to the point and get straight to the content that is the only reason
people are watching and that is how you are going to keep their attention okay
so um so at the end of the day it's not about you so if you're sitting there and
you're just talking about you all the time you're not adding value to anyone
you're just bragging about yourself or your you're being dramatic and talking
about your life don't get me wrong there are times when doing rants are
okay like I love watching rants I think we rants are hysterical when people are
like I'm just done I went to McDonald's and they did not agree marry my coffee
like I love rants however a rant that last 45 minutes is now you just
complaining and people are tired of hearing it so remember it's not about
you it's about what your viewers want to see and the content that you're putting
out and how to help them relate to you you relate to them in them to come back
and try want to see you again okay hey Lisa so when you are trying to get
natural engagement you can say something like oh my goodness my toddler was going
crazy today y'all I got them these really cute shorts from Target which
y'all need to check out they're so cute but put a hashtag crazy toddler in the
comment if you have a crazy toddler little engagements like that encourage
more comments throughout your facebook lives what that does is when you have
somebody watching again when you have somebody watching and they're continuing
to comment it's boosting your I could have sworn somebody just walked in my
friend or it's boosting your Facebook live on the news feeds again so now your
friends friends are seeing it because your friend is commenting okay make sure
your pages on public I know this is really hard but go excuse me guys go to
your content and if you on private that means that only your
friends are seen it which is fine if you're like me and you don't like
creepers that's okay but remember you're missing a huge audience so if your stuff
is private you better have 5,000 friends on
Facebook otherwise you need to make that stuff public so that you're not missing
out on a bunch of people because if your friends are commenting on your Facebook
live and your stuff is private it's not popping up in their newsfeed like it
should be okay look at the camera guys I hate teaching people this because I
don't do it I look at myself the whole time so this is me looking at myself
okay this is me talking to the tiny little dot that is my camera I always
think it makes me look cross-eyed so I never look at people but that is what
you're technically supposed to do so I always look at myself just because I'm
weird like that I mean let me see what else oh yeah
be genuine this is the last tip I have for you all because the rest is meeting
potatoes and I'll do that on another super super deep training but be genuine
okay just like I said earlier and the branding and post in can be puffs yes
that's correct yeah your page can be private and then
you can allow your post to be public yeah you're absolutely right Athena and
and so if you are faking if you're you're trying to fake it till you make
it it's not gonna work people are gonna notice so for instance when I went on
and I did a wash which was my life I don't typically take mone stuff on to my
personal page and yet I probably will within the next year I plan on it so
when I went and I did my face of whitewash live I had people who were
like dude you legit knew what you were doing now if I was going to talk to
someone about how to play the violin I'd be like so I heard that you hold it like
this yeah that's I think that's right people are going to pick up so be
genuine make sure that the content you're putting out is something that you
love but also think about your viewers who are you trying to attract if you're
trying to attract stay-at-home moms you probably shouldn't be promoting yourself
in a club at 2:00 a.m. unless it's like a crazy moms out night out so I'm going
to copy the notes from this and paste them onto this video so Athena you can
rewatch it even up any of your girls we watch it and I'm gonna get you all more
content so I'll probably see y'all here in just a little bit
bye ladies
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