Staying with those working-level discussions between North Korea and the U.S.
Watchers are saying that the men and women that make up the respective delegations show
both sides are serious about ensuring the negotiations are a success.
For a more in-depth look at who they are,... Kim Hyo-sun reports.
The U.S. has expressed its strong intent to make its negotiations with North Korea a success
with its veteran diplomat and expert on the North, Sung Kim, leading preparations for
a historic meeting between the leaders of the two countries.
Sung Kim, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, served as Washington's special envoy to the
six-party talks from 2008 to 2011,... and also as the U.S. ambassador to South Korea
from 2011.
He returned to a more direct role in negotiations as U.S. Special Representative for North Korea
Policy in 2014.
"But at the same time, we will coordinate with our five-party partners to create an
opportunity to resume credible, meaningful and serious negotiations on the nuclear issue."
Sung Kim was selected to lead negotiations with the North at such a crucial time despite
the fact he served under the Obama administration.
Pundits say it reflects President Trump's strong determination to make the negotiations
a success.
Sung Kim's North Korean counterpart at the working-level talks is the regime's Vice Foreign
Minister Choe Son-hui.
She has years of experience and is well-connected within the North Korean hierarchy.
Choe,... the daughter of a former premier joined the Foreign Ministry in mid 1980s and
served as an English interpreter.
During the past several years,... she was a spokesperson for the North Korean regime
through her various meetings with U.S. experts in Europe and Southeast Asia.
"If the right conditions are made,... we will sit down with the Trump administration for
Choe Kang-il,... who's in charge of North American affairs in the North,... is also
part of the North's delegation.
He reportedly made contact with U.S. officials in February while visiting South Korea for
the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
With the years of experience on both sides,... there's hope they can thrash out a way to
make the Singapore summit happen as planned on June 12th.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Closer look at North Korean, U.S. delegations meeting in Panmunjom - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
US Delegation Meets With North Korea, Negotiating Summit For President Donald Trump - Duration: 0:25.
Trump Just Made Stealth Move Against Sharia Law In 18 States – This Is Huge - Duration: 5:10.
UNITED STATES vs CHINA, INDIA ✪ Army Comparison ✪ 2018 (RANKING) - Duration: 3:03.
Senior North Koreans Officials Reportedly Heading To U.S. - Duration: 0:26.
North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:54.
Pyongyang and Washington are reportedly carrying out a multi-pronged diplomatic activity.
All possibly designed to assist with preparations for the summit between their leaders, originally
set to be held on June 12 in Singapore.
Lee Ji-won starts us off with this rapid development.
North Korea and the United States seem to be getting closer to finally announcing that
the first ever Pyongyang-Washington summit *will in fact be held.
The Vice Chairman of the North's Workers' Party, Kim Yong-chol , who is also in charge
of the regime's United Front Department, arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning to fly to the U.S.
According to South Korea's Yonhap News, citing sources in China, Kim's name is on the list
of people taking a flight to New York on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Kim has met several times with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he's expected to
do the same this time as well.
Also in Beijing with Kim was the official in charge of North American affairs at Pyongyang's
foreign ministry, Choe Kang-il.
The two initially booked a New York-bound flight leaving Tuesday afternoon but postponed
it to the next day.
The change in schedule was likely because a meeting was suddenly arranged between Kim
and Chinese officials at the airport on Tuesday.
Observers say Kim and Pompeo are expected to put together the final pieces for the summit,...
with preparatory meetings now well under way.
Regarding those preparations,... late Monday, an eight-member delegation from the North
is said to have landed in Singapore, according sources there, to meet their U.S. counterparts.
The North Koreans are led by the Secretariat of the regime's State Affairs Commission,
Kim Chang-son, a top logistics and protocol official.
The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,
led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, arrived in the Southeast Asian city-state
earlier that day.
Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected
to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocol and specific venues and itineraries
for Kim Jong-un and President Trump.
Representatives of the U.S. and North Korea are also believed to have resumed their meeting
Tuesday at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom.
Those delegations are led respectively by former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and
former nuclear negotiator Sung Kim,... and North Korea's Choe Son-hui, who serves as
the regime's vice foreign minister and is a former director of her ministry's North
American department.
The talks began on Sunday but, according to diplomatic sources, they did not convene on
Monday -- the two sides instead meeting among themselves.
The leaders of both delegations are experts in their fields, so observers say they will
have worked on the summit's agenda and other details.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
U.S. to hold off planned additional sanctions against North Korea while talks continue: WSJ - Duration: 1:39.
Now, a sign the U.S. is trying to improve ties with the North ahead of the summit.
Washington has reportedly decided not to impose new sanctions on the regime just yet -- measures
that had been prepared in response to the North's recent angry rhetoric.
Oh Soo-young reports.
The Trump administration has decided to hold off on additional sanctions against North
Citing U.S. government officials, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Washington
will indefinitely shelve the planned extra measures against the North while the two sides
hold talks to prepare for their upcoming summit.
The report says officials had been ready to unveil the additional measures as early as
Tuesday, targeting further sources of income for the cash-starved Kim Jong-un regime.
The sanctions are believed to have included expelling North Korean laborers from foreign
countries, as well as targeting Russian and Chinese entities with ties to the regime.
Such measures were being prepared in response to the recent aggressive rhetoric from Pyongyang
officials which caused the U.S. leader to call off the summit.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the policy of maximum pressure against North Korea would
continue, in order to squeeze its economy.
Washington's most recent round of sanctions in February targeted the North's illegal maritime
trade and a global network of businesses that generate cash for the regime.
However, with summit preparations between the two sides seemingly back on track, it
seems Washington is aiming to maintain the progress on repairing their relations.
In recent weeks, top officials have promised Pyongyang economic prosperity and U.S. private
investment should it fully denuclearize.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
N. Korea, U.S. in 'three-track' communication including CIA channel to prepare for summit: AP - Duration: 0:45.
While it has been reported that North Korea and the U.S. are carrying out negotiations
for a summit via two channels,... there seems to be an additional one involving the CIA.
According to Associated Press,... a (quote) "CIA Team",... which they assume is the CIA
Korea Mission Center,... is meeting with its North Korean counterpart,... a team headed
by Kim Yong-chol, Vice Chairman of North Korea's Workers' Party.
The Korea Mission Center established by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo while he was
CIA chief,... and headed by Andrew Kim,... is known to have played a central role in
laying the groundwork for a North Korea-U.S. summit.
The US-Canada Border Splits This Road Down The Middle - Duration: 2:55.
I'm not allowed to cross this road,
because this is the town of Stanstead, Canada.
On the other side of the street is Derby Line, USA
and the border between the two countries runs right down this:
Rue Canusa.
For local residents, that can be inconvenient.
- I've lived here all my life, so 63 years.
Today you cannot cross over the line and visit your neighbours, like years ago.
If you want to cross, you have to report at customs.
You know I used to cross every day, but now
I probably cross once every... about once a week
because I come down to the post office over here.
To go through the border, basically, they ask you for your passport,
they go inside, I guess they look at whether you have a record or not.
They'll look at your registration of your car
and a couple of minutes and you've gone through.
I'm a dual citizen so I'm American and Canadian.
So it's easier.
- This is a place where the idea of a border
as a solid, easy to understand line gets a little bit fuzzy.
The road doesn't run at exactly the same angle as the border, not precisely.
The official line is that this is Canada and that's the USA,
but both countries' maps show the road as being entirely in the US just here
and entirely in Canada, up there.
The houses are definitely in separate countries
but the road is not quite as clear.
And in practise, if I was driving I'd be okay. Even on that side of the road,
I am considered to be still in Canada,
as long as I don't stop and walk up to an American house.
It's fair to say that there's a little bit of leniency here,
if you're just nudging the border by a few centimetres.
Or if you're on that side, a couple of inches.
But while I was setting up my camera here, the police turned up, lights flashing,
to move along those bikers you saw earlier
who were admiring the view from the other side of the road.
It all seemed in good spirits, but they had crossed the border.
- Well, the library is part on the Canadian side
and part on the American side.
But you stay on the Canadian side and you stay on the sidewalk,
and you go through the front door and it's permitted.
On Canusa Street, there's a sidewalk on the Canadian side,
so back years ago, it was tolerated that people on the American side
could cross over and walk on the sidewalk,
so, basically it's dangerous to walk on the side of the road
and now today, well, it's not tolerated no more.
I think the rule hasn't changed much, but they're more enforced.
When you cross, they ask you more questions than they used to, you know, years ago.
Before when you went through the border, you knew most of the customs officers
and they used to wave to you, y'know.
- In 1783, this section of the Canada-US border was set
at the 45th parallel, a line of latitude.
Slightly inaccurate measurements were accepted by both countries, so it was locked in.
But as for this specific road?
There are local stories about drunk surveyors and pranks,
but no one really knows.
JUSTICE SERVED! US Supreme Court Just - Duration: 10:17.
US Supreme Court Just Ruled Against Obama – Found Him In Complete Violation!
For eight years, President Barack Hussein Obama felt like he were some kind of God that
ruled our great nation.
He thought wrong.
After eight years of hell, the supreme court has finally decided to prove to everyone once,
and for all that Obama completely violated the United States Constitution.
The Supreme court, earlier this month ruled that Obama Appointee, Lafe Solomon illegally
served as the acting general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board.
Solomon spent three years in this position.
While Barack Obama ignored the U.S Senates reasons on why they would not take up Solomon's
nomination he made damn sure that Solomon kept his job.
The Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 clearly states Solomon was supposed to step down from
any company he had stock in, or sat on a board.
When Solomon refused to do this the U.S Senate refused to take up his nomination.
During Solomon's illegal appointment he intervened in a case on behalf of a company
he has stock in.
This is the kind of lawlessness we had in the previous administration.
The media gave Obama, as well as the rest of the administration a pass.
Let a Republican U.S Senator make a wrong foot gesture in the men's restroom, and
it's blasted all over the world, and pushed hard until the Senator either resigns, or
is forced out.
Eric Holder literally got away with m****r during Fast and Furious and yet the media
just let it go as if it were something that happens everyday, and no one really cared.
President Trump knows first hand what it's like to be attacked by the media.
It's a good thing our POTUS knows how to handle them, and put them in their place from
time to time.
Liberty One TV reported:
In a 6-2 opinion, written authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court ruled that
Barack Hussein Obama violated the Constitution.
Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Unlike every other President in modern history, Barack Hussein Obama is not stepping aside
for the good of the country to let the new President govern.
Out of office for under a year, Barack Hussein Obama already has a "community organizing"
organization with 250 offices around the country, and 30,000 employees in place.
Their sole purpose is to interfere, and fight the Trump administration every step of the
It is despicable.
It is Un-American!
The name of his new leftist nonprofit group is called OFA.
Get use to that folks, it will soon be as famous as George Soros, and Black Lives Matter.
OFA stands for Organizing for Action.
How appropriate.
The community organizer is going back to organizing albeit on a much larger scale, not to mention
more violent and destructive.
It's obvious that Soros money is at the forefront of it all.
It's all so obvious, but the Left continues to deny, deny, deny!
Barack and Michelle Obama deliberately moved into an 8,000 square foot mansion just two
miles from President Donald Trump's current home, the White House.
Obama will also be leasing office space in the headquarters building of the National
Wildlife Building.
It's all too suspicious.
The Daily Mail has also reported that Obama's closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, has also
moved into the mansion.
The reasoning?
She is working beside Michelle Obama and Barack Obama.
She is extremely close with the Obamas.
She also lived in the White House with them while Obama was in office.
Jarrett was involved in many major domestic and foreign policy decisions while Obama was
in office as well.
Many Americans are concerned that Barack Obama is working on constructing a shadow government
to disrupt the presidency of Donald Trump.
It seems that we are getting awfully close to sedition.
Obama is walking a fine line, and many are claiming that he is working against the best
interests of the United Sates government.
The New York Post reported:
Barack Obama didn't care at all about the Constitution.
Take the Chrysler Bailout for example.
Yes, the Bush Admin started it, but Barack Obama's Admin used the TARP funds to bully
Chrysler's secured creditors who were entitles to "Absolute priority" into accepting
30 cents on every dollar while the smaller creditors received much more.
Obamacare, Political Profiling by the IRS, Recess Appointments, DACA & DAPA, Assault
On Free Speech and Due Process On College Campuses, The Clean Power Act, The WOTUS Rule,
Net Neutrality, EPA's Cap & Trade just to name a few.
The audacity that Barack Obama had to shreds the Constitution is despicable.
That's Only The Beginning
It was obviously difficult to narrow that enumeration to just 10—and I cheated by
putting all the Obamacare shenanigans under one item.
Some may complain that I should've prioritized other kinds of executive actions, whether
regarding g**s or transgender bathroom access or electricity regulation.
Others may prefer to invoke President Obama's decision not to subject the Iran nuclear treaty
to a Senate vote—aided by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker's naïve complicity—or
engaging in the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap without notifying Congress.
Sadly, the possibilities for this parlor game are nearly endless.
Then, of course, there's the administration's abysmal performance before the Supreme Court,
where its win percentage hovers around 45 percent (as against a historical norm of 60-70
The Justice Department has even suffered nearly 50 unanimous losses, half again as many as
under George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.
These cases have come in such disparate areas as criminal procedure, religious liberty,
property rights, immigration, securities regulation, tax law, and the separation of powers.
They have nothing in common other than incredible assertions of federal power.
The government's arguments across this wide variety of cases would essentially allow the
executive branch to do whatever it wants without constitutional restraint.
Are these really the kind of powers President Obama and his progressive enablers would want
their worst enemies to have?
As my colleague Gene Healy writes in the latest issue of Reason, "the very idea of 'President
Trump' seemed like a thought experiment a libertarian might have invented to get a
liberal friend to focus on the dangers of concentrated power.
Now it's an experiment we're going to run in real life, starting January 20, 2017."
If you live by executive action, you d*e by executive action—whether that means reversing
President Obama's policies or pocketing his constitutional excesses for future use.
42 States support movement to offer foster care to veterans - Duration: 3:49.
WATCH: Why This Former POW Will ALWAYS Stand For The U.S. Flag - Duration: 1:31.
US team on Korean peninsula ahead of canceled summit - Duration: 2:01.
High-powered US, North Korea officials in summit talks - Duration: 3:07.
Summit outlook: US officials negotiate with North Korea - Duration: 6:45.
Russia S-500 Missile System Decades Ahead of US THAAD - Duration: 3:07.
Can US convince China that North Korea is a liability? - Duration: 3:46.
Delegations from North Korea, U.S. in Singapore for talks on potential summit - Duration: 2:17.
Meanwhile, as North Korea and the U.S. work to set up their summit next month, tentatively
set for June 12th in Singapore, officials from both sides are said to now be in the
city-state... for talks on the practicalities of the summit -- things like protocol and
Our Lee Ji-won has the latest.
Delegations from North Korea and the U.S. have reportedly arrived in Singapore for working-level
talks ahead of a possible summit next month between U.S. President Donald Trump and North
Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
An eight-member delegation from the North led by Kim Chang-son , the regime's State
Affairs Commission Secretariat and a top logistics and protocol official is said to have landed
in Singapore late Monday, local time, according to local sources
The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,
led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin arrived in the Southeast Asian city
state earlier that day.
Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected
to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocols and specific venues and itineraries
for the two leaders.
This comes as the former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and former nuclear negotiator,
Sung Kim,... and North Korea's, Choe Son-hui, the regime's vice foreign minister and a former
director of her ministry's North American department are expected to resume their meeting
at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom on Tuesday.
Starting Sunday, the two sides have been committed to the talks,... but it's known they did not
meet on Monday and instead had meetings among themselves, according to foreign affairs sources.
As both diplomats are experts in their fields, it's expected they'll discuss the agenda and
details of the Pyongyang-Washington summit.
On a separate, but complementary track,... the Associated Press is reporting that a "CIA
Team," assumed as the CIA Korea Mission Center is meeting with its North Korean counterpart,
known as the United Front Department headed by the regime's Vice Chairman of its Workers'
Party Kim Yong-chol . The report says the third track is to complement
the working-level talks being held at Panmunjom.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
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