Staying with those working-level discussions between North Korea and the U.S.
Watchers are saying that the men and women that make up the respective delegations show
both sides are serious about ensuring the negotiations are a success.
For a more in-depth look at who they are,... Kim Hyo-sun reports.
The U.S. has expressed its strong intent to make its negotiations with North Korea a success
with its veteran diplomat and expert on the North, Sung Kim, leading preparations for
a historic meeting between the leaders of the two countries.
Sung Kim, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, served as Washington's special envoy to the
six-party talks from 2008 to 2011,... and also as the U.S. ambassador to South Korea
from 2011.
He returned to a more direct role in negotiations as U.S. Special Representative for North Korea
Policy in 2014.
"But at the same time, we will coordinate with our five-party partners to create an
opportunity to resume credible, meaningful and serious negotiations on the nuclear issue."
Sung Kim was selected to lead negotiations with the North at such a crucial time despite
the fact he served under the Obama administration.
Pundits say it reflects President Trump's strong determination to make the negotiations
a success.
Sung Kim's North Korean counterpart at the working-level talks is the regime's Vice Foreign
Minister Choe Son-hui.
She has years of experience and is well-connected within the North Korean hierarchy.
Choe,... the daughter of a former premier joined the Foreign Ministry in mid 1980s and
served as an English interpreter.
During the past several years,... she was a spokesperson for the North Korean regime
through her various meetings with U.S. experts in Europe and Southeast Asia.
"If the right conditions are made,... we will sit down with the Trump administration for
Choe Kang-il,... who's in charge of North American affairs in the North,... is also
part of the North's delegation.
He reportedly made contact with U.S. officials in February while visiting South Korea for
the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
With the years of experience on both sides,... there's hope they can thrash out a way to
make the Singapore summit happen as planned on June 12th.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Closer look at North Korean, U.S. delegations meeting in Panmunjom - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:52.
Our starting point is once again Pyongyang and Washington's multi-pronged diplomatic
All possibly designed to assist with preparations for the summit between their leaders, originally
set to be held on June 12 in Singapore.
Moments ago, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted North Korea's former intel chief Kim Yong-chol
... is heading to New York Lee Ji-won updates us on the rapid developments.
North Korea and the United States seem to be getting closer to finally announcing that
the first ever Pyongyang-Washington summit *will in fact be held.
The Vice Chairman of the North's Workers' Party, Kim Yong-chol , who is also in charge
of the regime's United Front Department, arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning to fly to the U.S.
According to South Korea's Yonhap News, citing sources in China, Kim's name is on the list
of people taking a flight to New York on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Sources in China say Kim will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
This would be the third time for the two diplomats to meet.
Also in Beijing with Kim was the official in charge of North American affairs at Pyongyang's
foreign ministry, Choe Kang-il.
The two initially booked a New York-bound flight leaving Tuesday afternoon but postponed
it to the next day.
The change in schedule was likely because of a meeting arranged between Kim and Chinese
officials at the airport on Tuesday.
The same sources say Kim and Pompeo are expected to put together the final pieces for the summit,...
and reaffirm the North's efforts to denuclearize and the States' effort to guarantee Pyongyang's
Meanwhile late Monday, an eight-member delegation from the North is said to have landed in Singapore,
according sources there, to meet their U.S. counterparts.
The North Koreans are led by the Secretariat of the regime's State Affairs Commission,
Kim Chang-son, a top logistics and protocol official.
The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,
led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, arrived in the Southeast Asian city-state
earlier that day.
Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected
to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocol and specific venues and itineraries
for Kim Jong-un and President Trump.
Representatives of the U.S. and North Korea are also to resume their meeting at the inter-Korean
border village of Panmunjom on Wednesday.
Those delegations are led respectively by former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and
former nuclear negotiator Sung Kim,... and North Korea's Choe Son-hui, who serves as
the regime's vice foreign minister and is a former director of her ministry's North
American department.
The talks began on Sunday but, according to diplomatic sources, they did not convene on
Monday and Tuesday.
The same sources say the two are expected to have worked on the summit's agenda and
other details.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
N. Korea urges U.S. to suspend joint military drills; S. Korea's defense ministry says no ... - Duration: 1:49.
North Korea's state media urged Washington to suspend joint military drills with Seoul.,...
if it wants to have the talks with the regime.
Regarding such claims,...
South Korea's defense ministry responded, there's no changes in the planned exercises.
For details we turn to our Park Ji-won.
North Korea's Rodong Sinmun newspaper said Tuesday... that if the U.S. wants the summit
talks with the North to happen,... it should suspend joint military drills with South Korea.
In an editorial,... the state-run paper said it's an international custom to refrain from
engaging in military actions... when two parties are in negotiations.
It also warned that if the U.S. deploys strategic assets in the drills,... then everything will
go back to square one.
The paper also directly points the finger at the annual Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise,..
the large-scale drills conducted jointly by the South and the U.S. every year around August,...
saying the exercise destroys peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
Regarding those claims,...
South Korea's defense ministry said that Seoul and Washington haven't yet discussed the matter,...
and so far... there has been no change in plans.
It noted that the drills are held on an annual basis, and said they are purely defensive.
"These are annual military drills, which are defensive in nature,... and our understanding
is that there will be no particular changes to our plans."
Ulchi-Freedom Guardian is conducted for about ten days every August,... involving some fifty-thousand
South Korean troops and over 17-thousand U.S. troops... training in the use of computerized
command and control.
This year's exercise is slated to begin at August 20th.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
Trish Regan: Top North Korean official on his way to US discuss TRUM-KIM SUMMIT - Duration: 13:09.
we've got it down it's off pretty significantly here 425 points as
investors react to a deepening political crisis in Europe this global sell-off
really being fueled by the prospect of fresh elections in Italy another
election that could turn into a referendum on the entire European Union
and there's a lot of talk about whether or not a European debt crisis is back
I'm Josh Reagan welcome everyone to the intelligence reports
I know as we watch this cell if you see the financial stocks are really leading
the market lower right now this political turmoil in Europe causing kind
of a panic shall we say on Wall Street will Italy actually leave the Euro we
have our all-star panel here to break it down also what is this tell you about
global ISM all around the world I mean it's actually quite similar what you're
seeing in some parts of Europe along with what you see right here in the
United States of America we're on it plus the top North Korean official is on
his way right now to the United States to discuss terms of
the on-again off-again summit is a continent is it not between President
Trump and Kim Jong GaN will this actually go forward we've got new
developments straight ahead lots as we said ABC is canceling
Roseanne following a very controversial Twitter rant from the star of the show
Roseanne Barr we've got some Intel for you but first let's get back to these
markets off 434 and one of their mobility issues falling it all live on
the floor the New York Stock Exchange and oh my goodness it kind of feels like
a deja vu we went through this a few years back Nepal and it all sort of
surfaced right around a similar time and what do you know all summer we talked
about the threat of the EU breaking up in the European debt crisis and now it's
back to haunt us again right that's exactly right and what we're seeing now
is the political turmoil and uncertainty and Colin somewhat of a crisis in Italy
and with that we're seeing markets selling off really there is concern
around the globe about what will happen here there they had an
anti-establishment party they were trying to put together was blocked by
the president by the Prime Minister and with that they were not able to do it
but the question is whether or not there will be votes going forward and as you
noted whether or not they will choose they're really against the the euro and
the eurozone all together so we'll see what comes of that in the meantime the
euro is dropping our stocks here at home you can see the Dow down 432 points it's
moved back into the negative for the year 2018 and we're seeing financials
selling off with that concerns about what's going on in Italy it's
across the board here's a look at our banks you noted that the financials are
among the biggest loggers and look at Goldman Sachs analyst 4% just like JP
Morgan down about four and a half percent
Wells Fargo three and a half percent Morgan Stanley five and a half percent
so the financials in particular getting hit hard as the ten-year bond yield
which recently hit highs has now turned to the other way and now a two point
eight one percent so concerns and also Moody's had already been looking at
Italy for a possible downgrade they have a lot of debt they have a very big
economy and so now we have to see what happens going forward but this reminds
us of brexit and it reminds us of so many years ago during the financial
crisis when we started talking about the pigs all the nations right Portugal
Italy Ireland Greece and Spain so this is now Italy front and center back to
you so much Nicole yeah kind of touch feel like deja vu to a certain extent
but you know no one should be surprised by any of this because you know what
this really is this is a revolt against globalist globalism the the system in
which too many people have lost out in I mean we saw that happen right here in
good old USA right I mean wasn't that in part what this election in 2016 was
about and then lo and behold you see that taking route in the UK and you see
that taking hold in places like Italy Italy which is struggling as a welfare
state with all the immigrants that are coming into Italy right now from African
nations and they're coming into this country and they're challenged to
support themselves and the Italians who are up against it themselves feel as
though they're taking on unnecessary burdens and then you also add on to that
the fact that when they switch to the euro a lot of them had a harder time
selling their goods I'll use Portugal as an example because the Portugal and
Spain as well we're very big in the textile industry and I can remember
being there during the height of the European debt crisis and talking to
Portuguese manufacturers textile manufacturers that had owned factories
it had had some of these factories and their families for many many years and
they said it's so hard to compete because we used to compete on our
currency and we actually had a shot against the likes of China well now we
don't have that shot anymore same thing is going on in Italy not as big as a
textile area although they do have silk in Como right up by Lake Como where I
was married actually but you know for a two trillion dollar economy that that
relies on the manufacturing of some high-end products the manufacturing of
wine and pasta and olive oil and they want to send all this abroad well it's
harder when your euro is worth that much more so maybe they're thinking to
themselves we're better off going back to the lira
I said from the beginning this was an innovative exciting experiment but I
didn't think it would work because you have too many countries the euro that is
if too many countries with too many different kinds of populations different
languages different histories different cultures and you're trying to force them
all together Allah United States of America believe me it's hard enough for
us right now we're increasingly becoming uncover noble so Europe wants to go down
that path and they have no Alexander Hamilton so how will they do that and
what is the future of the euro zone joining me right now Bell Point chief
strategist David Nelson and empyrion Wealth Management president Kimberly
Faust good to see you both I you know I look at it and and while it's so great
to think up this idea of how they can all be united in the United States and
Europe David the reality is is that it takes more than a common currency to
have that kind of unification unquestionably true you need a common
government and that's simply they don't have that and you can't support a common
currency without a common government and you're learning that lesson and it's
translating in all sorts of markets I look at credit default swaps for Italy
right now there's sovereign debt those credit default swaps are explode
right now that's translating this pushing money into US Treasuries here
mm-hmm that translation is just to back up so we explain so because this is a
sovereign debt market right it Italy has to sell its debt it sells people is
throwing their debt a lot of American financial forms actually hold this stuff
which is why we watched today exit question why would they want to do that
very very poorly yeah but as you point out as people look for safe havens it's
actually pushing the yield and the 10-year Treasury money is the US
Treasuries is pushing it into the US dollar that's translating over to our
financial system financial stocks are doing very poorly the dollar going up
gives us even more concern about the oil markets and oil prices you put it all
together you get a really sloppy market and a risk off day like today and it's
pretty ugly though we may actually be able to go to Italy right now at the
dollar it's about a buck 15 to buy a euro right now and those are levels that
we certainly haven't seen not in the last ten months and we've broken all
sorts of support at this point let me ask you Kimberly your thoughts on what I
was just explaining which is that there is this revolt going on that we're
seeing not just here in the USA but all around the world in other words
Americans and Europeans are saying enough like this whole global system
where those with capital are rewarded but labor is unfairly punished it's not
working and so they're trying to take their governments back and you see this
rise if you would in a populist sentiment yeah I I agree but here's the
problem is like you said before or Trish is that you know the euro or the year
the eurozone is many different countries and they really can't support themselves
on their own I mean in Italy has 2.7 trillion dollars in debt that's only
behind Japan and Greece under the third largest economy in the eurozone so you
know them trying to create their own I mean like you said it's hard up in the
united states i mean united we fought we now do we stand divided we fall
so for these folks to try and you know exit it's kind of like blech sit we've
seen this before we see this movie I'm not sure if they cared
there strong enough on their own to do this I applaud them to you know have the
freedom sent in to revolt and to have a better life but but if they kind of you
know isn't everyone going at that point I mean we're already talking about Spain
right now which is looking at the same thing David
you you know you you've got a number of countries over there that are saying
we're this is not this hasn't worked out but tentacles nobody ever thought the
tentacle spread everywhere and even earlier this month you saw the Turkish
lira head I believe a record low and it translates to large cap US
multinationals here in this country the dollar goes up makes it difficult to
sell and it speaks to the fact that domestically based countries companies
in this country are doing a lot better our economy is doing just fine
data points that support that we're the one game in town that seems to be
supporting this whole global okay no don't in that case is this market
overreacting as we watch it now that's off 459 or our investors simply you know
really voicing their concerns and fears about some kind of systemic crisis now
don't forget there's a big difference between say the economy having a hiccup
or a challenge and an actual debt crisis and if we've got the concern about a
European debt crisis that's that's increasingly sort of formulating in
investors Minds then that's a whole other kind of one
well a European debt crisis we can't get it through through it unscathed you know
as as strong as we are right now there will be repercussions but right now I
look here in the economy in the United States hard for me to get really
concerned when I see intermodal and rails areas of our economy that touch
every fabric of our economy doing exceedingly well some companies even
raising prices 15% and can't even meet the demand at this point so it does
spread it is a risk but I think we'll come through it just fine all right
you agree with that Kimberly I do I think we're gonna be fine I think that
the fundamentals of the of the earnings of the companies United States are
strong I think were to be as I said before Trish probably in my opinion
higher in this mark at the end of the year then we will be here okay and
investors would have to remember that you know basically you know three things
they need to be allocation they need to figure out where
their assets are their their stocks to their bonds and where they're located
diversification is your friend always in volatile markets and rebalance you know
rebalance your portfolio whatever limits are down thank you thank you thank you
good stuff from both of you appreciate it
we are following these markets everyone done 865 we're going to be falling
throughout the hour maybe this is a buying opportunity I know one guest
who's on says it absolutely positively is plus next is the summit with North
Korea actually back on the top North Korean official is on his way to the US
right now to discuss terms of the on-again off-again summit between
President Trump and Kim jong-un we have the latest Intel for you next
don't go anywhere is the market increasingly makes its way down 500
points only thinking the grain is coca-cola though
North Korea PANIC - Kim sends right hand man for EMERGENCY US summit talks - Duration: 2:45.
North Korea Official Coming To U.S. - Duration: 1:31.
US Delegation Meets With North Korea, Negotiating Summit For President Donald Trump - Duration: 0:25.
U.S. to hold off on additional sanctions against North Korea while talks continue: WSJ - Duration: 0:39.
And in another sign of the rapidly thawing tensions...
The Trump administration has decided to hold off on additional sanctions against North
Citing U.S. government officials, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Washington
will indefinitely delay imposing additional sanctions against the regime while talks with
the North proceed to prepare for a summit.
Such measures,... the report says,... refer to dozens of major sanctions against the North
the Trump administration has been reviewing,... which include expelling North Korean laborers
from foreign countries.
US delegation in Panmunjom to Discuss North Korean Summit - Duration: 1:00.
Trump Just Made Stealth Move Against Sharia Law In 18 States – This Is Huge - Duration: 5:10.
Senior North Koreans Officials Reportedly Heading To U.S. - Duration: 0:26.
50 yards in 50 states: With his trusted lawnmower, Rodney is on a mission across the US - Duration: 1:35.
US Officials Are In North Korea: Is The Summit Back On? | TODAY - Duration: 2:49.
Closer look at North Korean, U.S. delegations meeting in Panmunjom - Duration: 2:23.
As reported earlier, working-level talks between North Korea and the U.S. have been taking
place in Panmunjom over the last few days.
Watchers say that the officials that have been called up to carry out the talks show
that both sides are serious about making the negotiations a success.
Our Kim Hyo-sun tells us more about the delegations.
The U.S. has expressed its strong intent to make its negotiations with North Korea a success
with its veteran diplomat and expert on the North, Sung Kim, leading preparations for
a historic meeting between the leaders of the two countries.
Sung Kim, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, served as Washington's special envoy to the
six-party talks from 2008 to 2011,... and also as the U.S. ambassador to South Korea
from 2011.
He returned to a more direct role in negotiations as U.S. Special Representative for North Korea
Policy in 2014.
"But at the same time, we will coordinate with our five-party partners to create an
opportunity to resume credible, meaningful and serious negotiations on the nuclear issue."
Sung Kim was selected to lead negotiations with the North at such a crucial time despite
the fact he served under the Obama administration.
Pundits say it reflects President Trump's strong determination to make the negotiations
a success.
Sung Kim's North Korean counterpart at the working-level talks is the regime's Vice Foreign
Minister Choe Son-hui.
She has years of experience and is well-connected within the North Korean hierarchy.
Choe,... the daughter of a former premier joined the Foreign Ministry in mid 1980s and
served as an English interpreter.
During the past several years,... she was a spokesperson for the North Korean regime
through her various meetings with U.S. experts in Europe and Southeast Asia.
"If the right conditions are made,... we will sit down with the Trump administration for
Choe Kang-il,... who's in charge of North American affairs in the North,... is also
part of the North's delegation.
He reportedly made contact with U.S. officials in February while visiting South Korea for
the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
With the years of experience on both sides,... there's hope they can thrash out a way to
make the Singapore summit happen as planned on June 12th.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:54.
Pyongyang and Washington are reportedly carrying out a multi-pronged diplomatic activity.
All possibly designed to assist with preparations for the summit between their leaders, originally
set to be held on June 12 in Singapore.
Lee Ji-won starts us off with this rapid development.
North Korea and the United States seem to be getting closer to finally announcing that
the first ever Pyongyang-Washington summit *will in fact be held.
The Vice Chairman of the North's Workers' Party, Kim Yong-chol , who is also in charge
of the regime's United Front Department, arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning to fly to the U.S.
According to South Korea's Yonhap News, citing sources in China, Kim's name is on the list
of people taking a flight to New York on Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Kim has met several times with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he's expected to
do the same this time as well.
Also in Beijing with Kim was the official in charge of North American affairs at Pyongyang's
foreign ministry, Choe Kang-il.
The two initially booked a New York-bound flight leaving Tuesday afternoon but postponed
it to the next day.
The change in schedule was likely because a meeting was suddenly arranged between Kim
and Chinese officials at the airport on Tuesday.
Observers say Kim and Pompeo are expected to put together the final pieces for the summit,...
with preparatory meetings now well under way.
Regarding those preparations,... late Monday, an eight-member delegation from the North
is said to have landed in Singapore, according sources there, to meet their U.S. counterparts.
The North Koreans are led by the Secretariat of the regime's State Affairs Commission,
Kim Chang-son, a top logistics and protocol official.
The U.S. team, consisting of some 30 officials from the White House and State Department,
led by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, arrived in the Southeast Asian city-state
earlier that day.
Although the exact time of the meeting has not been disclosed, the two sides are expected
to meet as early as Tuesday, to discuss logistics, protocol and specific venues and itineraries
for Kim Jong-un and President Trump.
Representatives of the U.S. and North Korea are also believed to have resumed their meeting
Tuesday at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom.
Those delegations are led respectively by former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and
former nuclear negotiator Sung Kim,... and North Korea's Choe Son-hui, who serves as
the regime's vice foreign minister and is a former director of her ministry's North
American department.
The talks began on Sunday but, according to diplomatic sources, they did not convene on
Monday -- the two sides instead meeting among themselves.
The leaders of both delegations are experts in their fields, so observers say they will
have worked on the summit's agenda and other details.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
U.S. to hold off planned additional sanctions against North Korea while talks continue: WSJ - Duration: 1:39.
Washington chose to delay imposing new sanctions targeting Pyongyang.
The decision is in tune with the recent turnaround related to the planned historic meeting...
with visible efforts on both sides, to mend diplomatic ties.
Oh Soo-young zooms in on this possible sign of thawing tensions.
The Trump administration has decided to hold off on additional sanctions against North
Citing U.S. government officials, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Washington
will indefinitely shelve the planned extra measures against the North while the two sides
hold talks to prepare for their upcoming summit.
The report says officials had been ready to unveil the additional measures as early as
Tuesday, targeting further sources of income for the cash-starved Kim Jong-un regime.
The sanctions are believed to have included expelling North Korean laborers from foreign
countries, as well as targeting Russian and Chinese entities with ties to the regime.
Such measures were being prepared in response to the recent aggressive rhetoric from Pyongyang
officials which caused the U.S. leader to call off the summit.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the policy of maximum pressure against North Korea would
continue, in order to squeeze its economy.
Washington's most recent round of sanctions in February targeted the North's illegal maritime
trade and a global network of businesses that generate cash for the regime.
However, with summit preparations between the two sides seemingly back on track, it
seems Washington is aiming to maintain the progress on repairing their relations.
In recent weeks, top officials have promised Pyongyang economic prosperity and U.S. private
investment should it fully denuclearize.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
N. Korea's ex-spy chief in U.S. for talks - Duration: 1:23.
North Korea's former top intelligence official Kim Yong-chol is visiting New York this week,
in the clearest sign yet that the isolated country really wants to salvage the potential
summit with U.S. President Donald Trump.
The White House says Kim will meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as part of ongoing talks
about a prospective summit.
Trump previously withdrew from participating in the summit but has signaled he might change
his mind about that.
Kim holds several high-level political and military titles in North Korea, including
the ruling party's vice chairman for inter-Korean affairs.
He's been on the front lines of North Korea's latest diplomatic outreach, appearing at the
2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea and the inter-Korea summit at the DMZ.
Kim has been a controversial choice for diplomacy: South Korea blames him for a deadly 2010 attack
on a military vessel as well as the shelling of an island that same year.
The U.S. has also accused Kim of orchestrating the 2014 hack that exposed thousands of emails
from executives at Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Kim is technically under sanctions from both South Korea and the U.S., but both nations
have been willing to waive those sanctions for the sake of diplomacy.
Kim's visit comes after a U.S. delegation crossed into North Korea for talks about the
prospective summit.
The two sides are still working out the stakes of the summit, including whether North Korea's
nuclear program will be on the table.
Advance delegations from North Korea, U.S. arrive in Singapore for talks on potential summit - Duration: 0:55.
We begin this morning in Singapore...
Delegations from the U.S. and North Korea have reportedly arrived in the Southeast Asian
city state for working-level talks ahead of a possible summit next month between U.S.
President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
A team led by Kim Chang-son , the regime's top logistics and protocol official is said
to have landed in Singapore late Monday, local time.
This,... following the arrival earlier in the day of a U.S. delegation led by Joe Hagin,
deputy chief of staff for operations at the White House.
On a separate, but complementary track,... the AP is reporting that a "CIA Team," assumed
as the CIA Korea Mission Center is meeting with its North Korean counterpart, headed
by the regime's Vice Chairman of its Workers' Party Kim Yong-chol .
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